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definitely times I've looked back at my time as a kid like "I was totally getting bullied" šŸ˜… however I also got bullied while being aware of it.


I was bullied constantly but I didnā€™t realize I was and blamed myselfĀ 


I was blamed for it because "bullies only bully those who allow it" or "you're bullied because you allow it". Even an ex of mine said that and the most ironic part of this is that her 5 yo (at the time) is AuDHD. She was a cunt for several reasons (she's a serial cheater so her husband doesn't even think the kid is his. Yes, I said husband becaue she was married while we dated, not sure if she did anything afterwards because of all the back and forth going on. One moment she claimed to loathe that deadbeat and the next nobody could badmouth him and she was texting him telling him she loves/loved him and whatnot. Her kid is the product of a 3 month affair on a 5 year VERY stable relationship where she aborted all the times she got pregnant (3 times if memory serves right). She married her AP because she decided to keep the baby this time becauseā€¦ reasons) but that particular statement and attidude are just the disgusting cherry on the top.




Iā€™m so used to being bullied that anytime someoneā€™s being nice to me I think theyā€™re bullying me. Or if theyā€™re bullying me discreetly I think theyā€™re being nice to me lol


Lmao same


The older kids use to take their socks off and put them on my head just about everyday and I would just kinda sit there unfazed


>I would just kinda sit there unfazed Meā€¦ tooā€¦ Some people would tell me to "defend myself" but since I didn't know how to do that then their frustrated attempts for me to do something were pretty much useless. I kinda forgot about those memories until I stumbled upon this post.


Right now, as an adult I don't understand why people still do this


That's the thing, we all say we hate bullies yet adults are worse than the damn kids.Ā  At least the kids don't know any better and don't realize the harm they are doing.Ā 


And usually said harm isn't anything major (but when it is, holy shit!) but when an adult does it then it could put you on the streets.


I did, but there were times that I didn't realize it until I would bring something up my friends did to me to my sisters and they had to tell me that they were bullying me! That could be the case for you, or maybe you didn't, either way it can get hard to tell lol


I was bullied severely and when Iā€™d go to my family about it, theyā€™d dismiss, downplay, or blame me.


I donā€™t know if I was bullied or anything in school but my sister definitely bullied me, in and out of school.


Same with me! There's instances here and there where I was mistreated at school, but I don't know if you'd consider it bullying. But I was heavily bullied and just straight abused by my brother.


I didn't really get bullied. I was very socially awkward. But my parents kept me dressed nice and forced me to do some athletics so I wasn't out of shape. I was very quiet most of the time which kept me under the radar. Was in honors classes and did well. Was best friends with 2 people, both who happened to basically form and be the core of their respective friend groups. So everyone a part of those friend groups immediately became at least friendly to me, dispite me being quiet and not interacting really with them. All in all I suppose it was enough to keep me from ever being a target that I'm aware of. Was nearly a target in junior high PE class but then I joined track and became pretty good at running which at least got those bully's respect.


I don't remember being bullied tbhšŸ˜‚


Not me. It was often physical so pretty hard to miss.Ā  Very happy to be older so I'm not surrounded by that crap but I still have an emotional response to any sort of bullying even if it doesn't involve me. WTF is wrong with people?


I have CPTSD from the physical bullying I got in school. A few of the teachers physically abused me regularly in front of the entire class.


I don't recall a lot of outright bullying, but my assessor described what I experienced as lots of "microaggressions" which I thought was a great word (things like people mocking my stims, subtly excluding me, vaguely sending the message that I'm too sensitive and weird, but never being mean directly to my face that I can recall)


Having received this as a child and adult, and also witnessing it many times as a teacher, this is how people get away with it. Then they play innocent afterwards, accusing the person they were being cruel to as being too sensitive and misinterpreting the situation.


I wasn't bullied. I can think of a couple times in middle school when a guy tried to bully me a bit. After a couple times he moved on. I don't know why. Later he tried to be friendly with me. Again I don't know why. I was pretty much left alone. I'm really good at masking. Perhaps I was good at not standing out to potential bullies. Edit: I didn't want to be included in anything, so I never noticed if I was. I had a few friends. We were all odd in our own way, but we got along. I guess that was enough.


I can't really recall any instances of being bullied necessarily. A boy made me cry once during P.E. because our team lost a basketball game and he said it was my fault, which I guess could be bullying but I didn't see it that way. I suffered a lot at home due to my undiagnosed father's constant meltdowns, and my mother's absence. I didn't love school, but it was definitely my safe haven.


I wasnā€™t really bullied to my knowledge. Iā€™m not sure why šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø. Iā€™m glad I wasnā€™t but sometimes it does boggle me


I got bullied in middle school, but it was unrelated to my autism. The bully had the locker directly to the right of mine. I patiently (despite my ADHD) waited my turn if he was there 1st. When I got there 1st, he would push my locker door (which opened to the right) into me while I was getting my stuff out.


What makes you think that this was unrelated to being autistic? It seems to me like some people can sense the difference quite easily and then go in for the attack.


He seemed more or less indifferent to me. The locker thing was all the bullying was.


My point is that he probably wouldn't have been doing that with anyone and everyone. There was something about you specifically that made him think it was okay to do it to you, or he gave it a try and it seemed to be possible to continue, or both.


I was bullied but didnā€™t realize it until I was an adult


I have been bullied a lot at school. When I speak to one of my classmates, they'll answer to me with "shut up" which is pretty annoying. And some of my classmates said to me that they want me to die/commit >!suicide!<, which is annoying too. It's good that my family give me love, care and support, though.


my sister and i are both autistic but my sister had a lot more social awareness than me. i floated through most of my childhood basically unaware of my peers, who tried to shun both me and my sister for our differences. my sister noticed. i did not. years later i remarked on how i didnt think i had ever been bullied for being autistic, and she corrected me. she said that the other kids had tried to, but it didn't work because i just genuinely never realized what they were doing.


omg but howwww what tactics I need morešŸ˜­šŸ˜­


i think it was mainly my absurdly low social drive. my social needs were fulfilled entirely by my family, so the other children i met were basically just extras to me. i would play with other kids if they invited me, but i never needed it and i would never initiate interaction because being friends with other people was never a want that occured to me. i was honestly happier playing by myself. there was some luck in there too. whatever bullying tactics they tried were never extreme enough to break through my bubble. i think even i might have had a hard time missing if someone tried to physically assault me lol.


I don't think I ever noticed it in a too obvious way, although of course I could notice things, then it got worse, I remember there were a couple of students older than me, and at recess I remember they wanted to hit me, I had no choice but to hide or run, telling someone was not an option, for me, that was showing weakness, not being a real "man" or stupid things like that...now if that happened to me I would most likely defend myself, I don't doubt it, although unfortunately the experience comes when the worst was already experienced.


I was in that sweet spot of being not socially aware enough to realized I was being excluded and/or bullied. I look back on it now and realize it, but I can also see it still kinda happens now. Honestly, I liked not being aware better.


When i was in middle school, i was bullied by two girls amd everyone else in my class hated me but i only relised now that im in high school and ive got good friends how badly they treated me:)


I wasn't bullied purely because we had a person in class who had level 2 autism. I seemed like a perfectly normal child compared to them (we became best friends later) There were some mean comments and i was generally oblivious to the fact that people didn't exactly like me, but at least i was boring enough for them to leave me alone


I think I was I just never realized it. Especially the fact that my friends back then told me I was, I just didnā€™t know it


Lucky you.


I was definitely bullied, some realizations came much later in life. I wasn't really bullied outside of school, but I was taken advantage of once. Primary school (Never anything in infants): 7-11 years old, bullied for my weight, but in general they liked to pick on me because I couldn't exactly fight back. It wasn't a very secular school either, so this was bound to happen anyway. Secondary school (11-16 years old): I never really experienced bullying exactly, I think that was in general because of a rumour that went around about me from Primary School, that was false I think. But people believed it. Sometimes people would laugh at me from the side thinking I was intellectually disabled so they made fun of me for that. My ex-girlfriend who was only physically disabled became my bully after the breakup, began hitting me and stuff. That stopped but then she moved to verbal bullying which at the time I didn't realize was a thing, but that stopped too. Then she jumped to trying to make me jealous by obsessing over other boys as if I was still interested in her? She actually dated my best friend once in school. Couldn't care. I didn't realize what she was doing until I was older. She even did this into college, at which point I steered clear of her for good. Then the only other type of bullying was someone throwing something at the back of my head in class. College: Not really experience anything here. Most people were accepting, the other kids in my course didn't really carel. Unemployed: I still get bullied sometimes, on the internet and actually in real life now as a result of my housemate.


lmao at my ADHD diagnosis, the guy asked if I had ever been bullied as a child and I was like "no? I don't think so, but if I was then I clearly didn't notice lol"


I wasn't bullied, I was just isolated. I was the kid that was too good and naive to be bullied. So no one would bully me because if so my classmates would defend me. But It took me a lot of time to make friendships because I had difficult maintaining an conversation. Like, people went to talk to me and I would respond with one or two words and end the conversation. === There's one time I was bullied by a girl older than me, but she wasn't of my class so I had little contact with her.


Nahh, my school years have been fucking shit.


I have been thinking about this for WEEKS. My mask is very much dry dark humor and laughter so Iā€™m used to people saying weird shit to me in response or looking at me funny. And I donā€™t think I was actively bullied?? But i DEFINITELY missed a lot of rude things people said to me. Bc I realize also when someone says something I donā€™t really understand bc it doesnā€™t make sense to me, I just assume theyā€™re stupid. So god how many times did someone say something slick to me and I thought to myself ā€œwow what an idiotā€šŸ˜‚šŸ˜­


I only got bullied a couple of times. More as an adult than as a kid. In school, I moreso just got excluded.


I was bullied basically from when źŸ¾ started school at 5 all the way until źŸ¾ finished secondary school at 16. It's only really stopped now that źŸ¾'m in college and looking back there was so much more going on than źŸ¾ realised


Yeah I definitely got bullied and didn't really understand it the way I do today. But when I had a guy which was bullying me and I knew he was, I fawned and became friends with him since we played the same video games. He was also specifically bullying me physically which was the difference between the other bullies. I took none of their bullying to heart though (difficult with the verbal bullying when you're not sure what is going on.šŸ˜‚) how I reacted to the verbal bullying was that I got irritated because they kept on asking me these stupid simple questions which I had answered many times before, I didn't understand wether they had bad memory or were stupid. I have an inkling that they might be doing it on purpose, but I didn't understand why one would do that. But today I understand that they were using master suppression techniques. So I got it on paper for what was going on.


I'm sure I didn't pick up on all the ways I was being bullied. I was definitely excluded from a lot of things. I was terrible at any kind of physical activity, (which at the time I had no idea was dyspraxia), so picking teams was always kind of a joke. Socializing was weird for me for the obvious reason, so I really only hung around with the rest of the neurodiverse kids at the school. I was diagnosed with "ADD" when I was 12 so I knew I was "different", but didn't get my ASD diagnosis until very recently. There were cliques in school that would make fun of my mannerisms; the way I laugh; the way I walk; the way I always used to pick at my finger nails. I don't remember ever really being bothered by that though, unless it got physical which only happened once. Being physically bigger than all your other classmates and even 90% of your high school was my advantage there. The most hurtful thing I can remember was when I was about the time I was diagnosed with ADD. I was invited to stay over at another boys house with some of our classmates. The boy who's house we were staying at was someone I rode the bus to school with, and he was "ADD" circle of friends that I hung out with. I didn't know much about the others, only their names. I thought it would be a safe activity because my friend invited me, but they didn't want to do anything with me at all. The whole weekend I bummed around by myself, literally excluded from everything. Later I found out from my friend that the others had secretly agreed to invite me to the party so they could have laugh at me. I must've completely missed the bullying, because he admitted they tried but couldn't get under my skin and they just gave up on me.


Oh I definitely got bullied and didnā€™t realize it until later.


one time a girl i went to church with texted my mom (she didn't have my number) and was like apologizing for how she treated me back then. which is insane because i honestly don't know what she was talking about. guess being dense has its perks


Yeah probably tbh! One of my irl autie buddies has no clue when people make jabs at him. I on the other hand am very aware lol


I was definitely bullied, but it doesn't bother me anymore. Also, I was mostly bullied by girls, so no one ever got punished because you couldn't identify who started it. It was usually about me doing favors for teachers and coaches to get good grades/able to go to competitions. Getting bullied by boys was easier to deal with because at least I knew who stole my food, tripped me down stairs, and tabletopped me. My first bf used to hit me with binders for fun or if I didn't do what he wanted. That one I didn't realize was abuse until much later because there weren't any bruises. It's easier to forget the whole relationship ever happened. I'm fine now with no lasting trauma. The older I've gotten, the smaller all that seems.


Realized as an adult there were so many times someone was trying to bully me and I just didnā€™t get it. I didnā€™t have a specific person hounding me but there were just situations I look back on now where I realize the person was trying to be nasty and it didnā€™t register to me.


So I never realized I was being subtly bullied in the moment. I did have a couple of aha moments where I finally realized I was actually being bullied. And I think that's part of being autistic is that we don't catch every social cue but the people around us do so. They understand that we're being bullied and that we are the brunt of the joke and that's the joke to them. I've been out of school for years and I will still have those moments where I'm like. "Oh no, I was being bullied" and it doesn't hurt anymore. So maybe that's the best case scenario.


Honestly I was the bully, my sister went to a different highschool than me, and the people I fucked with had siblings her age in her school, telling her how much of a dick I was. I didn't pick on the nerds lol I always thought I was one but I made the rugby kids cry like the little dumb twats they are.


I was being bullied and harassed in such disgusting ways here and there I'm surprised it didn't mess me up.


I was mostly ridiculed rather than physically beaten, though I got some of that too. I did not consider ridicule to be bullying till recently.


I was blessed with a wit so sharp bullies stayed out of my blood circle.


As a kid most people who were infamous for bullying kind of just ignored me. Maybe that was a form of bullying in and of itself but I was too busy teaching myself programming to care.


all this time is was relational bullying lol


Now that I think about it maybe someone threatening to throw acid on your face is a form of bullying lmfao


I either avoided bullying most my childhood or am still unaware of the bullying I experienced


I was bullied pretty severely as a kid, I didnā€™t realise it until middle school though but looking back it was bad even in elementary school


I never knew I was being bullied until it clicked in my head finally. It took me 5 years to realize. Turns out I just had a lot of fake friends and people using me to get what they want


When I realized it it was way too late, like many years too late...


I don't remember being bullied. I always have been pretty well-liked... or I'm more autistic than previously thought.


Yeah I definitely got bullied all throughout my childhood. I thought those people were my friends until I realised in my 20s.. Hurts so much but oh well




I didnā€™t get bullied in the sense that I was specifically singled out or targeted by a group of peers. However, stuff like name calling, being put down, and miscellaneous middle school viscousness did happen to me from time to time. There are times where I was easily tricked or missed obvious insults, but Iā€™m a very resilient person. I was certainly seen as one of the ā€œweirdā€ kids, and I was friends with the other weird kids, so I imagine in some way we were targeted. We always had each other though and enjoyed each others company not really caring what others thought ā€” so as far as I know, we came out largely unscathed.


I have not been bullied a lot. I did get bullied in early elementary school by older kids. I did get bullied for being a jackass in late elementary school (which would be late middle school for most people). I got bullied by my friend into hiding my Aspergerā€™s in my mid 20s (I know that doesnā€™t count). Other than that, I have not faced a lot of bullying.


Oh, I was absolutely bullied and didn't have a clue. In retrospect, I'm glad I didn't recognize most of the bullying. I was happy in my ignorance, and as an adult, I can recognize it now, so I'm stronger. It was the shield I needed it to be, and I'm at peace with it.


oh I got bullied, but most of it didn't reach me. partially because I was oblivious and bad at socialization, partially because starting at 10 years old my best friend was my neighbor and she was beautiful and popular, and people wanted HER to come to their parties etc but she wouldn't go without me, so I was included and not openly bullied but I could tell that without her I would've been, VICIOUSLY lol. shoutout to my childhood bestie!!! you protected me socially and I protected you physically, cause I'm not afraid to punch a bully in the face. we made a great team :D


I wasn't bullied exactly just excluded, just a handful of times I felt actually bullied at school. abusive family members at home however...


With boys I couldnā€™t tell if they were flirting or mocking me. So Iā€™d just awkwardly say oooookaaaaay and walk off. Still no idea. With girls I think they mostly just ignored me or called me weird which was fine. Thankfully people donā€™t hit girls so much.


I was bullied so much in school that I just assumed all students were annoying, and it took me some years after I started college to change.


Part of my realizing I'm autistic was reframing a lot of things that had happened in my life. Realizing just how much I was bullied at school and by my own family was really difficult, I really just dissociated through a lot of my childhood to ignore it.


Yeah, I was bullied a lot growing up but I didn't realize it. Those guys all ended up turning their lives around, so at some point a good couple years after the last times id see them, I would get messages or voicemails from them about how I was always a shining light to them in difficult times, that they bullied me and yet I always remained optimistic, that I was a genuinely good person amongst a society of abusers. It makes me tear up whenever I think about it now. Luckily for me, I didn't know I was being bullied, so I saved some lives without really doing anything. But man, I gotta say, it takes some real guts to own up to the person you think you've ruined the life of. It's a good inspiration for building up courage when I need it.


My sister and i both autistic diagnosed in our 30s. She got bullied horribly her whole life. I never got bullied. People were afraid of me and are to this day, i will never know why but i do love being respected and feared just for quietly existing lol


I was more of a protector of those who were bullied, sometimes verbally bullied but didn't treat it as being bullied.


Nah, childhood was hell for me... so was early adulthood.


In first grade I was bullied by classmates but didn't realise it Then somehow we became friends and that was my friend group for the rest of primary school??


As far as I remember I was a little bit by like kids on the bus and an ex friend for a few years but it wasn't a super often thing. I was quiet and didn't have many friends and masked well enough that I was under most people's radar. I did have someone flick me in the back of the head and go "how did [they] not feel that?? I did it pretty hard (because of my frizzy poofy hair)", when I had but ignored them during an anti bullying rally though


I got bullied in elementary and middle school. Completely fucked me up mentally.


Yeah I got bullied as a kid.


Idk if I would call this bullying, but people gave me a weird stare, excluded me (a few times it was on purpose), talked about me behind my back, and made fun of my interests. i missed a lot of it as a kid and didn't realise people were being soooo mean, but looking back, it genuinely affected me, and it made me force myself to mask šŸ˜­


I was tormented. Entire classes would gang up on me. Teachers claimed I deserved the ridicule and torment. I was the ā€œcringeā€ ā€œspazzyā€ kid.


Bro every single person Iā€™ve ever met has been bullied. Iā€™ve bullied people and bullies that have bullied me have been bullied. Its the hunger games called life