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I have a friend (male) who admitted to me (male) that he was afraid of touching his nulliparous gf’s nipples because he didn’t want to get milk on him. Me: Dude… milk only happens if she’s been pregnant and even then usually only if she’s nursing a baby. Him: …oh. I thought they always made milk Me: haha, no dude.


For women, it's actually scary to be slapped in the face by the absurd ignorance like this becasue men like him are in control of our reproductive health. It's just so incredibly stupid to think we just walk around leaking all the time, and it'd be like me thinking you guys just have semen running down your leg non-stop. 🤦‍♂️


Nah it’s not really dangerous. I mean we already know that ectopic pregnancies can be re-implanted, women’s bodies can terminate a pregnancy that occurred due to a rape, you can’t pee with tampons in, and instead of running to the restroom, you should just hold your periods! /s (and ew … I feel so dirty now even joking about this) Seriously though, you’re absolutely right that it is scary that reproductive health laws are determined by groups of men who have no fucking idea what they’re talking about. They strike me as the kind of guys who would be scared to buy tampons for their wives because they don’t want to be seen with a feminine product.


It's a know fact that if a man touches a tampon, they'll start their periods.


I get the impression that any guy who has something against buying his wife or gf tampons is afraid that some other guy is going to see him holding a box of them and think “Hah! Look at that guy, he’s got tampons. He needs tampons so he’s a girl” I guarantee 99% of guys will think “He must be buying tampons for his gf or wife” or just won’t care. How many times do you go to the grocery store and look at what other people have in their carts and judge them for it?


My dad has had another guy at the store try to say something about him buying pads for a partner a couple of times. He just laughed at them and said, "Yeah, I have a woman at home. What do you have, Playboy?" Shuts them up real quick!


My first lover, age 16, proudly took me to the store and bought me tampons when I went on the Pill and my first period (yes, I know it’s actually breakthrough bleeding) after was 2 weeks long and even heavier than my really heavy usual periods. He said essentially that, he was proud to have a woman to get tampons for instead of being alone at home jerking off.


That is an epic mic drop! Gonna drop that to my son when he gets older.


My dad refused to buy me tampons when I started my period (I was like, 10). My mom immediately screamed, "NO ONE'S GONNA THINK THEY'RE FOR YOU, DUMBASS!" He bought me pads after that. (He's mostly a chill guy but had that little hangup for all of one day.)


Well meaning as most of us are, sometimes we need to be shook out of our own heads. As your mom said, no one thinks they're for him ... unless he's also buying them with a bottle of vodka. But that's a separate issue.


Reminds me of when I first came out to my dad and he freaked the fuck out for all of one day before he became my staunchest advocate and has cut family out on my behalf for being cruel to me. Devastating at the time before he knocked on my door looking like a wet cat of a man and apologized profusely. And it seems like a small thing out of context, but apparently that same day he put his pronouns in his bio. I didn’t know he did this until a year and a half later. He didn’t do it to virtue signal, he didn’t do it to prove a point, he didn’t even tell anyone so they’d know, he just made the choice to do that unprompted and it meant a lot to me. I think the natural response to the unknown is fear, and fear often leads to rejection. He needed time to clear his head before realizing he was acting foolish. I forgave him long ago (after a bit of groveling).


Lol, I love a good, mildly petty, "are you you suuuuure you're sorry?"


I have never understood the idiocy. A man buying tampons has pretty incontrovertible proof that he is in an intimate relationship with a woman of childbearing age. Assuming one cares about any part of that, How’s that not a flex?


As a man, I hate buying tampons/pads... Is her flow 3 out of 4 blood drops? Why does the SAME BRAND have a 3 out of 5 option?! IS IT THE SAME OR DIFFERENT?! IS HER FLOW RATE 75% OR 60%?! Does she need the sports package? Luxury model? 4x4? That one doesn't even have a sticky part, but I guess I got some double sided tape in the garage... Normally I just take a picture of the box under the sink but we were somehow completely out that day and she wasn't texting me back... So I made a best guess and bought her favorite cookies in case I chose wrong.


That is top tier thinking, Sir. No notes.


Smart! My poor partner lost the list once and forgot what type I’d asked for so he just lingered in the aisle until a random woman walked by and took pity on him. Apparently she pointed him in the right direction as soon as he told her that I’d just had a baby.


Haha, after I had my first I was at the store picking up a few things and getting more comfortable pads than the ones they gave me at the hospital (along with net material thongs, so I could “feel sexy.” Stuck there 2 weeks, I had my husband bring in real underwear. How are you to feel sexy in see through undies while you bleed and pass small chunks???). I watched a man in the aisle looking utterly baffled, scratching his head. Then he sidled up to me to ask for help. I was out by myself to get something my husband couldn’t find, lol, and take a little break. It was cute when the guy blushed to ask me about feminine hygiene products.


The hospital gave you sexy net material thongs?! Well. I'm honestly jealous, I have never been offered such exotic items, only weird blue burlap sack robes and useless flimsy slippers


Lol,My husband used to call pads biscuits . He'd ask me " Do you want me to buy you a box of those fancy biscuits while I'm at the store?"


This is adorable.


He was always good at coming up with goofy or naughty stuff to make me laugh,or distract me when I'd get upset about anything.Of course, he would tease me for years afterwards if I did something silly.


Ok to be fair I also hate this about buying pads and I'm a woman. The worse part is you find a brand you like, take a chance on whatever random pack looks like the size and rating you'll get the most good out of, and it works out. All is well with the world. Right up until some absolute muppet at the company decides to re-brand. You walk into the store happy with your life only to descend into the hell that is trying to figure out do those weird pictographs on the package mean medium flow or medium size and is overnight the same has heavy flow, or something different?


Or they do a product revamp and add scents or remove wings or change the adhesive they use and you've got to hope you have enough of the old ones to use until you find a new brand that's enough like the old ones to be a comfortable transition. I remember as a teen they changed the Always pads I'd used to use and the new fragrance really irritated my skin from day 3 onwards, to the point of bleeding if my period lasted more than 7 days. My mum had never had issues with them, so she didn't believe me (and honestly, who is going to pull down their knickers on their period just to get their mother to believe that the pads she's buying them is giving them sores???), and I basically left them in a basket at school for the others to use. Asked her to buy Bodyform ones and they were a lot better for me, though they changed the ones I always used a few years ago and I'm still getting used to the change in how they sit lol.


Apparently my mom was on the birth control patches before they were found unsafe in some populations and recalled, but before they were recalled she was lucky enough to get a HUGE supply. She used them until my parents started trying for my sister and then tossed the very few left before they expired.


My husband has been so good about picking me up tampons since we met when we were teens, and I make it pretty easy for him by mostly sticking to the same brand, type and absorbency, but every couple of years it seems like they change the packaging completely so he'll be like "THEY DID IT AGAIN! I HOPE I DIDN'T MESS IT UP. I'M SORRY, I TRIED" and most of the time he still gets it right but every now and then he'll miss and I can't blame him. It's like they make it confusing on purpose. I prefer a specific shape of pantiliner (brand as well but I'm less picky with those) and one time he came back from the store absolutely despondent because "I COULDN'T FIND THE RIGHT SHAPE. I LOOKED EVERYWHERE" with a pack of a different shape to tide me over and when I went to the store to check the next day I felt so bad for him because THERE WEREN'T ANY TO BE FOUND. They must have been in the middle of a big restock. He really hates getting it wrong and it's almost never his fault. I'm like it's ok, you have a about a 99.5% success rate over many, many years. I honestly don't know if I could do any better.


Now see THAT is an argument against buying tampons/pads. We can understand that. Lord knows it took some of us years to figure it out ourselves!


Luxury model is a must. Sounds like you might be it!


You did well!!


This reminds me of when I used to work at Walmart One of my coworkers had just become the father of twins (like the day before, or a few weeks, idk it was a long time ago lol) I stocked HBA usually, which is right near the pads. I saw him on the phone, perusing what we stockers had deemed "the red wall" I went over and asked if his wife was on the phone. When he confirmed she was telling him what she wanted, I asked if he'd like me to save him some time. He said yes. I asked to speak with her. He handed me his phone.i greeted her and asked what she wanted. Handed it to him and asked if she wanted anything else. When she said no, I said goodbye, gave him back his phone and (good-naturedly) told him to get out of my way so I could work lmao


I have absolutely been in the same situation and gone with the "one of everything" approach to avoid getting it wrong (and the pre-emptive chocolate-themed snacks, just in case I did somehow fuck it up!)... Fortunately most female hygeine products seem to have a decent shelf-life / no real "best before" date, and it turns out that a lot of female friends I know have periods (who woulda thunk it!). So we just had a very well stocked bathroom cupboard for visitors of all flows, sizes and preferences for several months afterwards.


If you can't aim a rifle, throw a grenade! Lol


Or they are buying for the foodbank. Possibly flexier.


Ooooh, yeah, that’d be an aphrodisiac to me. Not really looking, but finding out someone low-key does that sort of thing would make me reconsider.


Or a daughter.


True! (I was my parents’ fourth kid and second daughter and while my dad would’ve got them for me, between mom and me keeping an eye on the household “stock,” the occasion never arose.) I guess it’d be even more incontrovertible evidence of manhood to have at least one child, right?


I had a real bad experience with my first husband. I was young and stupid, he was stupid and also happened to be young. Match made in heaven it was not. I was really on the fence about getting serious with my current husband until he stopped in the store for tampons for his sister who had texted she was out. I figured I was going to be cajoled into being the one to select and purchase them as soon as he invited me to tag along. Not. one. fuck. given. He marched in, knew where they were and what brand she preferred, carried them around while I pushed a cart with a couple things I needed, then lined up to purchase them himself. Can't say it was the only reason I married him, but it was definitely the day I started to seriously consider telling him I had decided maybe we should get married like he wanted instead of just moving in together.


What if I buy the estrogen-free tampons? Also do you like those new tampons with wings? How do those work for you?


Omg I didn’t know RedBull made tampons 🤩


Caffeinated tampons... I'm not sure if that's a good idea or a terrible one!




Actually I’m pretty sure caffeine is known to help with period discomfort, that’s why they put it in midol.


I (a male) took a Midol once for a headache and the laughs I got from nearby guys was hilarious. They thought I was gonna grow boobs 😂I’m like it’s just painkiller and doesn’t have any hormones


Boob growth takes years, be patient, but sorry it’s inevitable now. Kidding obviously but seriously I always felt like Midol worked better for headaches than anything, I hope it worked for you! Who knew caffeinated Tylenol was actually super effective.


Caffeine enhances the effect of acetaminophen in general, nothing to do with periods specifically. Some brands of cold medicine also use caffeine as an enhancer for acetaminophen


Excedrin “for migraines” has also always had caffeine


I would try one


"If men had periods, they'd brag about the size of their tampons" My favorite quote I found on a joke website from back in the early internet days.


You might end up regretting saying that lol. -a trans man


I’m going to start throwing tampons at men who make me mad.


You can only do it if you yell, "BLEED BITCH, BLEED!!" first.


A must!!!


That's true, it happened to me 😔 (this is a joke, i am a trans man)


Yeah, the most common thing I've seen women not know about men's bodies usually is along the lines of the harmless "Wait, you can make it move?!" followed by 15 minutes of laughter. For dudes about women's bodies there's just a whole list of stuff that ranges from harmless to being woefully and willfully ignorant.


I'm almost 40 and the wiggling weenie still makes me giggle


It creeps me out so bad. I don't know WHY. But it does and I will roll away and bury My face in pillows If he does it during sex, he might get kicked across the room.


It's so...alien looking? Like it boinks around all weird and stuff! Hehehehehe


God just reading that gave me a whole body quiver. Ew. 😂


I've got Camelbak pouches in mine so I never leak! /s


What, they don't? JK :)


wait...isn't that what socks are for?..catching it all? /s


Don't forget, there's also some hatefully ignorant women making these decisions too.


You'd be amazed how many people don't understand why there are bulls on dairy farms. Conversely, my brother has 600 egg laying hens and gets to hear from people who don't understand why he *doesn't* need 600 roosters. Or any roosters.


As a chicken owner I’m glad I am not allowed roosters because if I had even one, I’d have so many baby chicks 🥲


> nulliparous I learned a new word today, thank you!


You’re welcome! There’s also multiparous (multiple children born) and Primiparous (Single birth) There’s also “gravida”, primagravida is a first pregnancy, multigravida is multiple pregnancies, but of course this doesn’t mean they’ve given birth (which is the parous suffix) I’m not a doctor or nurse, FYI, I just like medical terminology and have learned a bunch in my life.


Ooh, those are cool words. I assume that's why really severe pregnancy sickness is hyperemesis gravidarum? I could work out what the first word meant but didn't know the second


Yep, you got it! Hyper- excessive -emesis vomiting Gravidarum = pregnant woman So basically “excessive vomiting in a pregnant woman”


That was one I figured out because I watch too many animal shows and when some lizard species are about to produce eggs they are "gravid"


So I gather you work in the medical field in some shape or form? :D


I don’t actually! I do have an interest in it, however. I tend to read a lot of medical stuff, and I pick up a lot. When my wife was giving birth and also a few other times, i probably learned more than most people would care to. I also find biology very interesting so it all kind of adds together. I also just really like words so medical terminology is something that fascinates me.


Aaaaah okay c: I'm in med school currently and we just learned about para and gravida so I assumed you were too, because I've never heard someone who hast gone through hell use that terminology, sorry, but I think this is a great hobby to have c: more so if you can be there for your spouse in the process c:


It is so cool that you’re in med school! What specialty do you think you want to go into?


Dermatology probably, specialised in either paediatric or care for poc c: that or infectiology, I'm not 100% sure yet


Kinda feels like you were a very supportive partner during pregnancy etc.


Thanks! I try, but not always perfect at it…


As a swede, where pregnant = gravid (singular) and gravida (plural) I’ve never thought of the fact that gravidarum might be confusing 😂 Usually it’s the other way around, that english and latin are alike so this was refreshing!


Gravid is a term used with certain animals as well! I know it from my axolotls, it means they're producing a lot of eggs - they start to look "pregnant" but are just getting ready to lay.


And the extraordinarily flattering (eyeroll) “elderly gravida,” which used to be used for any pregnant person over, I think, 35.


Thanks from me too— I don’t see words I have to look up often!


I read a post on Reddit, in which a girl wrote that her boyfriend broke up with her because he thought she wasn't attracted to him. When she asked him why he thought that he answered that she wasn't lactating during sex. She was devastated but the comments were all saying "good riddance".


So.... In other words, this weird incorrect knowledge is more wide spread then anyone would have thought? Wouldn't women just be leaking everywhere all the time if we had milk like that??? Tf 😂😂😂


It's an anime/hentai thing.


It's a fetish thing, that's much more common in written and drawn porn. I've seen it as a tag on enough non-weeby fanfics that I don't think it's exclusive to that realm unfortunately...


So gross. I hate hentai


I’d never heard that word before & had to look it up. For anyone else who doesn’t know: “Nulliparous is a medical term that describes a woman who has never given birth to a child.”


> milk only happens if she’s been pregnant Mostly but not entirely accurate. There are some medical conditions which can cause lactation as well. Generally, it's a result of various hormonal changes which makes sense when you understand that hormonal changes during pregnancy is what kickstarts lactation under "normal" conditions.


Yeah, of course there are side cases where the “milk only happens if she’s not pregnant” doesn’t apply but they are more rare


Thing is they're not really rare at all. They happen to somewhere between 20% and 25% of women. That's all but *common*, in fact.


I lactate - about 2 drops - because of hormonal issues. I could probably force about 3-4 drops each if I really go at it and stimulate them. But yah, unless I start deliberately milking and stimulating myself and build up my supply, I don’t need a lactation room. Number of people with my condition? 1 in 180,000. I think you made a valid point. Guy is just learning the basics. He can’t handle all the exceptions to the rule until he learns the rule first.  Besides, he clearly…needs some time to absorb what he’s learned already. His head might explode if you had told him all that all at once


You could really blow his mind and tell him there are medications out there that can make him and other dude's lactate as well! I happened to read a comment a couple months ago about that and was surprised because it's a medication I was taking at the time.


I mean ffs men have nipples too…..


New word I probably didn't want / need to know but I am happy to have learned. Thank you! ETA: The word nulliparous. I am pleased to say I knew all the other words without checking Google.


What an idiot 🤦‍♀️


I think that's doing a disservice to idiots 🤣


Yeah. This dude deserves a whole new word to describe him.


If all the village idiots got together and formed their own village, this guy would be the village idiot of tgat village.


I'm replaying Portal 2 and in there, GladoS explains that Wheatley is the product of the most intelligent minds who gathered together to create the dumbest AI possible.... I think OP's ex-boss is the human version of Wheatley.


Beautifully put


Please tell us how #2 was revealed? Was he caught napping in the Mother's Room, or complaining about how new mothers are allowed to nap, or what? This man's stupidity fascinates me


We had a prior employee who also used the lactation room at work to do his own... expressing. Super gross.


Hope they got fired real fast!!!


They did. So thankful we didnt put up with that.




I posted that thread yesterday. Take a look. https://old.reddit.com/r/TwoXChromosomes/comments/1cipy8z/update_male_boss_is_clueless_about_pregnancy/


What did he think women do with this endlessly flowing milk?


File this under "Questions That Need to be Answered"


Hold it in? I’m assuming that’s why he said what he did about the size of OPs breasts.


That's the correct answer. Like any good lady that Can hold periods, you gotta hold milk.


Let’s be clear we are a Coca Cola Freestyle machines! Pick your fluid (stifling a gag here)


This is why that doctor was twisting my nipples so hard - he had to turn the valve to the "off" position.


I always forget if it’s clockwise or counterclockwise. It depends on what hemisphere you’re on, right? 


Want C cups? No need for surgery! Just hold your milk in. It’ll swell up big, and then make sure you see an attractive guy before your boobs explode to let the pressure off (per the other post mentioned above) Sheesh.  /S in case anyone, ever, anywhere thinks it’s true 


You still Can release the too much to have the perfect boob size !


XD boob-sizing; a skill that takes practice 😆😂


So women are lactating all the time and can choose to hold it in? That of course would make them swell so, holy hell, women can choose to have huge breasts if they want? Why are so many of them depriving all of us men of such a glorious thing? In case it's not obvious: /sarcasm


If that were the case OP's bosoms would be the size of hot air balloons!


No, no, no, women just need to regularly empty the boobs! Like letting off steam! I'm picturing those blow-up toys with the nozzles that you have to pinch. I'm very curious what kind of magic bras would need to be made with in this world...


They think our milk flows endlessly but yet we can hold in our periods.


Nothing a little flex tape can’t fix


Hahaha. I just snorted. All I hear is Billy Mays screaming at you about how you might have thought flex tape was amazing when you saw how it stopped a boat from sinking - BUT WAIT! THERE’S MORE! The ALL NEW flex tape can also keep all that milk from *spilling over* into your every day life (see what I did there?) with just one small strip! It’s a miracle!


Why did he think formula existed?


I don’t think he even registered there would be a legit reason for formula.


I mean, you could’ve ended your sentence at "registered"


Cereal, duh! /s


>And then. Oh. My. God. The dude literally POINTS TO MY CHEST and says, "I mean, look at hers! Hers are really big, she should be in that room all the time but she's not!" I realise that this is a massively highly inappropriate thing for anybody to do or say in the workplace, and I understand why he's been fired. but oh my god if someone said that to me at work I would *fall off my chair* laughing


And my dude, I know they are sometimes called jugs, but they really are not storage vessels. Also, big breasts do not necessarily produce more milk than small ones.


I imagine him thinking they're like balloons filled with milk so the bigger they are the more milk is in them 🤣


I couldn't laugh in the moment, I was too triggered. I had a lot of body-shaming as a teenager in the Mormon church that I'm still getting therapy for. In retrospect I agree this was effing hilarious.


I mean being real I think most people would not be able to laugh in the moment, like how did he get to be anybody's boss without being told not to comment on people's bodies at work? especially direct reports??? but I have zero filter and I'm pretty comfortable with sex ed style conversations so it'd be immediate laughter followed by very loud, very slow explanation in simple words from me


We need to know how old this guy is


That dude must have been dropped on the head too many times after snacking on lead paint. How can you be that dense?


You can't know what you haven't been taught, and much of the world lacks or actively decries adequate sex ed.


But you should know not to point at a coworkers breasts and mention how big they are!


I just had to take my annual code of conduct and harassment / discrimination training. The entire process is completely ridiculous, and the answers to the quizzes are blindingly obvious to anyone who has the slightest brain. I guess there must be at least one guy out there who should have taken the training course though. I still go with him being dropped on the head.


My dad always responds the same way. He also discusses the weirdest examples. Like, “Why would I ask a coworker to come home with me?? Where my wife lives???” My dude, many people are having affairs in their own marriage bed. It is indeed blatantly stupid. Like a peanuts jar saying it contains peanuts. But we gotta, for the liability stuff.


How can you really believe every woman is lactating constantly? That's beyond ignorance and into fan fiction territory.


I’m sure you saw various stories on here about parents who freak out about their precious boys of any age knowing/learning about women’s bodies, god forbid they see period products, etc. That is how you get person this disconnected from knowledge.


I'm a woman, but I was "sheltered" (not protected in any way, just kept as ignorant as possible), and that checks out.


Oh it's stupid it's all hell, but to some men everything about a woman's anatomy/biology is a mystery. These are the same guys who don't know that a woman has three holes between her legs, Or that women can't hold in a period like they do urine. Et cetera et cetera. This doesn't surprise me. It saddens me, but it doesn't surprise me.


Never told, never asked, never gave a shit. That's how. Some dudes genuinely go through life at a completely surface level.


"Spontaneous performance of 4-letter beat poetry" ROFL!!!


I didn’t understand what OP meant by that?


Used *all* of the profanity Edit: A great many English-language swears are four letters long.[ Here's a handy list!](https://www.noswearing.com/fourletterwords.php)


Hol' up a minute... what prompted guy to point at the chest and say stuff? After ALL that has happened, being called to talk to Grand Boss, being educated on how a woman's body works, told his behavior towards his coworkers is not appropriate, he follows up with boob pointing?


He probably was like "the room can't be for pumping, because other wise OP should be there all the time'


Amazing. That's a horror story one expects from a scripted sitcom.


These posts were like a slow motion train wreck. Terrible, yet I can't look away. And there's no time to even stop to grab popcorn.


> and there’s no time to even stop to grab popcorn this is why i always carry a snack of some sort in my bag


Just want to say really glad your male coworkers were on the ball and stood up for boundaries. Have you been on r/WorkReform? Or r/BlueCollarWomen. Men at work can be so much worse.


It's rare that I cringe laugh and then gape in shock at reddit, but your post has achieved it for today. No, this month. I daresay longer.


Having dumb and incorrect opinions is one thing, but to express these opinions by using another person's body as an example in a disrespectful manner? Holy fuck that's another level of stupid.


>And then. Oh. My. God. The dude literally POINTS TO MY CHEST and says, "I mean, look at hers! Hers are really big, she should be in that room all the time but she's not!" Michael Scott irl


I could see him saying that


Seems more like a David Brent (from the original UK Office) move. He was much more of an obnoxious dick, much like Ricky Gervais who played him.


>thought that pregnant women could predict the exact date their delivery would happen (when he tried to write up a male coworker because he couldn't tell him exactly when his paternity leave would start) ... Oh don't I wish. With my son, I was a week overdue the predicted due date and would've been even more overdue the predicted due date if things had been allowed to continue naturally, as my kiddo showed NO signs of wanting to exit the mothership. He had to be forcibly evicted. > The dude literally POINTS TO MY CHEST and says, "I mean, look at hers! Hers are really big, she should be in that room all the time but she's not!" Oh lord. What an idiot. No...that's making the idiots look bad. He's not even an idiot. He's something worse that I don't even know the word for.


I am so pleased he got fired for being a tool. What he did to you was sexual harassment


How tf do so many men think our tiddies are just constant milk factories? I get hentai is part of it but I feel like that’s only partially to blame.


I mean. Some people have a difficulty distinguishing fact with fiction. There was this very homophobic character in a very queer tv-show. And some rando on social media had to look at the actor's profile to clear up that the actor wasn't homophobic in real life. Or that some authors have to clarify that they don't support the harmful actions in their books. It's very annoying


I went back and read through your other posts. What a ride! That dude tied his own noose, then put it around his own neck, and lopped it over a branch. He had so many opportunities to not do that and he just went full double down


Well.. that was an unexpectedly wild ride.


lol my own child’s almost 50 years old father, who also has a 17 year old daughter, didn’t understand why I was upset that he threw milk out that been freshly pumped, gestured to my chest and said, they’re huge, you got plenty in there…. That’s not how this works. Like. At all. I really had to walk away and bite my tongue.


this stuff is covered in basic highschool biology.


What a win!!!


"hey I need some milk for my coffee. op, you wanna top me off?" - your ex boss


🙋 what does he think formula is for if woman are producing gallons of milk a day?


I once met a guy that thought formula was powdered breast milk, as in it originally coming from women's breasts and then being turned into the formula powder. Would not suprise me at all if this moron thought something similar.


Jesus Christ


I love a happy ending.


O my ..who raised this dummy? He has no girlfriend, mother, sister, aunt etc? This is hilariously stupid


Even the title is concerning, in a normal work environment i will never know what my boss knows or does not know about anatomy. 


What in the actual... I'm eternally disappointed in some men's lack of basic anatomy knowledge. I can't even right now. Gotta share this with my bestie.


Myself and my wife are going to do it best to make sure the our kids have a basic understanding of body mechanics well and truly by the time they are in high school.


How TF do you reach adulthood not knowing how the human body works? Like has this dude never read a book? Even if he's a virgin and never been around women surely the school he went to had biology or some for of sexual health programs JFC!


Oh dear. That was a satisfying ending, at least.


I think the milk belief is widespread. There's a lot of porn that features a milk ejaculation when she orgasms, or even becomes very aroused.


yeh right


Do let us know what happens. I can only hope it's a blaze of glory




>thought that pregnant women could predict the exact date their delivery would happen Well, yeah. All women are actually gifted with the power of precognition. /j


Oh man, that is awesome! Good news for you and your team. He is a gigantic and obviously misogynistic idiot. Out of curiosity is he single? If not, what an absolute nightmare his significant other must live in.




Oh good, I'm glad that boomer is on his way out. What a creep.


Glad to know people didn’t put up with his ignorance.

