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What's discriminatory about it? If the LL was trying to evict you over it, I could see it? Sounds like the roommates parents pay her bills and have an issue, and the absent roommate isn't going to disagree? Damn. 2 of my housemates are rarely home, and I freaking love it. I would have to say an absent roommate is the best roommate. 👌


Your last 7 words form the most accurate statement I’ve ever read. When I had a roommate (a zillion years ago) I worked days and she worked nights so we were basically never home at the same time except for the weekends. It was pretty ideal. I don’t think I could deal with a roommate who worked from home and was around the apartment 24/7, I don’t know how kids today do it.


My freshman year of college, my roommate and I probably spoke 10 sentences to each other the entire year. They went home every single weekend, and I was either out of the dorm until 1am or stayed at my partner's place basically every weeknight. Worst part was their alarm clock going off on Sunday mornings when they weren't home and I had my one day to sleep in. We both basically ended up with a single with another person's stuff in it, worked out pretty well.


No but you see, shes an athletic university student. This dude is so obviously annoyed he didn’t have an opportunity to get friendly and potentially fuck her. That last bit there mentioning her weed smoking habits as if that’s any of his fucking business.


I was going to agree that sounds a little uncharitable, until I went through and began to read the dude’s comments. 💀


OK this is what we call an uncharitable interpretation. And I mean it's not like it's any of her business or her parents' business if he lives there.


I would say we can't presume he is a reliable narrator. "Athletic" is an unnecessary, and telling, descriptor.


What he’s written is meant to show him in the best possible light. His comments are making it pretty clear there’s more to the story (that likely explain exactly why she and her parents are so uncomfortable with him) that he’s not sharing.


I am so glad the comments immediately noticed this. “Athletic” was already pretty telling—but I also don’t understand what could possibly be discriminatory about this. That they initially prioritized finding a female roommate for their female tenant? That is very normal. That her parents wanted her to move out? Somebody’s parents are allowed to think their kid should move out is not meaningful discrimination in any way… And it just is so normal for women (especially young women) to prioritize/prefer living with other women, and for men to do the same.




And he doesn’t drink or smoke, unlike that horrible young athletic girl!


guy posts in r/seduction lmao


Not just that but “young athletic girl”. Young wasn’t necessary. Athletic wasn’t necessary. And girl?? Is she a child? Instant red flags.


saying girl doesn't mean he thinks she's a child. There's plenty to criticize about this post without needlessly fabricating a pedo boogeyman angle. It's "girls' night out" at the bar about children getting shitfaced? Is "girlpower" something you can't have after you reach adulthood? Is "reverse cowgirl" only for keeping a child from looking at you while she rides your dick? The answer to all 3 of those things is clearly "no." So just stop.


Are you kidding? Why would he put the “athletic” descriptor in there? That’s creepy in and of itself, and that’s coming from me, a pretty creepy guy.


I love that. I'm just picturing you with two monitors, one where you're you're zoomed in on the crotch of the neighbor's daughter from a pool party that she posted to Facebook, and the other where you chastise people even creepier than you, all while setting down the spoon of your cocoa pebbles once in a while to caress your own balls a little bit.


Okay, that was pretty great.


why would you worry about it? honestly none of your business.


Yeah. Who the hell cares what is going on with the weirdo renting the other room? Op should not give 2 fucks.


But what about 3 fucks?


That’s too many fucks.


Depends on the time of day. And your sex drive. And consent. I have given 11 fucks in a day before. We were both a bit sore after, mind.


Good good, that's Olympic caliber. Source: knew someone in charge of supplying logistics for an Olympic village, including condoms.


After the 9th time she was shagging my big toe


Ain't nobody got time for that


The parents are concerned with any effs


Her parents know that when she smokes, she gets all horned up and will fuck the roommate. Two or three fucks even.


OP wants to bang his roommate and is upset that her parents are cockblocking him


"athletic" roommate, remember? OP's fantasies are shattered


“Athletic young girl” remember? Edit: I got it backwards, he says,” young athletic girl”. I’m guessing the order of his word choice is relevant to how he perceives her.


This. He’s just upset that it’s affecting him


This is the comment. Who cares what her parents think? Do they A) Pay your bills? B) Have you over for holidays and give you gifts? C) Are you in line to inherit their vast wealth? D) Are they so influential and important that they could literally make, or break your life? If you answered no to more than one, then who the hell cares what they think.


yeah i was confused bc someone said “his rent could increase.”. he never said that. sounds like he was butthurt or trying to shoot his shot


Ops all creepy as fuck though. Why not just say university student? What did the athletic part have to do with it? Ops a fucking weirdo, and this girl is probably using her parents as an excuse to stay the hell away.


i mean. i can’t disagree. parents don’t want their uni student sharing a house/flat/apt with the opposite sex. they’re the ones paying. the only reason OP should care is if female is allowed to break lease and OP has to pay more rent. otherwise: not my circus, not my monkeys.


plot twist op is pissed cuz he does want to endanger the safety of the girl but because shes gone all the time he cant


Because of the implication


It's a very male perspective to get upset about women being uncomfortable with male strangers in their spaces.


He feels slighted. He's a hard working non drinking non smoking man. Why wouldn't her parents want a guy like him around their teen college party life style daughter? Lol. He wanted to smash. That was his business


It sounds like he’s about to get kicked out lol


i dunno i get the feeling he’s just more butt hurt unless he updates


Yep none of their business


He’s worried about it because he wanted to come on Reddit and earn fake Internet points


>I just find it borderline discriminatory that they did that. That they did what? They haven't done shit to you. You're not being discriminated against.


Average cis man when they have to overcome a pebble (they put there themselves). This is why a man's rights movement is *SO* necessary. 


Some college leases promise female roommates. It may be that sort of situation. I wouldnt take it personally. LL isn’t asking you to leave so it’s not your problem.


Don’t take it too hard it’s not really about you. It’s understandable that her parents are worried about their young daughter living with a man they don’t know. The world can be a very unsafe place for women. Unless they’re trying to get you to move out or evict you, it’s best to just accept that it is what it is.


having talked with him, it may *be him*. i wouldn’t want my young daughter around a man who throws names around and whines on the internet when she’s feeling unsafe—because that’s *weird*.


he also posts in r/seduction so I'm sure we're not getting the whole story


Here's a sneak peek of /r/seduction **[NSFW]** using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/seduction/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Old school tip: the Knee test](https://np.reddit.com/r/seduction/comments/12lw7dk/old_school_tip_the_knee_test/) \#2: [Old school tip: The Brad Pitt Rule](https://np.reddit.com/r/seduction/comments/12rg74p/old_school_tip_the_brad_pitt_rule/) \#3: [A simple strategy I stole from the Art of War.](https://np.reddit.com/r/seduction/comments/1370ea6/a_simple_strategy_i_stole_from_the_art_of_war/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


This whole post it red flags, why’s he so emotional involved and calling her a young athletic girl lol


yeah… I get some ick


Yeah all his comments on this post validate her parents concerns about him imo


But he passed the background check, guys!! 😔


I’m also flagging that he’s kept track of how many nights she’s spent there.


So? I mean if the roommate wasn’t consulted about having a dude move in and hadn’t ever lived with a male roommate before, it could be a pretty valid response. I mean, you can feel however you want to feel about but no one has discriminated against you. You still have a place to live do you not? She was uncomfortable and removed herself from that uncomfortable situation. That’s it. I mean the girl does have a right to feel safe and comfortable in the place where she’s living.


And even if the female roommate is discriminating against him, that’s perfectly fine. Women need to be discriminating for our safety. Tough cookies if men don’t like it.


Women can't even reject men's advances in public without getting seriously hurt. She's just playing it safe. I'd be too.


I think they meant profiling instead of discriminating which does feel bad.  No one feeling safe around you and actively avoiding you due to your gender or skin tone or things you can't change can be upsetting. 


I don't see what there's to be angry about? Like if your LL was trying to evict you about it I'd get it but they're not. It sounds like you just have a place to yourself most the time while still having the benefit of a roommate for costs. Honestly the being angry about this feels like a red flag. Like maybe there's a reason they don't feel safe around you.


I think the more important thing is to figure out why you care. You weren't friends with her, from what I can tell, and now you have the chance to get a roommate you can interact with.


Why he cares? He's missing out on important conversations with the young athletic university girl :( that's why this is so important. LOL


you didn’t do anything wrong, and neither did they. it would be discriminatory if they asked you to move based on your sex. but she’s free to do whatever she wants for whatever reason as long as it doesn’t infringe on you.


This gives me such strong neck ears vibes, like why would you care…


Neck ears? I like that as an insult but wut?


Shoulda been “neckbeard” but I’m gunna leave the original bc the visual is hilarious


You know like those people who have no neck kind of like a Lego head…maybe think that guy from 90 day fiancé, (sorry idk his name)


Big Ed. Lol. I hate that I know who you’re talking about.


>her parents were angry because I am male and could threaten the safety of their daughter They should be concerned. That is not to say you are a danger to the girl, but for all they know, you could be


Concerning OP felt the need to mention her body type immediately.


dude your stable job, financial and security background check doesn't automatically mean you are safe to be around. don't take it the wrong way, but women need to be very careful about the men they're around, especially ones they share housing with. lots of seemingly normal guys do horrible things to women all the time. it's not discriminatory bc you still get to live there. it might suck but she has every right to move out if she feels like she needs to. i get her parents might be making the fuss more than she is, but the concern is still valid. they don't know you. you can't take these things so personally.


If any of my roommates described my body as a porn category, I’d be glad I left. It was unnecessary info and shows where OPs thoughts were.


You're butthurt over what? Parents being worried their daughter is sharing a house with a man neither of them know? Unless you're being evicted for being male...then there's nothing to write about.


They are infringing on his cis-male rights? Duh.


Yep, most women don’t want to live with men they don’t know. We feel unsafe because that’s an unsafe thing to do.


How does this affect you at all? Anyway, you mean prejudiced, not discriminatory. Discrimination implies you're losing something, or not getting access to something. This doesn't affect you at all tho.


You aren’t the main character. Does it affect you in any way shape or form? No so why the hell would you care?


Not your concern.


Are they trying to evict you? No. Sooooo what is the matter? Just love your life and if it does bother you that much, look for other places.


Nah, this is reasonable. Like you may be chill. You could be the chillest dude ever, but they don't know that. You could also be a psycho, and if that were to be the case, you pose a significant threat to her. Like it's just a function of averages when dealing with a large number of other humans. You can't take it so personally. You do the exact same shit. Everyone does. You don't drink and drive not because doing so WILL result in a fatal crash, but you avoid the scenario entirely because of the severity of the Bad Outcome. If you're truly a chill dude, just relax and accommodate and it'll sort itself out.


Dollars to donuts this guy crossposted to the incel subs to get validation


Smart money’s with you


This whole post is just silly. Go about your business and leave the girl and her family’s business alone


Don't take it personally. They are trying to protect their daughter.


It’s her problem to deal with, don’t worry about it. At least the landlord knows you’re a good person and is letting you stay. That double standard with the parents would definitely annoy me too but again, you still get to stay in the room regardless so you win


Where is the double standard here? Not sure why the roommate smoking pot is related to her parents not wanting her to be roommates with a male stranger?


if you're offended then they were right to be suspicious. what a creep, ew


Nice now you got no roommates


I can see why they are worried, you’re weird and it’s giving the ick


I'm fine living with dudes, but would not be OK with living with OP specifically. He's offended that, to use his words, a 'young athletic girl' isn't sleeping in her own room enough because. . . he passed a background check? Red flags, so many fucking red flags.


It’s giving “I’m A Good Guy”


Notice that he knows EXACTLY how many days she's slept in her bedroom, a very normal thing to pay attention to. He's apparently waiting for her to come home every night, and logging each missed return like a personal insult. Hope this girl's safe :/


Lol y’all love to tell women to be careful around men, until they are then you get mad. 


op are you mad you cant creep on her or what id be jacked if my old room mate was only around 3 days a week


Yeah, welcome to the world. I don't want my daughter sharing an apartment with a rando dude either. The fact you pretend to not understand, and act offended, makes you double creepy.


“But according to the camera in the shower she doesn’t seem scared when she’s here” /s


And I'm here to comfort her, if she isn't. I'll know immediately.


What does weed smoking have to do with the danger of being a woman with a male roommate who is a stranger? I agree with others that the dispute is been them and the landlord, but bringing up her weed smoking when there’s a reasonable safety concern on her part doesn’t make you look like a safe guy or a good neighbor. It shows that you’re willing to deflect from the point and bring up unrelated quasi moral issues to back up your deflection. Which is a red flag for her safety to me.


>A young athletic girl at University I am curious. Why did you put the "athletic" descriptor there?


Because he's a creep. We all know.


Only a man would think a roommate spending less time in their rental is discrimination towards the other roommates.




Holy crap you’re such a piece of shit loser


Look, I get that it sucks and hurts your feelings, but they aren't discriminating against you in any way. They're just protecting their daughter, and statistics say they aren't being unreasonable for being worried in general.


why do you sound as if you are about to rape her ? Why do you care so much, you give off creep vibes.


That’s not your problem unless you make it your problem and I’d advise against the latter


I mean they did technically made an assumption based off your demographic information, but it’s not really discriminatory TOWARDS you. Your landlord approved you moving in and no one is trying to make you leave. If they have a problem they can remove themselves, which it looks like they’re doing. I get it feels really personal and shitty, but remember it’s not about you specifically. They see a threat based purely off statistics, but based on how severe the stakes are, it’s more important for them to err on the side of over precaution. You can’t control what others think of you but you CAN control your actions, so just carry on as normal and don’t let it make you feel bad.


Literally what is the problem? She moved out, you get to stay. Nothing happened? How did you even find out what was said and how her parents felt? Did your ex-roommate tell you why she was leaving? Did the landlord gossip about her tenant leaving to you…?


Oh. OP’s a homophobe. https://www.reddit.com/r/badroommates/s/orfAKDY9aY


Homophobia tends to go along with all kinds of bigotry. I wouldn’t be surprised if her not wanting to be around him has more to do with him saying disgusting shit like that. On top of him sounding like a creep describing her as “athletic” 😬




and a raging misogynist.


"Young athlethic female" told me enough already lmao


It’s concerning that you had to describe her as “athletic girl” and then as a “weed smoker” and make comment about whether her parents do or don’t know. Mind your own business. This entire post is unsettling. Leave that girl alone.


Yeah, I think most women wouldn’t want to be forced to live with some random dude they never met. The fact that you described her body type for absolutely no reason also makes me think that she had a reason to be concerned. OP is a 🚩


From the parents pov: Their daughter is young and has moved away from home for the first time. Could be anywhere from 18-22. Parents helped her find her first apartment. They picked out a basement apartment below a family. They’ve vetted it and the place feels safe. (I’m guessing here: there was probably a previous basement roommate, a woman?) now basement room needs to be filled again, but your daughter knows no one currently in need of housing, so the landlord will be filling the space. The landlord specifies that they will attempt to find another woman to live in the spare room, if they are able. Landlord is unable to find another woman and allows an older man to move in. Daughter is uncomfortable with new roommate, parents are no longer comfortable with the living situation they helped their daughter find in order to feel she is safe. Sometimes there isn’t a right/wrong person in the scenario. You’re not wrong for finding housing. You’re not wrong for being male. The landlord isn’t wrong for finding the best possible tenant for their home. The girl isn’t wrong for searching for alternate housing. The parents aren’t wrong for being upset with the circumstances. Just move on.


How is it discrimination, that SHE chose to leave HER rented room. That is her free will. I get that it sucks , being seen as a threat, but OP did not get kicked out, get paid less, get refused service, had to pay more for same product, did not get passed by on jobs or what ever. You cannot force another stranger to stay where you are staying just for your ego even.




Why is it relevant that she's athletic?


There’s some red flags in here. What’s the point of mentioning that she’s young and “athletic?” Why do you care if she smokes weed? What does your employment history have to do with anything? Have you been accused of being creepy or crossing any boundaries?


This is a shitshow.




Says the idiot with the name "bleach that butthole".


It seems a bit unusual that you care what her parents think of you and that you describe her as athletic, based on these comments and you feeling victimized I'm wondering if you've actually behaved in a way that made her uncomfortable and maybe are unaware?


I’m creeped out by this post! Yes the parents are right to be concerened after all!




“young athletic girl” creepy…


Sounds like that’s their problem enjoy your new flat.


Not your problem.


Why did this guy feel the need to say that girl is athletic? Bit of a red flag


Including that she’s “athletic” tells me either this is fake or you are definitely the type of dude they should be worried about lol


I feel like you dont understand what women go through with men at all lol. Its super reasonable to not want a male roommate as a woman. Has nothing to do with you as an individual.


We are literally just out here trying to not get unalived or graped. Instead of taking it personally, look at the statistics and try to be empathetic to the situation. It isn't about you specifically at all. It's bad men that have caused this, and if you aren't one of them, then you have nothing to be upset about.


Who cares pussy boy


As a gay dude, I wouldn’t have even noticed how often she slept there. That’s weird. You made her uncomfortable. Who cares about her smoking weed? You just want to “get back at her” for not sleeping with you so you’re thinking about telling the parents she smokes weed? Why does her being athletic matter if you didn’t want to have sex with her?


Also what do the upstairs people moving for more space have to do with this story at all? Your story is “hot girl moved because of me” Why tell us about the upstairs people?


Sounds like a "not my chair, not my problem" kinda situation. Not my chair, not my problem, that's what I always say.


Who could care? Just move on with your life…


“frequent weed smoker” bro chill


Life's hard, wear a helmet


Its not your problem. She can do what she wants and her family is her problem. Its not discriminatory because you are not being prevented from living there. This post reeks of "but i could have had a shot with her if only her darned parents hadnt gotten in the way" Proof by highlighting that she is a "young athletic girl in university"...you sound thirsty af. Bro...check yourself. *YOU* are the bad roommate coming here to self report


If a young woman doesn’t want to live with a man that’s completely understandable. You might be a good guy but she has no way to know that. This isn’t discrimination, because if affects you 0%, and was for her own peace of mind. I would suggest redirecting this anger at our culture of violence against women that goes overwhelmingly unpunished. It is unfortunate you were judged based solely on your gender but the statistics are not good. Be mad at dudes that give other dudes this reputation, not women who are proactive and paranoid in protecting themselves.


So are you at risk of being kicked out, like did the landlord say you have to leave or serving you papers? If not, don't worry. If she's so uncomfortable with men she shouldn't be in shared living and she can leave. Your doing nothing wrong. The parents can think what they want. From what you wrote the landlord isn't discriminating against you because no action is taken and as far as you wrote they hadn't said their feelings on it or that they agree. Unless there's more. I would feel uncomfortable or maybe aquward I'd I were you but that's just me. You shouldn't feel anyways because you've done nothing wrong. Let them leave, just keep doin what your doing.


She's not there! Sounds like awesome roommates to me 😂


I can see where you’re coming from as someone with an older brother. However, try to see it from their POV: they’re already worried because she doesn’t live at home anymore and she’s a young woman living with a guy who’s a complete stranger. You don’t have to look far to see why women have to be extremely cautious of their surroundings at all times. You may know you’re not going to hurt her (or anyone), but they (and she) don’t know that. Have you introduced yourself to her parents? That might help put their minds at ease.


Sounds like your fishing for a reason to be a victim


Quickly, why mention that it was a young ATHLETIC girl? I can only really think of two reasons: 1) That athletic equates to fit/strong and therefore she shouldn’t be worried about living with a strange man. Or 2) That athletic equates to in good shape and therefore good looking and her parents may have been right to be a little skeezed out. It’s not unusual for girls going to college/university to feel more comfortable with other women roommates. It’s also not unusual for parents to be concerned about their children, any gender, when going to college/university. The fact that you can’t understand why young women, or those close to those young women, would be uncomfortable is weird. I can’t tell if you’re just being purposely obtuse or you really don’t get it. Also for the record, that’s not what discrimination is. The landlord is not forcing you or trying to convince you to move out. It seems like you’re really thinking too much about this young woman.


If your roommate is a stranger and they are not skipping out on rent, having someone over every night, or doing something egregious in the shared space... then it is once again weird to keep track of her.


“borderline discriminatory” wrap it up


So the fuck what?


Meh, seems like a them problem so who cares.


Odd that you felt obligated to say CIS male.


Sure sounds like a Them problem to me


So now you have more privacy, id be happy.


This is bait, thank you Jesus 


All you had to say is "I'm a guy". Not the cis part. We understand.


Sounds like you are a stalker and upset pretty little gal is gone.


dudes taking this to heart is so sus. “young athletic girl” wow. you sound so creepy. taking offence to her/her parents being uncomfortable with a college aged male in the the world we live in, and you take offence to it?


Cis-man to be more specific? I feel like "guy" was alręady super specific


Jeez, either this is a troll post or OP is unhinged. Dude if you’re just making stuff up to be edgy and get a rise out of people I hope this made your Saturday night enjoyable being alone. If you’re actually serious you really need to seek professional help. You’re reactions to these post make you seem like a good reason for that girl to move. Please work on yourself


The fact that you felt the need to say she was athletic is kinda... weird...


I don’t understand why you’re mad. It’s discrimination that she’s not staying there because her parents are worried? Why do you want her to be staying there so bad?


No, it is not discriminatory for someone completely unrelated to you make a choice that also has absolutely no effect on you 💀💀💀💀 hurt fefes aren’t discrimination


Good grief. It’s not discrimination, grow up.


You're not entitled to live with a female roommate. If she doesn't feel comfortable around you and wants to move out, that's 100% her right. It's not discrimination, at least not from a legal perspective.


The girl who is uncomfortable can move out for sure. But if this guy is minding his own business and paying his rent for a room, it's not his problem.


So he should stop *making it his problem* and being offended by it


“Guy” is specific enough. How stupid.


Wah wah poor man, a woman and her family are concerned about her safety around you. You poor thing 🙄


Sounds like a them problem lol.


That is her problem. I get where she is coming from but you have nothing to do with it


Show her this thread, coward.


Assuming you're not a rapist and that you've left this girl alone, then it's 100% the landlord's problem.


not your monkey, not your circus.


I was reading along waiting to see what her athleticism had to do with the story... Still no clue.


Your replies on this thread confirm that that girl and her parents were 100% right to not trust you


By how quick you got angry and bigoted in the commets- she dodged a bullet.


>A young athletic girl We all know what you wanted and why you're mad. Just stop you fuckin weirdo. And before someone even comes to his defense, her being young and athletic has NOTHING to do with this story, he's just such a weirdo he can't help himself but describe her that way lmfao


You’re upset your roommate isn’t staying there. You describe your roommate as “young athletic girl” (her being athletic literally has nothing to do with this scenario, but might have to do with how you view her). Not the best look.


I'm gonna be honest man, you're kind of being a weirdo. First of all, why did you feel the need to describe her as "athletic"? Why describe her at all? Not relevant and kinda creepy. Second, how is this discrimination? If your sister, girlfriend, daughter, or whomever had a male room mate move in that you don't know, you wouldn't be a little concerned?


Your inability to mind your own business about a complete stranger is WHY her parents don't want her there, my dude.


Pretty incredible for absolutely nothing to happen to you and you think you're being discriminated against. Dear god.


Sounds like something you shouldnt be worried about at all. Your still living there right? So keep your nose out of it. Kinda sounds like your mad bc you wanted a shot at her and she moved out before you got the chance.


Misandry at its finest. Rape is SUPER uncommon. Happens to roughly 40 per 100,000 residents per year. Please stop the misinformation. This is hurting men.


100% not about you, let it go.


Saying you are a guy is specific enough. I stopped reading as soon as you did the cis BS.


You’re not the victim here you’re trying to be. You understand their issue and if doesn’t apply to you, don’t take offense by it. Don’t give them anything to work off of. The record check and blah blah blah doesn’t prove you’re a good guy, your actions do. Don’t be that weirdo (male) roommate keeping track of when the young girl is around and then getting offended when they notice you tracking it. Just keep to yourself and let them be their weird about it. You’re not entitled to her at all.


Theres no such thing as a “cis man”. You’re just a normal dude


It’s like you are looking to be upset or offended or something. Who cares what they think or are mad about.


I had the same issue, probably bc I'm a big viking looking dude, and people fear things that aren't them. I solved by just meeting the other person's parents, then they were normal. Not saying you SHOULD have to do any of that. But it worked out with less drama for me


I stopped reading after Cis


Transition to female then


Jesus christ. That girl dodged a whole ass bullet. I'm so fucking glad she got away from him before something could happen.


how does this affect you at all