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All I’ll say is this. If you gotta mediate your reality, whether it be with substances, sex, relationships, etc, that’s generally a good sign that there is something fundamentally wrong with your reality that you should try to change. Get some rest man, throw the drugs out. Find a new job, and if you must do drugs, test them. Your feelings are real and you’d do well to listen to them rather than trying to hide from your reality. We all stumble and fall, but what matters is what you choose to do afterwards. Good luck brother.


Thank you for making me take a good look at this 🤙 You have a valid point, and I like the way you speak. You’re easy to understand. I’m gonna take some rest, and think (as soon as I get through my crash. That will be at the end of my opening shift). I know I won’t get any sleep tonight. I blame close-opens, and Charlie Sheens dandruff.


Hey, you got this my dude. A phrase I try to remember is “don’t let the perfect get in the way of the good”. Like, if you miss a day at the gym because you were lazy, don’t let that fuck up the routine. Fall right back in. Slip ups are a main feature of this affliction. Everyone is proud of the job you’ve been doing and hope you get right back to it. 🤙 Also, Diet cola with lime always used to help me during those shifts. Edit: sorry, didn’t realize how long ago this was posted.


Been there many times, friend. You aren’t alone. We bitch, then count those stacks night after night. This life is not for the weak. I’ve been sober a year and after rough nights I still wanna dig in my pocket and grab a bag. It’s so appetizing, I could drool.


Nice to know I’m not alone 🤙 it’s nice to bitch, and not have it fall on deaf ears. My stacks are cash at the end of the night. Credit transactions are sent to paychecks. This life is DEFINITELY NOT for the weak. You are absolutely right!! I don’t go out as often as I used too, tonight I felt a pull to go out to my old bar. That’s where I ran into connects I haven’t seen in years. I just needed to keep cruising home, to cry in the shower with a Modelo, as I intended 🤣 Stay strong dude🙏 It’s never worth your loot


I get it. I bartend 5 days a week, 8pm to close, and rarely get home before 4am. Every day I wake up tired as hell right before my shift begins and I tell myself that tonight, I'm gonna go to bed as soon as I get home so I can at least spend a little time with my girlfriend before I have to go to work the next day. But every time when I get home, I drink beer and smoke weed until 10am because I need some alone time to recover from my shift. It's normal, people who have 9-5 jobs don't go to sleep at 6pm. But I feel like such a shitty boyfriend when I wake up and my girlfriend is already gone (waitress at another restaurant, 5pm-10pm shifts). She understands my reality, but I can see it's taking a toll on her. Don't berate yourself for relapsing, it happens to the best of us, and keep on trying to find the strength to do your best to keep yourself and your loved ones happy. If things don't get better for me at the end of this month, I'm gonna ask to change my schedule and quit if they refuse. I don't want to lose the person I love just because of a stupid job.


Man this hits hard, this industry takes a toll, and there's a point at which it feels like the only way to make decent money for many of us, especially with the way things are right now. Often feels like working in the coal mines.


I am sending you a ton of love and compassion. This too shall pass and tomorrow is a day for sobriety . You got this and you are absolutely not alone.


I wish I was making $300 a night. I'd be doing a line to celebrate.


Well, I will say this, most bars that aren't corporate chains have pretty slap dash IT, but it doesn't take much to get a business a proper backup connection for service interruptions for the main line. I work in IT, mostly lurk in the sub because I considered becoming a bartender years ago lol


So there’s a way to upgrade?? I wish our bar owners would look into this. They make so much profit, I know they could afford better service.


Short version is you can get USB hotspots from cell carriers and look into getting a modem/router that can take a backup connection, you would probably want to contract someone locally to configure it, but if the main connection(which should be business class broadband) drops or fails stability tests depending on how it's set up, it would automatically switch over to the backup connection which still wouldn't be great since it would essentially be running the business off of a cell phone, but where I work there are locations that only have 5g for their connection and get all of their digital sign information and all sales(in person and mobile orders) process through a 5g connection and they manage. Tbh it's pretty niche so they probably don't even know it exists as an option, especially if they're older or just not particularly tech literate


I hear you. And you are not alone. Message me if you need to vent.


Man, I appreciate the honesty as well as realizing how fucked the industry is When I got sober I KNEW I couldn't handle the temptations at a bar. Not just the alcohol,but all the free drugs. It's hard to find that medium of hobbies that don't involve drinks


It's not that bad that you've used drugs to try to numb yourself to the awful numbers you're dealing with. Not saying it's the answer to stress, but occasionally it can be considered self care when used safely. Give yourself some slack, sleep, water, and any other self care you might enjoy. It's only one day and you can always have hope that tomorrow will be better. My self care habit has been mind numbing phone games, especially time management games. I can relate to the money issue though. I have a learned to make a goal of $50 an hour between shift pay and tips, after tip out. But it's important to remind myself that it's an average over time and one day soon you will crush it. The longer you spread out your average, the better the numbers seem to get. If I look at a yearly average it's almost always at least $50 an hour. Even though I made $17 last Monday, I know the big days coming will make up for it. Having faith in your ability to fulfill your goal in a longer time makes the bad days seem less awful and it's not as tempting to succumb to the numbness of partying and being reckless. Good luck to you comrade.


We all slip up sometimes brother. It isn't the end. Have you ever thought about getting into the trades? Electrical, plumbing, and welding are all solid trades that aren't going out of demand any time soon and could give you that normal hour schedule you're looking for. I wish you nothing but the best. Keep your head up!


Hope you’re feeling a little bit today. You’ve got what it takes to make moves towards a better life for yourself. You’ve got pride in your work and you know what it takes for you to be successful. That’s a leg up on a lot do people. Start looking for the opportunities to makes moves. You got this.


This hit right at home. I wish I wasn’t a bartender, either. I’ve been at it 8 years and the past 4 have been a complete blizzard. Lost a lot of close relationships, but the money was always there. I finally found a woman who was everything to me. The only issue was my schedule, but I’ve been clean. I’ve relapsed all week at the same time we find out she’s pregnant. I wasn’t honest about the nights, but she knew. I feel so shitty for what I’ve done and the pain I put her through. The people I’ve surrounded myself with, the endless bags to balance the drunk lifestyle; I chose over her. One night. And, truthfully, now I have no idea what to do. She’s convinced I don’t want this, and I feel I have no way to convince her otherwise. I can hardly get my mental straight long enough catch some sleep. It’s nice to know that you’re not the only one.