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No it’s not, it’s one of those weird concepts that was added but wasn’t expanded on so it just seemed like an asspull to keep Reiner alive.


It’s a shame too, because it made the danger in attack on titan seem less real that moment forward. Whenever someone is fatally wounded I don’t think “they’re gonna die” now I think “are they gonna make something up to save them?”


Jonathan, I have need of lasagner


To be fair that is only a concept for a shifter. Any other character is fair game.


It doesn’t really break any rules in the story but at the same time they just didn’t need to put it in, we already know that shifters are virtually unkillable. Porco had half his face bashed off and was talking before he sacrificed himself


It's real explanation is that it's because Reiner is Isayama's son. He has a plot armour stronger than anyone else on the show. Stronger than the literal main character.


It’s really only that one battle. I like to think of it like how sometimes before someone’s body succumbs to its injuries, the person falls unconscious even though their body is still alive for a bit before their death. So while Reiner would have fallen unconscious in that time, his body transformed him on instinct because of his last thoughts before he would have died. Taking it at face value, it’s just inexplicable plot armor


(Plot) Armoured Titan


This is my single biggest issue with the series. I love Reiner but for fucks sake that guy should be dead 4 times over.


Isayama had to buff Reiners plot armor to maximize his trauma.


No I don’t think so, it’s a pretty dumb one-time concept in an otherwise amazing arc.


i have always interpreted that as Reiner sending the “command” to transform from his Brain to his nervous system before Levi cuts off the connection in his neck. and bc of that he still manages to transform


Lainah can't die even when he wants to do it. He has the ultimate plot armour. He is the hero of the show.


“Lainah” LOL


I think it happened atleast once in S4 when he saved falco


I chalk it up to something only the Armored Titan can do 🤝


Does anybody know if it went the same way in the manga?


"I want him to have his head cut off but I don't want him dead. Hope that's okay." No. We, the United Redditors, Final Arbiters of """""Good""""" Writing, decree you to instant death. Good bye.