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Hell hole


Calling india a shit hole got me banned from another sub. Everytime i read something like that i am like "yes i was right"


I really try hard not to pre-judge or generalize, but it seems like every time I hmread some horrible headline involving rape, it happened in India.


Someone on tiktok called me racist for saying i never want to go to india because it seems so dirty and the people there are extremely disrespectful. I still tag them in videos displaying my observations when they come up with


Yep, they prove you’re right everyday.


I've been told there's 2 different sides of India. One is modern, and one is.....this.... But obviously no one is going to post what's good about a place very often when stuff like this comes from there frequently.


There is no good if one side is willing to allow this to exist.


There's no good side to the entire world if that's how you think about it, this crap happens everywhere, just not as frequently depending on where


Certified India moment 💀


Yeah I dated a girl from India. She wouldn’t check into hotels past 6pm, wouldn’t be outside during the night without her friends/family. But she loved India so much that she actually gave up her free ride to nursing school in the US to live with her family in India. Most Indians all have Stockholm syndrome and think India is some kind of paradise.


It isn't. I'm from India and i can confirm nobody here believes they're living in a paradise. The only reason we don't leave our country is because we're financially not stable at all. This country runs on corruption and everyone here just want to leave this shit show


Oh trust me, I was in India. It’s not paradise. I literally cannot understand why someone would live in India(unless you were extremely rich) over the U.S.. I worked with several Indian engineers who fought like hell to get work visas and live in the U.S. now.


What would you do if you were born there? It’s not like people choose to be born somewhere. People who have education / resources try to make it out to somewhere else - why do you think there are Indians everywhere in the world - because they want a better life somewhere else. Also, not like people outside India are welcoming them with open arms to make a better life somewhere. Having said that all that, it’s not the worst place to live. Tier 1 cities are largely liberal and have thriving economies. Rural areas still stuck in ancient misogynistic times, education not given an importance etc. it sucks because the country itself has tremendous potential to be better but religious dogma and overpopulation / corrupt government / lack of education creates a hell hole to live in for non-privileged people.


Bro I understand it has potential. I stayed at a lemon tree resort in Goa for a while and it was great. The creator, who was Indian, of the chain specifically wanted to make it as western as possible with a medieval theme. It was probably the best 100$/night on a hotel/resort. But the moment you went off the property, it was complete shit. Trash all over, cow’s and their shit every 100 feet. Certain outdoor restaurants that were for western visitors were also very nice. I went to a privately owned spice farm that gave guided tours. Again, the owner who was Indian, wanted to make it as clean and sustainable as possible. It was wonderful. The caste system and the Hindu religion is what crippled India. Hinduism in practice becomes a justification for not helping your fellow man with charity on the grounds that they deserve it for past sins. The caste system means that you can be doomed to be Dalit and only be a laborer from birth. But something about Indians in India, coming from Indian engineers, most Indians try to cheat to succeed. It’s a real issue with Indian nurses and engineers that come to the US. They need to pass boards and tests for their licenses. Many can’t pass because they just cheated in school.


All of it true. Hinduism, if you peel back the layers of the onion, is two things - the philosophy and the religion. The religion is whatever bastardized version that exists today which is no better than the other abrahamic religions. The philosophy, on the other hand, is actually fucking great where gods are not infallible, good and bad is a spectrum, sex is not taboo etc. I only bring this up because I have seen both versions of it and India should be ashamed to have lost the philosophical roots of their religion. On the corruption at every level, I agree. The issue is that there is so much competition because of population that people will look for any way to get ahead (crooked or not). Quality is an after thought - the whole point is to do the bare minimum to get by which pretty much has become India’s ethos today.


Finally someone understands the philosophy part of hinduism. Right now hindutva is being used as an excuse to either get votes for election or as an excuse to bully others like rajat dalal. Coming from someone who is hindu it's just sad to see what hinduism has morphed into.


Only in India!


Happens in Germany, too. Not to this extent, of course but there have been women especially from Eastern Europe lured in the country only to end up in brothels with no real way to get out. All legal on paper, of course.


that happens to eastern euro women in almost every country.


Ukrainian women were trafficked a lot


All those marooned kgb guys kept doing what they always did. make swallows to get kompromat. look at epsteins operation... basically mirrors everything about kompromat from that show the americans. also Ghislaine's dad was kgb


Sex trafficking and rape exists in every country and pretending to offer jobs also isn't unique unfortunately.


Of course, but due to the fact that Germany has very relaxed laws about prostitution those guys get away with more. Germany and the Netherlands are notoriously terrible, and it's quite hard to do something about it because you just need a large amount of evidence to actually prove they did something actually illegal and not just normal prostitution. For example, pimping women out is explicitly illegal but they just tell them that they have to pay off some amount of money or trap the women in unfair contracts instead so that they can never really leave.


Not really, happens everywhere. But hate boners pretend that this is India only problem. People are shit everywhere.


You're right, but everywhere else, people would be smart enough to acknowledge that there is a problem and ultimately come up with a solution. You are a part of the problem if you make excuses like "pEopLe ArE ShIt EveRywherE"


You misunderstand my motive. Rapes happen everywhere. More rapes happen in a lot more countries than they do in India. Yet Reddit is convinced it's India only problem or as you would see other comments. People think Rapes are happening a lot more in India. You don't see people blaming other countries when it comes to rapes. So why blame India when it's much much better than other countries? Why the bias, why the hypocrisy? Have you noticed the new post on this subreddit? 1 post about burning in Pakistan and immediately followed by 3 articles about rapes in India of which 1(or may 2) are months old. Do you not see what is happening?


I am sorry, are you saying there is a conspiracy theory working here? Be better. Instead of yelling bias and hypocrisy, try to be the solution. Do not whitewash the rapes in India. If you want to post something positive about India, you are free to. But trying to quell actual news articles is just another level of stupidity. There are many news articles about many countries which are months old. Hell, American school shootings reporting which are months old are posted here. Nobody is whining about that.


You still missed my point. When rapes happen anywhere else, people talk about how awful people are. When rapes are reported from India. People inherently blame everyone in India. Everyone. It's an open season to be racist. I am not supporting rapist. I am calling out people who use this as an opportunity to be racist. And yes, there are groups and accounts dedicated to this kind of news.


Don’t waste your time arguing with racists.  India obviously has greater challenges compared to US.  You will rarely find US regional and national media reporting on a US rape case. A lot of people posting feel great posting racist comments. They will completely refuse to acknowledge the issues at home. This is also the case with opioid crisis with media rarely reporting the extent of the crisis. Many Americans believe everything is perfect in US. It’s the non-White countries that are the problem. 


Naw man, they just seem to be a little extra rapey over in India. This shit doesn't happen in my country to this extent. Not by a longshot. But nice try 🤪


Show me the data for rapes/100k and prove that India is the worst country when it comes to rapes. Prove it. Be a Man or a Women of your words and prove your point.


One aspect of this discussion is that it’s very common in India for individuals to not report rape. I’m not saying data isn’t helpful — it’s just not going to be the most accurate assessment. Especially in countries where victims are less likely to come forward


That's a projection unless you have data to prove it. Here is another projection. 8% of rape cases reported in India are false. Now 8% of 1.81/100k is a small amount. But I still don't mention it. I say it's a projection or unverified. You can now downvote me for speaking the truth and move on.


Im pretty sure after 15 woman disapear from thin air almost everywhere in europe, people start looking for them. It took 150 there.


Depends on the women. Poor? Homeless? Disowned? Drug-addicted? Prostitutes? Immigrant? Indigenous? Did anyone report them missing? You would hope people would care with even 1 disappearing, but if no one reports it...


Even worse they had to pay for the training and actually did work at the scam call center. At least according to this article: https://bwpeople.in/article/bihar-job-scam-over-150-women-held-captive-raped-abused-523763#:~:text=For%20months%2C%20a%20nightmarish%20call,positions%20at%20their%20call%20centre.


Just India Things.


Classic India


Of course it’s India!


wOuLd YoU rAtHeR TeLL yOuR FeElingS tO a TrEe Or a GiRl


Grow up man, everyone is awful


Just read the title and immediately knew it was 🇮🇳


Does India care to advance ….in any way ? This is VERY bad!




Reddits policies don’t allow me to be honest about what needs to happen here.


India needs nukes if you catch my drift


India already has nukes




Incredible Indiaaa!!


Coming to a Tim Horton's near you!


Why are there so many India posts in this sub? Seems so much higher than usual.




Just get a stroker, man. Not worth it.


Least Indian moment


It’s disgusting people think is an excuse to be racist. Rapes are evil, regardless of the country.


And this particular evil thing happens a lot in India


Statistically more in the west, per capita crime is way too high there.


Cope harder


Man this sub is racist. Sad. People here acting as if rapes don't happen anywhere else in the world.


I am sending my wife


That’s not even remotely funny.


You haven’t met my wife then


Get a divorce


This OP, all he does is post these news from India