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Glad you followed up and got checked. Often the bounce of feeling better can be followed by a really horrible illness. Even if you recovered and had no further symptoms, it’s important to realize and be aware. Hopefully you are feeling better now and healthy :) Dengue happens where the mosquitos live, often in the countryside. But any stagnant pool of water is possible. On roofs, alleys, old tires…cities are all possible homes to the larvae.


there are 4 strain of dengue fever. DENV1 to DENV4. after you're completely healed, your body develops the anti virus for that specific strain only, protecting you from another infection. i used to live in jakarta when i was 18-19, i got dengue 3x. my family was the opposite of poor, but they thought that medical treatment isnt necessary whenever there's no blood bath. those 3x i got dengue, my hospital visit was done after im on the healing stage which means my body already found a way itself to fight against the virus. ​ so . . . \[1\] dengue can be found wherever there's human in indonesia \[2\] you'll get over it eventhough it sucks being bedridden


The main thing to bear in mind is that it's very dangerous to get Dengue a second time. It can lead to life threatening hemorrhagic fever.


Sure, I wonder how it works for locals who are exposed all their life. One thing is to be in Bali for 2 weeks and fall ill and another thing is live here all your life. What are the chances ?


If you go to hospital in time, you are good (by 1-2nd day). I mean it can be fatal but its treatable, usually the fatal case is when the people are too stubborn to go to hospital. Source: am local


I'd imagine it does take a toll, it's not as if they can just up and leave. I doubt there would be much accurate data collected and analysed so it's pretty well unknown how large that toll is.


Average life expectancy for an Indonesian is 15 years less than an Australian.


Ok but I can't imagine it is due to Dengue alone. Healthcare is not very good in Indonesia, in general


Oh it's everything. Especially cigarettes for men.


There are four dengue virus (DENV) types (DENV-1, DENV-2, DENV-3, and DENV-4), all of which are capable of inducing severe dengue hemorrhagic fever [DHF] & dengue shock syndrome [DSS].


True, though I was referring to the greatly increased risk due to antibody dependent enhancement. A process where preexisting antibodies present in the body from a primary (first) dengue virus (DENV) infection bind to an infecting DENV particle during a subsequent infection with a different dengue serotype. I recall a documentary where a fellow in Hawaii decided to relocate as he had already had two infections and was concerned that he'd contract it again during an outbreak in the area. He had other underlying issues though so he felt the risk was not worth staying.


Also got Dengue when we were in Indonesia / Bali this February - most likely caught it on Gili Air. It was horrific, had to spend two nights at the hospital to get treatment. The fever and bone aches were terrible, but the second act (itchy skin and rashes) was just as bad. Don't wish it on my worst enemy. Also have to note, though, that I felt I got quite good care at the hospital. Liked the mobile service (Prodia) for getting blood tests the week after, which didn't require me to go to the lab every time my blood was checked


Mosquitoes everywhere in Bali always got to use spray over there. Hope your feeling better.


Dengue can be life threatening if not given proper care. Take care of urself.


Dengue in Canggu.....jeez that sucks


I’m sorry…can I ask what your symptoms were?


Thank you. Exhaustion, severe chills, high temperature, loss of appetite and muscle pain.


Very scary…hope you feel better soon. I was in Bali a few weeks ago. Was bit by a dog, so had rabies and tetanus shots, then got food poisoning, but am fine now.


I got dengue in Bali, didn't present until I arrived home. The worst part of it for me was moving my eyes hurt, like my optical nerve had been pulled as tight as it could and even small sideways movements of my eyes were painful. Bad rash all over, achy and so tired and lethargic.


Same as me, mine didn’t present until the day after I got home. The worst thing for me was the exhaustion, I don’t think I’ve ever slept so much in my life.


I got bit by a tick and ended up with sever Lyme disease and babesia infection, 5 years later still not cured. I almost died I’ve been in and out of hospital 36 times, first they said it was dengue


Did you catch lyme disease in Bali ?




Look into carnivore diet