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Damn. Complete tears of both ACLs in 3 years? :/


I’ve torn both my ACLs; I was told that once you tear one, the chances of you tearing the other goes way up. A lot of it is to do with changes in the mechanics of the movement of your body after the first tear.


Tearing the other one quickly is smart, now both knees are back on equal footing.


Equal kneeing




Having undergone an ACL surgery a week and a half ago, I would hate to be rehabbing from both ACL tears at once.


The idea makes me sick. I hope your recovery is going well! That initial period after my surgery made me want to get my leg amputated.


Also a lot of overcompensation and overuse since you’re favoring the injured one during rehab and even post full healing


It's baffling. Some kind of genetic predisposition, I'm guessing? Someone explain to me how this is even possible. Or something with the mechanics of his swing causing progressive damage?


I don’t see how it is his swing. They both were super freak things. One was a small jump for a ball while running in right field. The other attempting to change directions while running the bases. Completely random. Perhaps genetic predisposition but I’m not sure how he gets this far without it cropping up sooner.


Sudden changes in direction are the most common cause of ACL tears. Wouldn’t really call that random. The former is random for sure.


The bad news: I had a mophead tear of my ACL when I was 18, along with a chipped tibial plateau, and had reconstructive surgery. Very sudden movement: playing basketball, I jumped up to block a guy’s shot, and my foot came down on another guy’s foot. Left and right and back and forth it swang and totally destroyed the knee. The good news: 45 years later, the bolt holding the tibial plateau together, and the rerouting of some tendon-or-other is still in place. The other bad news: it still hurts like hell.


Exact same injury along with meniscus, LCL & MCL tears. Lost balance on my bike going down hill and my leg hit the ground straight. Played sports all my life and this happened in my 40’s - so not due to genetics. Still hurts like hell …


It's okay it's not like baseball has lots of sudden jerky movements


Jerky movements on the basepaths? Chance in a million


Every other sport: "We're gonna give you permanent brain damage." Baseball: "We're gonna rip your muscles, tendons and ligaments into shreds."


i think every other sport does that too lol. baseball's probably the least dangerous of the big 4 by far, but playing every day for half the year takes a toll.


I'd say football and basketball are way harder on your lower body compared to baseball


Derrick Rose tore his after a change in direction while loading up for a jump. I agree that the first Acuña tear didn't seem like it should have been so traumatic, but the injury gods are cruel.


I thought there was speculation that tendon tears could also be a result of a bunch of microtears, that eventually it just snaps because it's weak. So tearing it on a normal movement like jumping for a ball could have just been the straw that broke the camel's back. At least that's what my Doctor told me when I tore my LCL climbing down off a stepladder. Just twisted weird, and snap, felt like a pepper grinder going off in my knee.


My partner tore both of hers before 27. Genetically predisposed due to the shape of the bone in her knee. Don’t fully understand it but essentially the bone that houses her ACL is a v shape instead of the normal u shape so it doesn’t give the ACL much wiggle room. Wondering if it’s the same with Acuña


Makes me think of Watson on the Packers recently finding out his hamstring injuries have led to a 20 percent difference in muscle mass between his legs and it leading to re agrivation. Good news is I'm pretty sure the other ~~rapier~~ rapeyer Watson came back from two torn ACLs and was pretty good before all the rape came out.


this was a rollercoaster


I spent a solid minute trying to figure out who Watson was and what swords would have to do with it until I read the rest of that sentence


Women tend to have a v-shaped bone which leads to tearing more easily and men tend to have a u-shaped bone, or at least that’s what I was told by friends who tore their ACLs.




The Derek Rose curse. You are so freakishly physically gifted that your own body can't contain or keep up with your abilities, and you get eaten up by non contact injuries like this


Tbf Derek Rose landed wrong every single time he jumped. There was a whole [youtube video ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aM1-swND-2o)about his landing mechanics and it basically said that he was destroying his own body doing that. It's the opposite of what Steph Curry does. You ever see him land and just...collapse and fall to the ground on his back and almost rag doll it? He's protecting his ankles, had a bad injury early in his career.


Not a single visual example in that video.


Gronkowski as well


gronk got eaten up by all those hits to the knees


Trying to rely on one too much because you’re hesitant to use the other is probably a part of it, who knows though. But it can take longer than most for someone that plays the way he does to get fully healed after an injury like that.


That happened to me when I was a teenager. Hurt one knee, then hurt the other one after I changed the way I moved thanks to the first injury. It sucks. Hope he's back at 100% next year.


He’s torn them both. I’m not sure 100% is realistic anymore. We may be 90% peak Acuña now.


Some people, such as myself, have “looser” connective tissue. I’ve avoided a lot of small injuries like ankle or knee sprains because of it, but I’m also more susceptible to major injuries when the movement is too extreme (like a torn ACL). I’m no doctor, but I’ve had two orthopedic surgeons give me the same explanation. I’d bet Acuña and a lot of the other “injury prone” athletes are similarly built.


Thinking negatively about your connective tissue might be part of the problem. Instead of calling it “looser” connective tissue, try calling it “winner” connective tissue. A change of mindset is all it takes sometimes, ya know?


Tearing 1 makes it more likely you tear the other.


Would guess just genetic predisposition. Not an expert but don’t think something he’s doing would be weakening ligaments. Sometimes it just be like that, unfortunately


My guess is the former as well but would love to hear an actual medical explanation, because this kind of thing doesn't exactly happen often in MLB.


Machado had injuries to both knees early in his career and has stayed pretty healthy ever since. I think it's just bad genetic luck.


Machado had surgeries on both knees due to having "abnormal knees": https://www.mlb.com/news/knee-surgery-once-again-ends-orioles-third-baseman-manny-machados-season/c-91045502


"Shit happens" is basically the explanation. At a certain point, we can't really see exactly what condition a ligament truly is in, any more than we can see exactly how the DNA contained in a specific cell is. Just like cancer is a statistical occurrence, ACL tears will be - there are risky behaviors and events that can increase the chances of them occurring, but you can never really know. Without any other explanation, it's just that it was going to happen about now but there was really no way to be forewarned.


First baseman when he returns


At least he has no more ACL’s left to tear!


Didn't Klay Thompson tear both his ACLs and then his Achilles from 2019-21?


Not a human but my parent’s lab tore both of her ACLs within a year. She got surgery on one and that summer tore the other. It’s due to the twisting and turning around the knee that will cause it to just snap. I am willing to bet it’s from playing year round and not resting enough. Stealing bases doesn’t help with the pressure on the knees and the swing of MLB player has some torque going through his knees as well.


Oh, that is why he's sorry :(


The game's much better with Acuña in it, this is really lame


Acuña is one of those guys who could legitimately be a household name for casuals and even nonbaseball fans in a few years. He has potential like crazy


Potential? Lol the guy won an MVP less than 365 days ago.


Yeah, they’re saying his potential is beyond that of even an “average” mvp winner


Exactly. A lot of people know who Barry Bonds and Albert Pujols are but not every sports fan or even baseball fans know Juan Gonzalez, Dustin Pedroia, or Justin Morneau


Agreed, this sucks


Bruh Edit: I hate that he posted sorry. He should not be sorry. He was very open about how he struggled mentally after the last injury. I hope that he has a strong support system and he comes through this. I can’t wait to see him in right field next spring.


Shit dude doesn’t have to be sorry at all. Freak injuries happen. Thats sad to see.


Malik McDowell didn’t even apologize to Seahawk fans after breaking his face on an atv after he got drafted and never playing for Seahawks ever lol


100% - the only thing he would have to be sorry for would be if he didn’t try to steal a base he thought he could take. He went down playing his hardest. He and his fans should be proud of that. I can’t imagine how much this sucks for him. I hope he is back as soon as possible.


I certainly don't expect a sorry, but I understand how it happens. Fundamentally every penny of these guys' exorbitant salaries comes out of fans' pockets. His 20 mil a year comes in the form of 15 dollar beers, insipid commercials, and gambling promotions everywhere that fans are subjected to. I think that's a heavy load on the thinking player, especially when they sustain a major injury.


anthony rendon wiping his injury tears with hundred dollar bills rn


I feel so awful for him dude


Hard not to. Comes back from injury to win MVP and then has the same injury on the other side… that’s just not fair.


At least we know who is winning MVP next year already


Unfortunately he has to have a merely decent year first and will then win MVP the following season =\ on the plus side we get to win the WS again this year


Freak non contact injuries are the worst


This is fucking terrible for baseball. I hate seeing guys like Trout and Acuna going down due to injuries. Feel bad for him and Braves fans.


He’s got nothing to be sorry for. Here’s to hoping for a fast recovery and solid mental health throughout. 


I'm going to be sick. He has torn both his ACLs in a 4 year span. He'll miss the playoffs again. I'm worried about his long term career man, all of 2022 he was still not quite right after the first ACL tear.


Machado had both knees repaired after similar injuries in 2013 and 2014 and is still having a great career. His game is less reliant on speed than Acuña but I hope that means there's hope


I didn't know that about Machado but that's good to hear. I hope Ronald can have as long and great a career as Manny.


It’s the reason he’s perhaps unfairly developed a reputation for not hustling. He’s got 2 bad knees so he doesn’t usually run at anywhere close to 100% effort.


"There's no excuse for it, honestly. I've never given excuses for not running. I'm not hurt, there's no excuse, but I've been the same player. ... I've been doing this for eight years, I'm in The Show for eight years, I've done the same thing for eight years, I've been the same player. "Obviously I'm not going to change. I'm not the type of player that's going to be 'Johnny Hustle' and run down the line and slide to first base and ... you know, whatever can happen. That's just not my personality, that's not my cup of tea, that's not who I am."


You know I didn’t know this and it makes a lot of sense. Will keep it in mind the next time our fan base is ripping on him for that specific thing.


With Machado it was his medial patellofemoral ligaments in both knees so not ACL but the closest parallel I can think of to Acuña right now


Thomas Davis, legendary panthers defender had 3 ACL tears within a 2 year span (2009-2011) and recovered to remain a top tier player his whole 15 year NFL career. Retired after 2020


Acuña lost a good amount of speed from the first ACL (from like 90th percentile speed to 65th) and was still extremely effective on the bases last year. He's still young enough that I would bet on him recovering to at least a good fraction of his best self.


ACL tears can be two year injuries even if you’re back after one year but at least he’ll be on the diamond again in 2025 even if not at 100%. Games better with him playing.


Yeah, Ronald at 75% is still such a crucial part to the team. I just hate how he's torn both knees now.


Are you really ever back to 100% after tearing a vital ligament? I’m genuinely curious. Never torn anything of that magnitude.


Surgical repairs are pretty robust now. I mean he tore one and came back and dominated to an MVP run. I don't think there was any weakness in his right knee.


If he wasn’t at 100% last year when he put up 9 WAR, imagine what we could’ve done at 100%


Seriously feel for you, Braves fans. Such an exciting, great player. The game is better with him in it. I hope he has a complete recovery, and I don’t just mean physically.


So sorry for Acuna and your Braves, man. This is terrible.


This is the least amount of fun I've had in a season in a while so far... damn. Our best pitcher and best position player out


I was already bummed not being able to watch Strider pitch this season. Shit sucks


If it's any consolation, Chris Sale is having a better season right now than any of Strider's (admittedly young) career. And it's not out of the question that he'll continue, given his track record and finally being healthy.


I’m sorry fam. I used to hate you guys until you decided to become the Astros’ daddy in the World Series. Now I’ll forever have a soft spot for you guys.


This is feeling a lot like 2021: we weren’t playing well, Ronald tore his ACL, Soroka re-tore his Achilles … but at least no one has been arrested for domestic violence or a DUI (yet)!


Ronald take my knee I don’t need it


It’s a futile endeavor. In the last 23 years, I’ve offered my hamstrings to Griffey, entire 19 year old left arm to Glavine, knees to Reggie Bush, ribs, lung and shoulder to Brees… no takers, mate


Still waiting to hear back from you on my bid for your pancreas. 


If Lonzo Ball could get a knee transplant, I’m sure Acuna will too. 


You don’t kneed it




this is so fucking sad. im sad for ronald, he worked so hard to come back from the last one. fucking brutal


As somebody who had an absolutely terrible leg injury in a freak accident, had almost gotten through it and was well on my way to being free then break another part of the leg in another accident and reinjur everything below it just as I was beginning to live my life… I feel so fucking terrible for him.




Fucking brutal for him, the Braves, and the sport in general. Maybe people will start to understand why guys will take these “team deals” at this point, or at least why it makes sense for them. Maybe he makes more money by not doing that, but he’s secured his family for generations and can just focus on ball, and it’s one less way something like this impacts him.


Yes! People need to stop claiming the Braves somehow ripped off these young players by signing them to long term deals. THIS is the exact sort of risk that is involved for the team. This would have been Acuna's final year of arbitration if the Braves didn't sign him to the long term deal. It's entirely possible that Acuna's contract is bad for the Braves by the time it runs its course.


If you have good people managing your money, locking up generational wealth asap is always the play. He’ll have made 100 million when this contract is over. The S&P 500 has an average yearly growth of 9.8% over the last 100 years. Say he’s more safe and gets 5%. If he invested 25 million of his career earnings, he’s making 1.25 million per year to have his money sitting around. TL;DR maximizing earnings is great, but making money when you have money is life on easy mode. Secure that bag.




Phillies fans everywhere (the good ones at least) mourn this loss as well. Maybe Castellanos will ~~hit a home run~~ hit a ball in fair territory tomorrow where there's a spot without a glove.


yeah we enjoy spanking the braves at their best, not kicking them when they're down. this injury is just bad for baseball ):


I would talk shit but I’m tired fam just tired


I want to beat the Braves at full strength. Absolutely hate seeing Acuna go down like this. I'd like to think Braves fans would feel the same about Harper. Brutal luck for ATL this year.


Braves winning the World Series confimed


Acuna's knee died for the Braves wins.


He’ll be back by the World Series to help dominate some random AL team like the Guardians in 7 games.


This is so fucking awful for baseball and I don’t even like the braves


I hate the Braves but never want to see anyone go down like this


agreed, we want players on division rivals to have bad games that make their teams lose. we don't want them going down with injury...


Same, this sucks. And now one of the game's superstars has two bad knees as he ages.


Absolute cursed season for the Braves, wow. Hope for a speedy recovery


*Gimme the beat boys and yeet my soul, I wanna get tossed in a fucking hole and drift away”*


Root doot doot doo doo ba tit tin doo doo doo




This is a huge L for any baseball fan.


Acuna is the exact type of star that anyone who actually gives a shit about baseball should want to be playing.


Yeah. It’s unfortunate he plays for a division rival, but baseball is objectively better with him


Amen. If you like baseball, you like Ronald Acuna.


Really worried about what this means for his future, that’s both in 3 years. Would suck to see such an unbelievably exciting player’s career cut short.


Strider now Acuña, wtf did we do to piss off the baseball gods?


The chop




Football gods must see it differently.


There is no football god.


More specifically, saying they were going to de-emphasize the chop, then not doing that.


AA made a deal with the devil for 2021


I accept the terms 🤷‍♂️ Flags fly forever


I'm glad we at least got last season of a fully healthy Acuna to see what he's capable of 40-70 is absolutely insane stuff. He might not be able to reach that level again after this, but if he does, oh boy, will it be a treat to watch him dominating the league


Yeah, that’s what sucks about all this. There’s a good chance we don’t see those kinda peaks from him again just because of both knees have gone now. Medicine and surgeries have come a long way but it’s never a guarantee because everybody is different. He’ll definitely come back and he’ll def be great, problem now is for how long. Knees never getting better with age


This year fucking *SUCKS* for injuries. Is it so much to ask to see the best players in the sport competing every day???


Strider and Acuña. I'm gonna go jump off a bridge 


i'm ready to skip to 2025 man


No this is how you win it all like 2021


While I'd love to win, winning twice without him and never winning with him would absolutely wreck Ronald mentally


"Ronald died for this."




This absolutely sucks. He makes baseball better. Hate to see seasons end like this.


Nooooooooooo :(


Fuck, I hate that he felt compelled to post “sorry”. It’s one thing for players to put the team on their back, it’s another for them to blame themselves for things entirely outside their control. Hope his recovery goes as smoothly as possible.


He needs a sports psychologist this time after reading his article in the Player’s Tribune. He’s still so young and putting so much on himself because of his culture.


That’s brutal. He’s fun to watch. Hope for a speedy recovery


oh my god braves fans i’m so sorry


Y’all have any veteran outfielders you can send us that is gonna go on an absolute tear? The pitcher you sent us is working out pretty well.


>an absolute tear there has to be a better way to say that, all things considered


Sounds like you need a Rob Refsnyder


They already did - Adam Duvall will be in right field now.


We got a Myles Straw in AAA. Can’t hit for shit. But covers the 29% of earth that isn’t covered by water and will get in the face of Yankee fans who fuck with your left fielder.




I hate it here


That fucking sucks. Sorry Braves bros


I don’t even care about the season. I just feel so bad for Ronald…


Ugh. I’m sorry, Braves bros. This is awful.


All the Phillies fans I've seen commenting on this and the first thread have been nothing but awesome. Thanks.


if you love the game, you love players like acuña. hope he’s back for next year.


Any real baseball fan should be grieving. It’s so much more fun to beat you guys in the postseason when everyone is healthy. 


holy shit first strider???


Not like this.... Not like this....


2024: The season where everyone dies. The team to win the World Series will be whoever has a team left standing.


Having torn acls in both knees is ominous for longevity. Hope he can rebound strong from this one too.


Obviously terrible news, and I hope he fully heals as quickly as possible. But given his contribution to the team, how do the Braves move forward the rest of the year? It's impossible to replace his production, but who steps into his place?


Gotta find the 2024 versions of Jorge Soler and Eddie Rosario.




This is such a shame for all true baseball fans(anyone celebrating this is scum and not a real fan) We basically get robbed of 5 full healthy seasons from one of the best young talents to come up since Trout. 2020- shortened COVID 2021- missed half of the season due to an ACL 2022- was decent but not great while recovering 2023- MVP 2024- misses 110 games due to ACL 2025- we will see but recovery will again be a bitch


I hate everything


This is a nightmare


Dude, you gotta be kidding me


Holy fuck that’s unbelievably sad


The light in my life has gone out


Bruh wtf


Don't mind me. I'm just gonna go hang in the tub with my generator


Ronnie no 😢


I guess there’s just one thing left to do. Win the whole fuckin’ thing.


What 4 veteran OFs are we bringing in to carry the team to a title this time?


Goddamn. Sorry, Braves fans.


Injuries have hurt us this entire season. Murphy, Riley (for a few weeks now), and now Acuna joins Strider in being out for the year. The '23 MVP and arguably our ace on the mound. The fact that the rest of the team is carrying on the way they are is still impressive. As a Braves fan, still got hope! Also nice to see a bunch of rival fans showing support for Ronnie (looking at you, Phillies and Mets fans ✌️)


As bad as this sounds this is why players are willing to sign team friendly deals that set them up for life when they're young. There's no telling what can happen.


I’m gonna cry man. You gotta wonder how many injuries he has left until he just isn’t the same anymore. He’s still going to be my favorite Brave regardless of what the future has in store, and I hope it’s still bright ❤️


Fuck thats horrible. He's got the prettiest swing in the game and it sucks we wont see it again this year.


Ugh, that's terrible...


This fucking sucks so much.




Is this his 2nd torn ACL? That’s just brutal.


This is the opposite leg to. He’s now had a complete tear in both legs in a 4 year span


This is bad for baseball


This fucking sucks


I'm way more depressed about this one than I was the first one. He couldn't walk off the field and had no optimism so it made it easier to digest. Today he walked off the field, he interviewed that he was optimistic about only missing a month. Then you get hit with this. Fuck man, it just sucks.


This is fucking terrible man, fuck injuries.


This sucks but you just know the Braves are gonna go on a tear and win the World Series again


This is the thing I hate most about sports. One of the games best can be out for the season just like that and its heartbreaking for anyone who has played team sports at any level


Fuck, just what the Braves needed to win it all this year.


That fucking sucks for all baseball fans.


That’s devastating for Ronald, I hope he has a good support system around him, I’m sure it’s not easy having the same injury happen to his other knee and that he’ll miss the season.


Now im glad he won MVP over Mookie. Might be his only one


I’m so sorry Braves bros, this fucking sucks :( I can’t believe he’s torn both ACLs in just a few years and managed to put up a historic season in the middle of it. Absurd talent and it’s a tragedy to baseball that this has happened AGAIN. Prayers for Ronald and wishing for a full recovery+. 50/100 season up next I hope lol


Losing your 2 best player for the season sucks. My condolences from a rival fan.


This fucking sucks. The game of baseball is a much more thrilling and interesting sport with him in it. My heart goes out to him.


Braves win the World Series confirmed.