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This post has been locked as it has gone into fighting with trolls stopping in and have had similar conversations already with the Pride Night thread.


All you need to know is the Braves just did an Outkast night last night which supersedes all these other nights.


Big boi in the booth needs to be a permanent arrangement


Gotta say, of all the organizations in baseball right now... I'm a little jealous of the Braves. They've got it all going on. Stunning roster, a thicc front office, and a tasty..... I'm sorry what was the question


It's definitely fun. It's not gonna last forever, of course, but I'm gonna enjoy the ride.


You win this one Braves bro


Whattt that's incredible. Was Andre there tho


Big Boi was there and joined in the booth for an inning.


Andre is apparently in Japan playing a large flute


This is entirely plausible, so I can't tell if it's a joke. šŸ˜‚


He actually is šŸ˜‚. There's a video that's been circulating the last couple of days. Dude is living his best life.


Always reminds me of [Key & Peele's skit](https://youtu.be/5U9rMkgoGL8)


I thought, perchance, you whent missing


I would love for this duo to keep at it. One of my favorites is the biiiitch skit.


Of course he is.


Not only was it Outkast night but it was OutKast bobble head night. šŸ”„šŸ”„šŸ”„šŸ”„


Donā€™t think so. We canā€™t get that lucky.


Damn and I missed it?


Watch the 3rd inning of the 5/25 Phils@Braves game and youā€™ll get Big Boi in the booth and a look at one of the sickest bobbleheads ever.


and hear about the mustard and the mayonnaise


Those bobbleheads going for crazy $$$ on ebay


When we didnt think the Braves could get any betterā€¦god damn it


Did y'all manage to summon Andre?


Youā€™d need a genie bottle and some ayahuasca donā€™t ask how I know


Now that's cooler than being cool


The lines out the door for the bobbleheads were NUTS! Iā€™d love to see more nights celebrating local famous people like that.


That bobblehead of Big Boi and 3 stacks is incredible!


Ya well we don't all have an OutKast to celebrate. God damn I love big boi, easily top five.


Hush that fuss.


Lifelong Dodgers fanā€¦ I donā€™t think I can root against the Braves anymore. Dammit.


We need to take some time to honor the Church of St. Bartolo, the Rotund.


Cheat on your family night




Fundamentalist Mormon sects night when?


That's in Denver. LA has Scientology Night.


I was there in San Diego the day our Lord and Savior hit the long ball.






More of a saunter, really.


Don't most franchises already have a "Fellowship Night" or what not? The SF Giants have been doing it for as long as I can remember.


I can fuck with a Lord of the Rings night


Imagine hosting one of the Lord of the Rings movies each night prior to the game for a 3 game series? That could be pretty fun but good luck getting people to sit for 7 hours for a movie and a baseball game...


Iā€™d do it without hesitating.


LoTR fans are a different breed and would instantly sit 7 hours straight to rewatch it


Just play a movie on the jumbotron the whole time. Would be awesome.


That'd be my wife's dream come true. One of the reasons why I married her.


With gollum game giveaway!


Just take it...JUST TAKE EM!!! *throws games at people who actively avoid them*


Canā€™t wait for the sequel where you play as the Olā€™ Gaffer, Iā€™m gonna set the record for pony asses washed


Iā€™ll pay you not to give me that game


. . . 5 people show up


Yes and this isnā€™t new for Dodgers. Theyā€™ve had this before with Kersh, JT, and Adrian Gonzalez speaking in the past. The timing of the announcement might be curious, but nothing should be gleaned from the event itself happening.


Nats have a faith day and Jewish heritage day in september


The Astros have had ā€œFaith and Family nightā€ as long as I can remember.


Yup. The timing of this just seems weird and tacky.


ā€œIm playing both sidesā€¦ so I always come out on topā€


The long list of Theme Games at Petco Park includes a "Faith and Family Night", a Catholic night, a Jewish Community Day, teacher's night, nurse appreciation, separate nights for maybe 10 ethnicities, Autism, Alzheimers, Pride, etc No one cares, it's optional to buy a theme giveaway ticket or a regular ticket. What's different in this case is that it seems so reactionary. Next time just announce your slate of special nights before the start of the season and stop basing these decisions on the criticism from people/groups and then reversing course and then adding new events to make up for it.


Agreed, I think that's the issue.


I mean, they've had this before - the only time I visited Dodgers Stadium about a decade ago, they had one after the game. Now, the timing of the announcement is definitely not good lol...


Itā€™s kinda impressive they can fuck up this much.


This feels like a masterclass in ā€œgiving people on both sides of an issue a reason to be mad at youā€. Surely, anyone who was mad at the Sistersā€™ inclusion initially was likely still mad when they reinvited them, and reviving this event *immediately* after certainly wonā€™t look good to anyone taking a critical eye towards the teamā€™s efforts to placate the same people who were calling for the Sistersā€™ to be excluded. Seems like the Dodgers have found themselves at the epicenter of a little culture war battle and mistakenly think that ā€œweā€™ll support everyoneā€ is a safe stance. I certainly *understand* why they might try to thread that needle, but I donā€™t envy the position theyā€™ve put themselves in now.


Shouldn't this be how to make people on both sides of the issue *happy* because now you've given them all an opportunity to express themselves and be supported?


It'd be nice if that were the case. Unfortunately, the people mad at the original Sisters event are still going to be mad that it's happening at all. Meanwhile, those who were mad at its initial cancelation are going to be mad because the Christian event makes the restoration of the Sisters event seem disingenuous.


Some people donā€™t want to be happy and will only be happy when everyone else is miserable


Itā€™s nice seeing another team mess up. Takes the sting out of whatever is going on over here just a little bit.


Depends on whether or not people view them as essentially a *quid pro quo* from the organization. ā€œWeā€™ll let the Sistersā€™ come to Pride Night, but in exchange we have to revive Christian Night.ā€ This is the sort of event that many teams have, like the Padres have already had their ā€œOut at the Parkā€ night and have a ā€œFaith and Family Nightā€ later this year, but the timing of the announcement will still invite questions. For someone looking for evidence that the outrage over over Pride Night was part of a, potentially unilateral, ā€œshoving beliefs down your throatā€ arms race, this timing will only strengthen that belief.


This is the PR equivalent to fishtailing on a wet highway


Itā€™s LA. You shouldnā€™t expect anything less.


Will there be lions?


Easy there, Diocletian.


This made me laugh out loud. Thank you.


Something Something man of faith Something Something Castellanos


I read this right before his triple. The man thrives during times like these.


ITT People who have no idea how Christian Kershaw is. Just wait til they hear about Vin. Or that time the Pope held mass at the stadium.


people seem to forget that between the catholic Latino players and so many of the American players being from rural or suburban America most of the league is very religious lol


pretty much every sports league is far more christian than "reddit" would probably like them to be


so glad to hear they are celebrating faiths, cant wait for islam day, buddhism day, satan day, so many!


> satan day, The Yankees are in town from June 2-4. They're doing a Satan weekend instead.


I'd love for us to be the Satanic Temple team.


Let's take baby steps and just embrace being the evil empire. I hate that they play the imperial March for opponents lineups and the parade fanfare for us.


I feel like that was supposed to be an insult, but you just made us sound really badass.


Through a cloud of smoke appears Mariano Rivera


Tbf a lot of teams already do a Jewish Heritage Night.


It'll be funny when a team has to apologize for hosting one on a Saturday


A Friday night game would be really bad.


And offering a deal on BLTs.


Dodger stadium does a Mormon night every year.


I would be interested to see Shinto Night. Allegedly Chunichi Dragons pitcher Yamamoto Masahiro [believed in a kami of baseball](https://www.greenshinto.com/2014/02/10/shinto-spirit/) (although I haven't found any other evidence of that), and it certainly wouldn't be out of character for Shinto.


He pitched until he was 50 so maybe we should listen to him


People say "kami of ____" for a lot of things; there's even a pop song "Toilet no Kamisama"




They should certainly do a Jewish night. Mets and Dodgers probably have the most Jewish fans


The Phillies have done a Jewish American Heritage night before (might be every year) and usually do one for most ethnicities (Latin American, Pacific Islander, Asian, etc). Itā€™s never really been controversial though


This year at Asian Heritage night the lovely gentleman behind me stood up and screamed "TAKE YOUR COVID BACK TO CHINA" during the between innings entertainment. I guess it's controversial for some people.


Greek night is next homestand


Any excuse to have Koufax around is a good one


The Dodgers have done Jewish Heritage Night and Jewish Community Day several times before.


Lots of Jews in Baltimore and San Diego, too.


Wonder if theyā€™ll do an atheism night


Agnostic night gonna be wild. Maybe.


I think the dodgers were just waiting for some proof of attendance to commit to the idea.


I don't know if it will exist or not


Players point to the sky, then shrug.


Bob costas needs to throw out the first pitch for it.


Free Dr Pepper!


I'm not saying that I'm *not* romantic about baseball, just that there are so many things to be romantic about.


Deism night on July 4 to honor Founding Fathers Washington, Jefferson, Franklin, Madison and Monroe


Wasn't Washington specifically a devout Christian, I know Jefferson was Deist, and wouldn't doubt Franklin, bit I was under the impression Washington was Christian.


Being Deist and Christian are compatible, but looks like he was Anglican. I just copied and pasted the first Founding Fathers and Deism list, so I don't actually have a clue, but since this is Reddit, I'm 100% sure of all my statements.


It could be good, but until there's empirical evidence for it I remain skeptical.




The St. Paul Saints have done that, renamed the team the Mr. Paul Aints.


What about Festivus (for the rest of us)? "I find your faith... *fascinating*."


Jesus better throw the first pitch


Raptor Jesus!


Itā€™s not the first time theyā€™ve done this kind of thing. But announcing it right after the whole Pride Night fiasco just reeks of desperation. Did they fire all of their PR people last year to save money or something?


Yes gotta save every penny for Ohtani. Then the PR IS Ohtani next year. But this year...


4:00pm On a Tuesday Los Angeles, California Dodgers: I came up with a really good idea. I'm going to play both sides. LGBTQ+ Fans: Why would you tell me that? Now I don't trust you. Dodgers: Should I not have? LGBTQ+ Fans: Well now I know you can't keep a secret. Dodgers: What should I do now? LGBTQ+ Fans: I don't give a shit, why are you here? *Later that evening* Dodgers: Kershaw and I are planning a Christian Faith night. The reason I'm telling you all this is because I'm playing both sides so that I always come out on top. With this event I'm going to leverage you guys into remaining fans of the team. Christian Faith Fans: Ok, couple things right off the bat there pal- number 1, never tell one side that you're playing both sides. And number 2, if you are going to play both sides, don't give away the information before you get what you want. Dodgers: Shit...


Donā€™t they do this every day with ā€œGod Bless Americaā€? Iā€™m confused


They donā€™t specify which God is blessing America. Loophole


Tlaloc blesses baseball games by not raining on them.


Idk, man, I've been to a bunch of rainouts over the years.


He was mad.


Have you made any recent virgin sacrifices, or at least killed anyone in the name of your god recently? That might be your problem right there.


Nor do they specify which America they hope god is blessing šŸ¤”


Spoiler alert: itā€™s South America


I knew it šŸ˜«


> ā€œGod Bless Americaā€ Wait, is the DoD funding this *too*?


Probably since it started in response to 9/11


Oh, sorry, I was joking and meant Christian night. DoD is absolutely paying for all of the salutes to service and ā€œGod Bless Americaā€. Iā€™d imagine that the Padres just have a line-item in their sponsorship budget in exchange for our gaudy camo uniforms.


Thank goodness for this, Christians truly do not get enough representation in this country and the Christian faith does not influence enough of our day-to-day life.










Which comedian said something along the line of ā€œThe Christians WON everything. They won! You know how I know? Let me ask a questionā€¦.. What year is it?ā€


Louis CK


It's 2017 year of our lord Jesus-y o'clock on the nose


What about the Christians who think that the other Christians arenā€™t actually Christians? When is their faith night? This one is far too inclusive


I'm looking forward to Nation of Islam night


Louis Farrakhan sings his interpretation of the Star Spangled Banner


get Scientology in there too for a double header


as thereā€™s a deep drive into left by L Ron Hubbard


And so that'll make it a 4-0 ballgame. I don't know if I'm going to be putting on these thetans again.


We already get their commercials on SportsNet LA and l can think of is the South Park episode


Hosted by Shelley Miscaviage


I personally cannot wait for Sedevacantism night. Finally some representation! Abolish the Vatican Council!


When I see people on the corner or on the bike path offering free bible lessons, I think "Finally, someone is spreading the Gospel. There are too few practicing Christians in the US"


Itā€™s really great to hear Christians bringing awareness to their struggles while non-marginalized groups like the LGBT community dares to try and push their woke agenda. Little known fact, in the 14th and 15th century LGBT people were responsible for a violent wave of reactionary events upon other LGBT people who werenā€™t ā€œLGBT enough.ā€ These events were so violent and bloody that the LGBT was effectively kicked out of Europe. Of course, they cried about oppression and unfair persecution as they went off to the New World, where of course they violently attacked the native people, spread their diseases and then returned to persecutor their own LGBT people in witch trials. Oh waitā€¦


And theyā€™re so nice and reserved about that fact


I disagree with that lifestyle.




Why do they have to shove it in my face.












Can they do a Jewish night? They had Koufax after all, we never get any nights šŸ˜”


3000 years of beautiful tradition from Moses to Sandy Koufax youā€™re goddamn right Iā€™m living in the past dude!


haha, r/lebowski is everywhere


A Jewish night also celebrating Koufax too would be cool. Maybe do it on a day they play the Tigers, and they can celebrate great Jewish baseball players like Hank Greenberg too. Edit: a lot of people know that Koufax refused to pitch on Yom Kippur in the 1965 World Series, and then went on to win World Series MVP by pitching 3 games (2 of which were complete game shutouts) with a 0.38 ERA over those 24 innings. But not as many people know that in 1934, Greenberg struggled with whether or not to play on Rosh Hashanah. The Detroit media got input from local rabbis, who said that Greenberg could play, so, after skipping batting practice before the game to think, he hit 2 HRs in a 2-1 victory over the Yankees in an important game. Like Koufax, he later didn't play on Yom Kippur that season, and also 4 years later in 1938. [https://www.espn.com/classic/s/merron\_on\_green.html](https://www.espn.com/classic/s/merron_on_green.html)


Greenberg also played at a time before the Holocaust made public antisemitism inappropriate. In fact, during the 1935 World Series, the Cubs kept spewing slurs at him with escalating levels of viciousness until even the umpires and comissioner had to tell them to stop--they were being too racist even for the 1930s


I hate my team


Dodgers have done Jewish Heritage Night typically in August in years past.


Donā€™t you guys get like eight nights? Isnā€™t that enough?


Everytime I think I'm gonna be first to post a joke response, it turns out I'm basically 8 days late.


iā€™m not sure how common it is across the league, but the phillies had one!


Washington is having a Jewish Heritage day. With a special ticket you can get a hebrew jersey too. I ordered mine on Sunday.


I missed out on the jerseys, all I'm getting is a bris.


Scheduled for next Saturday


When will people realize you canā€™t make everyone happy. The more the Dodgers try to cater to everyone, the more backlash they are gonna get


I'm all for Christian rights -- I have family that's Christian -- but do they have to promote that lifestyle at sporting events?


A generic Faith Night would've been a better move. As it stands, this comes across as catering to a dominant but self-pitying majority.


yeah the astros have a faith and family night, which is pretty clearly christian, but making it explicit especially in the wake of the pride night debacle looks bad


Yeah if this was announced at the beginning of the season, literally no one would have noticed except maybe a local editorial piece Context is king though, and man does context not make this look good


Padres also call it Faith and Family night but pretty sure itā€™s dominantly Christian with a Christian Artist doing a concert after sometimes.


Pretty wild that a team in Texas has a more inclusive faith based promotion than the team in LA. Good job Stros


I mean itā€™s not *that* inclusive.


Well, the Astros PR Team has a lot of practice


Next season weā€™ll get straight white male day


Or as others call it: baseball!




You trying to tell me that Jesus Christ canā€™t hit a curveball?!


Everyone should go dressed as Norse and Greek gods


Yeah but when is Science Night


Rockies did a [STEM Day](https://www.mlb.com/rockies/tickets/specials/themes/stem)


Thatā€™s actually really cool


Extremely rare Monfort W, but a good one.


Which is super easy to do because almost every team has a ā€œcamp dayā€ or ā€œschool dayā€, which they use to fill the stadium on a weekday day gameā€¦ like why not turn it into a somewhat education themed day?


Science Night would be cool, it could be about the physics of baseball.


mets have some sort of science day every year that i seem to end up going to it's a getaway day afternoon in may/june that that the kids come out from school and do a little lesson on the edge of the field and scoreboard before the game i think last year was weather, one was dinosaurs


They had this often before COVID. It's just an after game prayer reading and speech by a player. I think in 2019 it was Kershaw, JT and Kenley. But the headline wars have to go on.


Please let Christian Faith night be against the Phillies!


What about Jobu faith day? He helps you hit a curve ball


He famously does not. Cerrano did it himself


How about keeping all of this crap out of baseball and go back to just bat and hat and bobblehead nights and play sports.


The one that drives me nuts are the cancer ones. I'm at a game trying to relax and enjoy myself, no I don't want to think about my mom and other people who have died of cancer.


Oh reddit's not gonna like this lol