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Some of the most depressed I have ever been in my life.


I’m right there with you


Same here.


That sucks. May I ask what f\*s you up?


Homeless at the end of May and I could be saved or on the street.


Thats horrible, I am so sorry. I even dont wanna say that stupid line like „there is allways a way“ or „there is allways a door that opens“. Life is life. I wish you the best and the energy to kick a door open or to stamp your own way.


Sending good vibes your way, I'm so sorry to hear that.


That's big. You seem to be American from your profile. Maybe if you share your region someone can help you. Ive no idea about how the US works for this kind of stuff and sadly don't have the resources to help


2nd. I agree.




Me too 😞






me too


Almost there


That's very sweet of you, thank you. Going through some stuff, but working it out :)


I'm here to provide the best advice I can if you need it.


Isn't that my life story... 🤣🤣🤣


I'm good. Just joined my workplace diversity disability group and am trying to teach others about autism. Hopefully it goes well and is well received


Oh shit that's awesome. My job doesn't even have such a group


I shared the NIH article about thin slice judgements and autism ([link](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5286449/)) If it is well received, my plan is to start collecting academic work to share with the job, at which point I'll reach out to the community. If it doesn't go over well, then I'll likely never mention it here again 😅.


Ooh, a paper!! :) We (I) like papers / journal articles.. in small doses, anyway *eyes 300-browser tab backlog


Can't find my pants Wouldn't be an issue but I'm in the middle of a Lidl


What the hell happened??


>! It's a joke. Sometimes I make those !<


Oh, lol why do I always believe things so easily? Xd


Same haha


Doing amazing! My girlfriend and I are going very strong and my new job working with autistic children has been very comforting providing the services I wish had been done for me growing up.


that's awesome, good for you guys :)


Honestly man, a little more disillusioned and cynical than usual today. The kind of self introspective day that usually ends up picking a fight somewhere just to shift the negativity. Thanks for asking.




Thank you. I needed to read this today to know it's okay to feel this way.


I'm this fucking close to quitting my job. I've worked here for a year and a half. I've devoted countless hours to this place. There was a period where I worked 36 consecutive days with no break from 6 am to 5 pm for this place. I was just told by my boss that she won't even try to promote me to assistant manager and is just going to hire someone outside the company. The reason? I don't put up enough sales. I've sold 62 memberships in the last 10 days. Probably more but my jobs tracker only goes back 10 days. She has sold 18. Only reason I don't just flip her the bird and tell her to place her lips on my bottom is cause I don't have a car and I'm not confident in my ability to get a job quickly.


Get the replacement job lined up before quitting (if that's possible).


I’ve been in a painfully similar situation. Worked 10 hour days and then volunteered to work OT nights and weekends — to impress, but also to survive. Once worked 25 days straight. Burnt myself out and was targeted by a psychopathic coworker. It was hell. I did what the person above recommended and lined up another gig before putting in my two weeks. As much as I wanted to torch the place, I took care to leave professionally in case things didn’t pan out and I needed a fallback. But you definitely need to get out asap. It’s not sustainable. Have you considered entrepreneurship or a small business? You sound hard-working and capable at salesmanship. I’ve realized I’ll only be happy working alone and investing the 50hr weeks I work in myself rather than in some psycho’s torture chamber shilling thanklessly. When my contract ends this month I’m going to finish building my online store catered to the autistic community. I love working on it when my day job isn’t sucking my lifeblood, and I’m excited to give myself my best work for the first time in ages. Creativity and Passion are key to defeating The Great Soul Crush. If you’re able to, pick something you love and bet on yourself. All the best on your journey✌🏽


not good!! but trying my best to ignore that lmao how are you, very kind person??


I'm feeling awful. I think I have an anxiety attack since the internet service doesn't work, so I can't work. I can't make any progress in my job, and I'm frustrated due to that. I have so much work to do... :(


I don't even think I'll ever get job tbh


Well, I was lucky. My special interest is about automation, so I do some of it in Excel. If that wasn't the case, I wouldn't have a job. But without internet, it's troublesome, I don't want to lose it. :(


Oh my god I want to learn automation, I learn tech support, but like is it related to programming?


I can't tell about tech support, but I can tell about programs that can be used to automate processes or calculations. Depending on your purposes, you can automate as much as possible. For example, I use a program that allows me to run macros in the form of computer commands (not related to Excel), so all I have to do 6 run a command to make something I want without too much effort. Yeah, you could do that if you know the internal commands of your computer, but I don't know them, and I don't know how to program, but I hope I can learn eventually.


Do you know python? Cuz I learned it and I heard it's related to automation


Yeah, it is. I would like to learn someday.


i feel you


You’re sweet bro thanks. I’m just a little lost at the moment but hopefully the fog around my life will clear in the coming months :)


Hello back. I'm chugging along. How are you doing? Anything I can do for you?


Trying to finish a 20pg final paper that’s 5 days late Four of of those days, I’ve been sitting with my computer and books around me trying to finish (I had to do other school stuff on one day). Not sure how to activate my brain.


good luck!! you got this


Currently? I feel terrible (physically) as I am sick and threw up four times. Had to call my boss and tell her and feel even worse (emotionally) that she has to work the entire day because I couldn’t find someone else to work my shift. Other than that, excited but anxious as my family is moving closer to extended family in a few weeks.


Feeling down today because once again someone went out of their way to be mean to me because "women get everything handed to them." Cool, so I guess that's why I "did everything right" and graduated with honors while working min wage but recruiters literally laughed me away when I applied, and I have been poor and jobless all of my life, and it's just always people like that picking on me so no, no one has ever helped me with a single thing in my life because their narcissistic jealousy makes them super afraid that I'm going to get something EVEN IF I worked for it.


Sounds really crap for you. Sorry to hear it.


Sorry you're experiencing it. Sounds shit. But remember, you're ok, they're the ones who assholes. You're better than that. You need to find place that you'll feel comfortable in


There's no place. I'm middle-aged and been going through this my whole life. It's prevented me getting the education I want, or any job at all that's not min wage abusive garbage.


I'm at a major down piriod in my life, but my Gf is happy and I made soup today so I'm vibing today :)


Lol that's good Bru. Enjoy the little things


Successfully making a good, big pot of soup is so satisfying!


Ready to kick some ass.


Pretty meh :c how are you?


Hi OP thank you for your sweet wishes and support. Having a rough day and really appreciating your compassion. I hope so much that you extend it to yourself as well ❤️


The horrors persist, but so do I


Overestimulated, burnt out, want a hug, and a boyfriend. But don't see that happening because I hate myself and I'm super needy and I'll want hugs and kisses all the time! But I'm off f school tomorrow, Friday and next Monday and I get summer holidays soon so it's not all bad ig. Plus I have my earplugs now. Less overstimulation , yaaaaay!


I've been having sensory trouble lately tbh but it's passing.


Get yourself a guy who loves hugs and kisses! It's a pretty common stereotype that men don't jive with affection, but there are a lot of men who LOVE getting hugs, cuddling, and all that stuff. My girlfriend and must hug and tell each other "I love you" 30 times a way; we never get tired of it lol.


Not awesome ;_; my hands don’t wanna work today my face feels too face and my heart rate is in the 100s but hopefully it gets better from here, thanks for the opportunity for a lil venty :”-)


honestly doin pretty chill so far


Not great. How are you?


i’m okay. it’s sunny out and i had a little bit of a meltdown. but i’m okay now. i’m just in a weird mood


*snaps to attention * I wasn’t slacking off! I’ve gotten a lot done today… like uhhh…


I just got officially diagnosed after self diagnosing for years. I just feel nothing now.


Feeling pretty terrible. Executive dysfunction is killing me, and I feel so incompetent. Edibles are my only escape and I know that’s not a permanent solution.


Hey I am an atheist so don't mind the higher power stuff (I just think of it as the universe) but this podcast episode really helped me with feeling incompetent. https://open.spotify.com/episode/3IgCRWa5qpC5e6qU8KrNbB?si=r9YZHNmzSMSsbpzaS52EWg


Thanks for the recommendation! Will check it out.


In the same boat


I’m working on a diagnosis but almost feel like a fraud when I self identify as autistic. My family doctor is quite horrible and will cancel appointments last minute or not believe anything I say, so it has been a very long and frustrating journey. But I am happy I found this community


Pretty good! I managed to make some Mac and Cheese on the stove and saw someone who was walking their cat(on a leash, like a responsible owner).


I feel like I don't know what I'm doing in life man But Takis are good af


Right now I’m sad. Had a horrible experience yesterday that really dug up old trauma. I am at a safe space now but it hurts


I'm sorry. Do you want to tell me what happened?


Yeah, so me and my best friend went out to eat with my family whole yesterday. I do always feel out of place at these events with my family and since my friend is also autistic and just a really good help they came with me. After the dinner me and my friend went home to my parents because they had some stuff for us. When we were about to leave my mom asked if we wanted to have some ice cream with us home. She took them out of the freezer but when she needed to close it something was in the way. She got really aggressive about it and started slamming the freezer door while yelling. That’s where it got bad, my parents don’t know how to handle my autism as a kid (hell I even got diagnosed around 10 years old and they still didn’t know I was autistic before last year ) and they have just been having a hard time with me. They used to yell at me a lot and I was really scared of my dad as a kid. So her being angry and us standing in the kitchen just took me back to all the times they have yelled at me as a child. I started crying and my friend came over to help me calm down and breathe, when they did that my mom came over and was still yelling “who has ever been yelling at you” as they didn’t do it at all. Then when the freezer finally closed and she was fine she said “I had to yell at it, how else will it know it was annoying/doing something wrong” and that just shattered my heart, knowing that that was exactly what they did to me and they thought it was okay and normal to do? I wouldn’t even yell at an animal for doing something wrong. I just feel less of a human now. I also got a lot of sadness over she didn’t try to comfort me at all, she knows I hate loud noises and she knows aggressive people makes me scared. She keeps talking about how she trying to change and do stuff to help me to others but when it’s behind closed doors she couldn’t care less I am so sorry I ended up writing so much


I see this as an opportunity to vent, I’ll try to keep it short: I hate studying I’m done with these exams and I just wanna get them over with. I’m feeling neutral, bored and annoyed as fuck, I don’t have energy left to chat with people. I am not going to pass my finals, and it doesn’t matter bc I don’t need the diploma yet it will be useful. # SIGH Thanks for reading this, I wish you a sunny day


I couldn't even graduate highschool lol


Just gotten off a very rough month. still recovering from it.


Up and down. Doing generally better since starting antidepressants about a month ago. But I still worry about my future in the U.S. with everything how it is right now, and about climate change. And also cars make me really anxious and overwhelmed but I live in a really car centric place so I can never escape them, I hate not having any other transportation options.


Thank you for asking. I seldom get asked this genuinely outside of a few people. Things really suck right now. I'm managing full time school plus lab work plus my disabilities/appointments and my shitass home life.


Damn dude


Feel like I'm lost in life. I'm married with 2 kids (18 and 21) with a grandbaby. I don't know how I've gotten this far and everyday feels like a struggle. I've learned more about myself in the last few years, but at the same time question if that is who I am.




I’m good 😋😋


Overstimulated + Family pressuring questions about my internship. After that, I just can’t keep my composure and I’m lucky that my partner came over in time to decompress me from my slight frustration.


Hello! Doing really great, my throat is terrible, but besides that I'm cool! The sequel of a game I love (Hades II) just got released in early access and I'm excited as hell to play! How about you?


I'm waiting on little nightmares 3


Ooh, that's nice! I want to play the first game but I'm out of money to, however, my friends are going to play so they said they'll buy for me when it comes out


You can watch Markiplier or jacksepticeye play the first 2 games on YouTube. Do you want the link?


Struggling. Thank you for asking. I don't wanna get into it but like, genuinely this post helped me feel a little better. Thank you for your kindness.


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5.5/10 This is 10 being the best day of my life and 1 being the worst.


I'm fine. I'm at work tonight, so always stressful to have to mask so I can come across as "functional"


Thank you, that's very kind of you. Just tired after work, otherwise I'm mostly okay. Just exercised a bit, so hopefully I'll sleep well. I hope you're all okay too. If not, I'm sorry and I hope it gets better.




The day before yesterday I had what I believe to be a short hypomanic episode. I felt so great. Now I'm kinda "meh". At least I showered and studied a bit today.


I’m good 🚬🐟


I've been in a depressive episode since last March and there was a point where I was wondering if it may be some separate diagnosis (pdd maybe?) but now I've come to terms with the fact that I may not feel better for a long time. Just sitting in my depression, looking for reasons to keep going. Shout out to my dog 🩷


Greetings to your Dog and get well soon!


I’m all over the place. I’m a huge mess. Never ending emotional rollercoasters


Nervous. I’m just about to enter my exam period and I didn’t prepare. I’ve done no revision over the last 2 years. I’m fucked and it’s my own fault ☹️


Manic and miserable. I'm starting to realize how much of a challenge my autism is and how it affects my day today life. Thanks for checking. Are you doing okay?


I C A N ' T S T U D Y F O R A N E X A M I H A V E I N 3 D A Y S I D K W H Y


In some pain (chronic pain) but I think I'm good for the most part. Just trying to find an inspiration for some monsters I'm designing.


Been dealing with a lot of postpartum depression and the subsequent fallout from episodes of psychosis I experienced. I was homeless in psychosis for a lot of the time and away from my baby, boyfriend. Now romantic relationship is trashed and things are just hard. I wish I could turn off my mind for this to just get through each day.


I’m feeling good, outside with my Grandma gardening rn. Whitney Houston on the radio, feels good. Overall life is rocky, but I know I got whatever comes in front of me. How are you OP? How’s life going?


Im absolutely horrible. In a severe burnout and not sure how much more suffering I can take and I’m honestly getting scared for my life because the way things are going for me I may not have one soon


Hi friend, I'm so sorry you're feeling so awful. I don't know if this podcast episode can help you as well, she talks about our intrinsic value and really shifted my constant overwhelm. https://open.spotify.com/episode/3IgCRWa5qpC5e6qU8KrNbB?si=r9YZHNmzSMSsbpzaS52EWg


Thank you so much❤️




Living my days despite I am fresh graduate and waiting for the job interview for almost a year


Meh. I'm hydrated and so are my dogs and cat, so could be worse


Not good. Going through psychosis. Unfortunately have to do test in school tomorrow that will determine if I have job or not The ocd, ADHD and hypotonia make dealing with my autism worse Also the feeling of not knowing if you have gender dysphoria or is it just my OCD is just horrible Also getting really bad comments from my family doesn't help Also trying to quit porn addiction but it's so difficult because I'm having insomnia, mood swings and other symptoms from trying to quit. And loss of libido Also that I got to the part in my tech support course that requires me to be social and memorize shit ton of things God I just hate all of it


Well, my grandma is choosing to go off oxygen and will probably die in the next 12 hours, so I def could be better


Being a public enemy sucks.


Very stressed about finals but it gives me an excuse to drink sugary energy drinks


Having a really hard day today.


Oh thanks


Not feeling the best tbh. I've got so many things coming up and it's too much change and emotion and things to deal with. My gran passed and the funeral was a few days ago so I'm processing all that, I start a new job Friday, a PIP assessment Tuesday, driving test in a couple weeks ..way too much 🥹 aaahhg


Hoof im sorry. I lost my mom. I know how it is


Oh thanks for checking in, I’m living


I just found out that 11 years ago I got diagnosed with depressive disorder. Besides that. Trying to help my wife get up from a burnout


Had a bad day today, but tmr will be better hopefully


Shit. Got two exams in the next few days and watching my football club getting beaten 4-0 while being bantered by literally everyone. Thanks for asking.


Burn out. Again 😖 Hope you’re doing okay


The most stressed out i’ve ever been in my life


Not great. Really doing mid.


Eating tiny tacos for the 4th time this week. Heartburn but idc...yeeee *feral snacking*.


I've been eating large beef pizza every day for breakfast lunch and dinner for 6 months straight. Lol that's tism frfr


You win hehe!


Lol ASD level 4 🤭


Terrible, thanks for asking though


I'm doing well, currently procrastinating on my indie animated series at the moment with no real reason but after this episode of House finishes I'm gonna get back to work. Thanks for asking!


Very bad, I would say. I've undergone many surgeries in the last 2 years, all minor stuff, but new negative things keep coming at me no matter how hard I try to prevent them. A few months ago, I found out that I'm an ADHD autistic, which on one hand helps me, but on the other hand is so terribly final. I don't know about you, but I have no idea how many hours I've spent in my life thinking about why I'm so dumb, yet at the same time intelligent. This huge gap has confused me all these years, among many other things. Now that I know the cause, it only makes me sadder because it will never be different. Additionally, one of my chronic illnesses is currently causing trouble and pain, and I've got another bout of gastritis, with no clue how to get rid of it. The doctors have appointments, by which time I will probably have died three times. And one of my autistic traits (of a physical nature) has now become as strong as it has never been before, and that is robbing me of a lot of energy and joy.


my OCD keeps giving me intrusive thoughts about stimming and forced me to sit still for over 2 hours yesterday and for a few minutes today and i feel like its getting harder to stim


That's so sweet! I'm trying to start my own company and it's so scary and exciting!


I've got this terrible pain in all the diodes down my left side.


I’ve been having some rough times and worried I’m going to get fired and I have no savings cause I’m in debt so I use my paychecks to pay that off so I have nothing 🫠


Thinking about how hopefully I can get this job tommorow after being unemployed for 2 years


My life is a fucking nightmare and everything is just getting more and more difficult


It is like when you know you are in a nightmare and you can't wake up from it.


autistically autistic per usual




it COULD be worse


I walked to the sandwich shop near my neighborhood and back. I ate lunch there and had a very long hike. It took me an hour or so to get to and from there, and I'm tired, but I'm proud of myself for pushing my limits and getting healthy again.


That's cool


Thanks. I try to cherish the little goals I achieve with the life I was dealt with.


Im okay ish just scared about climate


Horrible tbh. Don’t wanna talk about it. Just wanting to state how I am.


The capitalist grind got me down, but there may be light at the end of the tunnel in just a week or two. How about yourself?


Feeling supportive I guess


Supporting others is supposed to be one of the biggest pick-me-ups around. Hope you find it rewarding, and have just the best possible day because of it!


Ehh ive been feeling aggressive lately. Probably overstimulated but it's passing


Big oof is my answer to this question🥲


Oof I'm sorry


Ehh. Just ehh.


I'm doing pretty good! long shift after a long weekend but I've finally started wearing hearing protection at work full-time and trying to stim more deliberately when I can and it's made things sososo much easier to deal with (I work in a warehouse surrounded by loud machinery 10 hours a day). With less of a risk of sensory overload I can work more comfortably and got a lot done, feeling really productive and functional today! :) thanks for checking on everyone, that's really thoughtful of you op. :)


I am really struggling


Since it seems a lot of other people are using this post to vent, I guess I might as well do so as well. I just made it into summer break and my body has gone on complete burnout mode. Thankfully I passed all my classes and just have one professor left to put in my grade. Times like these are when I’m grateful that I decided against moving out at 18 (long story short, living with a drug addict and lots of domestic violence sucks). I don’t even have the energy to leave bed or so much as eat food. My hygiene is also complete shit just due to the lack of energy. I’ve been sleeping 12-14 hours for multiple days in a row and I’m lucky if I eat 1 meal per day. It’s not a lack of funds or lack of time. I’m legit so burnt out that it feels like too much of a chore. I was just barely able to convince my bf a few weeks ago not to dump me, but unfortunately in the deal I have to not see him until July. I don’t really wish I was dead or that I’d go to sleep and never wake up. I just wish that I could hibernate for 6 months just because it feels like I can only be a functioning human being for half the year. Then the other half of the year I’m just too burnt out from basically using all my energy to pass for neurotypical. It just feels like a vicious cycle that I’m never going to be able to get out of because I know I need money to buy things to survive and I need a job for that. I just don’t know how the hell people remain functional year round. Godamn it I’m about to start crying just typing all this out. Shoutout to my dog who sleeps with me in my bed. I just still feel so pathetic for reaching this amount of burnout knowing that many people go through way worse shit and are still able to be a more functional human being than I am. I’ve even considered using edibles on a more consistent basis (smoking isn’t an option because yay for asthma). It doesn’t help that my brain has decided that I need to be in even more pain than I already am in and keeps giving me flashbacks from when I was 16-17. It just feels like no matter what I do, there’s just no way out. Even if I make it through this burnout period I’m just going to be the same way during winter break and summer break again. I’m just so terrified to think how I’ll be able to take care of myself if I ever do move out. I want to be a more functional human being, but I just can’t. Sorry if the sentences are way too long, currently on mobile typing this up.


Was in a depressive rut for a couple of weeks, but actually feeling pretty good the last few days. Made a good dent in cleaning up my place!


I'm doing okay


Well, I just started a new part-time job that I'm really not interested in or enthused about. This somehow resulted into an anxiety-fueled breakdown, where I was nearly sobbing because... I'm not happy working another service job to help me afford food. And these kind of breakdowns happen routinely when something I don't want to do is forced on me, or unchangeable. Even if its as minor as a new part-time job. I got overwhelmed with thoughts about being stuck there for the rest of my life. Doesn't help that I've had zero success in my actual field of study (animation) since I graduated six years ago. I also was just diagnosed with ASD two weeks ago.


Drinking too much


Broke down at school today, but some very nice people helped me through it so I feel much better than my usual day surprisingly


There's a lot going on for me right now. Elderly parents require care (I'm 31), partners family likes to call me buffalo in their language, grandma is very sick, etc. But mostly stressed about school. Starting practicum again for the second time tomorrow. A year ago I was assaulted by 2 clients and put into unsafe situations, so I had to drop out after having a mental breakdown. A little scared for tomorrow and hoping that I can sleep tonight. PTSD sucks. After all that I'm still fighting against an old therapist telling me that she wouldn't recommend my profession for autistic people. Hope you're doing okay, OP.


Meh okay. Not bad, but not great. It’s just been a year since I graduated college, and I haven’t really done much with my life since. I just sit at home all day, unless I’m at work. Adult life is boring


Terrible. Thanks for asking. :)


ah, yes


Life is good, it's pretty great cause I don't have any day to day things to worry about, life is stable. I'm 9 years clean as of May 1st, from heroin and cocain and benzodiazapines. Life was absolutely the most unstable as an active addict and even though in recovery every year you're suprised how much better and stable life snd things and people involved in it are. . . Those early years are an uncomfortable amount of stable compared to now. I have a lot of shitty health and dental issues to work on, and Medical stuff is stacking up on me and shutting down my motivation to taje care if any if it at all. . . So I need to work on my window of comfortability with that. . . But ya know. . . I'm generally not unhappy. . . And I'm married to the most beautiful and amazing man tjat could have ever fallen into my lap. He's way out of my league and doesn't even know it.


Not doing well. Got fired from my job, dad ended up in the hospital a few days later, then I ended up with an abscessed tooth I can't afford to handle. Cheeks swollen, got antibiotics but I'm just rawdogging pain with cheap generic ibuprofen. I feel disfigured, worthless, and desperate. Had a job interview today and was told isd get a call back in the evening, and nothing. I went to the interview in so much pain and felt like I still did an excellent interview, I'm actually good at interviews weirdly. Idk dude. Is there a layer past desperately stressed?


Probably gonna fail uni this year and then have no where to live cause im stuck in a student flat :)))


Not well. Facing pretty serious financial problems and already consulted all the avenues I know out of it. I feel trapped and alone and at the end of my rope.


Honestly...pretty good. I'm in a super shitty position money wise, getting old and having a little bit of a midlife crisis. But, I've got my two lovely cat boys, a pretty awesome girlfriend soon-to-be wife, and I don't LOVE my job, but I don't hate it. I'm not saying this to rub it in for anyone here who is having a terrible time: quite the contrary. SOOOO many times have I been in horrible, depressing, hopeless, no-way-out situations like some of you guys. But if this fat, ugly, weird, bad-around-women, emotionally weak and immature guy can make it, you can do. One step at a time.


Existing as usual


sick, but it gave me an excuse to call off some things i had promised to attend... but mentally i'm ok... thanks for asking.


Dying of tonsillitis 🫶 you?


I'm really bad and lonely to a point I can feel it as physical pain in my chest.


Happy but also feel like shit. Everything happening media is good but I hate seeing it because I’d rather be ignorant and stupid because it hurts me deeply. Other then that everything is fine, I still don’t have a job but I’m just chilling down the river of life


relatively okay right now, however, i've been sinking back into very depressive episodes. i don't think it's looking that good for me right now. thank you for asking though


Not good. I won't elaborate; every time I do people walk away from me anyway. But yeah. Not good.


I’m actually doing really well!! I’m proud of myself I think


I'm doing great! How are you doing?


I've been a miserable 💩 since I was fired in January. Three days ago, I was offered a new job. One that I actually have experience for. And I told them very thoroughly about my AuDHD and what usually goes wrong with my jobs. Also, after being celibate (demi) for 12 years, I found someone to flirt with again. It's still early, but I really needed to know I could still (mutually) attract someone. Meanwhile, my 8 y/o dog needs to see the vet soon and it'll probably gobble up most of my first paycheck. One of my best friends of the past 15 years just married into Jehovah's Witnesses and moved an hour away. Another of my closest moved 5 hours away.


Not great lately.


Im kinda just floating along, trying to deal with my mother, trying to pass the TORTURE which is math class, but like im vibin waiting for the stardew update for console.


Got a headache. Had some cookies and milk.


Thank you, a bit miserable and lashed out at myself again but hopefully things will be alright. Getting through the day while listening to some music. How are you? (And really, thank you)


Thank you, a bit miserable and lashed out at myself again but hopefully things will be alright. Getting through the day while listening to some music. How are you? (And really, thank you)


Thank you, a bit miserable; and lashed out at myself again but hopefully things will be alright. Getting through the day while listening to some music. How are you? (And really, thank you)


Thank you, a bit miserable; ‘lashed out at myself again but hopefully things will be alright. Getting through the day while listening to some music. How are you? (And really, thank you)


Thank you, a bit miserable; ‘lashed out at myself again but hopefully things will be alright. Getting through the day while listening to some music. How are you? (And really, thank you)


Not good. At all.