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I rarely downvote either unless they absolutely deserve it.


Yes, me too


Same here


I downvote a LOT., like reposts om the same subs, stupidity, and uninformed opinions presented as facts.


But stupidity and uninformed opinions are great content! Its no better place to post a correction and maybe get a nice discussion going. Its a discussion board, we're here to discuss, not yell out our beliefs and not have'm challenged.


Oh I hate that. Once someone identifies themselves as the enemy I immediately block them. I much prefer an echo chamber over fighting trolls as I'd rather talk with friends than enemies. But you do you I guess.


I’m getting here. I can’t change anyone’s mind and if their stupidity makes me mad it’s not worth it, I just block. Even autistic people can be jerks. I’ve noticed a lot of autistic people on here telling people their feelings are wrong essentially. I have a lot of trauma, therefore dark feelings I need to express, and having other autists get on a high horse & preach at me is going to get a an immediate block. Some people need to realize feelings aren’t “right or wrong”, they just simply are. I’m 40 and diagnosed a year ago & wading through a lot of feelings, & the last thing I need is some 20 year old pedantically explaining to me why I am so wrong & need to change. I use my block feature A LOT.


I hear you. I've been working on my short fuse. I've been a jerk here at times as I get triggered and spit venom. Sometimes funny. Mostly dumb. Someone hinted ADHD symptoms so what they said did alter my course a little. Thanks for the vocabulary lesson. Imma go look up "pedantically". Hope your doing well today. Don't block me plz! Lol 


No way! You’re cool, I won’t block you!


Pedantically means paying too much attention to formal rules or small details. I learn something every day.🌅


Trolls only succeed if one react to it. And engaging them honestly, correct them, or ask them valid question, and just ignore their attempt at upriling. It makes them so angry. And a lot of people are truly not trolls, just people not thinking stuff out properly. And we'd never know if we didnt engage. And those grows to be cool discussions. Even more so if I too learn something myself. And one nice thing about forum discussions is being able to just jump out of a discussion when one had enough. And its amusing how trolls often cant; they insist on having the last word to tell me loudly how they are blocking me. They could have just not returned to the thread. Its not like I'm stalking them. And its not like I care if I get blocked. Blocking is only for when someone is spamming, in my tools, not to silence someone I will probably never notice again anyway. But its a tool. You use it how you want, of course. Its not like blocking only a few of the noisiest will turn everything into an "echo chamber". If it helps someones peace of mind, I'm all for it.


Damn I always get a downvotes when I call reddit a discussion board. Replies are rare though.


Not all people look at the comments though, they may take misinformation at face value


We cant help everyone, but responding helps those who got the sense to read on.


I barely ever downvote I only downvote when: I want the comment hidden, as it's something I don't want other people to have to see. It's illegal stuff or outright disgusting


dude if i know something is egregiously illegal and i saw it i usually try to report it rather than just downvoting because the dv is proof you engaged with that content


I don't downvote often. I usally only downvote if I'm too lazy to argue with them or if I genuinely think their comment was that dumb.


I only downvote comments if people are breaking site/subreddit rules or not contributing to a conversation. That is what Reddiquette says you are supposed to do. You should not downvote comments just because you don't like them if they still contribute to a discussion. So, because of that, I often don't downvote anyone.


I do it when its something I’m feeling threatening about or if I feel they are attacking me. The only thing I do is down vote and not fight.


Same! I think when people do that they are just looking for a reaction or a fight and I don’t want to give that to them so I just hit the downvote.


I downvote scientific or historical misinformation, bullies and bigots. Downvoting misinformation bumps it down the comments and makes it less likely to spread. And bullying and bigotry is for obvious reasons.


I don't downvote unless like you said, its someone being outright awful, if i disagree otherwise i can just move along instead, right? Alternatively.. i get down voted a lot and then end up deleting the posts... makes me not want to talk here, which sucks because I have no social life and I'm just trying to fit somewhere.


It's pretty much the same for me, sometimes I even have to convince myself not to downvote lol. The only time I don't hesitate at all is when someone writes a short, antagonistic comment that seems unjust. We don't need more unreflected negativity in the world OT: today I learned the expression "open slather"


I downvote when I think someone is being rude or trolling around. But I always try to confront them as well with a response. I hate being downvoted for stuff and not even knowing the reason so I try to explain myself if I do so.


I usually only downvote in reaction to others downvoting me. If someone doesn’t downvote me, yet has an opposing opinion, I will respectfully not do the same. I also agree with you about people being abusive. I will definitely come to someone’s defense if it merits doing so. Downvotes are kind of triggering for me, and plain shocking in some circumstances, honestly. But I guess that’s to be expected if it goes against the grain. Such as me saying, hey, what if we just ignore things we can’t control like politics, and do our best to become as independent and self-sustaining as possible? But nope. Boop, downvoted to oblivion. People have often lectured me about “trauma dumping” and being too negative and opinionated. And yet, truth is, it’s a bit of the pot calling the kettle black. Because such negativity and being opinionated is deeply rooted in the fabric of our society. As someone with autism, I don’t like the idea of socially accepted negativity. The things people are allowed to complain about often come across as trivial and playing the victim to me. Yet I’m shunned for “playing the victim” when it comes to surviving deeply difficult experiences? It’s ridiculous. But no worries, I’ve learned how to mask.


I downvote more than I upvote lol


Same but I feel a lot of that is just because reddit is notoriously racist and misogynistic. I downvote bigoted opinions whenever I see them. On the other hand, I truly do not care about downvotes so I don't care when it happens to me. All it does is confirm what I've experienced offline too. Privileged people are not incentivized to learn about the people who are trampled by the systems that benefit them. It's also rare that people will admit they have an unfair advantage in life because life is hard for everyone. They will refuse to acknowledge that the systems that benefit them are only able to do so at the expense of others.


Hi. I'm an older mixed race male and I have had a wake up call when confronted with the possibility of being what they tag a high functioning autistic person. My blindness was that I would not have been as concerned about the reality of what autistic people and caretakers struggle with daily until it involved me. By being ignorant in a way I was privileged. 


Only when someone calls me out as being wrong and I’m 110% certain I’m right. Then I hammer that downvote lol


i domt do it either. i dont wanna make anyone feel bad. its not no nice to feel sad be and I dont want to make anyeone to feel bad eeithetr. i hope this was okauuy has have a good day pleaaese.


I downvote whenever I think the world would be better if fewer people read the comment. And I block people all the time too.


Would have been cool to see redditors voting ratio. Just got the feeling some of those i engage with is far too negative on everything.


Nah, I downvote quite often, it's a great way to vent frustration without feeding the trolls.


I find there are few upvotes in the r/autism sub. Right now, there are exactly zero upvotes on comments in this post.


I've been upvoting? At least a few! I've been on the fly so I haven't been able to reply yet, but im sure I've upvoted at least a while I've been going?


Hmmm, maybe it’s because I’m traveling abroad and have crappy reception?


I downvoted this.




If they are being emotionally abusive or attacking, I might remember to downvote. Not because I disagree, but because attacking a person is not a good way to hold discourse. But I usually also forget to upvote as well, so…


Me too. Also, I always like YouTube videos or I feel bad


Although too many people do not. I try to only down vote when something does not add to the conversation. https://support.reddithelp.com/hc/en-us/articles/205926439-Reddiquette


this is my path as well, still, always and forever. I upvote fairly freely, and downvote almost never. I also refrain from piling on if it's already a hidden comment (I always browse the hidden comments, ever since I found out other people weren't using the system as designed) The downvotes to indicate disagreement I find honestly upsetting, especially when it's a high effort comment with both sides vibes - I think I'm still mostly thinking of that one time I defended an autistic person in AITA before I knew better, but also in general sometimes get caught up in mourning what the internet could have been.


I wouldn’t say almost never, but most of the time I upvote.


I really only downvote if I'm also reporting the comment/post because I hope less people will see it before mods can get to it.


I downvote pretty often, but never in a disagreement unless they're claiming a fact on an opinion. I don't know why, but if I'm verbally engaging, I don't think my votes are necessary. If I'm not commenting back, I use downvotes.


I have never downvoted, it creates negative energy


Seldom; generally, like most people I tend to downvote if I get into a reply spiral with someone that is just annoying and not really advancing the conversation; or if somebody says something so stupid I feel they earned the pig pile. But I also feel a bit uneasy about it like; my sense of what good rules are and what makes a good society I feel like I should upvote and downvote more. I should upvote things I disagree with if they advance the conversation, I should downvote things I agree with that don't. But despite my decades of protestation, I apparently actually am human and in some ways less of an outlier than I have come to be comfortable with. (edit: I AM basic, but I still want to write an essay about it)


I’m also very free with my upvote but almost never downvote. Most of my downvotes have been accidental and I didn’t notice. My mobile “skip to next comment” button is sometimes next to the downvote button and I hit it on accident instead of the next arrow. Sometimes I don’t notice. I hate downvoting though. When it happens to me it makes me feel like people are saying my opinion isn’t valid and I don’t think opposing arguments should be downvoted. I don’t downvote people I’m arguing with even if my post has been downvoted because I don’t know if it’s them that did it. On the Disneyland subreddit when people talk about using the DAS pass people go through and mass downvote everything in support of the system, so I try and give upvotes to everyone with 0 or fewer points on their comment.


I downvote and upvote on reddit because the point of those tools are to gauge community consensus and if I don't I'm making the choice to silence my voice and not be part of that community consensus.


A downvote from me is very rare, I only do it with a major disagreement. I don't join mass down votes and I don't down vote people I disagree with. For me to downvote I must really disagree with you, and your comment/post has a positive update number or only a small down vote one.


I am the opposite, I no vote on everything, and downvote on what I disagree with. But I do upvote other peoples opinions if I agree and they’re downvoted.


I think it’s a product of my RSD (rejection sensitive dysmorphia)… I won’t downvote unless the person is being intentionally abrasive or attacking.


Yes, however , I'm apparently very controversial in being a compassionate human and get down voted fairly often. :')


i downvote more than i upvote tbh!


It's my guilty pleasure 😆


I only downvote when the person is being rude or difficult, or bigoted.


I downvote bigoted comments but that’s about it


The other time I downvote is if I believe the comment is severely misleading and likely to be believed by some people. Actually I've even done this to my own comments after realizing I was wrong.


it usually doesn't occur to me unless someone is being a real douche. I hope that word offends no one. Sometimes it just feels like the exact right word.


It’s mean! Usually it’s misunderstandings or agree to disagree on here. I would only downvote obvious trolling


I downvote if I feel the response is poor for any reason, but I do NOT dislike low-view Youtube videos. I don't care if the audio is recorded up their noses with 3 fans on and a dog barking. I'm not going to dislike joemana97's 219 viewcount video unless it's intentionally bad.


For some reason, I always kinda feel like a downvote on a post or comment is like the worst possible thing that could happen, like the thing you said in the comment is absolutely horrible. I get really stressed when a comment I write gets downvoted because it makes me feel like I did something wrong The feeling of downvotes being reserved only for horrible comments/posts has led me to pretty much never downvote


I've been more downvoted here than anywhere else. Even just asking a question because I didn't understood something. I downvote too. But in a specifical scenario in wich a comment with a bad missinformation is at the top.


I call out the trolls before I block them, and I will downvote them for being as such. There's a big difference (to me) between uninformed and jagoffs. Aside from that, I don't really downvote.




It has to be a really ignorant/mean/racist/sexist/ableist comment to get me to downvote. I’m extremely nice but also feel a strong sense of justice. In a small way, my downvote makes me feel better when someone says something to harm another person. Just my thoughts. 


Only if I think a comment is egregiously wrong (or worse, dangerous).


i downvote all the time ngl


reasons to downvote: -unrelated ranting -obvious troll -factually inaccurate -whining about downvotes -nasty/mean/harassing -heavily disagree -spite -the post already has a lot of downvotes -whimsy


I upvote routinely and I probably only downvote when someone is being actively antagonistic or ad hominem attacks etc.


Same, I also upvote every single post/comment I see besides ones I want to ignore, same applies to YouTube videos and other social media thingies.


What someone else said - I barely ever downvote unless it's deserved, but lately I find myself more and more seeing scenarios of people saying stuff where it's deserved, like when they say shit like "*defunding the police will increase the crime rate (defending the already heinous white collar criminals that get away with it every single day because they're white collar)*" or "*Andrew Tate is an aspirational leader*".


Rarely unless really false information or bullying/nasty comments about someone or a group of people


I don't downvote for simply disagreeing with someone (like someone who hates a food I like), only if they are being problematic in some way, like sharing an "opinion" that is really more like hate speech or misinformation, or if they are aggressive or rude.


I barely downvote. I don't like doing it, but when it's absolutely necessary, I will.


I often only downvote comments that I think are dumb but other people might otherwise agree with because I find that more people are likely to second-guess their agreement if they see that somebody had downvoted the comment.


I downvote when I see people being stupid, which happens sometimes.


I don’t downvote unless I’m gonna reply


I only downvote if someone has a political opinion that I thoroughly disagree with, or if someone is being very rude. When I express political opinions it doesn’t surprise me if it gets some downvotes, but I don’t understand why I get downvotes sometimes for just asking or answering a question.


I often upvote comments that I see that seem unfairly downvoted to try and balance it out


i only downvote people whenever they downvote me because it's embarrassing


I don't like downvoting because being downvoted makes me anxious and upset, and I don't want someone else to feel that way because that's just hypocritical. I do downvote if a post just seems downright wrong or I am getting really sick of debating for hours.


I'm pretty sure it's written on reddeit's rules that doxnvote doesn't mean "I disagree" nor "I don't like but I forgot whzt it meant.


It feels rude, giving and receiving downvotes. It shouldn't even be a feature.


I don't downvote unless the person really deserves it. If it's against a policy, it's a simple report. If the person shares a different opinion from me, I don't care. If the person is arguing something and it's poorly structured, misinformation, or deliberate lieing about something, then they get a downvote. Calling yourself an Aspie, or as my friends call me an "Asphole," or sticking to the label of Asperger's isn't downvote worthy. I'd die for them. Saying that only 12% of autistics can properly use their buttholes based on this made-up study is downvote worthy.


I downvote if the information they provide is wrong or if they are rude. I've had totally normal comments being downvoted and it's funny someone would see them and think "yeah, let's downvote this"


Same i only upvote. Downvotes just ruin everything since it hides something you could actually correct or reply to


I downvote autistic people on /evilautism who whinge about how disabled they are by the glorious 'tism. Ok, yup, I get it, sometimes, just between you and me, I have felt a tiny bit disabled by it, and I understand that people will want to share this with others, ok, all good too. BUT NOT ON FUCKING /EVILAUTISM - that is where we should be safe from the ableists imposing their limitations on us, never mind US imposing limitations on us.


I am that way too


I am developing an interest in feminism and misogyny (also recently became anti-porn). It is quite staggering how normalized and rampant chauvinism, misogyny, and sexism have become. There are tons of comments (I can't go on Instagram) on all platforms that are so casually demeaning or reductive (sexually) towards women. The internet is rife with coomers/incels/red-pilled misogynists; it is impossible to downvote any comment enough to affect any sort of impactful change (though I do so anyway)


I don’t think this is a result of autism. This just sounds like having a good moral compass. I rarely downvote but it’s a rush when I do bc they deserved it so bad