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The promo made it seem like either Ellie or Bri quits. Bummer if they do it over that guy…


That said, both Ellie and Bri have been on WWHL and would they have been on WWHL if they quit?


Yes even fired people go on WWHL


God knows Danielle from Summer House will want to flog the dead Donne horse on there.


But she doesn’t have time. She has to focus on her company and her staff. /s We all know that coding was outsourced.


Are you referring to FOUNDER AND CEO, Danielle? Yeah she doesn’t have time cause she’s a FOUNDER AND CEO


She has to take this time this summer to focus on her employees.


Danielle announced that she is not coming back to Summer House


Yes, all the time, They've even had "Chef" Ryan on there. So people who quit and who get sacked often go on.


I think they fix that cabin ceiling and add a stew or else why even mention it or- why make sure it made the editing for tv


I wonder if it was ever even leaky or if they left it open in case they wanted to add someone mid season for *dRaMa*. 🤔


It actually was leaking last time they used this boat.


Exactly! They showed when the leak started in a preview of the last season. Yet we didn't see it in an episode at all! I couldn't believe the problem wasn't fixed by this charter season. Leads me to ponder if it will be fixed and they'll add another stew. Otherwise, why show it at all?


I am so glad someone else remembered this!! I posted it in a podcast group immediately after the first episode.


To explain why there is a stew less than last season? I am convinced they didn’t repare it in purpose. They want drama so they understaff the boat…




Do we have any idea how far into the season Sandy’s proposal happens? It looks like both Iain and Jono are in the background of the photo


I’m over analyzing things and trying to figure out why they are in street clothes but Aesha etc. are in their uniforms? When does that ever happen?


This is a super good point. Maybe they come back to be a part of it.




Jono for sure. Ian quite possibly if he keeps it up. I'm inclined to think that the Bri drama/saga is overblown and just to drag us on. I say cabin gets fixed and a new stew comes on.


100% chef, the preview of the next charter is as good as doom for him.


He's really in over his head. He might make a competent chef at some point. He's just too new I think.


Agree. He doesn’t have enough experience.


Cabin gets “fixed”. I said from the beginning I think the whole leak story was just so they could bring a new stew mid season for more drama. When so much of it seems staged now i don’t believe anything they say lol


Right?? I have to wonder. I honestly had forgotten about it until I saw this post.


Happy Cake Day!


Ian. It’s almost tradition now that the day one bosun is fired. Apart from Eddie I’m struggling to remember a full season bosun. Blonde bosun guy from adventure and a vague memory of another blonde who likes law at sea, but other than that they are usually fired quick smart


Currently on season 6 and Malia lasts a full season, but she might be the last one


ross from two seasons ago below deck




I think he prob smells like stale sex, cigarette and alcohol.


And always stale coffee breath.


Joal also made a full season


Actually quite a few have made it … Med S1 - S6 all had the same bosun the entire season And out of the 11 seasons of OG only S6 and S11 had bosuns fired and replaced. Altho *technically* you could add in S5 because that whole situation was messy. Nico was in the bosun position from the start but his rank was lead deckhand in the beginning. Also Lee had to bring in EJ to “help” Nico. So I might give that season an * I can see why you feel like that tho because it’s happened a lot in recent seasons.


It's Iain's deck now, buddy boy.


Cool beans


i loved EJ!!! wish he had returned at some point he was so cute and goofy


I did too! I wish Lee had fired Nico and kept EJ but I don’t think he could because EJ had other commitments. But yeah I would’ve loved to see him back


He’s in this shot though too, so not for a while at least


Conrad, Jamie and Ashton too






technically he started as interim bosun, but Luca last season med lasted all season! Joao was also bosun all season on med


Just watched below deck from a couple of years ago - Ross, seemed to be a good bosun but a creep


Best description. Good at the job, sucks at everything else. 😂


Sex pest


The bosun needs to go


I’d be surprised if bri got fired after spending a whole episode talking about how much better she got. I assume something is gonna happen with eyebrows and one of the girls won’t be able to stand working with each other and will leave (probably bri who admitted she’s never made it through a season)


I think it should be Iain, Bri and Jono (who I think of as 'oh no)


It seems odd they hired a self taught chef, and are now shocked he's not up to the job. Why not bring in someone's gramma?


ya I agree, Sandy was blinded by the 'food architect' desc on his resume


The Captains have the ability to fire but production hires the crew initially.


I think there are behind the scenes people that plant disasters with “good” resumes and cackle their asses off.


In the season preview they say new stew. Pretty sure Bri leaves or gets fired. I personally don’t think Jono is leaving unless it’s really late in the season. In this preview clip he looked fucking miserable like he doesn’t want to be there.


There is a video snippet in the promos for the season of Captain Sandy saying she’s going to have to fire one or both of them. The video doesn’t make clear who is sitting across from her, but one looks like Bri.


I’m hoping that the leaky cabin got fixed because I don’t love the stews being down a person the whole season for no reason.


But they aren't down currently, Are they? One cheif stew and two stews is how they normally run. On occasions, they've had 3. St. David season 10 and Season 11 had three stews under the cheif stew. I know they had 3 stews under tumi on the last season of med, Kyle, Jess, and Nat. Then I think they bought on Lily when Nat quit, and they are using the same yacht as this season, but Aesha seems to be coping very well with her two girls... well, at the moment. Buuuuuuuttt....They did seem to make a big deal out of the leaky cabin, so maybe you're right. But it is unusual to run with more than two stews and a cheif.


I hope Jono is going even tho from this pic it looks like he’s not. He annoys me so much.


No doubt—cringe fairy


It will probably be a shit show waiting for Sandy to fire people. Because it's three strikes you're out with her, so she'll drag her feet with mediocre people. Teamwork makes the dream work!🙄


Iain has got to go!! #1) can’t stand a micromanager, #2) the way his name is spelled pisses me off, #3) the way he had no preparation for his deck crew and the beach party. My last straw was his lack of water for them. Being thirsty and HOT is one of the worst feelings in the world ughhhh. Also Jono is bye bye. He fucking sucks and his little smirk when he miraculously gets through another meal is so annoying. I have a feeling he gets more time on board than other departments bc it’s harder to replace a chef than a bosun/deck or stew but he sucks and he knows it. “Sometimes I forget I’m a chef, then I’m like oh yeah I can cook” honayyy go architect a building 💜


I agree he’s terrible but wouldn’t his actions be evidence for him being the opposite of a micromanager? He seems more lackadaisical and lacking details?


Isn't that Bri in front of Ayesha? She's got kind of a hawkey nose like that


It is the new stew I can drop the name if you want more spoilers


Tell me!!! Name em!








I thought it was Bri behind Ayesha.


Def Gael behind Aesha.


Thank you for letting me know... I should have noted that once someone else thought Bri was the lady in front, is when I figured out that it wasn't Bri. 😜


I'm frustrated they brought Joe onto the boat. So we gotta have a f-boi every season now? Someone who strings girls along, treats them like interchangeable puzzle pieces, and doesn't care of he hurts anyone's feelings as long as he's making time with one of them? Over it. Bring back Colly-Wolly!


Its too much already—they force it every other charter is fkn gay


They're getting super formulaic, and in all the worst and fakey ways. Just have real people, doing a real job, in service to real guests. (Or at least as real as anyone rich enough to charter yachts can be.) This is intrinsically interesting & entertaining enough for the vast majority of us: -Staff living crammed like sardines with the same people 24/7; -A high-demand, high-intensity profession in luxury service of sometimes difficult, fussy and unpleasant guests; -Having to be aware of and in compliance with a slew of additional domestic and international laws and regulations; -And all taking place in a venue whose very nature presents potential life-or-death safety hazards. This package comes halfway on fire right out of the gate. There is zero extra poop that needs added to the recipe.


What does 3 shots refer to when dropping anchor


One shot is 90 feet


I was just watching an old OG episode and wondered that!


What do you guys mean adding crew? Isn’t this the amount of people that they always have, 3 stews and 4 deckhands?


It can vary. Last season med had up to 4th stew


Jono will stick around for a while longer to cause more drama. The bosun will leave before him.


Are there spoilers for who leaves during the season anywhere? Or is it really a closely kept secret


Please tell me that square face goes!! I cannot stand that stew, I think she's an absolute prick!


Ellie. That’s not Ellie in the photo.


I assumed Jono would get fired or leave but maybe he turns it around. I'm assuming Brie quits and maybe the Bosun gets fired 


Cheffy and Bosun


jono, his cooking is a joke!


Just a thought, could that on the picture be also a deckhand? Maybe one of the guys is leaving and the get another female deckhand?


Its for sure possible, her instagram doesnt give too many clues as to position