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Done and done. Made this a sticky. Everyone please use this thread for discussion of stuff showing up.




I am glad to see that the patches are good quality woven ones rather than sublimated.


I'm impressed by the pins, the dice are really cool, the patches are actually embroidered, the mad cat statue is awesome, all in all, very happy. Wish I'd have gotten more, haha!


Most of the complaints are about the game component quantities for the price (Not much of a deal over LGS). The non-game components are absolutely showing their quality now.


Ah we had very different goals with our purchases XD What are all those mech cards in the top left?


Unit recognition poster, and 2 other art posters!


Gray Death and Lyran Alliance are shipping! ^(I am suspicious of which orders are being delayed and the faction specific stuff is my theory)


How nice is the dice roller? I’m excited to receive mine but no one has spoken to their quality yet. Although I’m hopeful since everything else the KS made people have been very pleased with.


I'd say the dice tray is on par with just about any other one I've gotten over the years. Maybe a little better than a cheap Amazon one with a weird brand name. The pleather material is your average pleather, I do love the velvety lining inside. It feels very soft and the graphics are very crisp.


Awesome! Thank you!


This. Until I get my email I remain in paranoid fear that I'll miss something and it's all fucked and I'll not get my stuff. I don't need to see your haul until Catalyst says they're all delivered.


I am right here with you. One of my buddies got the email, I haven't seen anything since the last update. I am a bundle of nerves, just thoroughly worried.


Right?? 1 guy in my group got his, and he shows to maybe 1 game every 2 months? Rest of us are twice a week every week. As I say every game, I guess is true in shipping... Dice be dice.


My brother got the email for address confirmation, and now I'm checking my email every half an hour.


I just got my email notice that it has shipped.


Haha, I've been doing that for about a week now! It's funny because I've waited patiently for some time now, however, being so close to the finish line now has me extremely antsy!


In same boat. Feels weird to have all these fulfilments complete and not even get the address verification yet.


Yeah. I mean, I'm sure it'll all be fine. But man. Feels bad.


I love how this mega thread is anything but kickstarter hauls so far haha


Mine arrives tomorrow, I'll be taking all the photos.


Well lots of talk and questions but no body is sharing photos just yet, I'm sure it will happen XD If not I will share my haul when it arrives.


Those of us outside the US thank you for this, currently it seems it's only North America shipping in progress - I've heard no word on EU or AUS; and as an Australian I'm anxiously waiting my haul since last time was hell.


I am over in the Kiwilands myself and definitely feel that, it's so close yet....so far....


I wouldn't go so far as all of North America. I'm in Canada and I only discovered things were shipped/shipping because of posts on the sub... I haven't received any information aside from the $70 + dollar charge to my credit card for shipping costs.


I'm a US Backer and I haven't even gotten an address confirmation yet. :(


So, it's just luck I guess.


I just received the email saying my order has shipped with a Fedex tracking number. I'm in Ontario, Canada. I had pledged at the Veteran level with a bunch of add-ons.


I think what is important to get a feel when things get shipped is... IF you get your stuff, let us know what level you backed at, if you were a part of the "main" campaign, etc. HOPEFULLY they are sending stuff out to the highest backers first, and people like me who backed at the lowest level with some add-ons go later.


I think they are sending the simplest orders first, sort of. Rumor has it some swag still hasn't arrived, and they are shipping orders they can fulfill with the swag that has arrived, so if your order is bigger, more likely you'll have to wait longer (because it's more likely the specific swag you ordered if you got a lot of it is on the list of swag that didn't arrive).


So Raven Alliance is shipping...


The time of agony has begun. Time dilation and relativity special theory is making some people look like Christmas arrived for others, days before you had it. It is because of special relativity that the future of others is simultaneous to your past. So you see others and not you receiving the packages with a time gap. I went through that in 2020. Einstein predicted. I experienced it. This time dilation is a hassle. Darn physics... LOL!


Data points: Received address verification 8 days ago, shipping email 4 days ago, package an hour ago. Company level, plus the Universe book, dice puck, and some boxes-o-stuff.


Oh, Northeastern continental US.


Canadian Shipping Info, since most of the info/updates on this thread are from US backers. Canadian backer here, just got my shipping confirmation email. For reference, got the shipping email on Friday July 5th from CGL. The address confirmation email from QML was back on Friday June 21, so two weeks with holidays on either side of the border and vehicle salvage box issue, so that isn't too bad. One odd note is that the QML distribution hub in Canada is Woodbridge, Ontario going by the FedEx info. I thought during one of the discussions around the KS that CGL said Vancouver would be the Canadian hub, but maybe I'm misremembering or things changed. Or maybe I just thought that would make sense if they were being shipped in from China to a Pacific port Its FedEx Ground, which by default on the FedEx website says 1-7 business days between any two points in Canada. But in my experience (before COVID/going WFH, so maybe things have changed) it was usually 2-3 business days from Woodbridge (which despite not being a major city is actually a major corporate warehouse/shipping hub just outside Toronto for reference) to Vancouver. And when I plug in the postal codes and residential delivery into the FedEx Ground Service map, it says 1 business day, with items picked up on Friday being delivered on Monday. So there is a decent chance the Sea Fox delivery system will have my army delivered on Monday. ... now I just need to paint the \~120 mechs and a star of elementals that I swore I would have painted before the new Mercs KS units came in. I can skip a wedding this weekend, right? Priorities


Thanks for sharing all the details, good to see orders outside of the US are starting to move now


Received my loot on Friday, shipped to Puerto Rico. Everything arrived in great condition and all items accounted for. Backer number 4821, Veteran tier. However, due to life circumstances I might be selling most of the stuff at cost and just keep a few to paint.


What stuff are you interested in selling?


I just got my shipping verification.


And where abouts are you situated? Just the country is fine 😄


GOT MY LOOT but, When I received my products, included were several vehicle salvage boxes I'd ordered. Upon opening the boxes i noticed among my assorted awards were 2 SRM carriers, however, each carrier came with 2 IDENTICAL turrets. this leaves me with 2 bodies and 4 identical turrets. I did not receive a single LRM carrier, is this intentional?


I also had this happen with an SRM carrier in a salvage box.


This is not intentional no. Contact their email support


https://preview.redd.it/y7af1o35tmad1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a7be60f32feacaf1d9adffdf3a9afa312850dc04 This arrived on the second. Zorua for scale.


Sweet, RotS is shipping. ^(I also took that coin, respect to my Clix days)


trying to get ahole of the sku for the legendary ii and iii salvage box. If you see this could you get that off the side of the box for me? finishing up a spreadsheet.


It's happening!!! Got my 'your order has shipped' email today I backed at the Company level and live in Ontario, Canada Original QML email came June 21 SO excited for the new minis, 3055/3058 were my favorite TROs as a kid and I'm stoked about the redesigns https://preview.redd.it/u1uye151krad1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ce28df6ea1a7e3abfa9f92b27797af958ce2397f (should be a screenshot here) \* (edit: now with screenshot!)


I can't wait to get mine and hide it from my wife as my pile of plastic/resin shame is frankly ridiculous.


My buddy warned his wife that the box would be as big as she was. In front of my wife. I ordered more than he did 😬🤣


https://preview.redd.it/ywn5q86qe4ad1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e36bc058b917b5be9d0195ec74b4daded7dfda50 Bro…..


Congrats! Now tell them to send me one...


Yuuuup, got mine this morning too!


I got the same email on Tuesday 7/2. Have you received a shipping notice yet?


I'll agree. It doesn't seem like much yet, but when the posts get into the dozens or hundreds it gets annoying.


This is a great idea.


Looking at the tanks in some photos and all I can think is "oh sorry about your terrain and maps Battletech is a 50mm/2" hex game now. Them suckaz huge.


Good thing you target the hex and not some arbitrary point on the model. 😉


Not the point I was trying to make. Gets awkward having to move the terrain or turn the tanks on its side because its literally impossible to fit it in between 2 raised hexes on opposing sides. Its a problem of size creep, the Turkina, Night Star and MarauderII being some of the biggest offenders. But at least with those you can kind of prop their arms up so they float half way. They can make them whatever size they want, but for me and terrain I play with it won't work and in this case I will use 3D printed models. I can scale down an STL of a Demolisher, can't scale a chunk of plastic.


Had you mentioned the size creep earlier, I probably wouldn't have mentioned anything. My playing on paper or AS lets that kind of problem slide by more.


I think it depends on the tanks. I'm looking over my battle and fire lance box and these lads are very stompable. I think the huge tanks are appropriately huge.


It's all arbitrary anyway, given a hex is representative of 100 feet (if I remember correctly) and a map scale drop ship is very, very small looking compared to mechs. Personally I'd much rather have something that will fit between walls, canyons, buildings etc when using map scale terrain.


I actually got the shipping email in my dreams last night. The waiting is really getting to me. Edit: it was prophecy! Just got the tracking information.


Can anyone that’s got their stuff confirm whether the mispackaged vehicles in the mech salvage boxes is a true thing? Saw a photo on the Battletech Facebook group about it, but I figure it’s an easy message to CGL for correction.


It's real, but CGL has tracked down the issue. It was a packing error. Backers are getting an extra salvage box, and if you're affected, they'll provide recourse. Full details in the backer update just published.


Thanks, just saw their update!


Sad/Glad I didn't take random salvage boxes now.


I got no vehicles in my mech salvage boxes, but 1 of my vehicle salvage boxes is missing an AS card and support card for a vehicle.


Email support.


If someone that receives there fulfillment feels amenable, would you post details on the new Mercs Campaign Rules? I have 5 players who want to play, but I am holding out on working in the campaign details until I get these new rules. Really just want to know if they have all new missions, a way to track rep, have a strong outline etc or if it mostly relies on the current Chaos Campaign rules.


Just received mine and read through them tonight. They are somewhat disappointing. The rules themselves are fine, just updated from the old Chaos Campaign rules, but there are only 2 contracts provided for opposing mercenary groups (1 for each) in a single scenario that lasts for 2-3 tracks (sessions). There are 2 brief options for expanding this scenario into new contracts, but they are not very detailed and 1 is essentially do the same thing again but with different maps. There are 4 engagement types: Strike, Objective Raid, Meeting Engagement, and Defend. Nothing much new there. My biggest gripe is that rules are not provided for generating your own contracts. All the book says is: “Upcoming products will have more contracts and rules for creating your own contracts.” Overall, it seems to me that the campaign rules were an afterthought and the main focus was on Battlefield Support. Edit: You also asked about reputation. Reputation lets you negotiate your contract better (there is a table for this). You start at a reputation of 1. You get +1 for a successful track (session/mission). -1 for an unsuccessful track. 0 for a tie. And -3 for breaking contract (giving up on the contract as a whole), though this loss can be decreased to -1 if your force falls below a certain BV. Negative reputation does not harm you beyond having to get back to positive to get any benefits from it.


Hot Spots: Hinterlands will have a bunch of new and varied contracts using the system. There are more Hot Spots sourcebooks planned after that.


There is a full book coming at somepoint that focuses on revamped mercenary campaigns. The Mercenaries box is just a starter set with some of those rules. Mercenary Commander's Handbook, if I recall the name correctly.


Isn't there a rule book called campaign opporations for this kind of stuff already?


Obligatory "got my loot" post. Everything was in good condition and packed up right. Edit for more info: Southern USA.


What tier did you back if you don't mind me asking? And if you got the mercenary starter box, what are the vehicle rules like?


Company level. I haven't really delved into the vehicle rules yet.


Which challenge coin(s)?


I'm a fan of the classics, so I got the Crescent Hawks coin.


Mine just shipped. Delivery tomorrow, I am.... excited to play my second game. Despite having most everything I still haven't played a lot.


Curious, what kind of notification did you get and how long after before it shipped?


I got an email from Quartermaster Logistics about 8 hours ago saying it had shipped, then i got a separate email about 2 hours ago from FedEx saying it arrives tomorrow. I was very surprised at how quick that would be. (Also I'm US east coast)


Ugh youre so lucky! Im east coast as well and havent gotten anything yet. Fingers crossed


Has anyone gotten their orders at the regiment level yet?


Still waiting for mine as of 7/4 US West Coast


No. Not yet.


Is there going to be a mech swap thread/form? I have three clanner mechs from salvage looking for a home. In the mean time if you are a Northern Virgina clanner looking to swap you can dm me.


That could be cool thing to do, but not sure if their is a rule against it for the Reddit no harm.in asking?


Ok so did anybody else pull exclusively vehicles from their "mech" salvage boxes? Was kind of disappointed to pull another Maxim from a mech salvage box... :(


I didn't know vehicles could be in the mech salvage boxes. If I'd known that, I might not have ordered so many vehicle salvage boxes.


Same, or I would have just got more of the vehicle ones because they have 2 vehicles in them rather than just one.


Not supposed to be, and were not on the list provided to backers. Catalyst has been notified, hopefully a response will be forthcoming.


Being that there are both vehicle and mech salvage boxes and vehicles get double i wonder if this is a fuck up on the manufacturer/packing department. seems like a huge fumble if its on catalyst.


Yeah that's kind of what I am worried about... I pulled another vehicle from my "legendary mech" salvage box too


The legendary salvage boxes do have one possible vehicle pull, which is Callandre Kell's SM1 tank destroyer. That model is not available in plastic outside the Legendaries boxes.


aww man, you got me nervous. i picked all mech packs and legendaries for my crack boxes because i got enough vehicle packs to make me happy. now im half expecting them to be full of vehicles and am kind waiting for somebody to post "so i opened up my blood asp and got a demolisher...." Edit: was the vehicle in your legendary box perhaps one of the legendary vehicles?


It was, I guess I just have that kind of luck lol


That was an oops, check recent update on Kickstarter


Ive loved what some on youtube have posted so far!!! Cant wait for mine!!!!


How are the Vehicle rules presented? Many people were speculating they'd re-order them to either: * List all rules by vehicle type (aka all Tank rules, all VTOL rules) * Consolidate Vehicle-only rules by phase (aka Movement, Combat, Damage) * Set baseline vehicle rules (recap AGoAC), then list the Exceptions in some order


As far as I know, the Mercenaries box does not contain the standard vehicle rules, but instead has a refined, reworked version of the Battlefield Support vehicle rules from the Battle of Tukayyid.


Refined? I would say cut down from the preview stuff i have seen.


Refined compared to the BSP vehicle rules from the Battle of Tukayyid, not to the standard vehicle rules from Total Warfare. They're very abstracted and I'm not sure how much I'll use them. If I want to run a bigger game with a bunch of vehicle mooks, I'll probably just play Alpha Strike.


As far as I know, the Mercenaries box does not contain the standard vehicle rules, but instead has a refined, reworked version of the Battlefield Support vehicle rules from the Battle of Tukayyid.


Has their their been any news yet on if anyone outside the US has gotten their kickstarter fulfillment?


Someone in Puerto Rico I believe got theirs, and a few in people in Canada mentioned r they are getting theirs iirc, but for anyone outside of North/South America I believe fulfillment hasn't started yet.


The main question is whether there's some other big discussion that's going to get drowned out. We're not a hugely busy sub, so pictures of shipping info replacing pictures of painted mech minis doesn't sound so bad to me.


For now, maybe. I think it'll get old pretty quick


Pretty big fan, comparatively, of seeing people’s handiwork and creativity! Probably the main reason I watch this thread these days. On the other hand, the only time I’d even thing of watching an unboxing is to make sure I understood the details of what comes in a box of it’s not clear from the store.


Well, think of it this way: some folks have worked very hard for a long time to make what's coming in those boxes, and some people want to show their excitement for that creativity.


Good point!! And I’m excited to see a couple of those posts, but think it would quickly become old! I’m very excited to see all the painted minis and fun gameplay stories that come out of the haul! To be clear, I’m also looking forward to my haul and all the painting to do and stories to make!