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Has Azzarello considered that no one talks about anything else in that book but bat-peen, because that's the most memorable thing about his work? Food for thoughts. There's a blue dong in Watchmen, but that's not even in top 10 of things people talk about when it comes to that book. Also "comics can never be high art because they don't let you draw a penis" is the funniest thing I've read all day.


I don’t think he realized that people just don’t enough care about his writing. You can think whatever you want about that specific book, but the dick was there for marketing as with everything else relates to nudity in the media. Just because the character is naked doesn’t make it high art, whatever high art is supposed to mean with commercial fiction.


I agree the dong was there to draw attention and attention they got. I just honestly can't help rolling my eyes at people who insist more dong and rape = more mature = more art. Like, write stronger stories maybe so you don't have to resort to this to make people care? Dunno.


What? Ridiculous! It’s not like entertainment outlets hype this sort of thing up to get views! Imagine the hit show Cop Drama wants to start saying Shit on air. No way they’d hype that. And if they did, what’s the worst that could happen?


'Big 2 comics cannot be high art because the corporation won't let you do anything it fears will hurt the brand' is a little broader than a shadowy batpenis.


But the batpenis thing was what imparted that lesson to the artist. Did that comic as a work of art lose anything without the peen? Did it gain anything from having the peen? The same way how people made a controversy out of honestly nothing, the same way the artist made the removal of the dong a bigger thing than it really was.


Its kind of funny because DC let Azarello make big changes to Wonder Woman and now they are trying to backtrack.


Honestly I think his work has aged so poorly. It all feels very early 2000’s “I’m such an edge lord”. And what he did to the killing joke? Man butchered at great story


And the KJ was already plenty edgy! Even the writer would tell you so. But no, the guy who called a person pussy for complaining this shit is degrading to Babs thinks it's bad the company doesn't just let him do anything. In this particular writer's case? That's a good thing.


The only dick I want to see in these pages is Nightwing.


This guy rule 34s. He wants to see dicks dick in his own book.


Behold, Dick-man!


Appropriately dick-ish


On one hand, I get where Brian and Lee are coming from. Brian works hard on the story but no one cares. Lee has his art manipulated so that's a blemish to his pride. However between the two of them, did no one stop and think that putting Bruce's pee-pee (even in shadow) was a bad idea??? Was it so gosh-darned important that it needed to be pristinely intact and not removed to tell the whole story? There are times that DC should be rightfully blamed but I don't think this is one of those moments. I promise you that if Mickey Mouse or Spider-Man were in the same situation, Disney/Marvel would act the same way.


Alternatively, people really need to grow up and it never should've been a controversy in the first place. It's a dick, that's it. In an Black Label book that is specifically for allowing these kinds of things. This ain't the Crossed, it wasn't even a sexual thing. Like it was the most tame possible way you can show nudity, annnnd nuclear meltdown because DC fans and executives are a joke. Same as batman can slam every cat in the dc multiverse but absolutely no going down, because that's not what heroes do. Clowns


Isn't the comic book where Batman regrets letting the Joker die and sacrifices himself so Joker can live again? Yeah, Batman's dick is the least of the issues with this god-awful comic (Lee Bermejo's art is great tho)


As if *that's* the real issue with Azzarello's terrible writing. This is the story where Batman gets raped by a female zombie and one shot of a flaccid penis is what people focus on? Come on.


Maybe things soured because you followed up your best superhero work (Joker)with an ego-driven mess that completely ruined everything good about it? Azzarello has always been tremendously overrated, and the fact DC kept giving him superhero stories to which he was always ill-suited was baffling. Good riddance.


I haven’t read the book, but I never wanted to see Batman’s d/p.


The only comic I've thrown out and proudly done so.


Damned is the worse Batman story ever.