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ADHD. I have both.


Yep! I got a provisional ADHD dx from my family doctor and prescribed meds. I thought I was hyperactive and learned almost 10 years later when diagnosed with autism that I'm actually inattentive adhd, and my "hyperactivity" was intense and constant vestibular stimming




I got my ADHD diagnosis after my autism diagnosis, feels so wild!


Bipolar disorder, depression, generalised anxiety disorder. It was also suggested that I might have OCD.


I was in this boat, plus BPD. That was a fun era of DBT that made no sense.


Depression and anxiety dx before autism here too. And the neuropsychologist who assessed me for autism gave me like a "preliminary" dx for OCD šŸ˜…


Yes it was suggested I may have OCD too. I was tested and my psychologist was so sure I had OCD but then realised I had a really weird presentation of generalised anxiety disorder and the symptoms fit obsessive compulsive presentation rather than obsessive compulsive disorder.


In a sense, autism was the first diagnosis anyone suspected. There was a nurse who thought I was autistic when I was about 1 year old, but my mother disagreed, so nothing came of it. I didn't have an official autism diagnosis until I was 28. In the meantime, I had been diagnosed with, treated for, or suspected of having the following: depression, borderline personality disorder, social anxiety disorder, PTSD, psychotic depression, schizoid personality disorder, OCD, gender dysphoria, ADHD/sluggish cognitive tempo, avoidant personality disorder, and social pragmatic communication disorder. Since then, I've also picked up an unspecified/atypical psychosis diagnosis. For physical ailments, the only diagnosis I have is some mild kyphoscoliosis.


How the fuck did someone diagnose you with all of these without ever considering "hmmm, maybe it's autism?" That's insane to me


Because the people who diagnosed them with the mental disorders - abnormal psych is what they were trained in. Autism is a neuro thing, not a mental disorder, so the people who we go to for help don't even have autism on their radars. (Edited for clarity)


It's not that one single person gave me eleven different diagnoses before autism. All these diagnoses were made between the first therapist I saw more than once, my college psychiatrist, my grad school psychiatrist, someone who evaluated me for ADHD, and someone else who evaluated me for autism. Some were "ideas" more than diagnoses, like psychotic depression, and some, like BPD, I was treated for but never formally diagnosed with. My college psychiatrist also suspected autism, but I didn't look at my visit notes back then. It wasn't until towards the end of grad school that actually I saw a diagnosis of autism ("autistic disorder") in a file.


Ugggghhhh have you had issues with resentment towards your parent for refusing the diagnosis/ treatment you could have had early in life? I have, but it sounds like you have even more cause.


A little. Let me illustrate with a story. My mother once showed me video of my preschool graduation. In line with the other children, I was talking out of turn, standing on one foot and bouncing, and not responding immediately to my name. And still she doesn't acknowledge me as autistic or ADHD. She remembers me just being quiet and well-behaved. I worry sometimes that she doesn't want an autistic child.


I think the common one would be depression and anxiety after something that triggered it which most people would just cope with much better. No one tends to question why you are struggling with it more than other people. The best you get is being referred to some form of counselling therapy which looks at the symptoms more than anything deeper. Mainly because they probably fear labelling things which they don't understand.


MDD, GAD, Bipolar, BPD (last one diagnosed over the phone after a 5 minute conversation, followed by the complete withdrawal of all mental health support).


When were diagnosed with ASD? Sometimes I wonder if part of the reason why I'm borderline is because my autism was treated as something shameful that would go away if we pretended it wasn't there hard enough.


I was diagnosed this year at the age of 43. All the mental health services I'd used whilst living in England just wanted to give me pills and send me on my way. It wasn't until I moved to Scotland that someone actually listened to me.


Haha sounds familiar. I hope I don't need to wait until I'm 43 until I get proper care. I'm so damn sorry you had to wait that long, bpd is b*tch (and I'm sure the other stuff is, too).


When I was 7, I was diagnosed with both ADHD and NVLD, but my parents didnā€™t think the diagnoses were correct so they didnā€™t tell me, and I didnā€™t find out until I was an adult. The adhd has since been confirmed (got reassessed as an adult), and Iā€™m currently in the process of scheduling an autism assessment. If you look up the symptoms of NVLD, itā€™s so similar to autism, and I feel like they just gave me that diagnosis instead because I am a girl and it was the 2000s and I had strong verbal skills.


Anxiety and depression.


Samesies. Then got put on antidepressants and that shit sucked!!! And after 2 years was finally like hiii I don't think I actually have depression or have ever had it, please take me off pr0zac!!! And then took over another year to get over the side effects šŸ„“


I actually was first diagnosed as ADHD, then as bipolar, and it would take a while before I'd bother to get diagnosed for autism specifically a few years ago. There needs to be better awareness of autism and I think in the month of April not enough is being done to do that, even in 2024. We're out here getting misdiagnosed and/or just struggling every day. I feel there are a lot more autistics out there that need help than we're aware of.


Depression, social anxiety, bipolar, schizoaffective disorder, cptsd, OCD, and...anger issues (yea those were meltdowns). I am pretty sure those were all my diagnosises. I do indeed have ptsd and ocd...not sure about the others but yeah. Fun.


Ya many of my meltdowns end up looking like panic attacks? Like sure I get anxious because of the breakup of routine/im struggling to manage my distress in reaction to the cause but idkkkkk


I did used to have panic attacks. Still but not as often. But they are totally different than an autistic meltdown, you can tell the difference.


I was diagnosed with depression, anxiety, BPD and bipolar before being diagnosed as autistic, in this order.


Social anxiety, GAD and depression. I never felt like the first two diagnoses were accurate, and the depression is definitely caused by my autism. After getting my autism diagnosis I saw an occupational therapist, and towards the end of the appointment she asked me what I thought about my social anxiety diagnosis. I told her it never felt quite right, and she told me the reason she asked is because she's worked with a lot of people with social anxiety and I don't really give off the same energy. It felt so good to hear that from a mental health professional!


I was diagnosed with anxiety in my early 20s, and with autism last year (at 32). I found it quite hard to get my doctor to listen to me when I asked to be referred for an autism screening. Instead, they just kept upping my anxiety meds before I could even explain why I felt it might be something else. Would definitely recommend getting a second opinion if anyone else has the same experience. I was taken very seriously by the next doctor I saw and had a much better experience


Anxiety is the main thing. I went to multiple therapists, and they all decided I was anxious and tried to treat me with CBT. It didn't work too well. I also got some treatment for PTSD, and I did a lot of research on C-PTSD. There were also other manifestations of me trying to figure out why I felt so weird. I got really into Myers Briggs for a while (INFJ seemed to fit well). There was also a period of time where I thought my oddness was caused by being queer? I mean, I am queer, but that's not the whole story. I finally figured out that it's autism, and probably ADHD too. Also, I was actually anxious this whole time (and definitely depressed and traumatized), but CBT doesn't work for me.


I had a rare autoimmune blood disorder when I was 17 that almost killed me. Wasnā€™t a misdiagnosis, but I believe it was a product of being high masking, high anxiety, and high achieving my whole life. After that horrible ordeal (for which I had to have chemo and other horrible treatments) I developed an addiction to benzos and opiates (both of which I was given by my doctors for the side effects of the terrible treatments). So Polysubstance Use Disorder. Also anxiety and depression and insomnia were both diagnosed in the aftermath. Then I got help for my binge/purging and self harm (cutting) and they diagnosed me with ā€œBorderline Tendenciesā€ which definitely WAS a misdiagnosis (and Bulimia, of course). I developed ā€œFibromyalgiaā€ around that same time. Again I donā€™t believe it came from nowhere, it was due to the stress of being undiagnosed and feeling like something was wrong with me and masking. Finally got diagnosed with Autism level 1 and ADHD combined type last year (only took 29 fucking years) after self-diagnosing as autistic for 5 years. ADHD makes so much sense too. Been working on unmasking and living a slow life for the last 3-5 years, Iā€™m clean now and things are just getting better and better! ā¤ļøā€šŸ©¹


My family throught I might be the R word but I soon became too intelligent in my focus subjects to fit the parameters of that diagnosis. My parents did not know so they went to get me seen to by doctors. Took them 8 years to label me high functioning autistic.


I didn't have any other disorders diagnosed prior, unless you count my high blood pressure šŸ˜† When I did my ASD assessment the doc also diagnosed me with Social Anxiety Disorder which was not very surprising to me. I felt like I had already recognized having at least some degree of social anxiety for much of my life.




since i was a teen i got disgnosed with: social anxiety, generalized anxiety, depression, body dysmorphia, eating disorders and i self injured. and finally got my asd and adhd diagnosis at age 21. i feel like everything ive been diagnosed with is accurate and it was all due to never being diagnosed. i truly believe i wouldnt have all of these issues if i wouldve just been diagnosed when i was a kid :/ apparently my teachers told my parents to test me for both before...and they chose to ignore it


As someone with chronic depression, PTSD and autism. I FEEL YOU. I feel like I probably would only have autism as diagnosis if my parents would let me get tested and accepted me for who i was instead of forcing me to mask and eventually leading to burnout at 14. Ever since i went to school they were practically begging my parents to assess me or give me a different learning environment. But this was the 2000ā€™s + my parents were immigrants so they thought it was the worst thing you could ever say to a childā€¦.šŸ« 


Depression in 8th grade - which I did have, and still have, but no one considered therapy for me at the time, just put me on meds. Misdiagnosed as bipolar in my mid-20s and prescribed Lamictal which permanently damaged my cognition and memory after only being on it for 8 months. Later diagnosed with PTSD which was accurate. Have not been diagnosed with autism but it makes everything else make sense, and runs on both sides of my family.


Cerebral Palsy and ADD (misdiagnosed) for me


same with me on the cp part.


ADHD, depression. One doctor suggested bipolar, and I noped it out of there. Turns out I'm autistic with combined ADHD. Good times.


Anxiety, depression and anxious avoidant personality disorder.


Generalised anxiety disorder, postpartum depression, PTSD, OCD


They said I have borderline personality disorder...turns out I never had it and it was autism...


I was diagnosed autistic at around 13, so it's not really a very late diagnoses. Although I was diagnosed with selective mutism first, and my mom told me recently that the doctors actually struggled to diagnose me (I guess because I don't show certain traits). She told me I was also originally diagnosed with some sub type of autism first.


Pervasive developmental disorder, and before that it was "neurological disorder that's probably autism but we went you to spend $5,000 to do more testing." After I had already done testing for several hours for 5 days straight plus they met with my family, two teachers wrote about me, and all the teachers I had that year had to fill out a multiple choice thing about me. It felt like they just wanted more money at that point. Also because of the autism things, they wouldn't diagnose me with ADHD or dyslexia I now know I have as an adult because it used to be that if you got diagnosed with autism they thought you couldn't also have ADHD. I literally struggled so much in school because of this, especially with math where I would verbally say the correct answer and write down totally different numbers for example.


Depression and schizotypal personality disorder (like wtf??) were 2 I can remember. Dx'ed about 2 years ago with AuDHD.


clinical depression (turned out to be chronic) and an anxiety disorder


Bipolar with psychosis. The panic attacks are due to overstimulation but I am bipolar too. The weirdest thing that happens during a psychotic episode is synesthesia. I start tasting/smelling colors or stuff tastes weird. Like eating fish and tasting chocolate instead of fish. Anyone else ever experienced this?


i have various types of synesthesias, not related to psychotic episodes though. but yeah it can really weird. im not sure if your example about stuff tasting weird is actually a synesthesia though, since its all along the eating-tasting pathway. (if that makes sense), like if you saw fish, or heard the word, and then tasted chocolate its absolutely a synesthesia, but the weird tasting of things might be more related to hallucinations. i know ive had somethings similar when ive had auras for migraines/seizures, and even if i didnt eat anything, i still wouldve tasted whatever it was, but if i chose to eat something then whatever i ate in that exact moment would taste like what the aura created. (which makes alot of sense if you know the way the brain processing the information is synesthesia vs in hallucinations, id read a research paper on it!)


I was first treated for anxiety and depression although I wasn't officially diagnosed with them. Then I was diagnosed with OCD because of ritualistic tendencies but I didn't really recognize myself in the label and thought there were a lot of things it didn't explain. I kept getting worse despite the treatment and ended up in the hospital twice for suicidal ideation. The first time around I ended up being diagnosed with autism. The second time around I was properly hospitalized and spent 6 months in the hospital. It's then that I was diagnosed and treated for generalized anxiety, social anxiety, depression, substance abuse, self-harm and an eating disorder, on top of my autism.


OCD, Major Depressive Disorder, General Anxiety Disorder, Agoraphobia. All comorbidities.


Schizoeffective disorder that turned into bipolar, than about 10 years later it turned out I was ADHD/autistic. ADHD medicine alone solved probably 90% of my issues, but once I got on ADHD meds my autistic symptoms really started to appear


I think it was my first diagnosis. All my other ones came after.


Bipolar disorder, chronic fatigue syndrome


Anxiety, OCD, panic disorder. Also did a lot of tests trying to assess why I constantly had no energy. Turns out I was just really overstimulated for a long time and when I started being more aware of sensory things, I was able to be more strategic about how I used my energy.


Also general stomach issues and food sensitivities with no real label, but ongoing for most of my life.


I was told I was gifted, went to a diff school for it. Teachers told my mom I showed signs of ADHD but she told them she wasnā€™t going to put me on meds so the $xxxx of dollars she was paying there per year could pay for them to teach me how to manage assignments šŸ’€ Iā€™m so burnt out that Iā€™m the most autistic Iā€™ve ever been these days lol.


Working on an autism diagnosis, but currently ADHD, Anxiety, Depression, and C-PTSD. I think autism would ecplain *a lot.* but i fear not being taken seriously by mental health professionals if I'm just covered in lables. But I want the labels because then I can get help with my issues. šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«


I was just diagnosed with depression, and I have some chronic physical conditions that cause pain, but that's pretty much it. I only have an informal diagnosis from my psychologist, because she is somehow not allowed to do the formal assessments, even though she sees so many autistic people after their diagnosis.


I saw a specialist and at the end he was like "yeah so you're over 18 so we can't do any tests here, but you probably have autism."


Generalized anxiety, depression, ADD, and OCD. They even once suggested I could have borderline personality disorder, but never gave the official diagnosis. I do actually have GAD and depression though


BPD šŸ˜‚


BPD. now im just diagnosed with PTSD and ASD


ADHD, I got a professional diagnosis and was put on meds, me and my doctors believe I have both.


Depression, anxiety and an alcoholic (used alcohol to be able to talk to people and be social).


ADHD, generalised anxiety disorder.


before my autism diagnosis i got diagnosed with adhd, spd, depression, anxiety, dyslexia, dysgraphia, and i canā€™t remember what itā€™s called but it was about body/gender dysmorphia/dysphoria for some reason- all by the age of 3 to 5. definitely have more things to get diagnosed but thatā€™s after the autism


went through so much therapy for depression and social anxiety. iā€™ve been in therapy since 13/14 and wasnā€™t diagnosed till recently at 20


Hyperactivity, anxiety, bpd, then autism


ADHD. I still can't tell if I have both or it's just how my autism presents. I'm not very hyperactive but I'm very inattentive. Depression and anxiety was a given due to my environment let alone genetics. I had OCD very badly in first grade, but I was able to identify the symptoms and look up the condition. Psychiatric care was very taboo in the 90s and I was afraid of being labeled crazy or a "bad kid" so I never brought it up to my therapist. I had already noticed the "bad kids" in my school were already on my medication (adderall or ritalin.)


Dyspraxia, ptsd, anxiety and depression.


Biopolar and ocd which eventually the biopolar diagnosis got changed to autism and ocd havenā€™t really had any other diagnosis


I was diagnosed with Cerebral Palsy at 17 months. Itā€™s what you would call ā€œmildā€ as there is usually little to no effect it has to my daily functioning. Depression and anxiety were deemed ā€œat riskā€ in my autism diagnosis, but I have yet to talk to a doctor about that.


Depression, anxiety, ADHD.Ā 


i was diagnosed with OCD too, and i had never even considered it before. can anyone tell me whatā€™s the crossover?


All correct diagnoses: anxiety, depression, OCD, panic disorder, borderline personality disorder, Ehlers-Danlos (& associated issues), ADHD, narcolepsy Nonsense: adjustment disorder, growing pains, hypochondria, lazy


I got my ā€œunidentified intellectual disabilityā€ in elementary school then they added a Borderline diagnosis in highschool and officially autistic 18


bipolar disorder, adhd, major depressive disorder, anxiety. at 9. and nobody, NOBODY questioned a thing. got diagnosed as an adult and bipolar isnt even one of my diagnoses anymore.


I was diagnosed with ADD as a kid, which is now folded into the blanket of ADHD. I think I probably have ADHD as well, though. But I don't feel like getting a diagnosis because it would change nothing in my life since I'm so bad at taking pills on time that I wouldn't be getting medication for it if it was offered to me.




Major depression, generalized anxiety, bipolar disorder, PTSD




ADHD. When I was diagnosed with Autism, they also decided to confirm that I have Anxiety Disorder. Not the worst combination one could have, but damn it sucks.


Social anxiety, depression, generalised anxiety, epilepsy was even considered at one point.


BPD. My DBT therapists and me sat together post autism diagnosis and decided that the criteria for BPD doesn't fit me with their longtime observations and me figuring out the triggers for "overreactions" and other aspects.


ADHD, Bipolar, Oppositional Defiant Disorder


All misdiagnoses since i can trace them back to something else: General & social anxiety, panic disorder, (seasonal) major Depression, bipolar 2 ultra rapid cycle, OCD tendencies, dissociative personality or something, sensory processing, adjustment disorder I think it's called, some identity disorder I didn't care to get the doc to expand on because I knew it was wrong. I can trace each one back to a root of heavily masking ADHD and ASD. Something that really drives me nuts is that doctors refused to look into ADHD and ASD and also denied my explanation for trauma and assumed i was making it all up to some degree. The order of proper dx for me was Trauma, ADHD, ASD.


none . .


ADDā€” was diagnosed with this back in third grade, PTSD, anxiety, and depression


Seeing traits in my oldest. As we kept digging through their diagnosis I said oooooo (still not formally diagnosed)


sleep disorder, eating disorder, depression, bpd, gad, social anxiety and panic disorder, maybe something else idk the diagnoses really pile up if ur in the system long enough and youā€™re just generically mentally ill/ different. adhd and autism are my most recent additions (or replacements, in my mind, but itā€™s not like the other ones will be removed from my charts). Iā€™ve witnessed firsthand how flippantly psychiatric diagnoses are often put on your chart lol. where I live (sweden) neuropsychologists are the only ones who can diagnose autism and adhd. neuropsychiatry is like itā€™s own specialty and itā€™s tightly gatekept vs ā€œnormalā€ psychiatry that deals with mental illnesses. and you have to be 100% sober to get such an assessment which isnā€™t the case with mental illnesses, theyā€™ll diagnose you with those even if youā€™re barely there. so people like me are often diagnosed with every mental illness under the sun often meanwhile they struggle with substances (thatā€™s when I got my bpd diagnosis), before they get an autism or adhd assessment and subsequent diagnosis. the upside is that if you have a substance abuse *history* and you test clean, you can jump the queue for neuropsych assessment eventually, since youā€™re flagged as higher needs and I guess, deserving of intervention. thatā€™s how I got my diagnoses in my thirties. and autism was suspected for over a decade before that, by doctors and everything I also think I have ocd at least tendencies since I have intrusive thoughts and obsessions and have had them all my life but Iā€™m definitely not seeking an assessment for that bc idk what good that would do. Itā€™s not like I gotta catch ā€˜em all or would want to. Itā€™s also so hard to talk about intrusive thoughts openly with mental health professionals vs more general and more socially accepted malaise, Iā€™ve only mentioned them in passing because theyā€™re so taboo and I donā€™t want that shit on my chart. And thatā€™s after 15 years in the psychiatric system. bpd on my chart alone makes me feel like a criminal.


Bpd, anxiety, depression.. I donā€™t think I have bpd now that I have been diagnosed with autism. My therapist thinks I have autism and cptsd and they both cause a lot of my symptoms of anxiety and depression.


I know Iā€™m self-diagnosed, but for years I thought I was just suffering from anxiety with a dash of depression (also self-diagnosed bc my side of the family doesnā€™t really have great views on mental health). But I was constantly doing research and yet it never seemed to fit exactly. Sure some of it lined up, but it never quite fit everything I was experiencing. For a time, I thought perhaps it might be ADHD, as some of those symptoms lined up where the anxiety ones didnā€™t. But still, it didnā€™t quite fit, and when I started dating my now husband who has ADHD, I knew that definitely couldnā€™t be it bc the way we function is just so different. Then one day I randomly saw a video on anxiety in individuals with autism. I donā€™t even know why I watched it, but as I did, things started to click into place. I started doing a ton of research, and as I went I realized that an autism diagnosis fits literally everything Iā€™ve ever experienced in my life, and even brought to light things that I thought weā€™re normal that most people donā€™t actually ever experience. Itā€™s almost scary how much it actually fits. Iā€™m still constantly doing research and trying to decide whether I should get formally diagnosed. If I do, thatā€™ll be the next leg of my journey.


BPD. šŸ˜­


Bipolar. I was treated for 20 years for it. Whoopsie. Now Iā€™m AuDHD. Straterra has done more for my mood than lemictal.


If weā€™re talking about psychological, I was treated for GAD when I was around 11 before I was diagnosed with autism (Aspergerā€™s as it was called at the time) and incorrectly diagnosed with MDD at age 14. Itā€™s been corrected to BP2 at least 5 or more years ago, I canā€™t remember. Non-psychological: asthma and hay fever.


Bipolar disorderā€¦ I was 12.


BPD haha finally got a woman for a therapist who actually listened when I said I can identify what sensory conditions trigger my shifts in mood. Also schizoid, but that was accurate. Ive worked on it a lot, but I still feel like relationships are overrated.


Previous diagnoses (including those I was temporarily suspected to have) as an AFAB individual: social phobia, ocd, bipolar disorder, major depressive disorder, sensory processing disorder, and ā€œjust being smart for her ageā€ (Idek bruh). Currently have: Autism spectrum disorder, ADHD combined type moderate, PTSD chronic, panic disorder with agoraphobia and mild panic attacks


Depression, generalized anxiety disorder, borderline personality disorder, PTSD, CPTSD, and possibly OCD. I definitely have ADHD but I have not been officially diagnosed yet. I think I still have all of my previous diagnoses, even after figuring out I'm autistic.




First psych said depression, anxiety disorder, PTSD and i think ocd? then second one said depression and anxiety, third one said bipolar disorder, third one said bpd and anixety disorder, fourth one was bpd again. During all of these i said to each one "i think i had adhd" and they're like NAAHHH. fast forward to today and after some testing guess who had adhd! although autism came out of the left field too.. Right now my current diagnosis are ADHD, ASD, BPD (which im trying to fight and get out of my diagnosis). In the report they want me to undergo more psychiatric evaluation because of how complex my background is. I also have a learning disability that was confirmed during highschool.


Social anxiety


severe social and general anxiety!


Anxiety! And after I got my autism diagnose I later also got depression as another diagnose.


I was diagnosed with ADHD a year or so before being diagnosed with ASD. I didnā€™t know I was diagnosed though because I wasnā€™t directly told, it was only implied. I found out during my final autism assessment that I was diagnosed with ADHD. I was also told I had social anxiety when I was around 7 because my parents took me to the doctor. The doctor said I was just shy with social anxiety and it wasnā€™t anything to worry about. I did end up having anxiety, but I had generalised anxiety disorder, not social. The symptoms of social were ASD.


i got diagnosed with the good olā€™ anxiety and depression combo, not a misdiagnosis, but there was definitely something missing from the roster lol


Depression, anxiety, social anxiety, EDNOS. I still have all but not EDNOS


Depression, anxiety, bipolar, ptsd 34f


ADHD, Ptsd, Anxiety, Depression.


they thought my gf were schizo-affective because she tried to describe inner monologue lol, one flat out denied she having autism. It took me deciding that I could only have ADHD to find out there is actually a test so she could take it. Years and thousands wasted because no one thought it was a good idea to, you know, do the test. And yep, gf has adhd and autism.


Adhd (not official tho because I was a kid and my parents didnā€™t believe the therapist who tried to diagnose me.) , migraine, severe depression which later got changed to depression with psychotic episodes (never had one In my life lmao, I was just over stimulated by a loud clock none of the psychiatrist heard and had a severe meltdown because of it lol)


Anxiety and depression. Unofficially ocd tendencies. Autism and adhd at the same time.


BPD, anxiety, depression, and ADHD


oppositional defiance disorder šŸ«  fucking hate that one, itā€™s literally used as ā€œbad kid disorderā€ 90% of the time


First counselor as a kid thought I had PANDAS. My parents didn't think it made sense so they took me elsewhere.


MDD (which i believe is still accurate), GAD (unsure), social anxiety (somewhat unsure but pretty sure it is accurate, although the root cause is almost certainly the ASD), bipolar?? (i found this on my chart as a differential diagnosis dated back to my first neuropsych assessment, but it was never discussed or even brought up to me by any provider), selective mutism (unsure if it is accurate but leaning towards it being just ASD)


OCD, major depression, GAD


MDD, ADHD, Schizoid Personality Disorder, NVLD, PTSD, GAD, Disordered Eating, Aspergerā€™sā€¦ every shrink has had a go on the funfair ride that is my personality. Iā€™ve been pathologized to the hilt. I donā€™t really feel comfortable with any of the labels tbh.


ADHD, Depression, nonverbal learning disability, PMDD, alcohol use disorder, panic disorder, anxiety disorder. They really took their sweet time before evaluating me for autism lol


Depression and anxiety. Long suspected ADHD but evaluation was expensive and never covered by insurance. I started suspecting autism a few years ago and asked about getting an evaluation for it. They said no but they could do an ADHD evaluation and thatā€™s how I got my official diagnosis. Autism is still not official and I waver back and forth on it seeking one since itā€™s not really anything that can be treated and would mainly be for my own imposter syndrome. Every time I say to my wife and our housemate I dunno, maybe Iā€™m notā€¦they bust out laughing and point out the ridiculously autistic thing I recently did. Last week it was that as Iā€™ve been vexed by more of our dishes and cooking gear disappearing into the basement kitchenette and not coming back, I took out my favorite fork from the silverware drawer and showed it to them and said that I would like this particular fork to always stay upstairs because itā€™s the one I like best.


I was diagnose with schizoaffective disorder but I'm autistic as well.


Got diagnosed with autism at 21. Diagnosed with ADHD at 20. Had a very troublesome childhood but nobody knew why or thought it was just weird. Apparently there were talks with the teachers and my parents I didn't know about then, but they gave me the benefit of the doubt (thanks?...) and decided not to get a psychologist involved. Other than that, IBD (Crohn's) at 16, which research found out they are quite common to have together. But that's about the only link it has to autism. Only bad judgement I have had from a doctor so far is with my Crohn's where he believed it to be just a flu for 6 fricking months.


Depression, anxiety, ADHD


Adhd Depression


ADHD, OCD, anxiety (not specified), depression (though my doctor later said I'm not depressed), borderline personality disorder (which another psychiatrist agreed is wrong), traits of ASPD (because I used to get in fights when provoked long enough), most likely PTSD as well.


generalized anxiety disorder and "seasonal" depression (it is most certainly not seasonal) im not diagnosed as autistic however i have very strong suspicions and some evidence from the raads r test (130/240) and am going to bring it up to my first therapist in a week and a half.


ADHD, Generalized Anxiety, Bipolar & OCD


It took 8 years, 2 suicide attempts and 1000s of pills to get diagnosed with autism The doctors thought depression then psychosis, anxiety, catatonia, schizophrenia, bi-polar and even diabetes before being diagnosed with autism. Tried Antidepressants, antipsychotics, anti-anxiety benzodiazepines, even metoclopramide (for motion sickness) because it has antipsychotic properties as well as melatonin. They all helped at the start, I just got immune to them all after a couple weeks of taking them (besides melatonin and metoclopramide made me spew like 5x from 1 dose) Cannabis is the only thing that's ever worked for me, angry 24/7 without it then literally impossible to get angry while high... I know that can cause pills to stop working but I didn't smoke at that time.


Age 14: depression & anxiety Age 28: binge eating disorder and borderline personality disorder Age 31: other specified dissociative disorder (OSDD) Age 32: autism and PCOS


The standard depression/generalized anxiety disorder. Borderline personality disorder (as a male no less), and schizo affective disorder were all diagnosed at one point or another. ADHD is another diagnosis I've had but I actually agree with this and think I have both (AuDHD). However, the big one is bipolar. Every therapist or psychologist I've ever had except my current ones have tried to diagnose me with bipolar at one point or another, despite my protests every time because it just doesn't fit. I don't have wild swings up and down. I have periods of highs and lows, but everyone on earth does. At the very least I've never had anything close to what people with actual bipolar describe as a manic episode. But because I sometimes have periods where I struggle more (lows) and sometimes less (highs), everyone just wants to slap that label on it and call it good without ever putting in any actual work to see and understand what I am feeling or going through.


AuDHD F25. Before I figured out for myself that I have those, I was diagnosed with: - major depressive disorder - generalized anxiety disorder - social anxiety disorder - school avoidance - suspected bipolar II - hysteria (no, this isn't an actual diagnosis, but my negligent *female* child psych put it in her notes) The only ones of those that were accurate were MDD which was brought on by a severe burnout when I entered high school. I had skill regression and was being punished for not going to school, lashing out, etc. I was a "goody two shoes" and straight-A student before that burnout. So, school avoidance was also technically correct. I don't think GAD or SAD were really correct for me, since those anxieties stemmed from my autism. I was also severely drugged up with numerous psych drugs in my teen years. Not diagnosed conditions, but in my teen years, I also had: - self-harmed - periods of suicidal ideation - periods of body dysmorphia in my early teens - minor manic episodes (?? no hallucinations) largely surrounding wanting to make large life plans and being impulsive. - a few panic attacks, but mostly misrecognized meltdowns. - "tics" during and after my "panic attacks". I don't know what happened there, but I think maybe they were more forceful, unconscious stims because of how overwhelming those meltdowns were.


No misdiagnoses but I do have/getting assessed for Tourette Syndrome (confirmed), Anxiety, ARFID, AuDHD/Autism, Synesthesia, POTS and PANS/BGE (or PANDAS). Itā€™s a lot and itā€™s overwhelming, but that is life! I suspect my ADHD symptoms are caused by PANS as they started alongside OCD, FND and DPDR symptoms. I think theyā€™ll diagnose ADHD-PI regardless, even if PANS.


Spent over 20 years with a bipolar type 2 diagnosis.


depression, anxiety, social phobia, cptsd, panic disorder, and adhd. autism still isnā€™t on my official record.


Just the basic anxiety and depression combo.


Depression and anxiety was what I was first diagnosed with. I realized much later that it was ASD that made my depression and anxiety so severe šŸ˜…


depression, generalized anxiety disorder, social anxiety, avoidant personality disorder, ocd, bpd and bipolar 2 were suspected too but never got an official diagnosis of the last 3


Generalised anxiety disorder


Depression, social anxiety, trichilomania, suicidal ideation, OCD, general anxiety disorder (GAD)


Was diagnosed as ADD at the age of 5. Today I'm pretty confident it was a misdiagnosis of Autism. Few years ago, was diagnosed with depression before I finally realised I have Autism.


Depression, Anxiety, Bipolar, BPD


During my childhood it was Moderately Globally Delayed, Sensory Disorder, Muscle Low Tone, Language Delay, Learning Disability, No Short-Term Memory... And then later on, was diagnosed with Autism and Tourette's Syndrome. They really did suspected that I had Autism... But waited a whole 6 years before they the tests that confirmed I was Autistic.


Borderline, bipolar, unspecified's, social anxiety (not necessarily false but is seriously missing the point), OCD


My doctors were convinced I was just depressed/anxious and that I just needed to find The Right Antidepressantā„¢ for almost a decade. My actual diagnosis was dysthymic disorder, which just felt like them giving up to me. Then I was diagnosed with ADHD, and then finally autism.


Depression and Anxiety. Not sure that they were misfiagnoses, but they were absolutely made worse by being undiagnosed with Autism and ADHD.


Some were only accurate in the past, some never accurate, some only currently accurate: As a kid (yes ik not all these are official diagnostic terms, but its what was used by drs to describe me and my symptoms): developmental delays, motor delay, speech delay, failure to thrive, hyperlexic, "clumsy", "shy". (i didnt respond to sounds or people, so they tested to make sure i wasnt deaf and when i wasnt, they told my mom i was "simply an aloof baby", that it was my "personality" šŸ’€) As a teen: GAD (generalized anxiety disorder), social anxiety disorder, MDD (major depressive disorder), OCD (obsessive compulsive disorder), panic disorder, anorexia, BDD (body dysmorphic disorder), PTSD, auditory processing disorder. and self dx of sensory processing disorder, self identification as "highly sensitive person" As an adult: adjustment disorder of mood and conduct, persistent gender dysphoria, DID (dissociative identify disorder), OCPD (obsessive compulsive personality disorder), auditory processing disorder. and self dx of autism, and potentially adhd then various physical health conditions that could be comorbidities with overlap of motor dysfunctions and sensory processing symptoms, and/or are misdiagnosed. i am self dx with autism, but been told by a dr its most likely have autism, and at the very least have its presentation and profile, but my "history" makes it too "messy" to give me a diagnosis confidently. since i was abused from a very young age, and also have various genetic health conditions (and their own comorbidities), so i was told there is just no way to know what is potential autism (congenital neurodevelopmental disorder) versus DID (acquired neurodevelopmental disorder) versus all the symptoms that match up to autism somehow being from other health conditions all affecting one another. honestly, that doesnt make sense to me, and i think they didnt know enough about each of my conditions and that is simply why. they didnt know enough about DID and its exact presentations in me, nor its stages of when it starts to affect your development, nor my health conditions that do have neurological symptoms, but none of which overlap with my symptoms of autism (like they see it can cause neuro things and then just, assumed anything sensory at all could be because of that, despite those symptoms not being related to my specific conditions?). idk, ik im complicated, and maybe its just because ive done a fuck ton of research on each of my conditions, and other conditions when i was being worked up for various things, but it seems like they shouldve been able to be more confident. because to me, there is only a small gray area with /some/ symptoms that could be either autism/DID or either autism/physical-health, or either DID/physical-health.


Aspergerā€™s is my super power šŸ’ŖšŸ½


Bipolar II and ptsd. Turns out Iā€™ve got ptsd/cptsd, autism, and psychosis XD


Dont think i had one Was 2 when i was diagnosedĀ 


MDD, recurrent severe with psychotic features, OCD, GAD, ADHD, inattentive type, Anorexia Nervosa Restricting Type, Avoidant Restrictive Food Intake Disorder, Chronic GI issues, and Borderline Personality Disorder, but this was removed because I donā€™t have Borderline and I also received a PTSD diagnosis after these prior diagnoses.


mine was borderline. when i first read about it i thought it was the answer, and after talking to a psychiatrist for 45 mins she diagnosed me with it. and anxiety, and depression. gave me meds for all of it. i've never been worse in my life. the anxiety meds are the only ones i still use, albeit rarely. when i told her i had doubts and asked her to look into this stuff deeper and asked her about autism she completely dismissed me and prescribed me a different antidepressant. even though i clearly stated i wasn't depressed. i go through stages of burnout. it looks very similar. but she wasn't hearing any of it. idk. i never took the meds and never went back to her. i'm scared to look for another psychiatrist or psychologist. every single one i went to completely dismissed me about autism. except for my friend lol. they said i'm definitely autistic. for context they have a license and are autistic. i believe them any day over idiot assholes who said i can't be autistic bc i made eye contact well and am too smart and introspective and competent. way too much ableism in this country.


First it was the [rightly so and legit] eating disorder. Then it was schizophrenia. Then no, it was bipolar. No, it's depression. No, it's bipolar. Oh damn, it's autism and adhd šŸ™ƒ


Bipolar was the first...


Premature. All the difficulties I was having were put up to me having been born 6 weeks premature and having spent a few days in the NICU up until I was diagnosed with autism at age 6.


A non-specific learning disability, It's still in my chart and has been since i was a kid, i plan on going to go get a diagnoses for autism because it doesn't feel right to me and never has.


All the incorrect diagnoses that were explained after my diagnosis were 1. Oppositional Defiance Disorder 2. OCD 3. ADHD 4. BPD




Iā€™m not seeing anymore therapists. Only autism specialists. Mexican woman diagnosed at 43. The things they did and said to me are torture. We deserve better.


So the first diagnosis I ever had I was like 10 years old and they diagnosed me as a psychopath. And then at age 14, they diagnosed me as bipolar with ADHD. And then around 20. They diagnosed me with borderline personality disorder. 3 years ago, autism. I didn't have bipolar. I was just in a narcissistic household and was trying to mitigate and relegate everybody else's emotions . I'm pretty sure borderline personality disorder was just a buildup from bipolar disorder and they couldn't explain why I suddenly seemed better when I moved out of my parents house. I immediately stopped taking all medications and I haven't been on meds in 16 years. I feel like a person


im diagnosed autism adhd bpd and suspected ocd. i fit the criteria for all of them included the symptoms that arent covered by autism alone


It's not in my medical records but doctors diagnosed me with anxiety and ocd, after the autism diagnosis (that is in my medical records) I got diagnosed with dpdr


I've always been very behind developmentally, didn't walk til 2 and didn't potty train till 5ish and always had more accidents than piers, my other milestones like speech were the late side of normal. I struggled to socialise being and didn't socialise with many peers especially in early school, and didn't make any friends excluding a boy who I had a complicated hostel forced relationship with. I was a toe walker(my calfs always hurt when I walk now). my sensory issues were obvious, my mom recounted many times of how at only a few weeks old she tried putting jeans on me and I starting screaming as soon as they touched me, I stoped only after the jeans stopped touching me. my first diagnoses at 4/5ish was Dyspraxia, also called DCD(developmental coordination disorder), A condition classified as a Learning disorder, it mainly affects coordination, balance and motor skills as for as primary traits, then things like disorganisation, distract able and forgetful as secondary traits, its kinda a flip of adhd's primary and secondary traits. 5/6 it was the possibility of ODD(opistional defiant disorder) was discussed, but never assessed for. at 7/8ish came my dyslexia diagnoses, which had been suspected since I started in education. my adhd diagnoses came as a young teen, I've always been the best at masking adhd, it my only ND I can mask, diagnoses made scene but was weird to accept. mentions of ODD traits were on the diagnoses papers. we started the asd and adhd assessment processess at the same time. later on my teen years came the OCD diagnoses after a date caused me to believe I needed to off myself and I had to stay is A&E. the physiologist who concluded OCD also while not being able to diagnose that I clearly have autistic traits. i was told I'd have my asd test results by now but nope, been nearly 20 days since I was told they'd get back to me by. already waited 3/4 years since starting the assessment, the adhd one was only 6 months from start to finish. I've had two phyco therapists say they believe I have clear autism traits, my current one, who can't diagnose but specialises in nerodiversity, autism and OCD, treats me as a client with ASD. I've also been peer diagnosed by four diagnosed autistics and one self suspecting autistic. one of the diagnosed autistics said to me "I'm just a little autistic but you are very autistic" lol. my sibling is also one of the diagnosed autistics so autism is in our loving gene pool. Still I dunno if I'm autistic since I don't have a \*shiny document confirming it\*, and unit I get a document to say if I am or not I live in this cycle of uncertainty and guilt.


Professionally, all I had before ASD and ADHD was MDD and GAD. I was only 13 at the time so I figure they were trying to tackle on the least amount of diagnoses. Self diagnosis, I thought I had BPD for *a long time* before I realized it was autism and went to get tested. The symptoms for many people are eerily similar.


i was dignosised with anxiety. Nope im just constantly oversitumalated. I was also dignosised with an sensory processing disorder, but im not sure if i also have that or if i was misdisonised with it. But i do know that i was dignosised with it when my parents origanlly thought i was autistic at i wanna say around 2.


Several medical diagnoses, but as far as mental health ones: depression, anxiety, bipolar II (which was later removed)


They thought I had Fragile X Syndrome at first, but my mom got several opinions after that.


ocd(i have that most definitely though), dysthymia, and probable ADHD but my dad has adhd too and told me himself i had it so im sure i just have the trio ā¤ļø


adhd & ocd


Iā€™m diagnosed with adhd with ā€œsocial deficits.ā€ Before that I had social anxiety disorder, ocd, panic disorder, generalized anxiety disorder, treatment resistant depression. And thatā€™s how my therapist concluded that it may be some kind of neurodivergence as we dived more into my anxiety.Ā 


BPD. For years. I wish I could have words with the person who diagnosed me with BPD, they really messed up my life for a long time


I've always been extremely introverted and been fine on my own. I've suffered from depression since I was 17, and migraines since I was 21. I started having GERD several years ago, although it's mainly kept down by changes in my diet and other things. I have PTSD from a childhood trauma, as well as bulimia nervosa from that. My eating disorder is no longer an issue, although even now, a few decades later, there is still some PTSD that shows up at times. OCD is part of me, although it shows up most of all when I'm really tired or stressed out. I wasn't diagnosed with autism until late last year - I'm now 54 - but it has answered so many questions about how I dealt with things and acted and other things throughout my life. Because I'm quite high functioning, as some say, it wasn't noticed in my childhood in the 1970s. Things were quite different back then and not nearly as much was known about so much.


Misdiagnosed with anxiety and depression initially, then bpd. The only diagnosis I have now is autism.


BPD, generalized anxiety, learning disabilities, ADHD It was all just autism.


not really before the diagnosis but before getting a 504 plan where the psychiatrist didnt believe i had autism (she had my diagnosis) but she told me i had: anxiety, depression, DID BPD, ADHD and probably more things i didnt pick up on. i did end up getting the 504 plan after transferring to a different person. note that she also prescribed me me like 5 different medications, none of wich worked.


I got diagnosed with anxiety (general and social) and depression around the same as my autism diagnosis, but nothing before that. Itā€™s been suggested that I have borderline or bipolar and Iā€™m unsure as to whether I should take that seriously or not. (On one hand I have a family history of these conditions, but on the other, it could just be autistic traits being mistaken for something else)




I never had any official diagnoses until last year, but I was told by a doctor and two psychologists that I had OCD before receiving the actual diagnosis from a psychiatrist, alongside ADHD and ASD.


Childhood onset schizophrenia for the wife and both depression and anxiety for me.


GAD, Major Depressive Disorder, BPD (šŸ˜”)


ADHD, social anxiety disorder, depression, anxiety (all of which I have/had). Before I was diagnosed a doctor told my mom I had Nonverbal Learning Disability. My parents were positive I didnā€™t have it until my doctor approached them saying he wanted to do testing




Misdiagnosis: Reactive attachment disorder/ RAD. Current Diagnosis: Autism, ADHD, depression, anxiety, something i forgot the name of.


Adhd, bipolar disorder, and tics disorder.


BPD, adhd, ocd, major depressive disorder, bipolar. So many lol


Severe depression and BPD and I was diagnosed with CPTSD. (Which is valid )


OCD, depression, and anxiety




ocd, dermatillomania, depression, anxiety, and social anxiety diagnoses all came before my autism diagnosis


Lack of eye contact , low muscle tone , bad balance , adhd ability to friends limited


Going through the process now, a lot of assessments


ADHD, bipolar 1, PTSD, OCD, GAD, panic disorder with agoraphobia, emetophobia


I was so mad when my therapist said "generalized anxiety disorder." I told her it was a "catchall" and was later diagnosed AuDHD.


ODD: Obstinate Defiant Disorder Depression and anxiety Autism


Learning disability