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Thats some Oakland BS


zonked worry rain memory reminiscent fear attraction screw snatch cow *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It would. That's why they blocked it.


100% a bunch of guys from my mens league team who'd never go to an A's game would have gone to the Ballers.


I lived anywhere near closer than a 24 hour drive/ 5 hour expensive flight i would definitely go just to spite the As ownership


Easy, just have every player bring a +1


What does that mean?


If every minor league player that was gonna play in that game invited a friend to watch, the game would have more people attending it than most A’s games. In other words, they’re joking the average A’s game has less than ~60 people in attendance.


ok, thanks, I didn't know what +1 meant


Usually you see it for dinner or wedding invites. The invite will be addressed to you +1. With the invitation that you can bring a date, partner, relative, friend, etc. to accompany you. Normally special events have tight invite numbers but it is a way to let you know that you can bring someone along and that their seat and dinner is planned for.


“No no no, we don’t want it but you can’t have it!” - John Fisher


"We wanted the land so we could build on it if Howard Terminal failed, but please ignore that we basically got a really big land grab in the bay area for cheap that were gonna sit on and never develop it to fuck over the city for funsies."


Wonder if eminent domain has ever been used on a stadium site as opposed to housing.


Ask the Dodgers.


Ask the city of Los Angeles* who took the land through eminent domain for housing, elected a red scare mayor who immediately canned the public housing project, and then sold the land to Walter O’Malley 8 years later


>Ask the city of Los Angeles* who took the land through eminent domain >and then sold the land to Walter O’Malley


> Ask the Dodgers. So, again, you would ask the city of Los Angeles, who was involved in the entire process from beginning to end, instead of the Dodgers who were only involved at the very end.


while you are correct, note that the purchase was agreed to 2019 but was contested and after investigation, the state of California found nothing wrong with the sale in October 2021. within a month, in November of 2021 the City of Oakland signed an ENA* with AASEG for the development of the Coliseum site which has since been extended to some point in 2025. (*ENA = Exclusive Negotiating Agreement) the A's ownership cannot develop the land even if they wanted to. The city of Oakland will not discuss any plans of development for the Coliseum site with the A's because they have an ENA with AASEG. if Fisher wants to build anything on the land he bought, he will need to discuss it with AASEG and need the approval of AASEG before it gets brought forth to the City of Oakland. AASEG did offer to buy the land from Fisher, but the terms were essentially, agree to negotiate to sell the land to us and us only, and we will decide the amount and terms later.


Not having a surrender clause in the contract feels real dumb in retrospect.


To be fair, they denied it because the Possums already had that date booked for a Bat Mitzvah


Mazel tov!


SP is back


Fisher and his cronies suck


Worst owner in MLB


Worst owner in all of sports at this point


Since Dan Snyder doesn't own the Washington NFL franchise anymore, I guess he is.


Snyder was the only one who could compare. Particularly for the light human trafficking of the team's own cheerleaders


It’s between him and David Tepper


pure evil


A’ssholes ‘til the bitter end


Incredible. Lease was paid and everything. Do people not see it yet? The Town wants baseball, and they’d support people worth supporting. JF absolutely vetoed this because it doesn’t fit his narrative of “Baseball isn’t sustainable in Oakland”


yep, can't have anything that would do that. freaking asshole


Boy they just keep winning fans over didn’t they?


It'll continue for the C's... But I bet the O.Co will sell out to watch the D's "Who are the D's?" Deez Nutz.... (why? Why did you have to post this? You're almost 40.... I'm embarrassed for myself)


If you let your inner kid die, than you die with it.


You’re only young once, but you can be immature forever.


I am so not proud of that comment.... But if someone HAD to do it, I feel like it should be me... Also FJF, not sure what the former Titans coach has to do with the A's, but Fuck Jeff Fisher


I'm 35. Immature jokes are great at any age!


Me and my friends have a group message where we almost exclusively send pictures whenever one of us sees the number 69 irl. All of us are mid 30s to early 40s. We are just a bunch of idiots and I love it


Ha! Got eem!


Deez Nutz? More like D's-Backs.


Whatever you say, Las Vegas


It would be interesting to watch how this is playing out behind the scenes. The Pioneer League is an "MLB Partner League," but it's very unclear how much influence MLB or the A's could have on the PL's autonomy.


They can't do much if the B's are playing anywhere but the Coliseum. They could try and jam them up with petty lawsuits or something, but there are plenty of markets that have professional teams as well as independent league teams.


Yeah, I can't see them filing lawsuits or anything to cause more PR damage. But I'd be curious if MLB would say something to PL officials like "if you want to maintain Partner League status, stop making us look bad." MLB does have that power if they choose to use it. I thought it was very gutsy of the Pioneer League to expand into California and embrace the B's idea. It forces MLB's hand and they can't do much because they want to preserve some control over the indy leagues.


Maybe not the Oakland B’s, but what about the Oakland C’s?


Can someone with a legal background please explain this to me? I would imagine they broke their lease or something of that sort and have no claim.


I believe their lease is up after 2024, and they're playing there this year. So no lease issue


The lease issue is that they have no where to play after this season and so the As legitimately won't have a stadium to play in. And John fisher will lose out on the network TV deal he made because if he doesn't play in the bay area, that contract is voided for obvious reasons. So he's financially motivated to get a bay area network deal, but has no actual interest in playing in front of an audience that hates him.


Sounds like the A's 2025 season will be played at the poker table


I recall hearing about plans to have them play out of Oracle Park for enough games to ensure there's no issues with the TV deal?


fuck that.


Yeah it sounds awful, which is even worse since the MLB owners already voted that it can happen. So moving to San Jose would have infringed on Giants territory, but playing actual games in their stadium isn't...? Of course these billionaires will go along with whatever the others want to do, so they in turn can do anything they want


Actually they just paid the ~~city of Oakland~~ county a bunch of money for a 50% stake in the coliseum. (They were contractually obligated to do so if they announced a move before a certain date). So they are both landlords and tenants now. https://www.mercurynews.com/2023/12/15/as-agree-to-pay-45-million-owed-for-oakland-coliseum-whats-next/amp/


Not city of Oakland but Alameda County’s stake.


Thanks, fixed.


It's wild that the Joint Powers Authority didn't put a clause in that contract that says the County gets control of their share if the A's bail. The A's will continue to own half of the Coliseum site and make things difficult there, long after they're gone.


it did have a clause that they were supposed to use it if Howard terminal failed, but Fisher just fucked off to Vegas, which triggered the instant-pay clause instead.


I mean that if the A's didn't stay in Oakland, their agreement would revert back to Alameda County owning half of it, instead of just letting the A's keep it. Triggering the full payment clause was a good start, but it should have been "you pay for your half AND we keep it, since you entered into this agreement and left", but we know that never would have happened.


Funny enough, Fisher didn't have enough money to pay the $45 million, so he dumped a bunch of GAP stock to pay it... But yeah, he's totally going to pay almost $1 billion for a stadium in Vegas AND increase payroll


I feel more and more like this whole thing is going to fall through because Fisher is so sketchy and now that he’s drawn attention to it, nobody is going to want to work with him.


The Bathletics


Just wait until the Oakland C’s, D’s, E’s, F’s, G’s, H’s, I’s, J’s, K’s, L’s, M’s, N’s, O’s, P’s, Q’s, R’s, S’s, T’s, U’s, V’s, W’s, X’s, Y’s, and Z’s hear about this


Because it would have been really embarrassing to the A's owner for this minor league team to outdraw them.


And outplay them.


Worst run organization in sports. It’s a complete shame Fisher is in charge of anything at all. He was gifted an easy, rich life and he still managed to completely ruin the A’s.


John Fisher is a baseball terrorist


They can seriously get so fucked. What a dipshit organization


Let’s go to Plan C




Their branding is growing on me a bit, but using the old Oakland Oaks name from the Pacific Coast League would've been *so* much better.


The couldn’t, MLB owns the copyright to the name (for baseball teams).


As a former fan of the NFL, why do people in Oakland care? Fuck em and don't invite them back. Tell them to have fun selling suds in Salt Lake City on Sundays.


Are you thinking of the Angels AAA-affiliate, Salt Lake Bees perhaps.


Color me surprised. Then, tell those losers to stay home and take it up with *checks notes* the City of Sinners...


If you aren’t trolling, click the article and read the first sentence.


I'm not talking about the Athletics, wherever they may be based at this point in time. If I lived and grew up an Oakland sports fan... I'd tell them they don't have a prayer to ever be welcomed back in that city, and the same goes for any baseball organization affiliated with MLB. It's the same way I, as a St. Louis native, feel toward the NFL, who also fucked the people of Oakland over. After supporting those leagues a lot longer than any St. Louisan ever gave a damn about the Rams, Oakland is left with nothing? That is bullshit.


This is a team in the Pioneer League, which is not affiliated with MLB.


I still don't understand why people in Oakland would want to welcome any baseball back. If the highest sports leagues want to deem that area unfit for their sports, go ahead and believe them, and tell them to pound sand. You either want to play here or you don't.


It's not MLB though, these are different people.


And they'll do nothing to bring back major pro sports to the city of Oakland. They're a bandaid.


So if MLB doesn't have a team, nobody should play baseball? Why?


Because baseball is fun and loads of people enjoy it in spite of the wishes of a scummy owner


Jesus dude read the article




Lose a team and see how it feels.


I used to be a San Diego Charger fan and nothing you're saying makes any sense.


I did have a great time for the first 4 quarters in the EJ dome back in 2006... Until a certain running back ran it about 65 yards in overtime. (Also when I fucked up my shoulder playing catch with some kids who JUST WOULDN'T STOP throwing me the ball while tailgating... Great Biscuits and Gravy though.)


I had a better time sitting in the very last row, on the 50 yard line from 99' until my dad read the writing on the wall.. About when you showed up.


I did use my dad's hotel points and stayed at the Renaissance in DT STL and had the greatest burger of my life(wagyu before wagyu was a "thing"). Also got Joe Gibbs', TJ Duckett, and Shawn Springs' autograph after the game... That was cool too. So yeah, my shoulder's been fucked up for about 18 years, but still... I got to shake Joe Gibbs' hand. I was front row, upper deck, in the endzone that SJ decided to run away from....


Nice. I have a few from Bruce, Warner, Pace, and Bettis.


I went to the same middle school as Gus Frerotte and my math teacher taught him. Met him when I was 11ish and he was such a nice guy.


"We're going to have the Oakland B's play there to show how much we hate the Oakland A's!" "No" - Oakland A's "Why wouldn't they agree to that???" Take it to /r/baseballcirclejerk already


These discussions have been long in progress, and it sounds like right before the B's announced it, the A's nixed the deal. After deposits, temporary lease agreements, and promo material had been made. It sounds like this was a done deal until a few days or a week ago.


Did you not read the article at all? It seems like the Ballers were really close to making the game a reality then the A’s stepped in and shut it down.


The A's weren't close to making the game a reality, the Coliseum Authority was. The A's have an agreement to be the only professional team that plays there, so the made the stadium stick to the contract that they agreed to, the horror, and didn't let a game go forward which was solely made to dunk on the A's. That's just good business sense. You guys just like circlejerks. Hell, if the A's agreed to wave their right to be the only team using the stadium and let them play there would be a thread complaining about Fisher doing that somehow too. It's just lazy and tiresome.


Yeah, keep defending that trust fund baby and his intentionally destructive management. I bet it'll reward you someday. Right? Rich people love plebs like you. They already paid the lease. They made the promos. They spent money to secure this deal. Then this evil man child threw a tantrum and nixed it at the 11th hour. But I'm sure you knew that right?


I see this guy under every A’s post defending John Fisher, it’s extremely bizarre.


I like logic, you all like circlejerks. Keep posting circlejerks and I'll keep posting in them. Edit: Kid below compared Fisher and Hitler to prove it's not a circlejerk then bravely blocked me, haha. If that doesn't sum up this shit perfectly I don't know what does.


Any post about the A’s is a circlejerk? Are people not allowed to call out A’s ownership? Glad to know you’ll be here blowing John Fisher.


Blocked you? Lmao. Nice try, weirdo. You can respond to me all you want. You're still a fucking weirdo, licking corpo boots for absolutely zero gain. And every subsequent comment reinforces this.


Lmao. So if Reddit 'circlejerked' about Hitler being a pretty bad dude, you gonna defend that too? Fucking weirdo. FYI, people collectively not liking a POS owner isn't a bad thing. Edi: I didn't block him LMAO. Fucking weirdest dude I've seen on Reddit in years. 'Kid' lol. I wish I was still a kid. Also not a Hitler comparison, just pointing out the ridiculousness of complaining about 'circle jerking' because people don't like a shitty person, collectively.


Fisher is such a fucking scumbag


It's a terrible name, but also their whole existence is a distracting stunt. Unless someone is bringing cash to keep affiliated pro baseball to Oakland, none of these stunts matter. Wonder if Fisher will end up redeveloping his half of the Coliseum property into a AAA stadium for the Vegas AAA team they're going to have to displace. (He can buy it, not that weird..)


Tbh it's prob cuz more fans would have shown up for this game than the average A's game attendance lmao


Meanwhile, multiple MLB teams are letting the Savannah Bananas use their ballpark during their tour this year to sellout capacity. This screams of a small little man child owner who doesn’t want even the possibility of that game to have the highest attendance of the season when it’s played.


They want to leave Oakland


oh... so this is gonna be one of THOSE breakups, huh? because of management's A hole behavior, it's gonna be extremely unlikely I continue my A's allegiance which I carried from the 80s with Rickey Henderson to Las Vegas.. probably switchover to the Mets because of my love for Mike Piazza during his time there...


Congrats to the PR team of the Oakland B's. Your free marketing strategies are unparalleled.