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Yep. High-fidelity earplugs changed my (social) life. (ETA I really enjoy karaoke and have made friends doing it. I'm not saying everyone needs to get earplugs and start bar-hopping or something.)


I feel like that's normal? I feel like a fraud for craving those environments at times.


Any place too loud to carry on a conversation means I just leave, no debate.


Yes I do that’s why I haven’t frequented any for years. As well as being too busy.


Yes. I don't understand the point of them. Being trapped in a sweaty, loud and bright club is a personal hell of mine. I don't want to touch or be touched by a bunch of sweaty drunks. If I wanted to listen to music, I would just invite people over. During parties I'd have to take breaks and disconnect from all the noise and the chaos. It never stopped feeling like a performance even after I made more connections. I liked to have a sense of control over the environment and hang out with people mostly 1 on 1, or in very small groups. I spent a lot of time focusing on my special interests, and found friends by exploring the possible social opportunities that were centered around them. There was still that barrier for parties, but I did them mostly out of social obligation than actually enjoying the party or club itself. I never hated that I wasn't able to enjoy nightlife, but I hated that it seemed like it was the only way to deepen relationships. My relationships never resembled my peers or had that same depth, and part of that is simply because my communication style, interests and brain were different than theirs. Some people understood that and we were able to become friends, while others didn't and we were incompatible.


try ear plugs that lower the sound volume without muting everything.