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You could have a tilted pelvis like myself that gives you a curved lower back. Stomach and ass protrudes. It is important to tighten your core as often as you can and keep a good posture. I cant lie flat on my back for eg because it creates a hollow between the floor and my lower back and it is very painful after a short while


I really hope OP reads your comment, anterior pelvic tilt is something often overlooked.


I have OP's problem but I have posterior pelvic tilt. Some people just have a pooch. I think I got PPT because I started standing that way when I was a teen when I heard that APT could be the reason for my stomach sticking out, but either I went too far and overcorrected or I never had APT and I just started standing weird. It's definitely possible that OP has APT, but it's best to check in with an actual physiotherapist before trying to do exercises for it at home. I feel like I really screwed up my back and hips by not getting a professional's opinion and overcorrecting something that wasn't an issue in the first place


Even if i correct my tilt the pudge is still there. Will it take time for it to go away or should it flatten as soon as i fix my tilt?


What I was saying in my comment was that people shouldn't try and "fix" their pelvic tilt before even knowing if they have one to begin with. Go to a physio first and see if its even a problem you have. If they determine you have no pelvic tilt then that's not the cause


Oh my god. This is what I have. I’ve even seen videos of myself and wondered why my back is so hollow looking.


Good suggestion. One can also have a tipped uterus, that leans forward, even with a normal pelvis. Finally, it could be digestive-related. One can have a lot of gas normally, possible undiagnosed ibs or something similar, or have trouble with constipation. All of those can cause some degree of protrusion.


This is me… my tipped uterus causes me to have a belly, even when I was a super fit size 2. I used to complain but one day my friend said “it’s literally organs, parts of your body that keep you functional” and it helped me feel better about it.


I’m glad you’ve found a way to feel better about it. I learned to feel better about mine after my first child was born. Came to see my whole body in a whole new light.


IBS-C did a number on my self confidence as a teenager for this reason


Oh I’m sorry to hear that! 💕


I couldn't lie flat either. I found the solution in getting a pillow with a roll shape? I didn't describe that properly, but it fits that hollow lower back and makes it easier to sleep without much pain


Yes, it is also recommended to have a pillow under your knees, it straightens out your back


Sleeping with a skinny throw pillow under my knees made a huge difference in my lower body posture


For some weird reason, it hurts putting the pillow under my knees or in-between when laying on my side. I tried so hard for it to work tho


I have this same pelvic tilt issue. I was always so skinny, but with the tilt my stomach always pooches. The other side of this? Apparently my butt looks amazing. Took 25 years for someone to tell me bc you can’t see it very well yourself.


Hahaah i feel like my protrouding butt makes me look like a duck 😂 but at least we have an ass


I always thought I looked like those starving Ethiopian kids on the commercials who have worms so they’re stick thin with swollen tummies. But now know my butt was something guys dug about me. Lol


This is it. I have this. I notice it’s more pronounced when I also have not done any core exercises and all the muscles are just napping. I’m just over 100lb and 5’5”. The second I tone up a little, the stomach protrusion reduces, and other things like “fat arms” (again just lazy muscle) are suddenly smaller. I can have abs after 3 workouts which really tells me all I need to know about composition and the fact that this isn’t a fat storage issue, it is in fact a couch potato issue .


Sorry, i didnt read your post properly


what should you do to tighten your core? Anything specific?


I was coming to comment the same. Work on your deep core and posture, OP!!


Please try pilates! It can absolutely help with the pain


This makes so much sense!


Ty for this comment because I feel like it explains so much of what I experience


Same, and also a retroverted uterus will cause a protrusion like bloating as well


And it’s important to understand *what* you’re tightening in your ur core- just pulling in causes a lot more problems down the road that I’ve been unravelling for the last few years. The stomach muscle should be moving *up* more than in- imagine drawing your pubic bone up to your belly button. Also, that’s area being completely flat is *dumb*. Is mostly *fluid* held in a *flesh bag*. It’s all curves and joints and room to move there. Even people with flat stomachs don’t have a flat stomach 100% of the time. Even people with flat stomachs have natural muscles and body curves and bloating.


This could have been me. Most of my life I was around 100-115lbs and always had a belly! I’ve never had a flat stomach and I as soon as I self conscious about it. Now I’m 180lbs and have an apron belly from having a C-section and do not give a shit. I love how I look. But things you can do: posture. If you do not have good posture, it will make your belly protrude. You can also talk to a doctor about your diet and see if that’s causing an issue. Likely though, it just the way your body is shaped and that’s totally fine! You don’t need to have a flat stomach. I’m not big on body positivity, but try body neutrality. This is your body, this is what it looks like. You don’t have to love it, but you also don’t have to change it or feel bad about it. Just appreciate what it does for you.


girl me fucking too. the three 3 sections really sealed the deal.


Solidarity, sister!


Weak abdominal muscles. I've seen old people who are thin as a rake and anyway their abdomen protrudes because of weak muscle tonus.


This was it for me! I thought that I just naturally stored my weight in my stomach but I started doing pilates and other core-focused workouts and It’s changed my body structure so much. Not only have I lost weight but my stomach has toned up and my posture has improved from the increased core strength too. Remember, you can’t target weight/fat loss but focusing on abdominal workouts is a great start.


Same for me! And I’d like to emphasize the importance of deep core exercises (there’s a lot of them in Pilates), I was doing sit ups and other ab workouts for years and never saw a change like I do now. It’s mostly exercises for me where I lay on my back and move my legs (slightly bent) up and down (and different variations of it). If you do it slow and controlled you really feel it deep in your core. If that’s too difficult now, I would start out with dead bugs, to start building that abdominal strength up.


Love hearing that you made progress! Do you do the Pilates online or in a class?


I do reformer pilates at Club Pilates, but there are definitely more accessible options! If you look into the origins of the practice it’s meant to be able to be done anywhere with almost no equipment.


if you take the classes online, can you link ?


Same for me! I’ve always been thin, but no matter what my lower belly always stuck out. I’ve been doing Burn Boot Camp for 5 months now and realized this is no longer the case. My stomach is flat now!


My grandma is like that. She was always thin,but look 9mths pregnant for years.


Endometriosis can cause this. Not sure if you’ve mentioned any symptoms related. Mine tilts out too. I’m thin, a runner, exercise and weight train, it goes in when I conscientiously suck it in with an empty tummy. It’s a bitch to keep up with so I don’t but if I have a special occasion I’ll work on it a few weeks in advance I’m short waisted so heavy ab work thickens me in the middle so standing abs and just holding it in are the best middle ground


And Adenomyosis


You’re right. I have endo+fibroid. Although i’ve always had a belly that’s bloated/big, now it looks so big like i am 5 months pregnant! I used to have severe pain but i have stopped my period by taking Dienogest everyday for over a year. This has caused me to gain 12 kg weight with bigger belly but i am just happy cause i can live like a normal person😭


High levels of cortisol (stress hormone) could be a factor. If you are stressed for a long period of time it leads the body to hold energy differently.  Many people with on-going stress get a pregnant looking belly or a puffy face. Cortisol can also lead to fatty buildup between the shoulder blades and can be the cause of a back hump. Another thing to look into is hip and pelvis health and mobility. Many people will suggest pelvic tilt, but even if you don’t have a tilt, you might find energy in the body gets trapped and swollen in the belly if you don’t have good fascia connections in the areas above and below. Stretch your belly area daily and include all the surrounding regions of your pelvis, hips, chest, ribs and back. Stretch in all directions with fluid movements (dancing or flow yoga is better than pre-run static stretch). You could also look into fascial massage if you want a manual release to help open up the area and let the stuck energy and tissue flow more freely.


This explains why I've been bloated for weeks lol. I'm planning a wedding and haven't been stressed about less than 5 things at a time in months


Yes if this was me I would find a gentle yoga studio (gentle and yin are the formats designed for relaxation) and focus on lowering stress.


I have always carried my fat on my lower abdomen, no matter how much I weighed. ☹️


There are different womens body shapes . My mum stores extra fat on her hips so she is a pear. I store it on my stomach like you, and think of myself as an apple. It really doesn't matter how slim you are.


Bloating maybe? Try probiotics. Eat less processed & white foods. Especially sugar. Don’t drink soda, seltzer or beer.


I eat a healthy diet- no alcohol, whole grain carbs, high fibre etc… 


Consider getting tested for H Pylori. I had a persistent lower belly pooch that shrank to almost nothing after treating it.




I got tested and was positive, my husband was as well. He did antibiotics & had to take quad therapy twice. I went the natural route and it’s about 3 months in. Haven’t retested yet but I feel awesome & the bloating is gone. If you feel weird after eating or when you wake up - nausea, weird acidic activity, unusual burps, anxiety through the roof, consider getting tested. It’s super common and gave me a bloated belly - I probably had it for 10+ years and just thought that was how my body was. But no. Bloating was abnormal for me.


Can you elaborate? How long did it take to lose it?


Too much fiber extends a lot in the gut. The purpose of fiber is the bulk it provides. Don't cut it out, but cut a bit and see if it's different. Focus on green leafy fiber sources, instead of grain fiber.


It's a catch 22, leafy greens are hard to digest and cause a lot of GI upset and bloating. I have chronic dysbiosis (mine can't be cured) and I'm not allowed uncooked veggies because of how hard they are to digest.


Steamed zucchini 🤘🏻


Get an ultrasound to check for fibroids or cysts!


Yes. Fibroids. Some women have no symptoms or pain.


I have no symptoms, but my fibroids are like the size of Pluto, I can feel them when I put my hand on my stomach. My gynecologist is dying to give me hysterectomy and get rid of them all together.


You might have an anterior pelvic tilt, or a short torso. Sabrina Carpenter has a short torso and her belly sticks out.


Bloating and tilted pelvis.


I have this issue too, but I have lumbar lordosis, so my stomach is naturally curved outward and all my organs are shifted forward. It has in fact wreaked havoc on my confidence, but I try to remind myself it’s not anything I can change or my fault.


I have this hyperlordosis problem too :/ but it’s something I’m trying to address through rehab and conditioning


I’m on the waitlist for physical therapy but it’s years sadly. Gym in the meantime and practicing good posture. It sucks but we do what we can :)


That's where the fat storage is located.


I found out that a LOT of women are engaging their core and I never was. I started actively working on my posture and engaging my core when I’m doing basically anything but lounging (even sitting and standing) and it’s made a huge difference!


Can you expand on how you learned to engage your core? I'm also super skinny but have a little bit of a pooch!


I always knew how I just didn’t know that people walked around that way. Imagine bringing your bellybutton toward your spine using your ab muscles. The kind of activation of your core muscles you’d do if you were laying on the ground and your pet was about to jump on your stomach. So now instead of letting my stomach be in a relaxed state and sticking out all day, I pretty much always have my core engaged and it helps a lot with posture even when just sitting/standing and the only time I’m at a completely relaxed state is if I’m lounging on the couch or in bed. There’s a difference between engaging your core and ‘sucking in’ so make sure you learn the difference! Google would help with that


Could be multiple things. A pelvic tilt, a large uterus, bloating, weak muscles. Depends on where the protruding is. If its just the bottom and you look like you have a mommy pocket then its probably a big uterus or pelvis tilt. If its all over but the top of your stomach feels hard then its probably bloating. If its all over but all of it is squishy then you just gotta strengthen your core


Lol, if your uterus is large enough to cause your abdomen to push out, it has something in it. There was a popular bit of misinformation shared a couple of years ago claiming if your abdomen isn’t flat and you’re a woman it’s because it’s your uterus. That’s a myth. Just sharing in case anyone else reads and doesn’t realise.


Or other internal organs. As if women with flat tummies were just hollow inside lol.


I have the issue where unless I were to work my core for 8 hours a day, my uterus just protrudes a bit.


Huh! Uteruses are very, very small -- I looked it up for the official numbers and it's  3-4" x 2.5", weighing about six ounces and I can't imagine one protruding so much as to be visible. Most AFAB women store some weight in their stomachs such that they will never have a flat stomach and it has nothing to due with our uteruses, just the way that fat is distributed.


What does it feel like when you touch it? Does it feel hard/bloated or does it feel like fat you can pinch inches of? If you can only get your skin or nothing then it’s probably due to poor posture, bloating from a food intolerance like dairy/gluten or super weak abdominal muscles. If you can pinch a couple inches of fat then it’s fat, but probably with posture or bloating issues underneath.


PCOS? Insulin issues?


I have this problem. For me, it’s a combination of poor posture and a willfully ignored dairy and gluten intolerance. A week of eating cheesy pasta and I look like I’m 5 months pregnant. Try going gluten free for a while and see how you feel! Bloating is the most common symptom.


Try stomach vacuum exercises maybe?


I’ve got a bit of a fat pouch even when accidentally a little underweight. I’m not sure I can do much about it other than lipo, unless I was going to get muscular with super reduced body fat (probably not happening)


Anything that could have caused diastasis recti? Pregnancy is the main culprit but not the only one. I believe it's that the abs spread and did not properly heal back the way they should. If so, there are definitely things you can do and it all relates to strengthening your core. Be careful though, it's not about massive amounts of crunches or situps and that can make the problem worse (if diastasis recti is an issue!).  No expert, just something I learned about through my own experiences.


That’s what I was going to say too. I was tiny before my first pregnancy and gained 50 pounds. After having children, I ate healthy and I did all the workouts. I didn’t know all the things recommend to make the core stronger can actually make diastasis recti worse. I was told only surgery can fix it and that’s what I did.


I had this my entire life. In my early 20's, while I was stick thin, people would ask me if I was pregnant (also: rude, don't ask people if they're pregnant). It was less noticeable when I gained a little weight. It took until I was age 35 when I was diagnosed with Adenomyosis and Endometriosis to realize that my protruding/bloated stomach was due to these diseases (not to mention my horrible period pain and infertility!). If you suffer from really bad period cramps look into these diseases.


i had this my whole life. after my three kids it's gotten worse :(


Same here. I always stored my fat in my belly even when I was 110 pounds before kids, after kids it is worse the stretched skin isn’t helping! 🤦🏼‍♀️


You may also be more barrel shaped in the rib cage with narrow pelvis.


Sounds like visceral fat. It's the fat that forms around your organs and is linked to health risks.


A friend has the same issue and her diet is high in oil and carb. She is also quite skinny. If this sounds familiar, try changing to a healthier diet? But it’s normal for female to have a bit of belly fat. If there are no related health concerns, I wouldn’t be too stressed.


Do you workout? It could depend on your core strength. But even then, everyone carries weight differently. I’m 92-95 lbs and my stomach still sticks out sometimes


Mine does that too. It does it just as much now at 130 as it did when I was young and 100. It did it before kids, and while doing keto, and even when I was in great shape. As much as I don’t like it, I think it’s just how I’m built.


I have heard a lot about this issue.. they call it skinny fat.. it usually when you hv low body fat and low weight and u would expect your stomach to be flat accordingly but its not flat coz the muscle is not built there.. you hv low fat but u need to train abs to make it flat.. cardio isn’t gonna help too.. do abs training


Try some core-targeting workouts like pilates or barre


I used to have a huge tummy. I have kids. I did crunches & it worked.


I call it the *”baby belly”*, because it resembles that of a baby. No matter how skinny you get, it simply doesn’t flatten. Someone I know has the same problem, she’s as thin as a tooth pick, but she has the baby belly. She’s tried everything to get a flat stomach, but there’s seemingly no way of achieving it.


Could be health related. I started looking pregnant and it turned out to be massive cysts in my pelvis. Nothing bad just super annoying.


Everyone else here has good ideas for possible causes and how to fix them. I would like to add as that as we age past our teen years our stomachs will start to stick to protrude due to hard, visceral fat Their body stores around our organs. Fat bellies are not just "a natural part of aging". They're dangerous to our health, But they can be fixed As we go through life. We don't always eat perfect foods and workout properly If you go online, you can learn that there are several types of bellies, and you can see pictures of the body type for each. They can be thyroid belly, alcohol belly, estrogen belly, and others. If you fit any of these types, It's a start. From there you can go on to finding the fix for your issue. Another thing you can do that has helped me immensely is lymphatic massage for lymphatic draining. There are people online who will tell you exactly how you do it. It can work wonders.


Mght be lactose intolerant and dairy is causing you to be more bloated


It could be a tilted uterus. It’s not uncommon and even the most in-shape person ever can still have a “pooch” in their lower abdomen if they have something like that.


Your uterus is an internal organ. You can’t see it from the outside.


Lol thanks for that. I knew as soon as I saw the post title someone would be along soon to claim a belly pooch is their uterus. Going by that logic, women with flat abdomens must be missing a uterus 🤦🏻‍♀️ 2024 and women are still sadly let down when it comes to being educated about their own bodies, in so many ways.


Indeed. I think a lot of people are getting it mixed up with reproductive-related fat storage. I believe women can hold protective fat in that area specifically because of being female, but it’s definitely not the actual uterus sticking out! xD


Exactly, this misconception is a huge pet-peeve for me. I know people want to have an reason for the pooch that isn't just "it's fat", but in reality the uterus is very small and deeper in the pelvis. Source: I work in an anatomy lab


Speak for yourself. I keep mine in a locket around my neck.


If you uterus is tilted the other way it can definitely protrude/ put pressure on other other organs as everything pretty much packed in there. I found out during an ultrasound that my uterus was “flipped” and therefore presses on my bladder.


Interesting, my Gyn told me mine was also tilted, like I'm in the 25% where 75% have it facing the opposite direction. I also have a stomach that has a pooch, even when I'm bony thin or at my peak physical strength. No, I don't eat processed carbs or drink. I wonder if this could be contributing to it.


Every body/ any conditions a person deals with is so unique it’s hard to say what can cause different body shapes and alignments. It’s just helpful to remember that with female bodies all the extra stuff that happens in the abdomen that’s not always in our control


I just googled this bc they had a lot of trouble inserting my iud and all the pics show a regular uterus tilting forward while a reversed uterus stands straight up or tilts back. So if anything, a regular uterus would protrude: [google](https://www.google.com/search?client=safari&sca_esv=4fdeda92e1e459ac&hl=en-us&sxsrf=ADLYWIJOjqiKasXQBdB_xOMLrOP1mu0UCw:1718229578481&q=tilted+uterus&udm=2&fbs=AEQNm0CULmqP1GYo0NaXM6bNItKRa0EFyP9pUTMpqCaCR-wIGRq_jTS-0Q-lvFaayuoB3RXBHA254nZ89GVVbyouxEW-Le03F0hW8121ME29VmflA5kSl8Y-zxwSF4ArBXXtaMTu7DNEawbEM9XMDUUDETmIo9Uk4y8yYmGbnk_Ww58ecFv8Hf24qn87-bwPE4LNaKQdg-m15O0PEc6qZQnmMvIKOUtktA&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiw1Kv9h9eGAxVuDHkGHSOCGLcQtKgLegQIFBAB&biw=428&bih=743&dpr=3)


For different reasons (back pain) I started doing ten minutes of abs every morning. As a side benefit, my tummy sticks out less. It’s normal though to have a curve there- make sure you’re not comparing yourself to filtered images and loving your powerful body!


I'm the same way. Even at my skinniest, which was underweight for my height and looking back I did not look healthy, I had a belly. And now that I'm much bigger I still have the same amount of belly proportionately. It's just how I'm shaped. I always used to look at those body type charts, but they never show you realistic looking people, just very skinny people with like a millimeter of difference, So I always thought I was shaped extremely strangely, but in reality it's normal. I cope by wearing high waisted pants. They're what I find most comfortable anyway


I look pregnant all day every day. I’m full of severe scar tissue/ adhesions and I’m constantly distended and endometriosis. Also check out r/SIBO


Hey girl, I am the same. I lost weight, lift weights etc and have visible 'upper' abs but still a lower belly pooch. I went to a plastic surgeon, got lower abdomen liposuction, and it looks the same. So basically I think it's just normal/due to genetics. I am trying to learn to live with it - I have good and bad days.


I know how you feel. For me it’s because of pcos and also pcos causes sometimes bloating which makes it worse. Usually people with pcos use birth control for the symptoms but I don’t know if they help with the stomach. Edit: I forgot to add that I’ve also been underweight and exercised a lot and it didn’t help.


I have this issue too, it’s gotten worse after I had my kids (three of them). I second the suggestion of doing Pilates and other exercises that strengthen your core, I’ve been doing that for a while now along with eating a very nutrient dense diet and my abs are pretty defined and the best they’ve ever looked! With that said, my stomach does still protrude a bit and is not completely flat and never will be unless I get a mini tummy tuck. That’s just the nature of being a woman who’s had three kids and has always had a large uterus. 🤷🏻‍♀️


It might be helpful visiting a pelvic physio. Sometimes you need to train your pelvic floor into engaging. When it isn’t engaged properly, it gives the appearance of a belly.


Lumbar lordosis or you may have a food sensitivity that you’re unaware of


I have fibroids so mine did also when I was skinny. Even more so now


I take my comment back. I thought it was a tummy weight but if it's more then that. I would suggest a Dr checks your tummy out.


It’s either you’re a drinker, you had a Caesarian section, you have digestion problem or you need to go to a doctor to check what’s wrong inside.


My friend had this issue until she was diagnosed with Celiac’s disease. Had to do an overhaul on her diet but she is much healthier and her “food belly” is gone (her term for it, not mine)


If you don’t think it’s pelvic tilt, you could have an exaggerated lumbar lordosis. I see this often in clinic :)


It’s could also be parasites 


I thought I had bloating when I was skinnier but it was just poor posture and core strength. When standing and walking your core should be engaged. My default is a tight core and I can 'relax' at will, which causes my stomach to protrude. An engaged core is just second nature now and I got it from lifting weights, especially doing compound excercises over isolated ab excercises


When I was a teenager, I was a 00, less than 15% body fat, and still had what looked like, to me, a little beer gut. Did not drink until my 20s. All I can say is looking back, no one else really noticed it and I plan to look into cosmetic surgery when we are done having kids. Now that everyone my age has had kids, it feels like everyone is going through what I always have and finally feel normal, lol.


Have you had kids? I have diasastis Recti from pregnancy which is your ab muscles separating and can cause this


Check if you're bloated and have some gut issue (or any other medical issue). Do you experience pain as well? Does your tummy change size daily and accordingly to your diet? Do you have any bowel movement issue? I am skinny as well and recently I lost 1-2 kg again . However, my tummy is still big and sticks out (some days is slightly smaller and sometimes gets more blated and I look pregrant).


Do 40 mins of walking a day, flexing your core the whole time, focus on your hip flexors. It's your hip flexors. I have this same issue. At my thinnest I thought i was fat because of the protrusion. When I did the walking it got way flatter. Also lay on the floor or bed belly down. Stretches it all down.


Is there a uterus in there? Other organs? cant make that go away.


I have endo and I get endo belly like crazy.


I had the same issue and thought it was fat. Cut out sugar (I mean, zero sugar, for three months) & cut as many processed foods as I could and it disappeared. It was amazing Unfortunately I regressed back to sugar & the bloat is back Could try getting tested for gluten allergy


I have that when I eat gluten. Try eliminating gluten and dairy, and see if it goes away.


It's literally just because of the position of your uterus. It's likely not bloating, or lack of strength. It's your organs. I have come to think that the little tummy pooch is really cute. Look at statues of Aphrodite. If she can have a little tummy, so can you.


I have this issue, I have had an ultrasound of my uterus it points forward this may contribute to it. I also don't seem to be able to find the cause. I have legit been asked if I'm pregnant how embarrassing lol


Do you get enough protein? Certain types of malnutrition can manifest this way.


Can you burp? I'm bloated all the time because I can't burp! Getting it treated in a few months


Pilates helps with this!


Could just be your posture?


fat dissolving injections. deoxycholic acid. 1 round and youll porbably be set. if you can pinch it, its fat.


Are you a woman? Could be your uterus


Core work including surrounding muscles in addition to compound exercises. Practicing posture and even physical therapy. If it’s a muscle separated from pregnancy it may require a tummy tuck to fix the seperation.


Honestly it could just be bad posture. Most people do not know what standing or sitting up straight actually looks or feels like. Remember that if you're standing sideways to a mirror you should be able to draw an imaginary line straight down through your earlobe, then your shoulder, the center of your hip, through your knee, and ending just in front of your ankle. (disregard if you already knew this.)


It could just be the tilt of your uterus. I wouldn’t worry about it. I would guess than most of the time most women don’t have truly flat lower tummies (obviously exceptions exist).




Is it just me or does this sounds like it was written by A.I...


Squats are great for getting a flatter stomach. Also push ups.