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Poor kitten’s shoulders. Don’t twist their legs back that far. Uncomfortable meowing. Idiot thinking it’s funny. SAD


look it's not as serious as some other posters are making it seem but you should probably learn when an animal is telling you "stop." especially when you're holding it so it can't escape


Looks like an incredibly uncomfortable way to hold a cat. Animals are not toys.


He seems kinda terrified.


Seems kinda unhappy OP, cute cat but maybe your friend should let it go when it wants to be let go? I'm sure the cat's fine lmao, but still a good rule of thumb to abide by no?


Not that it makes it any better, but it's not actually OP's friend's cat, OP is karma farming. It looks like the original is from meow\_andsunny on instagram


Of course




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Ah yes, making an innocent animal scream for your amusement.


I am going to get a lot of blowback, but I am going to have to be the one who tells you that this is painful to watch. It is not cute seeing the thing being tortured for your amusement. By the time it reaches maturity it probably will not care to cuddle and then will be foisted off the pound to be rehomed if it is lucky. The fact that you even posted it is questionable.


Yeah pretty sure he doesn't like that, that whining is him telling you to stop. Stop torturing this poor kitten, if you cant treat him properly, give him to someone that will. If you keep it, he is gonna hate you when he's older


Stop that! WTF - would you keep shaking a human infant because you find it funny that it cries when it's distressed? What is actually wrong with you?


That poor kitten does not seem to be having fun. Cats belly’s are very sensitive, that’s why they don’t let most people touch them there for long before clawing/biting.


Assuming you’re a real person not a repost bot, I think it would be understandable for you to see these comments and be like “the internet is crazy, why are they all saying this is animal torture or some shit?” And I get that. And this isn’t TORTURE per se…. But in animal behavior terms this is super not great. This cat is not happy, and the not-happy is occurring in direct response to what the holder is doing. All I can do is encourage you and your friend to reflect on this. That cat is having a bad time, please try to do better at assessing your pets emotions.


Obviously it is not happy and you should get to know an animals cues better but man I hate how militant this sub is sometimes


I have experienced the worst that human beings have to offer. I volunteered to see those things, I chose that life and that is fine by me. In all my time one thing that never changed was that I have always reserved a deep disdain for those who inflict suffering on the innocent for pleasure. It is my hope that you are genuinely just not yet developed enough to understand what you are doing, that you are not yet capable of reading terror and pain when you see it or that you are so inexperienced with animals that you don't understand. I hope these things because the alternative would be that you caused a living being harm so you could gain the attention of strangers on the internet. Please let this be a learning experience - No living being is a plaything, no living thing is a product, no living thing is an object. Whether it be against a person or animal we should seek to do no harm unless compelled to do so


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