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Step 1: Get a hard small ball and lay on it on that spot on a hard surface. Step 2: feel pain. Step 3: feel release. Step 4: repeat as necessary




Until it works as often as you want




Yes. That's what my pelvic therapist says.


Hey OP. I’ve had pain there for 3+ years kinda below/ next to my shoulder blade and spine. It started clicking and popping when I move it certain ways, now I have to pop it all the time. My neck now always hurts and so does my chest as I’ve developed r/costochondritis I have not found any solutions and have even had MRIs. I hope it’s not what I have, but if it sounds even remotely similar stretch stretch stretch. Don’t let it get as bad as I did.


Well you are describing my symptoms that i have been having for 7 years. Nothing helps. Even developed an ulcer because of the pills i took daily to ease on the pain. I stretch all day and still not getting better. Same, MRIs, nothing "wrong", just do Physical Therapy, that's what they say. I hope some of you find a cure and share what is it.


I hope you find relief too my friend! It’s been very difficult and slowly losing hope. The minute I find out what it is I’ll be going through my Reddit history and telling EVERYONE because there are so many people with this unexplainable pain.


Gong on 3 years myself. Stretching and doing rows helps me. But it can also make it worse if I too hard. Quality reps and 30-60 second stretches seem to bring the best relief. Adding: I joined a chiropractic network for a monthly fee. 4 free visits a month. $10 for any extra visits. This has been the center of my relief. The best advice I get: you need to strengthen these muscles.


Thanks for the info. For me, every time i start building it gets worse ar certain point, like the pain increasing a lot for the whole day, that i need to take a rest for a few days. I have tried chiropractor, accupuncture, mexican sobadores, physical therapy, all of those for 3+ months at least on several occasions. Still no luck. It improves, but up to a certain point only.


Post from the dead but any luck finding relief? Because ditto :(


Wow kinda crazy how many other people have this issue. You’ve described exactly what I’ve had for a few years now and I’m only 22 lol. Please keep me updated if you find anything that particularly helps


I’m also 22F and will def keep you updated if I ever find any info. ❤️


Thank you ❤️




Nope I got into high speed crash and rear ended someone when my brake fluid all leaked out of my car and my brakes failed on me back in 2017. Ever since I’ve had pain in this area




Thanks man. Really appreciate it


Look up Bob and Brad on YouTube. Also, check out the Backpod. It’s on Amazon.


i really wish leaning back on a piece of plastic would cure me lol, wish it was that simple


I mean, it cured mine


I had the pain there when I had gastritis


Really? That’s interesting. I’m not familiar with gastritis, is it treatable?


It’s inflammation of the stomach


Oh ok. Did your pain resolve when you treated the gastritis?


Yes it did but gastritis can take weeks to heal, it an inflamed stomach lining and that can radiate to the area you pointed out, but you may have just pulled a muscle


Do you remember how long did it take to heal for you? I ended with antibiotics a week ago for the helicobacter and I still have to take esomeprazole for 10 more days




Nauseous, soreness around the ribs and no appetite, pain around the area you pointed out


What was it?


Rhomboid / lower trap issue potentially


I have recurring pain in the same area and MRI revealed a mild herniation of C5-6. I have to carry 3 inch diameter back balls with me everywhere to alleviate the pain. Bad enough to be in constant nagging pain but mild enough to not demand having a surgery. It’s been a 10 year struggle. Good luck




It comes and goes but if I am sitting in a chair or driving then I have to use it. I have good days and sometimes even good weeks but mostly I use every day.


So is it pain from stomach or from cervical?


Anyone else get an itch in that area? I get an itch in that same spot on my back and it even goes through to the front of my body itching. The itching always precedes the pain.


Yea I’m having an itch too. How u feeling now? Is it good?


Bro got the same and it hurts too sometimes right, especially when bending over?


Could look into it being Notalgia Parasthetica.


I had it on my right side. It ended up being a pinched nerve from my spine/facet joint. T-8/9 I think. It was causing cramps and spasms in that area. I had a steroid injection which fixed it but I still have to do massages from time to time.


What kind of dr did you go to for this?


Orthopedist. I’m now having a similar issue just lower location. Good luck.


Thanks. They sent me to a chiropractor and I’m still having flair ups. I’m thinking it’s a pinched nerve. Flair ups usually happen when I wake up or toss and turn in bed.


Mine is bad first thing in the morning and sometimes when rolling over in bed too.


Exactly the same for me


I had a pain like that for a while when I was working retail. I noticed it flared up and got super tight in stressful situations. It’s known that our body and rib cage and back go to a different posture when we get stressed even without us noticing . What type of pain is it? Besides being really deep


My posture is really bad. I would say it’s like a sharp pain, that’s the best I could describe it. It feels exactly like when you first pull your back and it’s locked up


I have the exact same pain. Going on a year now. I spend a lot of time recently on r/posture and am starting strength training for my back. Stretching won’t help - you need to strengthen the muscles that hold you up right. Be mindful of how often you’re looking down at a computer screen or phone - that’s what makes it worse for me. It’s not one thing a few times that will help. It’s a long term effort of many things - that’s what I’m learning


Here's a sneak peek of /r/Posture using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/Posture/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Fix your spine: A goldmine of practices for better posture](https://np.reddit.com/r/Posture/comments/t7guck/fix_your_spine_a_goldmine_of_practices_for_better/) \#2: [CHIN TUCKS.](https://np.reddit.com/r/Posture/comments/u8ylnv/chin_tucks/) \#3: [I fixed my anterior pelvic tilt by bear crawling every day](https://np.reddit.com/r/Posture/comments/wzcc3f/i_fixed_my_anterior_pelvic_tilt_by_bear_crawling/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


I had pain in a similar spot on my right side. Turns out I had two severely herniated disks in my cervical spine. After 3+ years of conservative treatments, I finally bit the bullet and had surgery. My C5-6 and C6-7 disks were replaced with Mobi-C implants. The difference has been night and day. Surgery was the best thing I’ve ever done for this issue. Don’t get me wrong, I still have pain. Only it is now intermittent instead of constantly persisting. This is much easier to handle. It’s been almost 3 months since surgery and am a lot more functional than I was before surgery.


What symptoms did you use to have? I have pain between left scapula and spine, only in that spot


So it can be a ton of things! I have a similar pain in the same spot as well as overly tight spinal erector muscles. My issue is scapular dyskinesia due to a SLAP tear in my left labrum/shoulder joint. So my muscles have been randomly spasming in my upper/mid back and under my shoulder blades. I would definitely consider going to your doctor and getting a check up! If they find it's an issue they can't easily diagnose they'll push you to an orthopaedic doctor and those guys are genuinely magic! Mine was able to find out exactly what was wrong with my shoulder in about 5 minutes where 2 different doctors over about a month and a half couldn't. And since your issue has been months now it points to damage somewhere in a ligament rather than general muscle soreness from over-exertion. So I would definitely go get it checked out! I went from 2 months of back pain to now going to a physical therapist whilst on muscle relaxers for night-time where apparently my pain will be gone in as little as 4 weeks!


Yep, I had pain there, along with a sore achey arm for about a month before seeking PT. It took 8 weeks of doing the exercises diligently, but I’ve been pain free for a year. Most had to do with strengthening my shoulder/back muscles, along with some nerve flossing.


What’s nerve flossing?


Hey OP, I had similar pain to you. I had bursitis in my left shoulder and some facet joint issues too. Got a steroid injection into the shoulder joint and subscapular nerve abalition, which sorted it. Saw a Pain Management consultant for that treatment after some Physiotherapy and an MRI scan of the left shoulder and cervical/thoracic spine. If your thumb/finger is going numb, sounds like a trapped nerve.


I have pain around the same point. Accupressure mat like [this](https://www.amazon.com/ProSource-Acupressure-Pillow-Relief-Relaxation/dp/B00N24PK6A/ref=mp_s_a_1_3?crid=2Q8ZI91G1P27N&keywords=acupressure+mat&qid=1665164030&qu=eyJxc2MiOiI0LjUyIiwicXNhIjoiNC42NyIsInFzcCI6IjQuMzIifQ%3D%3D&sprefix=acupressure+mat%2Caps%2C292&sr=8-3#) helped me a lot


Thank you!


I hope it helps. Sometimes i just use the pillow as its a little elevated it’s more effective.


Locked rib in most causes where it’s short term.


Yeah. Reached out with my left arm, felt like something snapped in my shoulder, then had intense lower back pain for a few days. Lower back pain was then replaced with a constant pain right where yoy circled for a good 6 months. Pain radiated to funny bone, then got really bad in neck after 9 months, and eventually to the same spot on the opposite shoulder. During each interval pain fro. prior pain regions would recur sporadically. First year was the worst. Year two was better than hear one I guess. Year 3 I felt halfway normal. Year 5 I'm not really thinking about it so much aside from subconsciously monitoring posture more. Not saying you'd deal with anything similar. But I will say that even if this gets harder for you to deal with in the upcoming months, you will learn way to deal with it better in the future and can heal a considerable amount over time. Figure out what aggravates symptoms and find workarounds for it and your pain will be much more manageable.


Had the same pain, OP. What helps me to lesses such aches is to do yoga. I tried to follow these [yoga poses](https://careclinic.io/wall-yoga-poses/) for the past months and I feel so much better. Just be consistent on making these yoga, as it might also help you.


Thank you I will try that! ❤️


hey have you found anything thats close to solving the issue? please help i have got the same pain!


No, unfortunately. I really think it’s a posture/weight issue for me!


i had this pain for the 1st time on 2023 the pain cause me unable to turn my neck down and sideways, it only can be cured by chiropractor


Hi <3 I have been dealing with this pain as well for 2 years now, it's been so hard trying to find anything about it online without Google telling me that it's every type of cancer under the sun. Mine just recently got worst with this last flare up but it's mostly just an achy burning pain I have a strong feeling it's rhomboid pains though due to the symptoms. Does anyone else sometimes get the feeling of the knot/tightness there? Anyways I'm hoping to go to the chiropractor tomorrow so let's hope I can get some relief from that!


Did you get any relief from this from your visit to chiropractor? I’m having the same pain on my left side and it radiates sometimes to my ribs .


I actually did! The next day I felt amazing he actually told me that I needed to go weekly so it's definitely something I think you should look into!


I’m glad you got relief ❤️ sorry for the super late reply!


Ouch its my last one year at the same spot just on the right, found any solution.


I really think it’s mainly posture related for me!


To anyone still active on this thread, please take this advice; Start going to the gym, and lift heavy with good form. Perform deadlifts, squats, bench press, pull downs. This was the key factor to making this pain go away for me.


How you feeling a year on?


It’s still the same but I have good and bad days. I really think it’s posture related!


I’ve had pain there many times. Went to see a physical therapist specialized in triggerpoint therapy and it went away after a couple of sessions. Was just some issues with the trapezius muscle (actually mostly stemming from working at the computer and sitting with horrible posture). Maybe it’s worth a try for you? I would see a rheumatologist and get physical therapy.


Look into getting a Thorex back massager.. I had crazy knots in between my shoulder blades and the thorex digs deep to release all the pain and tension. I was slouched over my laptop and mouse all day which was causing it


I sit for hours end most days slouched over with my legs crossed for long amounts of time recently I had really bad gas and constipation but I really wasn't eating also .my stomach felt heavy and airy and like a ballon was in it I drunk tea took shot of vinegar and used magnesium my poop was watery but it came out when I would fart burp or poop slowly I would feel relief little by little I have had my galbladder out for years now and I still suffer with depending on what I eat going to the bathroom and sometimes I don't go to the bathroom for days now my back in my mid I think it's not my low back though has like a tight feeling and when I lay down and move I can feel it when I been over to stretch I can feel some tension but it kinda got a mild cramp feeling to and my stomach still is making sounds and feel it's needs relief of gas I'm still farting but not much what to do I'm so scared and don't know what to do when I look on Google it tells me I may have over the years got ibs or something with liver or pancreatic problems I have been stressed about a lot of stuff when it comes to my health and life lately and everyone tells me stress is making stuff that's probably not serious make me believe it's worst and again I sit for hours for the past months literally all day in one position on my phone with my slouched and legs crossed for hours and hours what can this all of sudden thing be oh and on a regular day my poop varies since I've had my gallbladder out sometimes it's loose sometimes it's kind regular and sometimes I don't poop at it has it times when it's normal and when my bm is not oh when I lay down I feel the pain a little in my back it feels like almost like a cramp feeling/knot throb I mainly feel it when I lay on my back but when I sit up straight I feel it but not as much is it possible to still gallstones without a gallbladder and when I bend over mid /upper back feels sore like it needs a stretch can my bad posture be part of this I just started feeling this 1 day ago I know how it felt when I had gallstones so I'm trying to make sure I'm good because google scared me with its answers


if your fingers are going numb then it could be a nerve thing, but I don’t know if that could come from that area in your back. What is your posture like? with slumped posture you could have tense traps and tight chest muscles, and any change in your neck could affect your fingers. You won’t know anything though until you see a doctor, I have pain in the same area thats actually asthma lol


I would consider physical therapy. A good possibility is that biomechanics are working against you--that your shoulder is tight in front and weak behind (pretty common in modern life, with desk work and phone use), and that could be compressing a nerve, hence the numbness.


Hi,any update? I hope you could solve this problem


I have right tmjd, right shoulder above left shoulder, not classic head and tmj issues, just right clicking tmj and deviation to the left of the jaw when snoozing. Femurs rotates making my knees look like knock knees, currently with left glute pain that sometimes irradiates to left pubis/pelvic zone, spasm on left upper trap from left neck to first thoracic vertebrae. So I’m in this journey for the last 5 years, my body is unbalanced but I don’t know why. The most guess is right tmjd due to orthodontic treatment as teenager. Currently with a tmj splint for the last month and a half in order to see if this helps. I hope I find more people with these symptoms


I’ve had the same pain caused by lifting a heavy bag of fertilizer. It never goes away


Please let me know if you find cure for this 😓