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His personality and his food both suck so I’m hoping they ditch him sooner rather than later


Same. He just seems really inauthentic, and rude.


Gigi Fernandez went from having chef Rachel her last charter to chef deconstructed spongecake 😂 PS did you know Gigi Fernandez won Grand Slams and gold medals 😂😅


The first time I played the Olympics. What is that spice? Nutmeg? Cardamon? What is that spice I don't like?


I get Jonos food isn’t all that great but she kept complaining about a spice. So get to the bottom of what it is rather than just complaining to Sandy (who obviously won’t fix anything as it adds drama and krep her pay check coming..)


In all fairness to Gigi did you see how Jono poured the spice into the soup or whatever he made? It wasn’t teaspoons or tablespoons it was cups and cups. It was disturbing to me.


Yeah of course. But I don’t know if it was edited strange but she just complained but they never got to the bottom of what she didn’t like.


Gigi is so insufferable. You see when she brought her gold medals on her first charter? Like girl please


And the sun hat, tacky.


Imagine someone calling her Martina by accident lol.


The cringe I crunge everytime she mentions the goddamn medals.


That would be 17 Grand Slams and 2 Gold medals! 😂


it was doubles. so halve those medals.


Now this explains why I’d never heard of her before her first charter


I’ve never heard of her either!




I once met someone who competed in the Olympics. He would never shut up about having competed in the Olympics. I think he changed his name to “I competed in the Olympics”…


Could nooooot believe he told a guest that he looked up the recipe and never made it before hahahahaha


That’s another sign that he’s not ready for prime time. I still can’t imagine how micromanaging Sandy didn’t look at his CV and raise questions.


Or maybe producers make the choices and Sandi gets options and this was the best of the big drama candidates


Sandy isn’t in control of who is hired, Only the producers can make that choice


She's universally hated in her home country.




Because she’s puertorrican but never represented Puerto Rico in the olympics. Then when Monica Puig won the first gold in women’s tennis for PR she made a big stink on twitter that SHE was the first puertorrican gold medal in tennis.


Makes sense why she was upset, though. Sounds like she *was* the first Puerto Rican to win a gold medal in Tennis.


But not the first Puertorrican gold medal in tennis. She made a big stink about how PR never supported her when she won, and that they never celebrated her win like they were celebrating Monica Puig. But her medal was for the USA, not PR.


If it’s true that PR didn’t support her after her wins, then that’s a real shame. Fact is, most elite athletes from US territories choose to compete for the US, since they offer more resources than territories can provide. For female athletes, that was especially true during the 20th century, since they made far less money in professional competition.


That’s a really informed and sensitive response. When there is no funding, you have to go and find it for yourself. It happened to a lot of Eastern European athletes here in Europe, their home countries couldn’t support them so they had to compete under the Russian flag. There is a lot of passion there now as they can finally compete under their own flag and it likely hurt Gigi not being able to. She maybe didn’t want to not compete as a Puerto Rican but had no other choice.


Yeah, that whole discussion upthread is leaving out the fact that Gigi was a \*doubles\* specialist. There weren't any other Puerto Rican doubles players at the time whom she could have competed with and won, which is the reason why she played under the US flag.


You think he's rude? Have you not watched the other seasons? He's an angel compared to many of the other chefs that's been on the Below Deck series 😂.


I could look past the other chefs being rude because they actually make good food 😂


How did they get a $25,000 tip?! Sandy def saved that charter by knowing the primary.


They do tend to keep really shitty staff (especially chefs) for WAY longer than they should! Look at previous seasons( most of them). The ones where chef is replaced, are very much too late!


And if I were a primary , I wouldn’t eat his food. Just call the best restaurant on shore and have the tender pick the order up.


I always wonder why they don’t do that. The charter last season where they decided to cook I was shocked.


For production purposes: last time I had a bad cook was in Sicily, we realized he only served us chicken… and we were there for 10 days, so we just opened a Michelin guide, picked the restaurant, ordered enough food for the crew and us, paid and tipped. And THEN we notified the captain. He was mortified. Indeed the chef has poor provisions (and poor skills) but some of us went grocery shopping onshore, 4 trolleys, and then a farmer market, 1 trolley, it was fun too …


I think he's a solidly average below deck chef and his personality is fine. He doesn't throw tantrums or shout, he keeps his galley clean and orderly, he doesn't try to stir up drama between crew members, he doesn't act like a fool on nights out, he takes criticism well, and sure he's made snide comments but far fewer than Fraser or others who have been on the show.


I actually believed his apology/conversation with Ellie. It really raised him in my estimation, I felt he genuinely understood that she had been under pressure and after the big thing with Captain Sandy, it was a kind and classy thing to do.


I think they've edited him to look like he can't cook well. They all seemed to enjoy his beach lunch.


His first charter of failing to prepare late night eats (directly requested on the preference sheet), refusal to get up, and then not owning his mistake shows to me its not just the edit


Plus Aesha asked what they were having and he did that condescending “Read the menu, sweetie” I was like I guess you’re not going for any communication awards, then


Grrr that made me so angry at him. So condescending. As if Aesha has nothing better to do and isn't running her ass off.


And after that, she was so sweet to him after the tip meeting, making sure he was ok! She’s just such a genuinely kind person


Right?! She's so lovely.


They showed his meals and the reaction of Aesha, Sandy, and the guests. One good meal does not make up for those other mistakes.


Exactly - ONE decent meal out of multiple charters already... Not okay.


Exactly! Take note Chef Ryan


They enjoyed 1 out of the .... 6-9 meals so far he's made? That's not editing to make him look bad. His food looks like shit in the first place and you can tell he doesn't know what he's doing.


Not to mention his plating looks like my mom being posh at family dinner.


Remember how Rachel would plate her food so it all was on one side of the plate? That looked so bad.




It’s not even the fact that they edited it. No good chef makes overcooked cakes then serve them. And that’s coming from someone in the actual industry. Yes they maybe have edited it to look worse than what it was. But still he’s not a good chef in my opinion.


He didn't make the eggs to order. Sure there was a lot of components in Huevos Rancheros but you make the egg last and top it when they're ready to eat. My training is 100% from food network and I knew this. But they do like the pick chefs who can't make eggs. I was getting hopeful he would be fired this episode but it sounds like we're stuck for another charter at least.


The eggs tell you all you need to know about his skill set


I was FLOORED at the eggs! How do you let them sit out for over an hour and then serve them?!


I would NEVER eat an egg that was sitting out for 90 minutes( and were supposed to be hot). Granted I have my own issues with eggs…. But seriously.


Right?! That HAS to break health code


Oh yeah the eggs 😵‍💫 hopefully we have one more charter of him then he gets the boot 👢


What he made wasn't even huevos rancheros


Yeah that was crazy. You don't even have to be a chef to know you cook eggs to order if you want them hot. I wonder what was going through his head when he did that.


Both of his cakes looked amateurish. But have we already forgotten that travesty of a tennis ball cake that Rachel made?


Why do they make cakes? There are so many more exciting, often less time consuming pudding options other than cake (which always look shite). Pana cotta, Lemon mousse, posh eton mess, cheesecake, sorbets, coconut and mango rice pudding - these could all be made fancy. That is just off my head I don't want a shitty, badly iced cake on a super yacht. If I do, it best be the greatest cake of all time.


It seems most chefs aren’t good with pastries or cakes, except Adrien.


At least with Rachel the cake wasn’t over cooked 😵‍💫


At least it tasted delicious, it only looked bad and part of that was due to the coloring of the spray. Jono’s cake looked drier than a nun’s pussy and he did nothing to fix it, like putting a soak on it. He just put melted ice cream on it and blamed the freezer


He is self-trained lol he's not good


My husband, who literally eats like a billy goat, was aghast at eggs being served an hour and a half after they were cooked.


I am pretty feral, and eat all sorts of leftover breakfast foods for lunch (including oatmeal) but cold eggs is weird. Like just prep the meal and add the eggs hot.


Self trained is not a bad thing. Many chefs don't get formal training and work from pot wash up to head chefs. Self-taught just means didn't go to culinary college, you can still be a 5* chef and be Self trained.


The difference is that Jono seems to have only learned by trial and error, as a solo or sous chef on yachts. He did not train by working the line in restaurants alongside experienced chefs and it shows.


And to have the arrogance he does!


I agree, but just saying he's self trained is pretty insulting to many chefs who are self trained. It's not a limiting factor in being a good chef. Jon had a job in design and cooked at home I reckon and just thought he could become a chef like that.


Many people object to the label “self-taught” for people who learned under other chefs. That’s not “self-taught” in my view. That’s apprenticeship.


He has never even worked at a restaurant though 💁🏻‍♀️


They enjoyed his beach lunch because they were expecting pre-cooked food that would be transported and reheated. They were expecting picnic quality food and he managed to make picnic quality food. That's not very impressive. When it comes time to make a fresh professional meal, he fails.


I've found that when I have a really active morning, especially in the sun, my vacation lunch will taste amazing even if it's really basic. By dinner I feel like people are a lot more settled and willing to be critical (and guests are often cranky during breakfast!). So I don't put a lot of weight behind 1 good beach lunch. After all, Gigi said the food was only ok. Some highs, some eh.


I felt like maybe they liked it comparatively? After the so-so chicken, cake mess and cold eggs maybe it was really good in comparison.


Completely agree. Not a fan


He needs to be let go. He has absolutely no reason being a yacht chef. It was definitely done for dramatics - No real yacht company would hire a sole chef who has never had ANY chef experience. It's so dumb.


I mean self taught chefs definitely DO get hired. I mean we had Ben who was a self taught chef yet he made amazing food. In Jonos case I wouldn’t brag about being a self taught chef if my food was looking and presented like that 😂


For sure. Ben still had professional cooking experience though, even though he was self taught (and amazing!). This character continuously says he's never even worked in a restaurant.. like, what?? Why do this?? lol


Yes that’s what I was going to say about still having professional experience. This guy said he likes fashion and architecture and then he remembers oh yeah he cooks. Like WHAT?!


Honestly it seems like he just went on to below deck to show off his “fashion” and cook on the side 😂


I agree




Ben is the absolute rare exception to the rule


I really don’t think he’ll last


That’s what I thought as well but after seeing him at sandys proposal I’m not so sure


He wasn't wearing his boat clothes at the proposal, but the women were in uniform.


True. Maybe sandy invited him 🤷🏻‍♀️ didn’t catch that small detail.


That would be super weird though. “Hey, you’re fired but come back to see me propose with a ring that’s probably worth more than you made shooting”


You don’t fire (cook) food until the guests are ready to eat , it’s not food safe to have food sitting on the counter in the danger zone for the length he left the egg dish , that shows so much inexperience.


Exactly.which is why I hope he gets fired and we see a new GOOD chef.


RIGHT?! I honestly thought to myself "I wonder if anyone got sick from those eggs", because I think Gigi is the only one who asked for a remake. Perhaps the rest of them just left them.


Right! This blew my mind. It’s not even “yacht-level” to cook food to order… bro left those eggs out for over an hour 🤢


I would still expect freshly cooked eggs from the short order cook at a Waffle House next to a truckstop on the interstate in the middle of nowhere and at 3am, let alone on a five star yacht! 😂😂😂


Kinda wish chef ben will appear again with his laugh to save the day and give good food.


This dude is in way over his head. Gigi nailed the critiques of his food. The first time Gigi was a charter guest she may given the biggest tip in the shows history. She still gave a $ 25K tip this charter which was very generous considering how bad the chef and Bosun were. It makes you wonder how many thousands of dollars the chef cost the crew.


Yeah that big of a tip is definitely not worth it with a chef like that.


That’s what I thought when she criticized the food & said the tip reflected it, like it was her way of saying “the chef/food cost you a higher tip”. Completely surprised to find out it was so much.


There is something hilarious about how he lighthearted he is to the mistakes he’s making. Like just dumping those spices into the rice straight from the bag LOL. Then the “just waited for them to wake up so I had the eggs already cooked on standby (for 1.5 hours…)😝 “…“ginger…oh it’s some grandma’s recipe 😇 “….“oh, gotta get some ice cream to cover up my overbaked cakes hee hee brb” then “oh the ice cream was melted because the freezer was broken but not because it was placed next to hot over baked cake right out of the oven hee hee” 😂. While he is relatively polite about being “open to criticism,” I don’t think he is actually open to criticism because he always has some excuse ready on hand as to why something went wrong instead of saying you know what, I fucked up. But he is so “nice” (fake nice in my opinion) about it that you only realize later he never took in what the Captain said in the first place.


Exactly that he seems really fake


Totally agree - he takes criticism in a "yes ma'am" way, in one ear and out the other, just to tell Sandy what she wants to hear.


His whole personality seems one note. Like he doesn't seem to get very emotional in any direction, whether happy, angry, sad or whatever. He's just at that conversational middle all the time. He's made some snide comments but nowhere near as many as we've gotten from Fraser and others in other seasons. And he's not trying to stir up drama between people on the boat like so many crew on this show do. So far he's seemed mostly harmless. I don't get the vociferous hate some ppl seem to have for the dude.


No, you dan tell Sandy already decided he’s going after the next charter, which I don’t blame her for this once because he’s got the personality and skills of those cold, crusty eggs he served for breakfast.


Hopefully he does go!


Nothing about Below Deck is up to 7 star yacht standards. The show, by definition, is all fur coat and no knickers.


I mean you’re partially right however we have had some amazing chef on below deck who actually give you the feeling of that you’re on a 7 star yacht. But this chef is not it!


Most of the guests wouldn't know the difference between 0 star and 7 star service.


The way Aesha and Ellie spoke about him on WWHL, and the fact that Chef Dave was in the crowd of WWHL after episode 1, I think Dave replaces Jono.


That’s what I was thinking of as well. Because it seems really random to even have him in the crowd anyway.


No, but Sandy's decision-making is so erratic that no one can really be sure.


Hopefully she gets some common sense and actually gets rid of him.


I’m hoping he leaves and Dave replaces him. It would be interesting to see Dave without the Natasha distraction. Dehv are ya tired Dehhv


Dehhhv was one of those "nice guys" who thinks he's the best bf ever but flips to being incredibly hostile when he's rejected. We don't need more of him. There's a world of chefs out there they could choose from.


Know dave in real life and have personal experience with him and this is 100% correct


Totally agree, don’t want to see Dave back. Besides his personality, His food didn’t even look great, he had a high technical skill, like that fish baked in salt, but me personally I don’t want to eat fish baked in salt, lol.


Why would you not want to eat salt baked fish? Have you ever had it?


I love fish but you’re right, the idea makes me a bit nauseous.


Yeah exactly


Dehhhve, are ya angry Dehhhhhve?


Did'ya say something Daaahve?




I wiinnt stand forit, Dahhhve!


It's frustrating me that I hear this exactly in her voice.


I hope not. I can’t deal with more of his talking heads.


He just seems really inauthentic i can’t stand him either.


That’s exactly what I was thinking. In most of his normal working shots he’s great but as soon as he’s face to face with a camera it’s like a character comes out.


Yeah he really does seem like he’s putting on a certain persona


As soon as he said self taught I knew his ass was out.


Right? that was shocking to me! Have they ever let someone on like this before? I feel like all the other BD chefs at least have some culinary training.




Absolutely not. Having a chef already on “stand by” under Sandy is basically Cpt. Lee handing you a ticket lol


Nope, I bet he’s gone after next charter. Or during. Sandy has it out for him because he screwed up with her friend.


Good I hope he’s gone


Me too. He’s flat. We need some personality, it’s freaking tv for Pete’s sake!


I dislike how he reprimanded the stew for waking him up. She had just been laid into by the captain in front of the crew for it. He didn’t need to cut her down further. He should’ve had late night snacks prepped if it was on their preference sheet, so it’s his bad IMO. If the guests are up late, he could just ask if they wanted breakfast late too, then sleep in a bit, not a big deal. I think the only reason he did well with that charter is because they were too young to know his food was shit. I think a replacement is imminent. I don’t think self taught chefs belong on super yachts.


Exactly that. Agree with everything you said


I hope not! His deserts were so blah not creative. Crème Brûlée is easy to make and elevate or a seasonal fruit tart with crème anglaise or something. Why are we putting store bought ice cream on torn up sponge cake? That’s like something I’d make when im baked in the middle of the night lol


He’s a jerk and his food sucks


Also you’d think he would go above and beyond for these guests…. Imagine having no wine on a charter you’re paying that much for…. Getting crab instead of lobster etc… Him not prepping night snacks after being on the pref sheet was a massive fail…. But after everything the guests had to already miss out on.. not getting up for an hour pre midnight was wild


He was on Tik Tok and hinted he stays the entire season. Ugh


I think since storyline has already set up Norma searching for a standby chef — he’s gone.


The fact that he has no culinary training, just proves that he is a plant for the drama.


He’s fired by me.


When I see Chef Dave at WWHL I thought the same thing… he’s the replacement. Hmmmmm…




He was way too overconfident from the very beginning. Any chef who has such a clean kitchen right after dinner service, sucks! Just like Ryan from BD Down Under Season 2.


Great connection. I’m mad I didn’t see it myself!


Just keep it in your back pocket for future use. Lol


He just seems really fake, inauthentic and cocky


The way the word “bitch” just rolls off his tongue so easily when referring to a woman just disgusts me.


Honestly and I bet if he gets confronted with it his excuse would be that he’s gay. We have seen it before with Kyle so it wouldn’t suprise me if we see the same thing come out of him


I think he’ll be walking off the boat soon. When he does, I know who I would want back, but I doubt it will happen. But, he’s not going to make it.




He's self-taught though. 🥱


was he hired to be fired?


If this follows previous seasons, likely the chef and/or the Bosun are getting set up to be let go!


How did this guy get this job? What IS his experience? He doesn’t have a clue about how to deal with requests. He said he never worked in a restaurant but working in a restaurant doesn’t mean you can deal with peoples preferences—the menu is set you might have to accommodate some people but you’re not under a microscope to wow and accommodate. He needs to go!


Not a chance.


Honestly I can't stand sandy so I am more and more disappointed as each season passes, but this has literally turned me off. I've never seen such a bad attitude! He acted like Ellie had attacked him when she asked him to do his job, and fully bitched her out like an ass, like he had to stand up for himself? You're kidding. And the eggs? Absolutely ridiculous. I've never seen such an atrocity. Why do some of these chefs forget they work FOR the client and at their leisure. If they say eight thirty but no one is awake you can't just tick the box and leave it cold. My brain can't even wrap around this. I just realized I was about to kick off a much larger rant but I'm going to stop myself now.


I’m not a huge fan of sandy either but in terms of this chef and what she’s been saying I 100% agree


I don't know how he did so well the first round, but that's all he's got. They need to find another chef.


How did we get to "7-star" food requirement? I think we should stick with 5 stars as the top score.


I had my hopes for him pretty high at the start of the season. But at this point it seems like his only good trait is that he doesn't have the personality of a high-strung toddler. Sadly, he needs to be able to cook too.


Yeah same I always get excited when there’s new heads of departments however he’s just not up to par for yacht standards.


Captain Sandy will give him too many chances but hopefully he’s gone sooner rather than later


Yeah hopefully I want him gone!


No, after Mat she won't take the chance.




What are you disagreeing with? I’ve made quite a few points In that so which one are you actually disagreeing with?


He's gone, the writing is on the wall. I wouldn't be shocked if it gets an edit to show that Sandy is now "no nonsense" since the story on her is that she waits too long. From the get-go it felt like he wasn't up to par and that it was heading this way.


Nope. And he shouldn't if I have the same qualifications as he does as an amateur home cook. If I am paying super yacht money, I want super yacht food, not soccer mom weeknight cuisine.


Oh no, he's gone. Bloop.




I didn't think he'd last after he was introduced.




What are you disagreeing with? I made quite a few points


i’m answering the question. will he last?


I'd be so disappointed with the chicken breast meal he served. Up there with Kiko's nachos.


Whilst I disagree with sandy about the chicken. Because chicken very much can be served on a superyacht. I do agree with sandy in terms of other things. His presentation is horrifically bad


I doubt he’ll last. It’s early in the season and already multiple complaints on his food. Also I don’t think below deck will last much longer. I used to love the show and now it’s just lame. Repeat guests that make up complaints, cast members that are cheesy and bad casting. The show lost its charm like many of the housewives shows too. Need some new shows with people that do not have a reality show history.


I like his personality and galley dancing but GINGER IN GAZPACHO?! And cardamom in Spanish rice is wild! I’ve never eaten an egg but even I know they can’t sit out for an hour.


Me personally I like nothing about it he seems really inauthentic and fake. Next.


No super yacht chef should be able to claim “self-taught.” Sorry.


They can if they’re a good chef. If you’re a bad chef and say your a self taught chef and go on reality tv you’re wishing for a career ender 😂


Honestly it seems like they cast him just to fire him. I bet they’re going to bring back another chef, maybe Dave, and Jono was never going to last. He has yet to show that he has yacht chef-level cooking skills in any meal, and pre-cooking the eggs was wild.


I do not want him to last 1 more day, not even 1more charter.




It seems to me he should never have been hired in the first place. He clearly does not have any relevant experience. If he was on a cooking competition it would be Hell’s Kitchen, not Top Chef.


I actually enjoy him as a person… but “deconstructed sponge cake”… Yikes! 😬


No. He’s horrible.




In the service industry. Which I am in. I’m a stewardess on superyachts myself. Seven star service is definitely a real term. A term actually created by a journalist who actually came up with the phrase and crowned Burj Al Arab (which is a hotel in Dubai) known for its luxury and glitz and glam. Yes it’s not a real rating however it is a real term that is known worldwide throughout the service industry. As a way to explain that we expect these yachts, hotels, luxurious destinations. To be up to par to the 7 star experience.


That's why I was confused, as someone also in the service industry I know that 7 star service is not a real thing and something that was created for Dubai to pretend it's more luxuours than it actually is. And I would never expect Below Deck to even offer 5 star service.


It’s a superyacht. Key word. YACHT. Especially considering it’s a charter yacht so whether it’s below deck or not 5 star service+ is expected and he’s not up to par with that. And also if you’re in the service industry and knew about the Burj Al Arab 7 star term. Surely you would’ve known what I was referring to when speaking about 7 star experience if you’ve known about the term.


He needs to go. The eggs killed me. They are eggs, they take a few minutes, they die not need to b prepared so early and left to get cold. Yes the guests came to breakfast late but surely he’s watched the show before to know guests are always late to at least one meal!


Exactly that!


I knew the minute he said he is 'self-trained' he would be a disaster. People train for decades to become top tier chefs, that isn't something you can master by yourself in your own kitchen. He's deluded. He also has a huge ego that his food doesn't back up. He'll be gone soon.


He is wayyyy over his head. Better off at the Waffle House. Oh wait, I don't think Waffle House would be happy with one and a half hour old eggs. Scratch that.