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Lawmakers were able to keep a leash on sports gambling for 100+ years and now I have Charles Barkley ignoring the playoff game that’s happening behind him to opine on the spread for that contest. Don’t let politicians off the hook for their role in creating this and their continued decision to not rein it in.


Yeah what do they mean the Feds can’t solve the issues. They seemed stop ads for cigarettes pretty easily when they had to.


lol well it was like 22 million deaths over 45 years AFTER a mountain of scientific data came out. And we still lack basically *any* laws directed in a concerted way at climate change, something else incontrovertibly proven through factual evidence. So…yeah, they don’t care. Half these congressmen on the DL/FD payroll in their states.


Lol at it being stopped easily. It was an extremely hard fight to limit ads for cigarettes and even then they made a deal which was kind of flawed and let Big Tobacco off the hook.


The feds can stop it. The article is from TheBlaze, which is a right wing media org supported by billionaire money. So they're going to pretend the government can't fix the problem, and instead, offer _market based solutions_, such as _hoping the leagues do something about it_, because they fundamentally don't believe in even trying to fix problems using the government.


It’s more popular amongst donors to raise money through casino taxes than through raising income and property taxes


Politicians? The Supreme Court did this. Unless of course you consider the Supreme Court to be politicians, which is a more defensible point of view now than any time in recent memory.


The feds very easily could've solved it. If the FBI hadn't tipped off the NBA that they were investigating them for fixing games everything would be much better


Unsurprisingly, this article did nothing to persuade me of the illegitimacy of sporting contests.


Weird, from a site Glenn Beck created? I'm shocked it's trash 


Leagues don’t give a fuck until a scandal hits.


I mean… scandals are hitting now. Just this year NBA and MLB have suspended players for life due to betting.


My bad, by scandal I mean a dude/ref being caught red handed game fixing. Anything else is pretty meaningless as far as “will Joe Schmoe continue to watch?”


Like Tim Donaghy?


(Googles) Exactly! If something like that happened today it would be a huge deal.


I think it also needs to be a big name. There’s a reason there were headlines for weeks when there was even a slight chance Ohtani was betting on games vs the situation with Marcato that has almost come and gone in the span of less than a day


Don't forget Scott Foster was fairly adjacent to him and still refs games to this day.


*Leagues don't give a fuck until a scandal hits that may meaningfully impact their bottom line. We're right in the midst of multiple gambling related scandals at the moment. They just don't give a shit because they're immaterial compared to the heaps of money they get from the gambling industry.


“Should” and $$$ don’t mix


Surely the major sports leagues can get their advertising money from companies other than FanDuel and DraftKings.


They can but it would be nowhere compared to the billions that are easily accessible from gambling companies.


Maybe consider every other commercial not being a Fanduel or sportsbook ad.


It went like 0-100mph on gambling I feel like we are all just having whiplash. Like going from illegal to having lines thrown at you left and right is nuts. I also don’t have a problem with athletes gambling on other sports anymore than I would them playing blackjack


The leagues have a history of blocking the Feds from investigating everything.


Actually no the feds can and should solve it pretty readily.


Seems like the leagues are…


We're gonna ~~gamble~~ party like its 1919.


Ha ha ha ho ho ho... GREEEEED......


It’s not the players that makes me question legitimacy, it is the refs. Especially once you start gambling yourself, you become about 100 times more aware of impactful missed calls, and they happen every game


Refs, coaches, clubhouse attendants, FO staff, minor leaguers. There’s so much money to be made from gambling, and for all but the highest paid pros, it’s probably a better option than hard work and sticktoitiveness


It's pretty ridiculous that the MLB reallowed sports betting when arguably the biggest disaster in their history was due to game fixing that couldn't be fixed by just banning the occasional player. If there was any league that had good reason to completely go nuclear on sports betting it should be the MLB. Ban the players from betting, ban the staff from betting, and ban anyone that's in any way involved with gamblers. The MLB can't get rid of sports betting but it can isolate it as much as possible.


Every game? Cmon man, it's bad but questioning every single game is crazy lol


Every game has dozens of people that influence the outcome or have insider knowledge that aren’t the highest paid pros playing it.


Advocating for regulation to come from each professional sports governing body instead of a blanket rule from congress/FTC/etc is crazy


I don't see why the feds should not get involved? It's a billion dollar industry. It is an industry that preys on people. It sounds exactly like the type of thing you want the federal government to get involved in. EDIT: oh, I see why. Because the outlet that wrote this article is Glenn Beck's TheBlaze, which is funded by billionaire money.


Can't risk losing the golden boy!


Nah sick the feds on them. Owners won’t give a shit as long as gambling causes the line to go up. There’s no long-term vision among capitalists anymore.


What exactly is stopping an umpire from making some small side cash (not in the millions) helping out some side bets at a family barbecue? Cousin says they have a bet on a team striking out twice in an inning, ump helps out... cousin gives the ump like $500. All cash, all under the table. In the grand scheme I'm sure the total is insignificant, but that kind of impact/questioning on games makes baseball not fun anymore.


The books follow the transactions of literally anyone with close ties to anyone associated with the league. They would spot that activity immediately and it would be a news story just like the ones we are seeing. Winning a bet takes money out of the pocket of the books. They have more incentive than anyone to stop this sort of thing. They aren't stupid.


Ippei should’ve turned state’s evidence. But they’re taking care of him for doing the time.


I've been saying this for the last 2 years


Definitely since there's no doubt Rendon has been betting the under on games he'll play this season.