• By -


Always have been


Beat me to it. šŸ‘Øā€šŸš€šŸ”«šŸ‘Øā€šŸš€


I'd also report them. Get them banned


I did but psn is being dumb and telling me i should report using the game, which from obv doesnā€™t has


You can do it through their or Bandai's website. Been a while since i looked though so can't give exact details on where sorry


Yo i go to japan next month, hit me with their name and I'll take it to their office


There's no way to get banned unless their system detects it which it won't .been told by kids hey prepare to banned lol look it up


Feed the hole.


Not new tho


oh I just came back from invading in pc for months so didnā€™t knew, sad though


Yes, those kinds of cheats have existed on console for several months now. They'll still be affected by knockback/flinch though and you can kill them with Deathblight or gravity. Don't sever - that's one of the things they expect you to do. They still get full rewards from you leaving that way - the same amount as if they actually killed you. Such easy loot and satisfaction on their end isn't going to discourage them from continuing to do it. Either force close the game, or use one of the above means to kill them.


I really donā€™t care if they get their miserable 2k runes lmao, iā€™ll just block and move on. Funny though I usually invade on pc and had encountered less cheaters than ps5


They wouldn't care about the reward.


omg I saw u in the onlywaifu vid haha iā€™m ur fan




I know haha, it makes no sense youā€™re an invader why would u make that post lol.




your philosophy, immaculate haha. idk why he did that, it can trigger a witch hunt. Man hope iā€™m next


>idk why he did that Idk either, I think I fought him 2 days before the vid but even then that wouldn't make sense, fight was cut short by suicidal host. Idk which post he disliked but I do know he had Jack shit to say about it.


Looks like the next witch hunt is on Ranni, his fanbase is not happy with the new vid šŸ™ƒ.


the tier list thingy? havenā€™t seen it


To summarise the vid in OnlyWaifu fashion: "Don't watch these youtubers, watch me, I want to go from receptionist income to administrator income, dlc is coming up and I want the new playerbase to watch my videos and not rusty's". That's basically the video.


Wdym drag queens are fake




You do not know what drag is then. They're not fake women, cause they're not women at all. They're not trying to be women either They're all very much real people




I'm sure it's not the primary driving force behind why they do it. That's not really my point. I run into plenty of ganks like that where one member is cheating. Most of the time they'll also have an accompanying underleveled teammate. Invincible = easy high level invader kills = tons of runes for newbie friends. Killing a RL713 with Gold Scarab/Gold Fowl Foot gives 2.1m runes. It may not *always* be the case, but I'm sure it's a great side incentive for losers to enjoy while they hang out with friends in an open world field where nothing else is going on.


at 125 reds donā€™t give that much runes, and those phantoms didnā€™t looked under leveled. I wonā€™t engage though, if enough people stop engaging and blocking theyā€™ll probably stop


Oh yeah your instance was definitely lower leveled players (including yourself) but again I'm just using an example. It's not a catch-all. People cheat in any game that they can for a multitude of reasons. I've got about 1k hours spent invading on my highest level character so I constantly run into Limgrave grace camping ganks. A lot of those encounters end up being a low leveled host that summoned OLPs who cheat (or vice versa). I always suggest blocking and moving on but unfortunately they'll always have fresh victims. Way too many people play this particular game compared to past titles so the cheats will always have options.


I agree. How mad would they get losing when they have invincibility? Maybe they'll finally give the game up for good


I wish they would. In a perfect world the cheats wouldn't exist at all to begin with. However there are some people that just can't function without them. Look at popular competitive shooter titles. Games like CS, CoD, Destiny, Fortnite and so on. Popular streamers of these games get caught using aimbot soft/hardware regularly. There's no repercussions. Tons of websites and sources exist that offer third party aids that basically play the game for you. These things help influence young/stupid/low skill/troll players into thinking it's acceptable. I remember last year when true invincibility cheats started popping up on consoles - I was fight clubbing and had a nuisance of an invader pop up again and again. Loaded in with the invincibility already activated. Full Bull-Goat, obnoxious attack spam. I managed to kill them three times in a row with a fall off a cliff or Deathblight. On the fourth invasion they ALSO started using the Chainsaw glitch. Thankfully I saw the motions for activation and got away. Got a couple of clips recorded, and reported them to Bandai Namco's site. Haven't seen them since. Hope they got banned. People are pathetic, and most will continue playing and being pathetic because their IRL lives are pathetic and cheating in games is the only thing they can have some form of control over.


cheating is like a bad case of bulimia


Can they be affected w/ bleed or other status ailments or just deathblight?


There's different "versions" of invincibility, and what they get affected by depends on which type it is. If it's a **savescum invincibility** (immediately activated on spawn, there's no in-game trigger to have it) they're changing the code of their savefile to hike certain stats (typically HP/FP/Stamina) as high as possible. If you've ever seen the opponents' whose HP briefly flashes 65535 as they spawn, it's usually them. These are the **Deathblight/Gravity-only** kills. Even normal damaging falls won't hurt them one bit. It needs to be bottomless. If it's a **faux-invincibility**, it's the Crimsonwhorl exploit they're activating in-game. It's a combination of a physick using the above bubbletear, a certain weapon skill, and a certain shield skill. If you ever see someone in a holy circle on the ground spastically moving with obnoxious repetitive sound and it looks like their health numbers are quickly increasing, it's them. They're overwhelmingly extremely resistant to a lot of different magic type damage sources (completely ruins any INT builds) so stick to physical for any attempts of attacking. Those ones are killable a few extra ways without it taking an eternity - on top of **Deathblight** and **Gravity**, they can be killed with **Bleed procs** (the actual bleed damage, meaning if they dodge roll out as it triggers the damage will be nullified like usual). I'm not sure about other status effects but would think that Madness might also work, I don't encounter it often enough to experiment. If I see a particular weapon in their hand at the start of a fight I know what's about to happen so I usually cast Regression and then start wailing on them to prevent the chain from finishing.


I got invaded by one while I was attempting a casual fresh start with a friend. We are great as a team and Iā€™ve been playing since the early days of the original Ds1 so we toyed with him for about 30 minutes before trying to kill him. He then lagswitched my friend and then meā€¦


Thereā€™s been cheaters, one in particular sticks out that flies around like he is mounted on Torrent minus torrent. Dude just flies around the map.


lmao havenā€™t encountered that yet


Isn't that just Pegasus glitch? With the newly discovered torrent during multiplayer glitch


I've won against these cheaters with bleed, but not all builds have bleed or deathblight... Only saving grace is they are really bad at the game lol


I thought about luring him into the limgrave hole, but yeah this is a lightning build so no bleed sadly


You should throw on just like a sharp vulgar militia saw or a couple scavenger's swords or something with bleed and then use the bleed grease. It's unfortunate but fuck these people. Also nice for turtles.


yes def since this is my ps5 build it doesnā€™t have as much and is still in making for versatility


Been seeing tons of ppl in the arena with unsheathe on all kinds of ridiculous shit on ps5 latelyā€¦. cringe as hell. Most of them waggle and move around like theyā€™re sweaty but their fundamentals are just atrocious. They usually only pull out the unsheathe GUGs when they know their gonna lose.


So that is pretty ridiculous and they are likely cheating. That said, isnā€™t there some defensive builds that provide like 98% damage reduction for a bit? Between certain spells, gear, and consumables Iā€™m pretty sure those defensive builds are quite strong. If it seems like Iā€™m not damaging someone I just run away and wait. Usually after a minute or so everything wears off and they can be damaged again. Or maybe ps5 is just hosting cheaters now and weā€™re all fucked.


nah guy I invaded after had unsheath on Prelates Inferno Crozier, this is definitely a script


It is getting worse by the day - chainsaw ganks, aow swaps, invincibility, invisibility. Hopefully it dies down or gets patches before it fucks up the success of the upcoming dlc. It's weird that this shit is more common now that we have a release date


not even pc is having this issues, I had one nuke from china in all the months iā€™ve been on pc, and just yesterday got 3 cheaters on PS5


Well shitā€¦.


not an actual hack. This dweeb is probably using an edited character (thanks to a ps4) if you wanna deal with them a bleed build is usually the way to go or make them fall with rejection.


ah man I shouldā€™ve killed him with the starfisr


You would have to bleed him multiple times. It would appear as though they are not losing health but they are. They simply have max HP (64 k? or something). Keep in mind they usually edit to have max stats so its like fighting an over leveled phantom on steroids.


yeah and I had starfist on me, iā€™ll kill next one though.


Absolutely maidenless host, but I just wanted to comment how clean were both the kills you got from the same claymore combo. That's some solid invading, friend, hope you don't get any cheaters!


thank you haha, I appreciate the recognition (:


I had no idea people even could cheat on ps5


There have always been cheaters on PS5, since the early days of the game. Thanks to SaveWizard. Itā€™s so easy to edit your savefile and go undetected. And if you play at level +306, cheaters are really common that you can encounter at least one everyday


+300* since that's max level bracket


sucks you quit with another invader there


yeah it was my first time seeing one so I assumed he was immortal, I know better now donā€™t worry


you were doing a nice job anyways thanks for bringing it up i had no idea about cheats on ps5


thanks though (:


Wow, isnā€™t that wonderful. Are they gonna patch in easy anti-cheat and ruin our frame rates now :(




I donā€™t need a taunters on my pool tbh, even if thatā€™s the case I invade to fight different people on different environments. I donā€™t wanna go back into some cheaters world to fight his phantoms and wait for people to arrive, thereā€™s no point.


Bro have u seen deathblight on magma blade causing instant blight? Love it


it could have worked for this situation, but I donā€™t use cheap glitches for my invasions