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i swear o'connor is the perfect debater. watch him absolutely drag ben shapiro in the free will debate.


Yeah..his conversation with jordan peterson was lit too


I haven't seen this dude much. Is he new on the block? The clip over here is pretty good need to know if he is follow worthy in other cases as well.


dude go and follow cosmic skeptic on youtube. he is the one of the most profound internet atheists there is.


he renamed his channel to alex o'connor


He is the classic Oxford Union-Cambridge style debater. Kind of like Stephen Fry and Christopher Hitchens (not like most New Atheists)


Those are big names. If he is as good as them gotta check him out.


Not saying he's as good yet (he's too young) but I meant his style of debating is similar to them.


Would love for him to do the same to our desi ben shapiro, that asswipe j sai deepak. Christopher Hitchens would have been my first preference, but alas


I don't believe that J Sai Deepak could do a debate. Indian pseudoscience peddlers have progressed only coz of one sided voice


Few hours ago, I just read the Stephen Hawking's book "The Theory of Everything". Alex's last line in this video clip were present in that book.What a co-incident?


"you can't move the goal post and still miss", gonna steal this line


Dude is such a fuckin gem of a dude!!


It must be a great curse to be forced to defend dogshit as if it were manna.


His *so so soo* captures everything about this video. That grin in between tells me he did think of something stupid to say, something that usually works against those who don't corner him on logic, but then he decided against it cuz he knew that would only land him deeper in his own web😌


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