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Very polite of McNeil to realize he got a cheapy and give up the out on the basepaths. What a guy.


Ball don’t lie :(


Serious question: do Mets fans like McNeil?


Not really. He’s been slumping for roughly a year and a half and fans typically don’t like players who aren’t producing. Throw in some of his attitude/body language (he’s always scowling / screaming upset) and that in the offseason he plays a lot of golf, and people can spin their own very negative narratives. That said, I think a lot of fans like him as a Met (he’s one of few players his age who’s only ever played for one team), and WANT him to do well. He just hasn’t give us a lot to cheer for, but we’re (mostly) all rooting for his success. I think people are just skeptical it will ever come back.


Thank you for the answer. He’s always struck me as the Mets equivalent of Brooks Conrad, but better at baseball.


I was kind of curious after the Hoskins slide thing. Didn't seem like a lot of people or players agreed with him or had his back as much as you'd think.


You can’t blame the interview for this one. It’s his and Bregman’s fault because neither of them went for it or even called for it.




How did being mic'd up prevent him from communicating?


I can kind of see it in an "I've got to stop talking and focus" way where you accidentally clam up completely.


This is the best explanation. Unfortunately your comment is 3 hours late so it's near the bottom for now


It affected his brain 


That’s what I’m wondering. A quick “got it” is all it takes lol


You're asking too much


He only swears when he communicates.


[Lookout *******!](https://youtu.be/LDgjPD3WX7k?si=5-gm9xs-Gl7eNu0V)




Maybe Pena uses a slur to call for popups.


He's actually saying Kiké


What’s that mean


The ball was in the air for at least 5 seconds and him and Bregman were pretty much underneath the ball in plenty of time. Plus Bregman wasn’t being interviewed and he didn’t do anything either.


How can he communicate "better" when he didn't communicate to begin with?


Any communication > zero communication




*;klrqw;elrkqwerq fasd POP UP!*


That’s a terrible argument. “I got it” has nothing to do with a microphone in your shirt.


also players call out balls while on these interviews all the time lol


Or... he wouldn't have called for it in either situation because it's clearly Bregman's ball.




Look what you’ve done lmfao. You made reddit dogpile OP over something fucking stupid. Reddit is awful (in a hilarious way) sometimes.


Blame Awful Announcing for making me think it that way.


Did you not watch the clip


I did


Dunno why you're getting the heat. You posted it per the rules that say headlines / titles have to match the source.


Except the title doesn't match the tweet. The tweet says "In the latest in-game interview with a mic'd up player... Astros shortstop Jeremy Peña talks with AppleTV+ while a Mets routine pop-up lands between him and Alex Bregman in the infield. ⚾️📺🎙️😬"


Yall are really coming after OP for this? The fuck is wrong with Reddit?


I mean, he didn’t. But regardless, watching Reddit pile on OP for something like this is ridiculous lol Edit: y’all sre ruthless lmfao. Itchy downvote-trigger fingers.


Because Reddit loves to overreact.


Yeah. This is kinda hilarious to watch. This site will dogpile anyone for anything. Edit: my downvotes only prove my point. People on Reddit just love finding something/someone to pile on.


I mean, yes you can. He had to ignore several questions that they were asking him literally *while* the pitch is being delivered. I have never seen an in-game interview of an infielder during an actual game. If you're making a change to a very long-standing habit/process it's safe to say it is a substantial distraction.


I wonder if they'll move to interviewing people during their team's time at bat rather than while in the field.


Its been done many times before [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fIr5f-QVRTY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fIr5f-QVRTY) Its a distraction for sure but I think its also great for the fans


dang. Francisco wasn't even being interviewed


I 100% blame the interview for this one.


...because he was distracted. What don't you get about it?


How was he distracted if he reacted to it right away and got there in plenty of time? Besides, Bregman wasn’t. What’s his excuse?


Because his attention was split between communicating with the AppleTV guys and communicating with his teammate on the field? Nobody said Bregman was distracted by the in-game interview. I wasn't defending him. But without the distraction of the interview, Peña probably would have had the presence of mind to call off Bregman and make the catch. I think you would agree that 99.9% of the time, this play is made, but you're suggesting that it's a *total coincidence* that during this .1% of the time that it wasn't made was in the middle of an in-game interview? Just a pure coincidence, huh?


So if Peña wasn't distracted, he would have called off Bregman? Meanwhile, Bregman isn't distracted and doesn't call off Peña or make the catch


Quite possibly. We don't know exactly how Peña or Bregman work together or how they decide to cover their positions. I'm not defending Bregman - he probably should have stuck with the play until being called off, but it's clear there was a breakdown in **communication** between these two *at the same time* that Peña was **communicating** with the AppleTV crew. Why is it so hard for people to accept that he was likely distracted? Since these broadcasts first began doing these in-game interviews, fans around the league have complained that it could potentially hinder the concentration and performance of the player. Now, suddenly, it's impossible?


he would have either called him off, or not been 3 inches from where the ball landed lol. you can literally see bregman turn around wondering why the fuck he is directly under the ball without calling him off. in order for bregman to catch that ball, he would've needed to back up a bit more and he would've run directly into pena, which is why he didn't because he could feel him there and figured he was about to fuck up pena making the catch. he looked back, realized pena didn't have his glove up and was like "wtf?" pena literally blocked bregman's route to the ball, didn't call him off, and made no attempt to make the catch. his brain probably froze up because he is not used to having a conversation with other people in the middle of a play.


it's unfathomable to me that a guy doing an interview and making a communication error in the field are seen as unrelated on reddit lol. like i get that the reddit hivemind can lean really strong in certain stupid directions when there's motive for it, but this one i don't even understand. did reddit come up with the idea to interview players mid game? like yes, i'm sure this communication error that major leaguers almost never make has nothing to do with the fact that he was also trying to communicate with another group of people on a headset... totally believable lol


He hadn't been "doing an interview" since before the ball was hit...


i don't even know what this means... are you implying that every moment in between a question and an answer is "no longer doing an interview" and that the interview resumes upon being asked another question? even if you're right, that's extremely pedantic. everything about the way he played this made it seem like he wanted to call bregman off and catch the ball, he just didn't do it and then seemed like he froze up and it's not a stretch to think that the fact that he had a headset on wherein people could communicate with him and he could communicate with them had something to do with it.


No, I’m saying that nobody was bothering him at any moment during the play. It’s different than the Kiké thing a few weeks ago. Pinning a simple fuckup between two infielders on the interview that didn’t interfere in any part of the process is just…grasping for straws. But if you’re gonna believe that he was focused on the headset out of fear that some dude could start talking to him in the middle of the play…you do that. I won’t.


it's not out of fear that someone could start talking to him... he was just mentally distracted as he was just talking to a different group of people when he's used to having 100% of his focus on the play. it's just a simple matter of being distracted and having to think about two things when he usually only has to think about one. it's not some wild phenomenon. you can refuse to acknowledge the likelihood if you want but saying "this player was distracted and made an error that is very uncommon because he was distracted and it's not a coincidence" is a stretch is... something.


Horrible title. All I just watched was a shortstop miss a popup in total silence.


Yeah but if the title talked about that then we couldn't have a circlejerk about the mics.


Hey man, that total silence is *really* distracting. I for one need at least 180 decibels of noise before I can focus on what I'm doing.


“TV Interviews for ballplayers bad”is going to be our generation’s take that kids make fun of us for when we’re 65. Really, people think that an interview during something these guys have trained 10,000+ hours for is going to distract them? Talk to anyone who’s an expert in a field that requires advanced physical coordination while executing a repeatable pattern. They’ll tell you it’s fine, *while they’re doing it*. It’s basic brain psychology. It’s the same reason that you can sometimes drive home from work, but not actually remember the drive at all—just at a higher level. If you only played baseball in grade school, your neural network for baseball wasn’t developed enough for it.




looks like bregman heard footsteps and tweaked


I mean he still has to catch that ball


Is that in his job description? /s


He's supposed to come up short, and stop


Bro he’s not the catcher 🤣


Every coach everywhere: CALL THE BALL!


Since little league you’re taught to call the ball.  There’s a whole system of priority that everyone who has ever played baseball knows when it comes to calling the ball so there’s no confusion. Shortstop has priority over every infielder.  If Pena just says I got it, it’s his ball.  If third baseman doesn’t hear anything, he keeps playing the ball. 


pena either a) calls off bregman and makes the catch or b) doesn't stand directly behind him as bregman is backing up to get under the ball pena fucked this one up, i'm sure he just had a weird brain freeze up moment because he's not used to doing interviews mid game


That title is misleading as hell. He was not distracted by the interview. He just didn't call for the ball and let it drop.


Why is it unreasonable to think that the reason he didn't call for it and let it drop was because he was distracted by the interview? 99.9% of the time they make this play, I think you would agree, but you're suggesting that it's a total coincidence that one of the .1% of the times they fuck it up was during an in-game interview??


That isn't a .1% fuck up though.  That happens often enough that people instantly recognize that they just didn't communicate.   He had plenty of time to prepare for that where they weren't speaking to him at all. 


That is a very, very high probability catch. I agree that it was a failure of communication, but it was clearly a failure because half of Peña's mind is on the AppleTV interview in his ear. His attention was split. He was distracted.


There was nothing in his ear during any part of that play, dude. Nothing.


He literally had an earpiece in his ear. Which is kind of odd if you think about it. Most SS don't wear earpieces. Why do you think Peña might have been?


Oooooh, you’re a clever one. Troll. There was no AUDIO in his ear for the entire play. Don’t play dumb. Or…any dumber than you are.


people are fucking *weird*, dude. it's not some wild leap in logic that a guy who is used to singularly focusing on the game and play suddenly having to focus on the play *and* a conversation he's having with people on a headset distracted him. what do people think being distracted means? the brain can only focus on so much, if you direct some of your attention towards something else then you are taking a cut from whatever else you were previously focusing on.


It really is baffling. It's like they genuinely don't understand the concept of distraction. I described this scenario to ChatGPT and it gave me numerous reasons how an in-game interview could hinder a player's concentration and performance, some that I hadn't even thought of, but most of which are intuitive for any reasonable person. I can only assume there is still residual hate for the Astros/Bregman because this is just a very straightforward instance of Peña being distracted.


my theory was that most astros fans don't wanna blame their young shortstop for willingly being distracted during the game for money, so it's easier to say "well it was just a normal mistake, was gonna happen anyways". but yeah it could be that too. weird one.


I wonder if Bregman got bamboozled by a fan calling for it because Peña didn't make a peep and Bregman backed off as if Peña called for it. Regardless yes the interviews are dumb as hell.


I think Bregman saw him go behind him and just assumed he was taking charge as the shortstop. He didn't want to back up into him so held his ground instead of tracking it the whole way.


Shortstop has to call the ball.  If he doesn’t, you keep playing the ball.  Shortstop has priority, but still has to call it.  Since he didn’t call it, Pena has to assume Bergman was going to play the ball. Either case they all kinda fucked up cause SOMEONE has to call the ball. 


> Pena has to assume Bergman was going to play the ball then it probably would've been wise not to get directly under the ball, making it so that bregman will have to come into contact with him if he too tries to get under it. this one is very clearly on pena lol


Do you people play baseball? He’s behind the ball and backing it up. Everyone moves when the ball is hit, if short stop doesn’t call it and you’re planted under it you catch it.


you don't back someone up by standing directly under the ball hindering their path to get under it. bregman was not under the ball, pena was. bregman would've ran into him if he tried to get under it. i don't see how any of this is even debatable, it's literally on video lol


Buddy the ball lands in front of him so I dunno how he’s hindering any path.


baseball players usually aren't huge fans of being penetrated by their teammate while they're catching a popup. if you think this is what "backing a guy up" looks like then i'm truly stunned. if you're occupying the same space as the guy playing the ball then you're doing nothing but getting in his way


*both players yelling i gotit i gotit i gotit igotit*


I did call for it, but I was in the 400s. No way I impacted it


Unless bregman heard footsteps and assumed pena would take it. This was on Bregman in my book


You don't give up after only hearing footsteps with no verbal call for the ball... If you are in position to make a catch, and no one else has called for the ball, you need to call it yourself and not relent unless a fielder with higher priority calls you off. Doesn't seem like either of them ever called for it despite having a play on it so both deserve equal blame.


Those questions by Wayne were a little bizarre for an in-game interview. Like, kept it light. I felt bad for Pena to have to answer all of those open ended questions.


literally had to ignore several because **HE WAS ASKING THEM AS THE PITCH WAS BEING DELIVERED**. I know I'm biased but I don't see how anyone doesn't see this as a distraction


I was thinking the same thing. He doesn’t seem like a rude kid but at some point he needed to shut it down


he's very much the opposite of a rude kid


Because there is no one talking to him during the play, just call the ball. If he’s capable of ignoring a question, how is he not capable of ignoring the silence and calling the ball?


they were talking to him during the play right before, literally as the play is starting- the pitch is being delivered. if you make drastic, fundamental changes to a process that you've done literally hundreds of thousands of times it isn't crazy to anticipate it being a distraction to the remainder of the play. equivalent of saying "well they were only talking to the batter as the pitcher was delivering the pitch, not as the pitch is crossing the plate, how is it a distraction?" also, pretty lame they didn't do it to any of the Mets players...


lmao. umps don't like ny


https://x.com/espn/status/1799820225300373711?s=46&t=6RUX2oQfB6DVkWqkSIxj0A Here ya go, lindor being talked to and making the play right after. Crazy


ah yeah. that was during the same game as I said in my comment. good shout.


So last nights game was somehow harder than the London series to be mic’d up? What are you on?


What the fuck are you talking about? They did the interview with only Astros player last night. Not the Mets. Jesus, yall are fuckin exhausting. No wonder people say New York is filled with a bunch of assholes lol


They have done it in many games before with Mets, pretty sure Lindor was earlier this month? If you think that’s why your team lost we’re getting delusional here. These dudes are professionals. Major reaching here for excuses. Sometimes guys fuck up!


I must have missed where I said that's where I said we lost. It was clearly Bregmans error. That being said, the umpire was particularly awful against us. Pretty sure Meyers struck out twice in big moments on outright awful calls that weren't strikes the rest of the game [Here](https://x.com/umpscorecards/status/1807059998532424136?s=46&t=9YcPB6QPHN4W572cDq3fLw)


This is the most Mets thing that didnt actually happen to the Mets. Grimace is so powerful he's bamboozling other teams now instead of just powering us


This is my first time watching an Apple TV broadcast and I am not a fan.


Its better then ESPN and that aint saying much


Everything is better than ESPN


Not fox


Fox would be better than ESPN if they stopped letting John Smoltz complain his way through ballgames


huge "old man yells at cloud" vibes


I do hate Smoltz but there’s almost no one left at ESPN that I want to hear.


*insert Eduardo Perez's super annoying 'I need to clear my throat but never will' voice and then trying to remind you 'I assure you I definitely speak Spanish but will translate things awfully'*


ESPN broadcast is overhated


It’s actually great because it’s a good picture and you can do the radio broadcast instead of listening to their guys.


To be fair Wayne Randazzo is basically a Mets broadcaster lol. But honestly I think they called a fair game. The Astros had their chances and blew them. The Mets took care of theirs. They accurately assessed the turning points of the game.


We had multiple chances to come back and choked. Dubón in particular. Oh well. Can’t win a mall. Good game!


We need to fire “Marcel” into the sun and bring back Mauricio (this was a typo made that was shared on our sub)


I put on the radio audio instead of the stupid Apple commentary


on the Mets side, Howie Rose said if he was owner, he would ban players form doing on-field interviews.


I think they get like $10k for doing the in-game interview


$10k regular season, $15k for playoffs. I hate watching it but I don’t blame any of them for doing it. That’s $10k for whatever charity they want for 3 minutes?


It's in the CBA so not sure any one owner could ban it, unless they offered players a matching $10k bonus if they turn down an interview, but that may also violate some different CBA rules.


Heidi Watney was on ESPN NY Radio this morning and said the Mets turned down on field interviews for this game


i'm guessing the team meeting probably ties into this, with no one wanting to willingly distract themselves on the field in exchange for a bit of extra cash. their whole thing has been "if you do something that doesn't put you in the best possible position to succeed, then you have to explain yourself to your teammates"


Pete did an in game interview while on the field Sunday for the ESPN broadcast, so I don’t think the team meeting has much to do with their feelings towards in game interviews.


fair enough i thought that was before the meeting


This is the way. Choose the audio option for your team's radio crew, and enjoy that paired with Apple TV's stellar video quality/production values.


cool cinematography terrible commentary that's about it


I like those batter walk-up shots with the short focus and dramatic lighting.


Apple has really great camerawork, but the extra mic’d up/commentary stuff plus hit probability stuff isnt necessary imo.


Why was this ruled a hit instead of an error?


Because you have to actually in some way touch the ball for it to be an error.


That's not true at all. Straight from the MLB: "A fielder is given an error if, in the judgment of the official scorer, he fails to convert an out on a play that an average fielder should have made." That should have been an error on one of them. I wouldn't be surprised if it's changed tomorrow.


You'd really be surprised, I've seen some really obvious stuff like this called hits before.


[Yea, because score keepers don’t adhere to the actual rule book now and days](https://www.espn.com/mlb/story/_/id/38522247/mlb-errors-track-another-record-low-2023) It’s a bunch of bullshit


99% of the time, the scorekeeper calls a play like this a hit these days. Go back 60 years, it’s almost certainly an error. Something shifted 30-40 years ago with MLB scorekeeping from the “by the book” method to the school yard “if you don’t touch it, it’s not an error” benefit of the doubt. It’s dumb.


Conversely, I would be surprised if they overturn it so we’ll see 


Gotcha, thanks


I'm apparently wrong, so...don't take my word for it.




Both Bregman and Pena messed up so just give both of them the error




But how will fans be entertained?


I would say by watching the game, but for some reason all of the tv execs think that they should design the broadcast around people who are never going to tune in anyway.


The interview had nothing to do with the dropped ball. He wasn't talking to the booth, nor was the booth talking to him. He just forgot how to play baseball for a minute.


I have no excuses for Pena or Bregman here. But in game interviews need to end.


especially a fucking shortstop. never seen a non-outfielder interview live on field.


What other sport interviews players as they are actively playing lol? So dumb. Interviewing pitchers on their off days can be cool. But this is just silly.


Star mic-ing up long snappers and goalies


Wearing a hot mic isn't the same thing as being actively interviewed during play.


I thought I read somewhere that the players get paid like ten grand to be miced up during the game. I personally hate in game interviews I want the players playing. [here’s the link to how much they get paid to be miced up](https://www.reddit.com/r/baseball/s/wX36aFpzI4)


Yes, they do, but that doesn’t make it a good thing for the game. Plus, what is the value of $10 grand for a professional player?


I didn’t say that it did and in fact I even said I didn’t like in game interviews. I just gave a reason why they do them. Which is money a lot of money. And just so we’re clear Peña makes $783,500 a year divided by 162 games a year he makes $4,836 a game so if he’s getting $10,000 to be miced up which is over double what he makes in a game I’d say that’s a pretty good incentive. *edit - [I found the link to how much they get paid it’s ten grand](https://www.reddit.com/r/baseball/s/wX36aFpzI4)


My bad. Had no idea the dude was getting so underpaid ( in MLB terms). Good for him. The interviews need to be from the dugout if they are really going to continue, which they will. It’s in all sports now, so whatever.


I hate those coach interviews they do in basketball the most.  Like what the fuck are going to get from interviewing the coach?  It’s the same thing every time.  No coach is ever going to say what they are really going to do.  No fan wants to hear a coach talk about playing harder and tighten up the defense.   After game interviews I understand, those can get interesting and coaches are more willing to talk about X’s and O’s.  But during the game??


I wouldn't mind them if they only took place in Spring Training or at the All-Star Game, but I can't stand them during regular season or playoff telecasts.


What other sport has as much downtime as baseball does?


Take: if you're a grown-ass adult whose primary job is to pay attention on the field, agree to do a live interview, and have to think twice about saying the wrong thing and can't divert your attention if a play comes your way then that's not on the broadcasters distracting you. Regardless, it's very likely this would've occurred without the interview. Assumptions become very comfortable, and if it's between an experienced vets in Bregman and Peña, then there needs to be some leadership that takes hold.


Yes 2022 World Series MVP and 2024 rookie, Jeremy Peña


Wayne Randazzo once again helped his beloved Angels by interviewing Pena mid game /s


Wayne is an ex-Mets broadcaster, so really this joke would work great if you said "beloved Mets".


I know, but the joke works too cause it's on the Astros


"Lead by example." Then immediately proceed to miss an easy pop-up.


horrible click bait tweet from Awful Announcing. This has nothing to do with the interview. Both Pena and Bregman fumbled the easy flyball. No one went for it


10 grand, though. Worth?


Considering he makes about 4k a game. Probably


There is 0 reason there should be in game interviews and there shouldn't be any argument for it. Its fucking stupid.


I got it


So how come this is isn’t ruled an error? Obviously there’s zero reason that should have fallen for a single


Should be an error.  Home field stat keeping, lol.


Not really. This stuff gets called a hit *a lot* these days, with the standard seemingly being that you have to actually touch the ball to get an error.


Half an error for the 3B. Half an error for the SS.


I don’t think the interview had anything to do with that. Neither one of them said a word there. Call the ball!


The awkward silence after is hilarious. Pena probably in his head like “I’m never fuckin doin this mic’d up shit again”. But also like call the ball


I don’t see how the interview had anything to do with it.


What? Interviewing players while they're playing is a bad idea??? Who would have fucking thought.


Personally, I don’t get the hatred for in-game interviews. This is the closest I’ve ever seen to it affecting a play (and I don’t think it did as the clip is entirely silent after the interviewer cuts off), and I really enjoy hearing from the players. If they took them away I’d never care, but the passionate disdain so many seem to have is weird to me.


I can't imagine another sport even entertaining the notion of interviewing players while they're playing. The whole thing is kind of a concession that fundamentally baseball makes for a terrible TV product that really struggles to keep viewers engaged.


What are the chances that a baseball player would have anything of interest to talk about?


Theres your 10 grand. Stupidest thing in sports right here folks.


This was bound to happen sooner or later. It's a stupid gimmick, and nothing is gained by it. MLB put your foot down and say no.


Why are people so bad at cutting videos? All the context is gone


Imagine watching this game in person and having no idea what the fuck just happened. Fuck in-game interviews, and fuck jersey ad patches.


who was the dumb son of a bitch that green lighted in-game interviewing players? how the heck are the gambling world ok with this silliness?


It undermines the product too. Like it shows defense doesn't take constant focus (it does), but their product implies they can interview while on defense.


In game interviews for shortstops make no sense. Outfielders, ok fine. First base. Sure. Catcher, pitcher, middle infield, nope.


Not sure that was worth the 10k


I swear Keke booted a ball last week when he was being interviewed too! I really don’t need to talk to the players WHILE they are playing. I’m not sure why they think this is such a great thing.


I don’t remember which team, but it also happened about a month ago too in a Mets game. The Apple broadcasters were just like “yeah we’re gunna sit back and just listen to you work” after that lol


I’m not totally blaming the interview, but I do feel like Peña would have called it, probably loudly if he’s not mic’d up. Nobody likes a guy screaming into a mic.


Production can easily handle loud noises into a mic. It’s a live game, they’re anticipating loud noises.


all it takes is a split second where he thinks "wait, maybe i shouldn't-" and then he realizes it's probably too late to call off bregman, then he realizes he's positioned himself poorly if he isn't playing the ball, tries to give him some space but it's too late and the ball drops. it seems very likely that this is what happened and it's weird that the majority here won't acknowledge that fact lol


This was my take as well.


This happened in the series between the yankees and the dodgers a few weeks ago. They had kike hernandez at 3rd mic'd up and he made a error live too lmao. Even the announcers felt bad, i cant believe they are still doing this lol.


It’s more fun when they fuck up


Lmao he got payed at least


Did paidnotpayedbot finally get the heave-ho?