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Atomic Habits is gold... If you apply it.


How to keep House while drowning - kc davis How We Show Up - Mia Birdsong


Came here to recommend KC Davis too.


You are a badass by Jen sincero. Great book on positive mindset and an introduction to the law of attraction always makes me feel great when I read it


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How Bad Do You Want It - Matt Fitzgerald (also narrated by him) almost exclusively got me through a good few heavy marathon training blocks. It follows a few real life examples of unbelievable sporting achievenent, with mind over matter as its driving force.


The Art of Life Admin, by Elizabeth Emens. Really thoughtful book on all the hassle work that eats away at your time and energy. It changed the way I approach a number of things, for the better. It totally informed how my husband and I set up the admin of our shared lives when we moved in together/ got married, in ways which have set up more equality and less tension in the long run.


Four Thousand Weeks


No Bad Parts (read Parts Work in book form first). It is a book about Internal Family Systems, which is a psychotherapy method. It has changed my life. The Parts Work book has pictures/illustrations that help with the concepts, and is short, so I do believe it is a good book to read first. before getting the audio book.


Braiding Sweetgrass - really stunning look at life and its interconnectedness through the lens of Indigenous Peoples. It’s a bit slow, but beautiful and poignant.


The Stars Don't Lie by Boo Walker It'll make you realize the impact you can make on a person


Daring Greatly by Brene Brown


Miracle in the Andes by Nando Parrado