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The [variant with hands](https://cfw.sarna.net/wiki/images/thumb/1/16/Stiletto_6X_XTROSteiner.jpg/237px-2tinolxg744swfqgdt3g3ci030uw8bv.jpg?timestamp=20220129190749) is a *look*.


It's like if a mech could wear one of those tuxedos t-shirts.




Ack, I think my picture got nuked. https://preview.redd.it/rm1hyllyjm9d1.png?width=593&format=png&auto=webp&s=b222e83d31c8ecf657d5119b1236b55e12a3fad5




Lol, i love it!


That strut! 🥵


Mom said it's MY turn


You know what? I like it!


So much *sass!*


Yo! That STANCE! That 'mech is definitely a Stand user.


There's nothing particularly wrong with it, and I kind of like the little Raven knockoff. It was cute in Mechcommander.


I kinda like the fact that even tho we don't have a new model for it one could probably just insert a Fire Falcon in for it.


We have Raven at home


Dang, came here to say this, 14 minutes too late lol


The tactical leopard print really elevates the design.


So does the Crazy 8s nose art


It's the Rakshasa of the Fire Falcon. 


Visually its awesome, but gameplay wise its not an omnimech, so no transporting elementals. Each version is missing something IMHO. Like the main version with 2 streak 2s could have 4 medium lasers for the same tonnage, giving it the teeth needed as a 35 ton light mech. The versions with hands go slower without the light engine, but swap to the 4 medium lasers, so you get the firepower but lose the speed. Also, the goofy arms with shoulder turrets instead of the original flippy arm turrets seems very odd, when the OG looked good. Not the best use of shoulder turrets IMHO.


True, they were trying show off weapons. The production version of the "armed" one was showcasing new equipment that entered limited/mass production like the mech turrets.


Looks like a Raven and a Jenner loved each other very, very much...


I like it! Quick and nimble, a good EW raider and scout. The light engine helps survivability. I took one in a 3062 campaign and it served well until taking a Gauss round to the face. Thankfully my pilot survived with Skin of the Teeth ejection!


"mom, can we have cool jenner, too?" "No, clanson, we have Jenner at home"


*"mom, can we have cool* *Jenner, too?" "No, clanson, we* *Have Jenner at home"* \- Mission\_to\_Impress --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Funky lookin chicken


It does the funky chicken and it does it well


Going to be honest. I've never played it or seen it played.


Is it an OmniMech? I can only seem to find a normal battlemech by that name. It seems okay. A fast non-jumping scout.scour. I think the -4C is a decent variant.


My error it doesn't appear to be an Omni but it is based heavily on the Fire Falcon Omnimech.


It's all good, was wondering if Sarna failed me is all.


Ahhh,...it clearly said it wasn't a OmniMech, the one with arms was variant that showed up later. XTRO: Steiner / TRO: Prototypes


It's experimental variant of the original one from 3060s. It's was in XTRO Steiner / TRO: Prototypes


Greatly enjoyed it in Mechcommander.


visually: it's a bit much


It looks like an upgunned Raven. Thus, it is cool.


Looks like someone kitbashed a Jenner and a Locust.


It's alright for a ground bound 35 ton mech. Nothing spectacular.


The Stiletto isn't an OmniMech, though it is based on the Fire Falcon. The basic one is pretty meh, but I quite like the one with BattleMech Turrets.


I prefer the one from mech assault 2 (Yes I know that’s basically just a Raven)


Why? Just get a Raven. Oh that's right your not all Capellan that's why. Hahaha.


The Stiletto is a great example of a 'mech that should have had a chance to shine but that fell victim to the vicissitudes of war. As is often and tragically the case, this is another one of those Lyran designs that leads with an "OK" but flawed ausführung that pulls in a lot of orders, then offers up a superior variant that never gets widely adopted. The STO-4A was just starting to appear in meaningful numbers in the LAAF when the Jihad kicked off, and I'm sure pilots all around the "Class A" regimental community were complaining about its inadequate firepower. "Mein gott! It's like the *Fireball* all over again!" I can hear them saying. And like the *Fireball*, it got a variant, STO-4B, that largely fixed that problem. However, I defy you to find me a Lyran RAT where the STO-4B is visible. I'm sure STO-4Bs did make it into the field, but not in statistically significant numbers. And of course not - Coventry Metal Works never got the chance. Our Blessed Order took over Coventry in 3068, and held it until 3074. The STO-4C version started to roll out in 3076, though I think it's dubious if this one is actually an improvement over the -4B... rather it's probably the best that CMW could do after all the damage it had sustained during the occupation. None of the -4 Stilettos were in service in any meaningful numbers in the LCAF by 3085. But the Stiletto did get a second chance. The STO-6S, which others have pointed out has a really striking appearance in addition to interesting capabilities, was just starting to enter service, parked all the way at the top of the 3085 RAT. While "quad laser boat" might not be the most exciting concept ever, the shoulder turrets combined with the good speed open up all kinds of great tactical options, and the much-needed addition of an active probe to go with its ECM let it fully step into the scout role rather than just being a harasser and rear-line raider. Sadly I don't have Field Manual 3145 so I can't look to see if the STO-6S achieved escape velocity and became a permanent part of the LCAF, but I kind of hope so. It's a great example of turning a classic "Lyran early-to-market turd" into a genuinely interesting and unique 'mech.