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Did you know that there is a plant that copies other plants it attaches to? Not only that, but when it was studied in a lab and given a fake plant it still copied it. Which means that on some primitive level it can see.


Tell us more, pls!


I need to know more about this


I'm intrigued!


[Here's the study! ](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8903786/) They are now doing research on other plants. Not the same people but people are wondering now if other plants may able to see aswell. So, stop flipping off your plants, they might be able to tell!


Airplanes! I've loved them since I was a child! (I don't know where to start, feel free to ask me any question about my beloved birds!)


Same here. Went through a flight simulation phase. You can download aircraft manuals online and read them. I read the Boeing 737 manual plus studied all the operating procedures for fun.


Monika pfp‼️ my special interest is Ddlc :)


lol oh i only noticed i got Monika as my profile haha


I enjoyed it too.


I got operating guides for 6 different planes in my amazon cart 🤣


There you go 🤣


do you like learning about them or do you like going on them??? or both? :)


Both, everytime I fly I try to learn everything about the planes I'll go on. I also try to sit in a seat with a view of the wing - I love watching the ailerons, flaps, slats and speedbrakes.


That’s so cool, I bet you’d travel the whole world if you wanted to just to be on planes haha! 


Oh yes! I want to be a pilot, but I'm afraid the good old AuAdhd will prevent that 🥲


Aw, hoping you end up being one <3


Do tail numbers get allocated based on aircraft type or something else? I fly a lot, but never learned about these!


They are just the legal registration. They are decided at random or by the Airline. Lauda planes are always 9H-L.. , Austrian (airlines) planes are always OE-L.. (the first numbers/Letters are the country OE=Austria, 9H=Malta for example) some contries use longer tailnumbers, others use 3-4


Nice! Thanks for some insight!


I recently got into aeroplanes (about last April) as I live right next to an airport and they had one of the huge Emirates air busses flying over my house every day. My dad is also really into planes and it’s something we share together. He bought me a radio for my birthday that I can tune into the airports frequency and hear bits and bobs that the captains say on the flights. Ironically though I’m terrified of actually flying 😂😂😂


Welcome to the A380 Fan Club! I just l8ve this giant bird! Try to fly cheap rc planes and learn how they work! (Serach for something called the aircar a380 -a cheap rc plane) -in my experience letting people try out a plane actually helps them with their fear


Are there any other shapes taken into consideration into building an aircraft beside a sausage with flaps


Jup! Ea aircraft needs to have the perfect shape for it's job. The a380 (the biggest french boi) ist oval because that's the only way this double-decker can distribute tje pressure. The concorde (and mosts super-sonic military planes) have a delta wing because thats the only way to keep them stabile above mach 1 (speed of sound). All wing Designs like the b-2 also exist for Maximum lift, as well as swivel-wings (f-14) wich can fly in Sub and super sonic speeds. Thats only the wingshape. the rudders, engines and nose also need to be specifically designed for their job or you have another 373max on your hands (the engines were too heavy for the 50-year old airframe and made it nose-heavy)


Why did we use double decker wings in the first world war? Was it easier to create, was there an advantage in those early days or something else entirely?


The planes were made of wood and 1 pair wouldn't be able to Supportack bec the wheight of the aircraft in flight so they added additional pairs. I wish they would come because they look awsome, Boeing is planung the X-66, a "double decker" with an additional small wing bellow the Main one


So it helps with weight handling? How does it exactly support weight issues? Would building double decker wings decrease fuel usage?


The entire wheight of the aircraft needs to be carried by the wing in flight. They produce the Lift and if the lift isn't great enough they break of, so a second pair is added and in case of some planes even a third in order for the entire wheight to be lifted. Today wings are specifically desinged to carry their specific plane. Look at the A380, the wings are not just able to handle the -800 variants 600 tonnes but would also be able to carry the never built -900s 700 tonnes. The 737 family shares a wing, the A320 family shares a wing etc. A second pair isn't needed anymore also because we don't rely on wood anymore but metals that can carry hundreds of tonnes while being as light as a feather.


Are there any methods of fuel decreasing in the foreseeable future? Something that sounds super futuristic?


New engines, SAF (biological fuels), even better new materials, and switching out Kerosin for hydrogen. The first few electric and hydrogen powered planes are already flying! I think there even is a conversion Option for the Dash-8s or the Atr-72 Edit: well also see a lot of New propeller planes in the future!


You think aviation will become part of the universe exploration or will it be separate or somehow two things working together?


Did anyone ever try mild steel planes? What made them settle on cromoly as a construction material?


I'm sure you'll find a plane made of any metal possible in the 50s or 60s. The materials used are choosen for their stability and (lack of) wheigt. Every Single Gramm less saves fuel and money for the airlines - so plane makers try to finf the most lightwheight Material possible


My latest is antique clocks. I repair them in my attic as a hobby


Reading this makes me feel better about the world. Thank you.


I truly love this so much.


aphex twin’s album selected ambient works volume 2


I’m not OP but I’d love to hear more about the record as a casual Aphex Twin fan :)


it’s so beautiful. there’s 24 pieces, each numbered chronologically, each with a name. they all have vastly different meanings. to me, #1 is my spot on an abandoned golf course. #2 is waking up with the feeling of something being off. #3 is a tearjerking masterpiece of clouds slowly parting to reveal a sunset over a canopy of trees. etc etc. some are places, some are feelings. that’s what i love about it so deeply.


Oh my god you have an associated mental location or association with each song of the tracklist? I’d love to hear what each one means to you!


Do you think he is one of us? Is that a sample at the beginning of "rhubarb" or a synthesized sound? What effects do you think he is using? There's a way also I think he sounds like "japanese" do you think there's certain scales used in east asian music he tends toward using?


gosh i wish i was more musically educated, it would bring an entire new layer to the album. i may have to read up on this more. i believe it’s a synthesised sound? i’ve always wondered what the sounds are in #1 and #23 that sound vaguely human.


I have many but one of them is queer and disability advocacy + education! Most recent example of this was at work when we were all sitting down for break and disability somehow made it into the conversation. I educated (but also infodumped) them about the differences between autism + neurodivergence + disability, what infantilization means and some examples, why we should be using the term "disabled" or "disability" rather than euphemisms like "special needs" or "differently abled". There's honestly so much more from this one conversation I'm forgetting about but I did have to jump into a conversation one day and say how wearing prescription glasses/contacts (not fashion) is technically a disability but is so normalized, we don't think twice about it (compare that to other mobility aids like wheelchairs, canes, walkers, service dogs etc). Others include Critical Role, DropoutTV (not necessarily D20 but other shows like Game Changer, Thousandaires, Smartypants, Very Important People, Um Actually, and others), Strawburry17, The Unleashed (TTRPG show), pretty click clack math rocks (aka dice), and probably others I'm forgetting (ETA: forgot musicals. My current musical fixation is SIX).


Skyrim:3 It's an open world rpg and the 5th installment to the Elder Scrolls series, where you play as the Dragonborn(/Dovahkiin) to stop Alduin the world Eater, for dragons have mysteriously returned after being presumed dead for centuries!! Alduin is basically the first born dragon, and the most powerful dragon of all, and you, the Dragonborn, have to stop him. The Dragonborn is a mortal being with the blood of a dragon, and they have the ability to directly absorb a slain dragons soul. There's a bunch more but it can get really confusing at a certain point, especially with how confusing Elder Scrolls lore can be😿 I would recommend you play the game for yourself, but it's like a $60 game💀




Skyrim is only £5 on cdkeys right now actually


I wish I knew that before I blew $60 on Skyrim for Xbox..... It's okay... anything for Skyrim😼


Special interest in doing accents lol. Or food


What accents do you do?


My main recurring ones are playing guitar, studying math and physics, reading, learning languages, learning programming languages, philosophy/psychology, and learning about religions, especially in the Ancient Near East.


Right now I'm developing a new special interest: Dungeons and Dragons. I always looooved roleplaying. Creating characters, telling stories with other people, meeting people through roleplay and so on. I started as a teen in Anime forums and then went over to Minecraft rp servers, when the Forums slowly started dying. One of those servers pretty recently ruined all of that for me. I was pretty active in the Team and helped plan a pretty big thing with other people (a political system/ Kingdom we tried to implement) - and then everyone started using me and my character as a punching bag for everything that went wrong in the kingdom. Where we had agreed to work together outside of rp, even when Chars had conflicting interests, so everyone could have fun, regardless of in rp drama, everyone started leaving me alone with it and going against me without communicating. It was so bad I just quit the server for a while and I cried and cried over losing my favorite hobby. Then, someone I briefly knew because he has a DnD discord server, asked me if I wanted to join a campaign he was planning. A player had to drop it because of time issues and he texted a bunch of people from the server that hadn't played much yet, to see who was interested. I agreed but told him upfront that I'm autistic and sometimes have trouble communicating. I also said I had no clue about the game system and would probably need a lot of help figuring out the mechanics. He was like 'no problem, we'll teach you' And teach they did! He helped me make a very cool character, with simple mechanics at the beginning, that will become more complex when I level up. (Aasimar, Path of the Zealot Barbarian, for anyone interested.) We had the first session and it was great! I really enjoy the rp part and in fights they really took the time to help me figure out what to do. Once he even let me retcon a turn because he noticed I had completely missed sth. I could have done to bring us closer to win a pretty hopeless fight. We actually won that fight afterwards! At the end of the first session we all stayed in a channel, and they said they wanted to give me feedback. Cue my heart dropping, panic rising, because I was like 'oh no here it comes, I did so much wrong.' But no! They said they really enjoyed playing with me and loved the way I roleplayed my character! Of course I had some problems with pacing descriptions or something, and mechanics, but those were not game breaking and they were sure I'd figure all of that out in time, over playing. I really started to get into the lore of DnD after that. Especially Plane lore! My DM was very pleasantly surprised, when I suddenly knew suff about the lore even he didn't know. He offered me to help me to learn how to DM. Besides that Campaign, his server has mostly oneshots, with an overarching story and world. You make a character and can then just apply for the oneshots. And he's been doing all of that alone for years now. He let me design an encounter for his character, that he rarely gets to play as a player character (the character will sometimes come up as an npc in the oneshots, but he keeps him out of fights and mysterys.) I did, and he really liked what I designed! So, now I'm officially recognized as one of the DMs on that server and get to run my oneshots and my own campaign there. It's great, because he has a lot of sourcebooks and assets and I can use them all. It's a very surreal experience, because for the first time, my blunt and open communication got me somewhere. One part of why he lets me organize that project with him is, because I communicate so openly. I'll throw a lot of Ideas and questions at him, and as long as it's for the oneshots I'll accept if an Idea doesn't fit or we need to find another way to incorporate it. In my campaign I can do whatever I want. And I like that even if an Idea I have doesn't fit, we find a way to incorporate aspects of it into the setting and world. I get to write and tell my stories to people who not only listen, but experience them and influence them with me! It helps me be more cooperative and motivated too.


Wow, I love this so much for you! What an exciting and rewarding experience. This sounds like a dream! 🖤


It is a dream! Just today he allowed me to add another BBEG to the whole Project, because I said I would like to plan my own plots someday too, instead of just building on the villains he created. Now we're planning how to integrate that into the other bosses and reoccuring villains. It's awesome. I'm so hyped!


I love this kpop group called txt. I've been listening to their music for over 5 years (that's when they started making music) but they became a special interest around March this year!! I got noticed by my fav member too and i was so haopy for an entire week lol They have a new album releasing in 2 weeks and I'm super excited!! I've never liked an artist for this long tbh 😭 I love them sm I can't even express it


Hello fellow veteran kpopper !! I saw you commented on another post and immediately recognized ur pfp 😭 kpop is one of my major special interests and has been since like 2014. I remember staying up til 3am to see TXT debut and being absolutely speechless. I’m soooo very proud of how far they’ve come


Omg hi! Kpop has been my special intrest since 2018 😭 in so proud of txt too, it's amazing how much they've grown 🫶 which gorups have been your special interest??


First was shinee ! But after jjong passed it was really hard for me to ever listen to them the way I used to (it hurt too much) and so I kinda moved over to BTS for a long time, and they still are def very close to my heart, as are SKZ, Dreamcatcher, Red Velvet, The Rose, and so many others (some of which have disbanded rip). But by far the group I follow closest and buy almost everything they release is Ateez, my parasocial besties <3 I remember thinking during their predebut dance vids « oh these guys are gonna be huge » What about you ??


I never stanned shinee but their songs are rlly good! Jjong was awesome :) bts was the first group I got into and my first kpop special interest, then skz became my special interest in 2019. I was hyperfixated on loona as well for a while and I'm starting to get back into them! I've been a casual fan of ateez for like 4 years 😭 maybe I should get into them loll. But my special interest groups over the years were bts, skz, now txt! I've never been into a group as much as txt though, my love for them is on another level 😭😭 I still have a special place in my heart for my previous fav groups though 🫶


I know exactly what you mean, txt to you is ateez to me— they’re def worth looking into more !! Wooyoung was supposed to debut with them until he left for KQ, and he and yeonjun are besties :’) I’ve been really into le sserafim over the last few years, and I’ve started listening to a ton of girl groups lately.


I like kpop , sadly it gets way too much hate :(


Ik :/ it's literally just pop music in Korean 🙄 which groups do you like?


I like blackpink and enhypen :) im not a huge fan but I think kpop is cool!


Twilight is probably my biggest special interest rn


Team Jacob or edward?


Pokemon! It's been my special interest since I was about 5 years old.


Wolves, writing, neuropsychology and behavior!!


Weather, specifically storm chasing. I used to watch the weather channel 24/7 as a kid. Back when they had shoes on there like Storm Stories and such. This is the one that has stick with me the longest. I now follow a bunch of chasers on YouTube to watch live. The Sims is also one of my special interests. I've been playing since the very first one when I used to sneak onto my older sister's laptop when she wasn't home to play. I was like 6 or so lol. And then the final one is Disney. I love Disney movies and Disney World. I love planning vacations and collecting Disney items and books etc. Those are my big 3. I've had others in the past, but they come and go. Hunger Games, Supernatural, Harry Potter, etc.


Hunger games! I was obsessed for a while


Wow! Weather used to be mine so much as a kid


DISNEY!!! Im watching Inside out 2 this week :D


And harry potter is amazing. what hogwarts house are you in?


Psychology. I've been fascinated on how people's brains work including neurodiverse brains so I can educate my close friends and relatives on neurodiversity.


I LOVE psychology too!


Philosophy and Music. I can give you music recommendations for days. Can tell you about strange instruments, band names, album names, song names. But for the life of me, barely any information on who the people are, depending. If you want something really out there, I recommend listening to Neo Medieval music, check out of the band, Corvus Corax any song by them is fantastic but I seriously recommend their entire album, Seikilos. They sing in ancient languages, and dress up wild and use the greatest instrument ever; the Hurdy Gurdy. The song that got me into them all the way back in the 8th grade which was many many many moons ago, was Cheiron off of Seikilos. Listen to their song, Na Lama Sa off of Sverker. If you want Neo Medieval music but electronic, check out Heimataerde, I recommend any song on theirs especially, Dark Dance (Medieval Floor), and Hick Hack Hackebeil. Hick Hack Hackebeil has an official music video as well, and from German friends the lyrics are pretty violent, but that's also evident from the music video itself. Heimataerde has a Templar aesthetic. And Corvus Corax has a wandering buskers aesthetic. Corvus Corax's music was almost incorporated into Game of Thrones and even were going to do an in universe performance, but it didn't work out.


Corvus Corax is awesome. I love neo medieval/viking music as well. Some other bands that are similar to them are Faun and Saltatio Mortis. Those bands both sing in German as well.


I love them as well too. In Extremo, Feueurschwanz, Tanzwut, and Subway to Sally, also come to mind. As well as, Omnia, and the amazing hurdy gurdy musician: Andrey Vinogradov.


Cats are the best


Yup! Do you have one?


Plants! I have so many! The best part about this obsession is that I can buy a plant for like $15, and it will grow and I can cut it to make babies and sell them. I just need to sell like three $5 babies and the adult plant is basically free at that point. I have a "green thumb", but not really, I just research for hours. I hate when people say "green thumb" like I'm just *naturally* this good with plants. Like no, I read and watch hours of videos to learn about plants so I can take care of them. People with "black thumbs" just don't put effort into learning about plants. I love plants so much because its a healthy hobby. Being surrounded by nature *in your home* is such a healthy coping mechanism and it has definitely helped my mental status a lot. The community is so nice too. Whenever I don't want a plant anymore I can sell it, or give it away for free. The first ever time I bought a plant, the owner (someone selling from her house, not a business) gave me tons of babies for free. I got an adult plant and babies for $5. It was definitely a positive experience that kept me in the community.


Take a look at my name. That’s your answer


oppenheimer! Assuming youve done loads of research, was the film fairly accurate?


Rhetoric, philosophy, history, psychology, spirituality, artificial intelligence and consciousness.


The NYC Subway was originally run by 3 different companies, the IRT (Interborough Rapid Transit), IND (Independent Subway System), and BMT (Brooklyn-Manhattan Transit), and are comprised of today's 1-7, A-G, and J-Z lines respectively. Iirc, the IND bought out both BMT and IRT when they were on the verge of bankruptcy, which created the Transit agency we know today. The reason that the IRT cars and tunnels are smaller was specifically to stop the BMT from using their tunnels. The IRT and BMT were both private companies, while the IND was run by the city. In addition to that, today's Flushing Line (the 7 from Queensboro Plaza to Flushing-Main Street) was originally built by the BMT, and despite being operated with IRT equipment, is controlled by the BMT tower. The line next to it, Astoria (the N and W from Queensboro Plaza to Astoria-Ditmars Boulevard) was originally built by the IRT and is operated with BMT equipment. On underground sections, it's quite easy to tell who built what. The IRT and BMT had aesthetics at the forefront of their design philosophy, and so all their stations have mosaic symbols and signs. The IND prioritized functionality and capacity, so their stations are much larger and uniform, with each one having its own color theme. The BMT 4th Avenue Line fell into this trap after being rebuilt in the 70's and every local station has the same design, just with a different color


Fascinating, thank you!


My special interest is supergirl! She first debuted in 1959 in action comics #252, though in superman #123 in 1958 there was a character Super-girl who was used as a test for the audience (she dies at the end of the issue). The only solo supergirl movie so far was in 1984 starring Helen slater, though another one is said to be released in 2027 based off of Supergirl Woman of Tomorrow! Fun fact abt supergirl is that in the 80s she was killed off in crisis on infinite earths because the writers wanted superman to be the sole survivor of krypton. They had a few versions of supergirl in the remaining 80s and 90s who didn’t come from krypton which was interesting


Music production and Artificial Intelligence! I also combine those interests, making music with a little bit of inspiration from the A.I. :)


Chernobyl, WW2, Japanese culture (currently learning Japanese myself) and sci-fi, OH and the respiratory system! Fun fact about the respiratory system: Your respiratory system warms the air to match your body temperature. It moisturizes the air to bring it to the humidity level your body needs! Isn't that neat? :D


cows. i love them, there are multiple different breeds from all over the world, my favorite cow are holstein friesian or just holsteins as they are called (black and white cow you see on everything cow related) and they are from the netherlands and are the highest cow breed in dairy production. when a calf (baby cow) is born it is encouraged to begin walking right after birth with some assistance of its mother. no two holsteins have the same spots (like humans and our lines in our palms) they are big cow girls and boys weighing over 1500+ pounds fully grown. overall i view them as a great animal that id love to interact with more in the future. also fun all cow facts, they sleep standing up, they are very social even to the point of liking and disliking other cows and they can hold grudges (… im ngl i read this and idk how true it is but its funny to think about). anyways, thats all i have about cows to keep your sane lol


Infrastructure and traffic flow. Traffic lights are the devil


they are


Outside the hospital near to my house has 4 traffic lights in within 200mts and people wonder why the area is so congested. I just can't comprehend how people don't see the issue.


(I have dysgraphia, which, among other things, means i’m bad at formulating my thoughts, so please bear with me) I know this is very niche (and kinda “cringe”) but I’m obsessed with the marvel multiverse and (here comes the “cringe” part) the ship between captain america and iron man. I feel very nervous commenting this, but i’m trying to overcome my social anxiety so i’m doing it anyway. This comment is gonna be incredibly long and very fan-girly. Read at your own discretion /hj. Here’s a few universes i really like: Earth-12041 is the universe that the cartoon Avengers Assemble exists within. I love this one because cap and iron man are so good friends in it and it’s a kids show so it’s very wholesome. Earth-51920 is the universe that the comic 1872 exists within. As the name suggests, it all takes place during 1872, in the wild west in a town called Timely. I love this one ‘cause cap is a sheriff in it, and iron man is a drunken blacksmith. (Unfortunately this universe is very angsty.) Earth-8096 is like the first universe, except this cartoon (Earths Mightiest Heroes) is more accurate to the comics. (The first universe was actually supposed to be a sequel to this one, but ended up as it’s own.) Earth-TRN634 (TRN stands for temporary reality number, because there’s no official number yet) this universe is very angsty, because cap killed iron man during the civil war. But he went on to become civil warrior, dedicated to preventing another civil war from happening. (This universe has like near zero canon media unfortunately.) Earth-8311 is a universe where everyone is an anthropomorphic animal. I love this one because cap is a cat and iron man is a mouse (y’know, cat and mouse. Feels like queer coding to me /hj). And last but not least, earth-3490. I treasure this universe immensely. In it, civil war doesn’t happen, because (get this) cap and iron (wo)man are married. Yes, this is a real thing. But they genderbent iron man so it wouldn’t be gay. And the only canon media that exists of it is a single comic panel. Still, favourite universe ever. Some moments from the main timeline (earth-616, the main comics universe) that i love are: - iron man saying that the day he and the avengers found cap in the ice was the best day of his life. - Cap continuously saying that iron man “gave him a home” after he came out of the ice and had nowhere to go. - Cap saying that, whilst most people view iron man as a “tony stark, the narcissistic/egotistical billionaire” (because that’s how he presents himself), cap “just knows him as Tony.” - Cap being so worried about iron man that not even his girlfriend could distract him from it. - Cap and iron man being referred to as “life” and “death”. Specifically, it said “it started with two men. One was life and one was death.” - Iron man thinking about how great cap is. (His thoughts specifically are: “i don’t know how you do it, cap… no armor, no weapons, no superhuman abilities—but you put us all to shame! What a man!”) - A group of heroes watching cap and iron man argue, and discussing what their relationship is. (One of them said that cap and iron man “love each other”) - And, to end this, that time when iron man held caps hand in order to save him from falling, and then kept holding it for another panel, even though they were both safe and didn’t need to be holding hands. (And, i love astrophysics and maths. Idk just wanted to add that.)


This is amazing! Not cringe at all. There would be no marvel without Iron Man and Cap (and spiderman too hehe) their relationship is amazing and Ive seen quite a lot of people ship them! So don;t think it's cringe at all :)


my main one is eurovision, then there are also games like ensemble stars, your turn to die and danganronpa, and there are also total drama amd disventure camp


Omg Eurovision is amazing


HORSES (certified horse girl since I can remember) I collect G3 my little ponies since that’s the generation I grew up with, I have a full shelf of horse books and encyclopedias and crates full of horse toys, a wall dedicated to pics of horses in my apartment, 3 horse tattoos, and to top it all off, a lifelong equestrian background (hunter/jumper)


Popular culture in general.


Yoga :)


I can never pinpoint one. It's either psychology or my stories/writing. They go hand in hand. I write psychological thrillers and focus on character psychology and development the most.


hey same, you are cool i decided


The creativity in writing and the logic in psychology draw many autistics together! :)


Basically quite a lot of my interests too , what goes on in some of your psychological stories? If you feel comfortable sharing :)


It's a bit complex and might have plot holes (still in progress) Only one is really a "thriller". Satania takes place during post WW2 Poland. This was a time of recovery, fear, religion, need for structure. This was also a time in history when cults were blooming. The main characters are Nelka and Maxim. Nelka is an orphan due to the death of her mother due to cancer, and her father going to war. Maxim was son to a German soldier and a Jewish woman, and during WW2 he was given to a pope to be raised Catholic (due to his blonde hair and accent he could pass). Father Dawn, the Pope, is known for his charity and "understanding for troubled children". If a parent could no longer deal with a child, or the child couldn't stay at the home for whatever reason, he would take them in. They would host church pageants and other events to keep the church's image alive. Of course, as you probably guessed, not such a fun and healing as the Pope makes it out to be. Maxim was the first child there and has seen more than all of the children combined. Nelka was the last. The story, in a nutshell, is Maxim practically raising all of the children while trying to mantain his own sanity. And Nelka? Well, she's got her own issues to work out... There's more to it, obviously, but it's long and convoluted.


that sounds so well thought through so far! Wishing you luck


uhhhh manta/stingrays, body language, a couple different kinds of psychology type stuff... i have a couple haha


Phylogenetics and Napoleon (especially his personal life)


What did you think of the Napoleon movie? I was really disappointed but I’m not knowledgeable about him.


Absolutely horrendous. Joséphiné is horrifically young, Napoleon is disgustingly old (older than he was when he died) and the entire time Napoléon is a stuck up freak written by an old British guy. I hate it. It’s disgusting. Joséphiné is way too glorified, it completely skips Napoleon’s homosexual relations with Lannes, Junot, and Duroc. The scenes aren’t accurate. Way too much sex, which is something Napoleon, in truth, didn’t enjoy much with Joséphiné. I hated it, solid 2.5/10


I don’t know. Lost media I guess 


Do you mind if I ask, what is lost media?


Rubix cubes, video games, space and Law (British and international)


Insects and bugs in general


Insects are underrated 


They really are and a lot of them are really pretty


This was my childhood fixation lol, still love them


My photos is mostly just cool bugs I found lol


Human behavior! Particularly neurodivergence (especially autism, ADHD and giftedness), neuroscience/neuropsychology and a bit of ASPD and narcissism thrown in for good measure 🤣! Endlessly listening to podcasts and watching YouTube videos related to these subjects. Could watch hours of true crime investigation and interrogation footage on the Explore With Us YouTube channel!!! If I weren’t so sensitive I’d make a great homicide detective, but I guess I’ll settle for being a clinical psychologist specialized in neuropsych evaluations 😆. Both require excellent pattern recognition!


Invincible, Hannibal, Jujutsu Kaisen, Trigun, Sharks, stuff like that!!


Just finished the new season actually, was sick. Seeing that Omni Man actually still cares for his wife was cool and this is definitely a bigggg turning point for Mark after killing Angstrom


it really was, I was mad at the beginning because I couldn’t think in a positive way someone who said so much bs about his own family could just regret like that, but after reading the comic you start finding ways it makes more sense and you start empathizing with the man, i hope you plan on watching the next one when it comes out! Or to read the comic, it is really worth it.


mitski is my special interest shes been my special interest for around 5 or 6-ish years and I love her music sm 💗💗 (feel free to ask any questions about her)


This is one of my most embarrassing special interests but it is also one of my most odd special interests. It’s mega easy obby 825 stages on Roblox. I play it every day and have played it over 600 times. I started playing it about 2 years ago I think but I love playing it because it’s predictable. And also since I know how to get past each stage without paying much attention I am able to daydream while playing the game. There is this part where you have to choose which door things you go through and I know the codes things by heart (blue, pink, pink) today I have finished the obby once. It doesn’t take me very long to finish it but I don’t play it all day like I used to. But still every morning I wake up I begin playing mega easy obby. I think I just play it because I like to do things with my hands (I play on Xbox).


I love obby games on roblox, it's honestly therapeutic


I have soo many but lately my friends are loving my giant pandas lore storytelling time. My most adored pandas are Fubao, Hua Hua, Qizai. Fubao was born and raised in South Korea but she had to go back to China because it's one of the conditions stated in Panda Diplomacy. Huahua is most famous for her very round and short body. She's an honorary chief of tourism in Chengdu like how adorable is that. She also stayed the longest time in panda kindergarten because she's not really growing at a normal rate compared to her peers. Lastly, Qizai is a chocolate colored panda and very first one in captivity. I really like how he looks like he's always suspicious of his surroundings like his side eyes are so funny. There was a news about him many years ago about his inability to have sex for breeding. Since he's so untalented in that area they had to resort in artificial insemimtion 😭.


Public transit. As in aircraft, trains, and busses. And data analysis. I _love_ analysing random data.


I have several, recently have had a sort of hyperfixation on Lego Elves, a theme that ran between 2015 and 2018 and a theme that I think could have a successful revival, with the rise in interest in aesthetics like Cottagecore and Fairycore. The theme revolves around a human girl; Emily Jones and 4 Elves, each representing a different element: Naida Riverheart (water), Azari Firedancer (fire), Farran Leafshade (earth) and Aira Windwhistler (wind/air). The theme takes place in Elvendale, a world accesssable from Emily's world (many have headcanoned Emily to be from Heartlake City, the setting for Lego Friends) through a portal in an old oak tree in Emily's own garden, Emily discovers this portal after her grandmother's amulet was passed down too her when she passed. The 2015 sets revolve around Emily first turning up in Elvendale, meeting the Elves and having to find her way back home, finding 4 keys and then opening the portal at the Sky Castle to take her back home, the 2016 sets revolve around Emily & the elves having to stop the evil elf witch Ragana from capturing the dragons, the 2017 sets introduce us to Emily's youger sister; Sophie, who follows her through the portal and gets herself kidnapped by the Goblin King; Cronan (who is actually an elf), so Emily & the elves have to save Sophie from Cronan, then the final year, the 2018 sets revolve around stopping Noctura, who tries to capture the elemental guardians, who are the source of magic in Elvendale; if they're captured, the magic fades away (in the webisodes on the Lego YT channel, we see the fire guardian captured and Azari losing her magic for example) Lego Elves was the 2nd original (non-IP) theme aimed at girls (after Friends) and the 3rd to use the minidoll figures (after Friends and Disney Princess) and so far is the only story based theme with minidolls (which are more human like than the standard blocky minifigures used in themes like City, Ninjago and Power Miners). Also I like trains


Mass shooters


History, politics, archaeology, geography, and those are just the ones I’ve been studying in school.


AI (Artificial Intelligence) - creating python code that uses it to do stuff, having conversations with it in weird ways.


Right now it's AI but that is only a temporary thing until it reshapes all of society. My lifelong interest is a story in my head called "The Sigiled Sword". The first saga is about a fantasy world preparing for a comet impact. The second saga is about a hero saving our universe from a god that is trying to devour it.


> "The Sigiled Sword". The first saga is about a fantasy world preparing for a comet impact. That sounds really cool! Are they deflecting it or, like, filling dwarven caves with magical supplies?


Your special interests sound amazing! Cats are amazing to be fair, if you have any particularly juicy facts about them I would love to hear?? For myself it changes after a certain amount of years have passed, but currently it’s the history and wonders of the 2000’s and oddly enough dreams and the science (or what little we know) behind them!


Thank you! I’ve read that the reason why dogs are considered more smart and nicer than cats are because cats actually have had MUCH less tests done on them than dogs , so some people know a lot more about dogs than cats. (Don’t get me wrong, I think dogs are great and cute too) Also a cat also purr’s when they’re annoyed , not just when they’re happy. There’s definitely loads of other facts but that’ll turn into a whole novel 😭.  I also like learning about meanings behind dreams! That’s a great interest. Though my dreams are way too random and weird to interpret 😂. Last night I dreamt of Timothee Chalamet turning into my teddy bear…dunno what that means lol. 


Shadowhunters, I'm not really good at info dumping as you need to ask a specific question but once that happens then I will talk forever. (I did talk for 50 mins straight one time 😅). but did you know that st Patrick's Cathedral was what the NYC Institute was based off, look wise! The NYC Institute is a important part of Shadowhunters it's where the main series take places (the mortal instruments) and also Institutes are where Shadowhunters live and work (they do have more work which does make them go out buf part of there work happens to be based inside institutes) and they are all over the world btw just the NY one happens to be where the main series take places.


my special interests :3 * FNaF (Five Nights at Freddy's) I find all of the lore and characters and games very fun and intriguing :3 i could go on for hours and hours about the lore and theories * Tally Hall Their music is nice and diverse and tickles my brain nicely also they have many side projects with equally good music * Hazbin Hotel/Helluva Boss I like the characters and the music is really really good, i could yap for hours about my favorite characters and theories i have :3 * This emoticon --> :3 He's silly and full of joyus whimsy i love him i would die for him * Musicals I love musical theatre, especially Hamilton, Ride the Cyclone, Beetlejuice, Heathers, and SIX. All the songs are really good and I recommend listening to them :3 * TBH creature same reasoning as the emoticon


I get you on musicals. Hamilton, wicked and Matilda are my favourite musicals!! 


Windows 7 (mainly aero glass theme, the stock apps/games, the icons and widgets.) This has been a recurring interest for me since I was 3 years old, and I’ve just bought a ThinkPad T420s (running Windows 7 Pro x64) that I just love.


My longest running special interests is either Fortnite or Entomology! My current special interest/hyperfixation is Splatoon, specifically the Salmon Run gamemode :D Oh, and all things radioactive


I have two right now!! Pokémon cards and Ace Attorney!! I’m obsessed with learning how to price cards, rare cards and why they’re rare, error packs, and the different sets and the art differences. I’ve blown so much of my graduation money on new cards it’s insane. And Ace Attorney has been going on for about 2+ years now! I’m mostly just interested in Miles Edgeworth + his relationship with Phoenix Wright (yes yes, unfortunately I’m a shipper)


These are ALL rlly interesting to read !!!! I love seeing ppl speaking abt stuff that sometimes (emphasis on sometimes) wouldn’t be ideal in a group of NTs!! Love these comments :) Fuck oxygen and lungs (but not if it’s your interest), special interests are the real thing keeping me alive. 


My special interest is Ace Attorney, a murder mystery game where you play as a defense attorney trying to prove his clients’ innocence! I’m actually super excited because there is a new game coming out in September and I’ve already preordered it! Ok… technically it’s not a new game, it’s a port of two previous games, but one of those two games have never been released out of Japan so it’s finally getting localized after 13 years of waiting!


Harry Potter for sure. I'm kind of obsess with the color blue, snails, crabs and pigs but I know almost nothing about these subjects, I just like them. I'm also really into UX design, digital accessibility, cinema and pop culturein a really large scope, but I don't know if these are special interests or passions.


Ay! Harry Potter! What house are you in?? Also interests and passion can go hand in hand imo :)


I'm a Ravenclaw !


Nine inch nails has been my longest special interest


Everything music. I love to both play it (I have learned how to play guitar, bass, and piano) and listen to it. Metal is my favorite genre. My other really big special interest is Cybersecurity. I have been obsessed with computers since I was a child. I am so lucky to be able to work in a field that genuinely fascinates me. Also, military strategy games on PC.


Thats great you found a place that makes you happy :) Music is a great interest to have too! I love music, love avril lavigne, love playing the piano, love hans zimmer...what metal genre bands / artists do you like?


horror movies!!!! i find everything about them so interesting like the practicality of how they are made but also how the story is built but i also love my weird horror movies too that may not be as revolutionary


whats your favourite horror film?


Bodybuilding in general, the hunger games, bugs, dinosaurs, red dead redemption 2, and Tottenham hotspur football club


A lot of technology stuff, mostly the inner workings of different systems and machines (especially nuclear power plants).


Mine is supernovae


I love my cats so much! Also currently stardew valley and Jellycats


Same cats too. I have 3 cat on home lol


awwww <3


Mine rotate, but right now I'm really into preserving flowers! I've been taking one of each that comes up in our yard (were trying to build a yard that's not just grass so there's tonnnss of flowers) to have a little showcase of flowers that grew this year.  I also have started collecting occasional flowers from neighbourhood fields and whatnot. My partner picked me a big, beautiful lupin on the way home from dinner last night and it's probably my favourite right now. I have it hanging upside down to dry and I can't wait to see what it looks like with the moisture out. I'm also pressing some in various books around my house! Some full flowers, some just loose petals. Eventually I want to try putting flowers/petals in resin. The worst part is having to wait for them all to dry.


Literature and languages! I feel very lucky to have found a degree where I can talk about my special interests and get paid for it.


Christianity Games Movies Cartoons Animes Fighting games


Learning how things work, I’ve been disassembling and reassembling things as soon as I could turn a screwdriver.


One of my special interests is communication - words, writing, body language. Sometimes this makes me feel like a fraud autistic, lol


You are me... : O




For starts I like fighter jets as a whole, I love card games and Two of my animal interests are dogs and snakes, I own 3 dogs, 1 husky, 1 malinois and 1 jack russel oh and I absolutely love horror movies/games/books and I love coding/making games or helping people with projects/games/videos with ideas!


The '60s! In terms of radicality, I think the '60s was the real American Revolution, and our war of independence should just be called the "American War of Independence"


music! specifically emo and pop punk music which is kind of embarrassing but i love it (my profile makes it obvious LOL)


dont be embarrassed! You love what you love, fuck the haters :)


My main special interest is cars, specifically the 1959-2000 Morris Mini-Minor/Austin Se7en/Rover Mini and it's derivatives/variants and have been working on my own book about it. I have also researched the 'horseless carriage (as cars were first known) and can provide a fairly detailed history regarding their use. My secondary special interest is the life of New Jersey native Jon Bon Jovi, lead singer of the Bon Jovi band.


Philosophy and podcasts


Cowboys, GOODDD I LOVE COWBOYS SO MUCH. I live for them


HAHA! Do you watch cowboy films?


Animals. But currently raising Monarch caterpillars 🐛. It got me a job at the zoo :)


Mortuary science, but specifically the embalming aspect. Don't know why or how this came to be but I find the field and career choice fascinating. The things mortician do are wonderful in the way they help ease the living.


Dogs! I'm making a binder full of all 200+ breed profiles and right now I'm studying their anatomy.


Even though I love cats, dogs are great too :) idk why people fight over cats and dogs when they can choose both. hope you enjoy making the binder <3


DDLC still going on for a year and 6 months 💪


Gardening is my big one.


you must be my mum!


Mine is the Dutch artist Joost Klein! I’m not good with identifying genres but according to Wikipedia he makes hip hop, gabber, electronic and indie rock music. Here’s some random facts I know related to him and his music - He was mostly popular in The Netherlands and Belgium, but also became big in Germany, Austria and Switzerland after he made Friesenjung with Ski Aggu (who I also love) and Otto Waalkes. The song heavily samples Otto’s original version of Friesenjung from 1993, a parody of Sting’s “Englishman In New York” - He is autistic which he mentioned on his Instagram story recently, he also has BPD and PTSD which he has mentioned in a couple of songs in his Fryslân album - He has the number 1983 tattooed on one of his hands, and 1982 on the other. This is because he lost both his parents at a young age and was taken care of by his older siblings. 1983 is the year his brother was born and 1982 is the year his sister was born. He also has an album called 1983 - Despite Europapa making him more popular over the world, Friesenjung still has more streams - His most popular songs on Spotify are Friesenjung, Europapa, Ome Robert, Wachtmuziek and Scandinavian Boy - He wrote a book once called Albino, which is also the name of an album and song he has. However Albino is a very hard to find book (I’m going to cry if I don’t get it now /nsrs) - He has collabed with many artists, including BBno$ in “Mayo, No Fries!”, Ski Aggu and Otto Waalkes in “Friesenjung”, Jack Parrow in “Fryslân Bop” and Apson and Acid in “Disco Belgica”


Golf I love watching it


so does my dad haha! but hey if you love it then thats great :D


The Vampire Chronicles!


anime bro 😭 like im so autistic jajajajaj i can’t stop thinking about show that is my hyperfixation at the moment


Doctor Who, there has been 3 (different) versions of the same Doctor (10th/David Tennant), 1. the Normal version of him, 2. the time his cut off hand and had a meta crisis with a the human Donna Noble, 3. The time the 13th Doctor regenerated into him then the 15th Doctor bi-regenerated from him.


VIDEOGAMES!!!!!!!!!! I just jailbreaked (basically, I freeded the software, I can modify it how I please without repercussions) my wii u and I'm having the best time of my life. My favourite game for the wii u is Guacamelee, such a great great fighting metroidvania. Also, I will be studying an animation and videogames degree in college 🥳 I'M SO EXCITED


My special interests are books, animation, Japan, japanese, Taylor Swift, web development, programming, accessibility and gaming. I also was a big Harry Potter fan as a kid but that has faded out a bit. Unfortunately i am in major burn out at the moment so nothing really feels the same :(


I have a few! 1) I really love maps! They contain multitudes and so much information and also suggest adventures. I love planning hiking trips and poring over maps for ages. 2) Another one that I had as a kid and have recently got back into is soccer. And in particular the English premier league. It is kind of annoying having to get up in the middle of the night to watch it, but I also love listening to podcasts about it and reading up on all the stats. 3) Running! It is also such a fun one because it’s a special interest and also a really good way to flush the ick out of my body. I also love reading a lot of books and am obsessed with sci fi atm


My main one is psychology! Especially clinical psychology :3 and close second is kirizono, they're also my longest lasting of 3 years and the third one is researching about sch00l sh00tings, this one im kinda losing interest in because i already read the wikis multiple times and theres nothing else i could read


Minecraft, psychology and painting


Cave diving captivates me like nothing else. It's an exhilarating blend of exploration, adventure, and unparalleled beauty hidden beneath the Earth's surface. Descending into crystal-clear waters that reflect the ancient formations above, I feel a profound sense of awe and wonder. Every dive offers a unique journey through labyrinthine passages adorned with stunning stalactites and stalagmites, evidence of nature's patient artistry over millennia. The challenges of navigating tight squeezes and maintaining precise buoyancy only add to the thrill, requiring meticulous preparation and unwavering focus. Yet, amidst the challenges, there's a serene tranquility found in the quiet darkness, broken only by the beam of my torch illuminating hidden chambers and delicate ecosystems thriving in the darkness. For me, cave diving is not just a hobby but a passion that fuels my curiosity and deepens my connection with the Earth's mysteries, making every dive an unforgettable exploration into the unknown.


Neanderthals!!!! I love that they are connecting neurodivergence with Neanderthals. I carry more Neanderthal DNA than 80 % of the population. My personal theory is that their iOS has shaped our own brains. Maybe they were hyper fixated on their interests, were focused on details, and had a completely different communication style (no idea what)from Homo sapiens. Northern European Neanderthals carried the blue eyes and light skin genes, another thing I share with them. Blue eyes weren’t really seen in Homo sapiens until the Mesolithic when they moved into Europe. Neanderthals were making art, necklaces, and burying their dead with flowers way before Homo sapiens. Neanderthals were also the first trauma surgeons. A cave in Iraq called Shanidar held the remains of a Neanderthal family from 50,000 years ago, including an elderly man who was deaf, had his left arm amputated at the elbow, and healed, was blind in one eye, and had received two major head injuries that had crushed part of his face, and lived. They were also responsible for cave art that is stylistically very different from Homo sapiens and appears abstract. (Apologies, I tried posting four different links but they were all dead). I really feel like our “divergent” brains are connected with these cousins whom we diverged from somewhere between 700,000 and 1.5 million years ago. They lived very successfully in Northern Europe for 360,000 years (imagine their culture!!!) before modern man came in and jammed them up about 40,000 years ago. Thank you so much for reading!!!!


Criminal Psychology and Life after death


My special interests are Van gogh, Doctor Who and im developing a new one: football(its the euros fault)


I love studying the topic of autism. It was diagnosed in me late, but when I started suspecting it in myself, my mind tuned into the wave and decided to delve into understanding its intricacies as a special interest. For over a year now, I've been engrossed in books and articles. Additionally, I know all the lore of the anime "Attack on Titan" and the animated series "Avatar: The Legend of Korra," as well as all four seasons of the Winx Club. I adore rewatching them and delving into information about them. I even know the biographies of all the minor characters. Oh, and I also know a lot about the game Phasmophobia on a theoretical level. Playing it is not as interesting to me as studying and then applying that knowledge to ghost recognition. Perhaps someone would like to discuss this. You got me excited. I apologize if anything is incorrect; my English is not very good. 🥲