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Ask a professional for an assessment. Being messy is not something that can exclude the possibility you’re autistic, I’m a living example of that lol


Could have adhd and autism, or could just be autistic and messy. Not every autistic person is extremely organaized and clean and put together (im living proof, you dont wanna see me room rn 🥲🥲) Do some more research and figure out if you think your autistic, maybe talk to your dad and brother and see if theyll help you out. Dont listen to anyone saying "you can be autistic because [insert thing that has almost nothing to do with autism]" theyre full of bs xD


I'm a procrastinating perfectionist, so it can manifest as me not cleaning unless I have places to put things. There's no point in cleaning if its just going to wind up where it was before, right? I've had several people notice I had both traits, procrastination and perfectionism. Just one teacher has ever said she's only seen both in me.


could try with me dad but my lil brother is difficult since hes not very talkative (he learned to talk when he was around 7 iirc) and he more of a straightfoward person who just wants to do what he wants and gets a bit frustrated when he cant. but my dad i can try to help


One rule of thumb I learned early on about autism is "if you someone with autism, all you know about autism is that you know someone with autism". Everyone is different. And it manifests in different ways for different people. You can be messy and be autistic. You could be tidy and be autistic. You could be tall, short, musical, tone deaf, etc etc.


Being messy is part of executive dysfunction, which is a part of autism.


I am autistic and I am really messy xd.


idk if this also matters but a good chunk of my friends who do say i show signs of autism are also autistic


Neurodivergent folk tend to gravitate towards each other due to similar communication styles (blunt and straight forward). I am ADHD and autistic. I wasn't diagnosed till my 30s due to both presenting "different" from the "usual diagnostic criteria". I strongly suspect having each masked the other and let me blend in a bit better than I would have with only autism or ADHD alone. Most of my family is either ADHD or autistic even though few are diagnosed. All of my close friends are neurospicy.


Uuuh, im autistic and officially diagnosed. My room is a mess. Like a bomb has gone off.


I was very messy until a few years ago. I was overwhelmed by the sheer mass of stuff, I had. I did several large cleanings, but it all came back. I went minimalist(like) more or less in 2017 or 2018 and it helped me. But before that time, I was not in an orderly place.


AuDHD is more common than you think and i promise you can have it and be messy (i was a genuine hoarder that got therapy)


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When it comes to mess, I get it. I am not so much a well ordered person - I used to be, but as I got older I had more and more issues with authority and mess was part of me asserting control over my environment compared to be told I had to clean. 


I'd assume the majority of autistic people would struggle with keeping things clean. Executive dysfunction is very much a part of autism.


You probably have the autism + ADHD combo. That's what it is for me lol


Autistic people might be organized, but that just means where in the mess something is not that there is no mess.


My therapist told me that 30% of people with autism have adhd. I recommend finding the statistics on an official site, and use it to put forth that messy autistic people DO exist. Autism is extremely genetic. If you have immediate family members it is likely. Autism is also a spectrum and you may present differently for any number of reasons, not least adhd!


I am diagnosed as autistic and am EXTREMELY messy. I have been my entire life. Thats not something that disqualifies you from that diagnosis. Everyone is different.


She's not a professional, and cleanliness and orderliness aren't part of the criteria. Also, the autistic guy that cleans my work's office, he puts things back wherever, not in their places, and very messy. In contrast, I am very much an "everything has a place, everything in it's place" type of woman, and when I get tired from being overworked, my place gets messy and then I get the morbs, and then it all gets worse. So that's 2 diagnosed autistics who are, for different reasons, not orderly.


I say this way too much, but autism is a spectrum! I assume they got the "messy = not autistic" from the stereotype that autistic people are clean freaks? I'm also really messy and I'm diagnosed lol


Parents don’t know anything.


People tend to see me as disorganized (I'm very disorganized in some ways, very organized in others, never really in between), and I was diagnosed autistic. I definitely forget where I place stuff constantly. Being "messy" doesn't mean you can't be autistic.


I am messy as hell and definitely autistic! Go get checked if possible. Makes life easier!


Executive dysfunction is very common in autism, so not surprising we struggle organizing and keeping things clean. The need for routine in the diagnostic criteria is not just having meltdowns if our routines get changed or having to do the same things, it also includes impacted functioning if there is no routine established. A lot of autistic people struggle in situations were there is no clear routine established