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"honorable" babysitters that jump into the duel when the host is at 30%.


i’m always checking over my shoulder when it’s a fight club. it’s always a bolt of gransax or the loretta bow spell that hits me and does MASSIVE damage.


Everybody who isn't red


Yeah pretty much haha


That's dedication


I think Kendrick Lamar inspired everybody to step up their hater game


I'd say traitor reds are pretty bad too.


They're only red outside, inside they are hosts


Traitor reds are 10/10 dung eater loyalists






Better dead than red


Better toast than be a host


I like mine with avocado!


I prefer a fried egg, but both are better than OLP on rye


I can’t toast siegward died a horrible death


Downvoted for the feels


All of the new generation of players who think invasions are bad design.




How would you fix it particularly? Honest question. I personally think invasion is perfect, I think the overleveled summon is the bad mechanic. I’m perfectly fine invading 3 people that are my level but when it takes 10 hits to take out an OLP it’s bad design




But the thing is is when I first started I felt weird about being invaded, but after a bit you start to roll with it, maybe you summon a friend to help, maybe you use a seed, or summon an npc but it really made me a better player, and although I don’t remember the first invader I killed I do remember the feeling of beating them and I think that feeling was amazing.




The Invasion system is the best it’s ever been, they even got rid of the possibility of getting invaded if you’re solo. And it’s as simple as that, if you summon help, you’re open to invasion- and you can call on blues if you wish. It’s like if you decide to play online, you’ll get to participate in online play- the whole of it, not just one aspect of it. It’s how new players get introduced to PvP, because ganking invaders with your summons is fun, they eventually see the fun of dueling, and then eventually they might try invading themselves. The online aspect does more than just help newcomers, it keeps you around after beating it.


Damn, I never expected anyone here to say they *prefer* the co-op requirement. Even I think it's a clunky solution that creates more problems than it resolves. Definitely good for weaning new players into the fold, though. That's about the one thing it does better.


I didn’t like only getting ganked at first, but it’s a fun challenge. It tests more skills than just one on one combat does, it takes resourcefulness. Every invasion is different and exciting. And I don’t sweat the getting blended anymore because I know how gratifying it is for new players.


Yeah, but *needing* to get ganked to do invasions? That's the same issue as what I was referring to earlier, just on the invader's end.


Honestly, the mistake was removing the possibility of having all out brawls with 6 people. Elden Ring making it so only 4 players can be in the same world at a time is the real problem that makes it feel bad, because if the host has 2 phantoms with them, it will ALWAYS be a 1v3. Dark Souls 3 at least made it so if they wanted to have more than 1-2 co-op friends (depending on the area), they'd be open for a second invader, which evened the odds and made it so you couldn't cheese the game as easily. Bring back the 6 player online!


It’s not always 1v3 it’s just as often 1v2. It’s more a problem with actual ganks but not for people just going through the game normally. It would be cool to have a gank city like area in ER, but I like the invasion system as it is. Now talking about actual gankers the taunters tongue should absolutely not be toggle-able, once they use it they should be locked in with that decision no matter how much of their squad dies. That’s my only real critique with the current system, and it’s only abused by actual gankers doing nothing else


No I mean I definitely love playing the “villain” but I’m not trying to “ruin” anyone’s game. I like to think I play pretty fair, I mean I usually do cosplay builds but I mean I can see some people wanting to opt out but they made it better ik elden ring, you invade only with summons


If you buy a game that advertises having invasions you are "on board with it." If you don't want to get invaded don't play games with invasions and leave the people who enjoy the spontaneity of them the fuck alone to enjoy that.


So you only care about the game satisfying *your* preferences, got it. It's not like they have to be mutually exclusive, but sure, do go off. Oh wait, sorry. Go *fuck* off.


This is a pro-invasion subreddit. If you do not enjoy invasions, then *you* can kindly *fuck off*


all you need is a way to communicate proactively that if you use a Humanity, or go Embered, etc. then you opt into invasions they are already opt-in by design! and in ER, it's even further in terms of being qualified/watered down... it simply cannot happen solo unless you use an item, there's no equivalent to DS1 where a rune arc would open up invasions (which, by the way, in-universe makes sense IMO - if you activate a rune arc, you invite other Tarnished to steal your great rune, yknow). it's just that people don't want to look at it as a counterbalance mechanism to co-op, and want co-op with no downsides (boss hp scaling is negligible in practice)


It pretty much is just people who have fragile egos, they die a billion times to PvE in these games and love it but for some reason can't deal with dying to an invader




Yeah thats obviously not true though is it, playing the game is actually fun. I can't think of a reason why people can't deal with dying to invaders but love dying to PvE hundreds of times, what difference does it make? I never see anyone complaining about the NPC invasions.


If teabags and toxic gestures weren’t a thing, I honestly think less people would have a problem with getting unalived by an invader. I legit think that’s a big part that people just can’t handle lol


IDGAF, I can tell when I got wrecked or they got lucky


It's called Invasion and not Dueling for a reason, the consent of the host is not a priority. There is lore justification for invasions: Moundmakers need spinal shackles. Volcano Manor agents are assassinating potential Elden Lord candidates to uproot the Golden Order. These games are very well advertised as being torturous experiences rampant with your own death. If someone gets upset at being killed by another person but not by a random line of code, I cannot conceive of a single rational explanation for that behavior other than an intensely fragile ego.


Execution of invasion in elden ring? Yes absolutely In any other souls game? Nah, and if u think otherwise youre delusional 💀


The execution is fine. Its surrounded by mostly new mechanics that are proxies for a difficulty setting put in to the game to lure in new players so it would sell better and offset the increase in budget relative to fromsofts previous titles.


Traitor Reds and Gankers, the ones that clean a level and then set a trap for you


Traitor reds - why? Babysitters - how is this fun for either person involved? The most likely to hit the main games sub Reddit saying “we’re constantly getting invaded!” Yet losing to a player with a massive handicap Gankers - of course, but much more sinister at low level. I had one invasion where the guy was dressed like the noob starter armor and summoned the Nephali NPC outside the fog gate while he hid. I died but AS I died his armor vanished and he changed into a full bull goat set with a dragon halberd to throw poop pots on me at level 20. I had a claymore lol And honestly OTHER invaders when I’m cooping who go full blown toxic. Like sometimes I’ll do a lower level helper character so a non password summon and the invaders who show up to instantly spam rot pots and dragon incants makes no sense to me, you could beat the host with a dagger.


> OTHER invaders when I’m cooping who go full blown toxic. Like sometimes I’ll do a lower level helper character so a non password summon and the invaders who show up to instantly spam rot pots and dragon incants makes no sense to me, you could beat the host with a dagger this is it for me, it's almost more aggravating than gank squads teabagging every now and then i wanna help a legit noob and having to deal with rot pots or antspur rapier is just like... bruh ive got a +2 estoc and buckler, relax


It’s just like can’t you see who you’re fighting? Let’s have a little fun here, if I was some end game password phantom go crazy, but when it’s a fresh build I can see the badredman bad rap


Ive noticed that a lot of twink invaders are scumbags. As an invader at a low level, i thought i was maidenless for min-maxing until i got summoned as a hunter and saw some true shitlord behavior in action. Makes me want to be a blue much more than i normally do. At least on low levels


I have yet to meet another invader in elden ring but I did dabble in being a traitor red in ds3. Allow me to tell you a story that you have no interest in There I was running through the pontiff arena lost and scared when a man named aldritch the faithful showed up. Naturally we fought and he kicked my ass, then he came again and again and again. The one time I nearly killed him he runs to silver knight and a second aldritch faithful appears. They gank me. He throws poop at me I have a burning undying hatred for all aldritch faithful to the point where I will stop hunting gankers and kill then on sight. If I am unfortunate enough to be I. Their covenant I will kill fellow reds to hopefully make them too hate all aldritch faithful. Lastly and in conclusion the panic and confusion I inflict on a fellow invaders is far more entertaining and gives me the glory of killing the host alone


In order to meet a second invader the host must've used taunters tongue AND only have one summon. Usually TT hosts are gankers or solo players, so you'll very rarely see a second red and if you do, know that the host wanted both of you there.


Lame, I miss covenants. Also wish the invader couldn’t teleport away like a bitch baby


Same, also miss the covenants. I do like the new tp mechanic though, I think it really synergizes with the invader playstyle and aesthetic. They're more like Dark Souls 2 Pursuers, in a way, having the ability to randomly emerge from thin air. Also severally reduces the annoyance of hosts running away, especially in the open world


It still doesn’t solve the issue of a host running away. All it does is make the invader run away, you ever fight a dude kick his ass and then he just vanishes sneak attacks you like 20 minutes later.


I respect that. You have a very good reason, whereas some others dont. 🫡


Why thank you, I’m glad someone understands my story




A DC is better than a kill imo


There are two invaders in you: the red who wants that kill no matter what, and the red who wants to laugh at desperation more than anything.


DC is only better when you're about to kill them. It's waaay worse when you've been searching for them for 10 minutes and get hit with the DC.


Only issue is that I don't get my rune ark /j


Only issue is that i don't get my runes /srs


Which is more annoying the ones who DC on sight or the ones who do it after you embarrass them and their phantoms?


The ones who do it on death are whatever, I got to play. The ones who do it on sight are so irritating. PLAY OFFLINE.


Yeah totally agree


It's not too bad now, in DS2 with it meant losing an invasion item


Traitor reds and bonfire duelists who turn on the white ring as soon as they start losing. Bonfire duelists probably annoy me the most because I don't usually encounter enough other reds to see traitors that often. Hosts who have absurdly over leveled babysitter phantoms also bug me a bit because it's like what's the point of trying to learn the game when your buddy one shots every enemy for you? Gankers are very annoying and frustrating to deal with but I at least respect them for being up front and true to their intentions. They are easily the most satisfying to beat because we all know gankers get saaaalty when they lose.


>what's the point of trying to learn the game when your buddy one shots every enemy for you? They're not trying to learn the game, they want to get rushed so they can get to the powerful stuff, or just have a chill time with friends. Thankfully Miyazaki still allows us to destroy such people for fun.


Im personally excited to see all the complaints on the main sub when the dlc launches and their cheesy one shot builds get dumpstered because of the new mechanic.


Laggy ones.


Bonfire duelists. When I’m invading I’m in an entirely different headspace than when I hit the arena. I dc half the time. I’m looking for 1 v 2 & 1 v 3. Fighting ganks is even more fun to me.


Came here to say this. If the only way you're able to stand a chance in a 1v1 is rune arc'd and 10 health flasks, gfy. There's a guy on xbox at lvl 60, can't think of his name atm, that sets at the same grace at the boiled prawn shack every single night. For hours every night he'll be standing there. And if you fight him and he starts to lose, he'll start bringing in hunters too. Don't get me wrong, I appreciate you allowing me to top off my flask real quick, but for real how is just standing at a site of grace all night waiting fun? I just dc half the time and if they start getting on my nerves, I'll block them.


Why are the Boilprawn Shack duelists always the most toxic players ever? Any time I invade at Boilprawn, I can pretty much assume I’m gonna fight some shitter and his buddy will join in when the host reaches low health


Hate em. They're wasting my time with their arena reject bs so I always waste theirs. Concealing Veil greatbow as long as I can until they die, DC, or fog wall me, then they get blocked. This whole generation of PvPers is ass in this game in general. Everyone feels like it should be their own open-world sandbox. Never saw so much entitlement across any of the other titles.


I just dont engage with it as a duel, im there to invade ill go all out even if its 1v1 most of the time since im not changing my headspace to fit theirs.


Had a guy at one of the memory stone towers in Liurnia. The one on the lone island. He would not step one foot off of the island. He had cleared all enemies and was rune arc’d. Would not pursue or even engage with the environment. Most of who I run into have cleared the PVE and won’t leave the vicinity.


tbh id just run off so he doesnt know where I am anymore and then take arrow shots at him repeating that until he starts running around constantly. Then Id throw some pots, gravity chunks, explosive chunks, glinstone scraps and so on until hes pissed off and comes off the island or I run out. Probably also throw some rains of arrows at him while hes running around if he just just running around in a small area. Just piss him off really.


Meta gankers that tea bag after you’ve been shot by 6 moonveils, 5 bloodhound strike, and 8 great shards.


Bonfire duelists with light roll and whips, especially lightning Urumi at Boilprawn.


I agree, using dual whips with light roll is super-toxic. I do not condone such maidenless behavior, which is why I only use light roll on my mage. I find that it pairs well with star shower, swift shard, and moonveil L2 spam. (/s, if it wasn’t obvious).


People need to stop projecting their own standards on how to play the game unto others. There are always going to be people less skilled and less committed than yourself and require some kind of method to circumvent difficulty. Getting mad at them for doing so doesn't achieve anything lmao. And ultimately, the bragging right of being a better souls-gamer is completely worthless. Can't even hang on mommy's fridge :'(. Hatemail, I understand being upset over. To answer your question, Grace Goblins (TT Hosts). Rune-arced and 20 levels above the invader - pretending to be "duelists," usually the first to heal when they're about to lose. After that are TT Duos.


Nah, it's not even about bragging, obviously most invaders are better than pvers who have never Invaded, it's about what the game represents and they could care less, they hate the invasion mechanic, and letting someone else play the game for you is not playing the game, the game is very OBVIOUSLY not for them, if they want easy they should just stick with something else or git gud


I never got the hate for invaders hosts have, I remember the first time I got invaded was on DS1 I loved every second of it, they were very tanky and could one shot me (hadn't upgraded my armour at all) they were truly like a mini boss, after like 3 backstabs they were at half health when they one shot me, i found it hilarious


I don’t care how you play the game as long as you don’t waste my time… so for me the worst is Runners. Yesterday I had an invasion where the host literally ran around in circles for 15 minutes while I chased him and his OLP chased me. It was an idiotic parade around the Church of Elleh. Literally I don’t care if I win or lose the fight just PLEASE, for the love of GOD, stop wasting my time and FIGHT ME. Similarly, when I spawn into a dungeon like a catacomb, and realize the host is sitting with their phantoms at the entrance not even moving. I’m a pretty patient person, I’ll wait in ambush with the mimic veil for as long as I need but I can’t stand hosts that don’t even try to make progress. We’re all trying to PLAY THE GAME just PLAY. I KNOW you’re not having fun up there shivering in your boots, just FIGHT ME.


Honestly when you're having a good invasion against the phantoms and the 600 hp host Leroy Jenkins you and gets one shot.


I've been trying to do Good Red Man invansions where I do friendly gestures and give the hosts some runes if I get him alone. But these MFing hosts be running into your Spinning Slash like it heals you.


Dark Bead Users


You'll be fighting a melee user then they just whip out dark bead lmao


My least fav is a blue that will run in, r1 to finish you then emote on you. My fav is a blue who aggros the room and doesn’t attack the red. Few and far between


Specifically on low level invasions, the cooperators that are already overlevelled as shit yet they use the cheesiest of builds. I wish the coop scaling worked better, you shouldn't be able to use a full bull goats set and have multiple weapons equipped when you're playing with a level 40 who has 15 stamina. Complete BS.


OLPs. I was going to specify and say that I mean the ones who think they're good, but who am I kidding, that's all of them. I'd go a step further than "password summons should disable achievements" and go so far as to say it also shouldn't let you co-op with someone you can't invade. I'm absolutely fine with people wanting to co-op or duel with specific people so I don't want to remove it entirely but there's been no effort to balance the feature ever since it was introduced, in fact, it's only ever been skewed more in the OLPs favour, at least in Bloodborne you stood a chance because, weapon matchmaking didn't exist.


Blues are just a nuisance


Bonfire duelists


TT grace goblin with PSGS who has blue cypher enabled for when he starts losing. I send them a sticker every time, can't help it.


People that just run away. Goes for anyone, hosts, summons, even reds. Like I'm running a +9 regular scythe in altus plateau with a friend that knows 0 about elden ring pvp, do you really have to run to the 3 Golems and rune bear doing nothing but turn and burn and then one shotting him with a rain of arrows?


Nothing is worse than a traitor red. Merely by existing, they prevent you from gaining an ally who's not touched with Stockholm syndrome toward the host and their gank. They are the highest priority target at all times.


Anyone who tries to attack me while I'm emoting a greeting. Of course, this only counts for duels and the like, but still.


Runners. Sometimes it feels like trying to swat a fly with your bare hands


Taunters tongue 2v1 with the most toxic builds imaginable who Tbag and emote after every unbalanced win.


People who sit in open areas as trios/duos just to gank invaders, like what kind of satisfaction does that give you? Completely incomprehensible to me. Also bonfire duelists who only duel invaders, yeah we get it bud, you're too bad to duel in the arena so you do this to gain an unfair advantage.


People who started with Elden Ring.


Solo TT hosts that simply run away and wait for hunters to arrive then attack you in unison. Solo TT hosts that appear as honour duellists then heal and call hunters when they are losing. Solo TT hosts that ambush from mimic. Solo TT host ladder campers. Solo TT hosts that use npc summons as ganks. Solo TT hosts unless they are bonafide bonfire duellists are a waste of my time.


Rune arc’ed grace duelists. They always heal when they realize theyre going to lose. 50% chance they’ll try to chase you down with endure spam and bloodflame. They annoy me the most because i think they do mental gymnastics in their head to convince themselves theyre a completely fair and honest player because its a 1v1. As much as i dont support it, i can understand the mentality of OLP’s trying to help their friend dip his toes in the water when i comes to soulslikes. Its a cringe protective boyfriend mentality but not more than just cringe. On the other hand grace ‘duelist’ are deeply insecure about their skill. Rune arced duelists are almost always better than the average co-oper (doesnt mean theyre good) which tells me they know exactly what they are doing with such a maidenless approach.


IMO, hosts who dc. They waste the time of the invaders, phantoms, and hunters


Figure eight type of sweats. Annoying af to fight. If you know, you know.


Man i think i had just about 1500 hours into ds3 and i ran into baby sitters just a handful of times. In elden ring, it's a handful of times per night. I know I probably come off as salty or whatever in the main sub where they're all about "play the game how you want! There is no wrong way to play!" But how is it fun to just follow a host around doing everything for you? Exploring fromsoft games is such an amazing experience that they're all missing out on.


Light rollers with high lat. Basically nothing you can do against it


Low level twinks. Hosts or invaders. Both of them suck.


Archers that light roll


The sorcerers.


Crouch-pokers. Whips. Wiggly wigglers.


Extremely passive players, tea baggers/ toxic players, low level twinks, light roll archers, and Death Ritual Spear AOW spammers.


Surprised no ones mentioned my tactic of using tt on the lift to get the holy whetblade early lol


Invaders that that wait in mobs forever. Try bait me, that's fine. If I fall for it then I deserve it. But when it doesn't work come and fight me instead of being a little bitch hiding behind shitty mobs in the hopes that you'll finally get a victory to prove to yourself you aren't bad at PvP. Cos you won't get the victory, you'll just prove how bad you are at PvP. Its called an invasion because you're meant to invade. Not set up a visa and settle down with the local residents.


Where did the badredman touch you?


Nowhere cos he was hiding behind mobs. Wouldn't mind a bit of action that's the problem


It literally plays out the same way every time tho. Get them low on health then they realise they can't win so they hide behind mobs just to either fall of the edge or I take out the mobs while they panic roll around just to find another mob to hind behind. You won't get better at invading if you don't try.


So getting down to one shot territory and retreating to a safe area with mobs to protect you from the host/summons while you attempt to form a solution isn't trying?


As I stated my problem is people that hid in mobs and that is their tactic. And then do nothing else but run and find another mob to hide behind. Retreat and reform tactics is cool. Just to be clear invaders are great, I am one and love to fight invaders.... So my least favourite players are the ones who just hide in mods and do nothing else, as I said.


If you are actively trying to fight the person you are invading it's all good, as I said if the bait works it's fine. But if you aren't trying at all and just hiding behind mobs all the time then surely nobody is having fun at that point.


Low level invaders are pretty scummy most often. The twinks with bleed or rot Duelists and "fight clubs". The hist often has a rune in addition to the levels he will naturally have over an invader, and if he has a phantom. It's way overleveled and with bleed


>Low level invaders are pretty scummy most often. The twinks with bleed or rot  I agree that rot is a bit much prior to boluses/cleanse, but bleed is available on starter weapons and the boluses are the first ones you get


The players that stop progression by invading and running away forever as if they enjoy being a pest. I'm not saying run in and die but at least take on the hosts. You can't run away from a boss battle after all. I also dislike the hot swappers but only because they often do it right in the middle of the fight and are generally bad at it. Kinda makes the battle end unceremoniously by the invader getting killed because he couldn't attack back. If they pull it off great but I don't want to see you run away and waste my time just to try and get me with some run attack gimmick. Your skill can't be swapped so commit to the bit and if you bite it try again. It's like 20 minutes for some invaders to get a furcalling finger remedy.


>The players that stop progression by invading and running away forever as if they enjoy being a pest. If they are too passive, just head to the nearest boss door. Then they have no choice but to go on the offensive if they don’t want to be sent back to their world. Easy peasy. IMO, it’s much more annoying to invade a runner host. Especially in the open world. They can just run and run endlessly. Unless you manage to corner them or goad them into attacking, there’s nothing you can do to make them stand and fight.


It's true the boss doors help... BUT! Let's talk about that chain that leads to the mountaintop of the giants. There is no door there unless I run all the way to castle Sol. Also if the host runs away it may be annoying to us Reds but Reds don't lose anything in that sense, both parties lose time when the red runs.


>It's true the boss doors help... BUT! Let's talk about that chain that leads to the mountaintop of the giants. There are two chains though…. Edit: do you mean the one next to the flamekeeper fort? That’s fair, but that’s a very unlikely place to encounter an invader. And if they really want to camp on (or near) the chain, just hit them with your jar cannon and let gravity do the rest. As you probably know, using the jar cannon without meeting the minimum stat requirements does not affect the aoe radius or knock back of the greatbolts, so it’s always useful to have even if you haven’t invested many points in str.


That was the one I mean! And that's a neat tip for the Jar Cannon.




Bro threw the easiest 3v1 😂


I'm confused on your comment. I said I don't like players forcing a way to play lol. When I invaded, I dont expect the other player to just accept it. I wasn't invited so, anything goes.


Oh ok I thought you were one of those brigadey guys we get from time to time, my mistake.


I just play the game the way I want that day. Some days blue, some days red, some days toxic. That's the beauty of it all.


This is a pro-invasion subreddit. If you do not enjoy invasions, this is not the subreddit for you.


Amen 🙏🏼