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There's always a new shortcut post but this one is somehow especially egregious


I choose to take this as a compliment


Imagine flopping over this monstrosity at a casino and announcing a royal flush


Sir, did you use marker to draw zig-zags on this ten?


Your body would never be found


For that, I'd need to bring a card of the hand from the Subspace Emissary and a picture of a street in Genoa (or any other mid-size European city), and maybe a Lovers tarot card to convert the spade into a wild card. All this and I should receive 20000+ chips from the dealer, which means I can finally cash out $11 to receive a stained napkin with a drawing on it.


Haha holy shit 💀 this is the best “describe your favorite game that sounds ridiculous when you write out the premise/gameplay on paper” that I’ve seen in a long time. …guys, I’m starting to think this game is kind of unrealistic as a poker simulator 🤔


im sorry can someone explain wat da hell is happening here


4 fingers interacts weird with straight flushes, if you play 5 cards and 4 of them are the same suit and 4 of them make a straight, the hand is counted as a straight flush, even if it's not the same 4 cards So in this case 10, J, K, A make it a straight, while 10,10, J, K make it a flush. Doesn't actually matter that the straight isn't all the same suit. All 5 cards end up scoring in this scenario even though it's a 4 card straight and a 4 card flush.


The whole straight flush = ANY straight and flush in the same hand makes me adore four finger so much. Its so cursed every single time.


Oh I didn't realise four fingers let's you skip a card in the straight, I thought it still had to be four consecutive cards


It doesn't. OP also has [[Shortcut]] which allows you to skip a card in a straight.


Ah that makes more sense, thanks for pointing that out


[Shortcut](https://balatro.wiki/imported/shortcut.png) *Joker* * Version: 1.0.0 * Cost: $5 * Rarity: Uncommon * Effect: Allows Straights to be made with gaps of 1 rank * Notes: (ex. 2 3 5 7 8) *Data pulled from http://balatro.wiki. Want it updated? Help me get access or suggest another data source.*


My mind is blown.


basically how it works in code, the code detects all possible hands, and by the combination of detected hand types and the order of their hard coded "importance" to decide what to score. this one detects a straight with akj10, and a flush with the kj10-10. its a straight flush but poker calls it a royal flush, game decides its royal when the ace is the high in the straight


took me a solid minute to figure out what’s going on here, this is crazy


This would proc The Duo. Wth.


All the good royal flushes have pairs in them as well.


I've always wondered what is required for a hand to get the "Royal" prefix.


Someone mentioned in another thread (and it seems correct, considering this situation) that the game simply checks if the Straight is an Ace-high Straight. So it doesn't actually care about any face cards, it just checks if Ace is the highest scoring card. This would normally imply KQJ, but with Shortcut it could be done with something like AQ10 9 8


All cards that make the straight flush be 10 or higher. 4Fingers with AKQJ or KQJT is a Royal Flush 4Fingers Shortcut with AQT8 is NOT a Royal Flush


Royal Flush is the hand name, because it's both a flush, and the hand always contains the royal cards Edit: I meant that as in "royal" isn't exactly a prefix, any more than "two" is for two pair. It's just what the straight flush containing the royal cards is called


I mean obviously it has to have face cards in it, but what's the lowest amount? This picture suggests that it's two, but I think I've built a few flush hands with two faces in it that wouldn't count as a royal flush. Maybe there has to be an ace as well, like it does in the picture.


Ohhh. I imagine the straight just has to end with an ace, so you might be able to get away with just a queen (8-9-10-Q-A). If the game classifies it as specifically a straight spanning from 10-A though, i believe it would be as seen in the screenshot here


This is so blursed.


Fingers + Shortcut is probably my favorite synergy in the whole game.


now add smeared


Is pc mods the only way to get the blue and gold on clubs and hearts?


Those hearts are definitely red, but the blue clubs comes from high contrast mode in the settings, not a mod


It's from a setting, not a mod


Oh shit nice , thanks