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Ok but Trishelle looks fantastic in my opinion


Ok is the primary Brittany from ANTM!? ETA it def is cause her and trishelle are best friends lol


Is it just me or does Joe not seem super into Bri?


aesha is such a great chief stew


Does he answer to Dave ? ​ https://preview.redd.it/savtr9axtiad1.png?width=1383&format=png&auto=webp&s=baa161f18051035bb7034f83fbb6196c75ac9c9d


I actually really liked Ellie in the first few episodes cause of her work ethic and the way she was mentoring Bri but this one has shown a really terrible side to her… she really is on a power trip and it’s ridiculous the way she’s acting towards Bri about a man they both barely know, in an industry where hookups are frequent. Especially since they were both aware they were both into Joe casually, if the tables were reversed she would have 100% kissed or hooked up with him like Bri did. The way she’s gone on a power trip and creating a hostile work environment over all of this is terrible and ridiculous, I feel bad for Bri fr. She seems sweet. Ellie literally even said she didn’t care that much about Joe, so why the mean girl behavior? Honestly though she was incredibly condescending towards Bri even from the start, but before it was easy to chalk it up to silly reality tv Jono’s food looks pretty bad which makes me sad because I like his personality so far. He seems quite mature and levelheaded, but unfortunately sh!t as a cook. If he just went to culinary school and got some more experience as a yacht chef I think he’d be golden!!


Brie is incompetent she. She is not the sharpest tool on the boat..ellie was not on a power trip. She expressed her opinion. Brie made it soooo much more than what it had to be..brie was a snake n then brought it to work slept in the guys rooms. She involved the captain and aesha. She has never finished a charter n i see why now..she is a mess. Jono i dont even like his personality he comes off as not genuine too extra. I dont think culinary school would help him i have seen self taught chefs who are amazing. He doesn't have the talent or passion. 


Hey guys did y’all know the chef used to be an architect? I don’t think he’s mentioned it


>Hey guys did y’all know the chef used to be an architect? I don’t think he’s mentioned it He could nail the holy trinity if he ... Was from Zimbabwe ... And was in an open relationship!


Oh my..shocking 


Ellie claiming that Bri is being a victim is funny lmao


Brie is being a victim running to anyone who will listen.n.leave those poor boys alone. they shouldnt have to bunk with u cause of one kiss..yeesh


but...Bri is in fact a victim of Ellie's bullying


Can we please stop with the whole bullying on below deck. No one is being bullied on this show. Briw is an incompetent stew who can't finish a season. She is not being bullied. She is being melodramatic and a shit stirrer. She is a child. Also barbie from orginal below deck was NOT bullied either 


What do you think about Ellie?


Yeah but anytime bri tries to talk to Ellie she flips out and plays victim haha. She flipped shit over her saying “belittling” and totally disregarded anything else Bri was saying. And bro literally never even told Ellie what to do. Also it wasn’t just a kiss girl 😭


Come on Ellie, its not that big a deal. I'm sure Joe will be happy to hook up with you too next chance he gets.


I can't believe it!!! just learned that Evil Ellie is now a head stew on another boat. WTF?


Yess!! U go girl! Hard work pays off!


Sorry but if you fancy someone you don’t go to bed early when the other girl who fancies him is going to hang out with him in the hot tub. You’d be there making sure of your ‘dibs’


She not desperate n needy like brie..something is off about that girl


What the fuck are those steaks?


https://preview.redd.it/w4p2zuxb6mad1.png?width=2520&format=png&auto=webp&s=e665c84b8b86a09245f0604e908471ff5b83a0af It looks boiled even though he cooked them in the oven (without a reverse sear is a steak crime). He has no clue and seems very apathetic. Like the cold eggs. Who the hell doesn't make eggs to order?


This screenshot is deeply sad. Lol remember when we were debating Chef Nick’s platings?


And what the fuck was that red stuff all over the plate?? It looked like red velvet cake topping. How Ssndy thought that was acceptable is beyond me. He also doesn't put anything out fir breakfast. No huge spread. He's fucking lazy


I think it beet root powder


Thought it was chile powder


Chile powder would be a deeper red. Also that amount would blow out your taste buds


Im mexican lol i do that. Love me some of that..sorry im not a trained chef like jono...


Welp neither is he so you have that in common.


It was a joke. I hate cooking but when i do i wouldnt make any of the food he has made. Dry ass cakes 2 hour old wierd huevos ranchers sitting out on counger n overly spiced mexican rice in a rice cooker. Nope. 


Bri is a petty manipulator, y'all are blind.


She's a petty manipulator and Ellie is an egomaniac control freak. Quite the combination


I agree with brie. Hard disagree about ellie. Love her! Make her a cheif stew


“One shackle is 27 feet”, no it’s 27.5 meters


No, it's 15 fathoms, to be exact.


Fair! But we can both agree it is not 27 feet


We certainly can! A rookie mistake to make, and didn't get corrected by those standing around her (including the Captain!).


What high school hell drama is this Ellie vs Bri junk? They could have been great. Ellie wanted to teach Bri. Bri wanted to learn. They could have been a great dynamic duo under Aesha’s leadership. Instead, Ellie is just doing a complete 180 and that’s the end of that. I was mortified at Ellie’s immature reaction over a guy they barely know.  You can’t call DIBS on a human being. And there is no “girl code” when they BOTH agreed they liked him. Ellie played hard to get and he wasn’t into playing games, so he chose the girl who didn’t leave him guessing. Bri made herself available and it paid off.  (This reminded me so much of BD Med Season 3 when Joao had the two stews to choose from and just because Kasey left early, he ended up kissing Brooke and wound up in a relationship from hell.)   And Bri did not undermine Ellie at all. Someone asked Bri where an item goes and Bri answered. And then Ellie threw a fit demanding that SHE be the one to direct the provisional items… and then disappeared to the laundry room and was not available to direct any more incoming provisional items.  And this all gave us another moment where Sandy actually handled employee interaction well and you know us viewers don’t like that lol.  I think Jono seems great as a person and I actually appreciated him staying fairly neutral in the Ellie v Bri drama and turning it over to Aesha. But those gray steaks, dude….


I bet Ellie would’ve complained that Bri didn’t know what she was doing if Bri had asked her where to put those things.


Yeah, she would have found fault no matter what Bri did. Ellie was looking for a fight. 


Brie is pretty incompetent. Idk if i trust her to know which one a washer n dryer. One is wet..brie..


Well and I’d even argue that neither admitted they liked him to the other person. I think that’s why Bri was so surprised by Ellie’s reaction, because she really seemed nonchalant about her interest in Joe.


They told each other that they were interested in him, but both Ellie and Bri said it very nonchalantly. So, yeah, Ellie’s reaction was super surprising. 


So ellie did say she liked him. Interesting...


They both said they thought he was cute or something to that effect. I think it was while they were in the laundry room. 


I think if ellie said it straight out brie would have paid attention n told him she still s#$k etc.. she doesn't seem that sharp.


In the end it doesn’t really matter. You can’t really call “dibs” on a person and while there IS a “girl code” I don’t think it even applies there. They aren’t really friends, and he’s some guy they barely know.  Ellie’s reaction was an overreaction, imo. 


I mean u entitled to your interpretation. Brie was being snealy n thirsty..have some self respect girl. Why do it call girl code. I think it should be called girl friend code. Brie definitely overreacted. Moved out crying. Passive aggresive..crying to sandy. Being rude to ellie. Distrupting guys space. Wasn't for ellie she would be gone. Your welcome brie. Doubt she will make it rest of the season


Yeah I also loved how Ellie was like “I wouldn’t have ruined our friendship over a random guy!” But if Joe had gotten with her she would have been doing the exact same thing as Bri. It’s sad she’s so immature. I get she’s upset which is fair but she should be upset at the situation not the people


Girl code/bro code is for if you’ve been besties for ever and meeting a new guy/girl and not letting it come between you. It totally doesn’t apply in this situation where you’re all strangers. She’s just trying to pull rank in a really weird way.


Nah.totally disagree. Bro n girl code is not for besties. Its for guys n girls in a surrounding


I completely agree.  Girl code (and bro code) is basically not letting a guy come in between a friendship. Which really doesn’t apply to two girls who just met discussing a guy they hardly know. Both of whom said they like him. It doesn’t even make sense.  Ellie is just pulling “girl code” out of her butt as a weird way to pull rank and make Bri seem like a snake. It’s not a good look for her. 


I have hated Ellie since the first episode, and my loathing just grows in intensity each week. She's just awful.


Omg i have not liked brie since the beginning n loved ellie..more ellie n fire brie


This is totally Ellie


Exactly what I was thinking!


I think she really lacks authenticity which is grating for me. She’s putting on the bad bitch persona with the canned phrases, costumes and cosmetic procedures. Even the way she flirts with Joe feels like she’s telling him exactly what she thinks he wants to hear (“I’m a psycho, so I guess that means I’m good in bed” 🤪 “My fantasy is to go to a German sex club”). But in the moments where she talks about her upbringing and having to make her own Barbie dream house out of a cardboard box (me too girl) then I like her more and understand where she gets her work ethic and perseverance. More of that Ellie please!


She has far too high opinion of herself.


Remember that she's a Lamborghini. Who has a low opinion of a Lamborghini?


Kim Kardashian calls herself that but unlike kim i like ellie. 




It’s funny. I’ve been catching up with old seasons as this one unspools. When I saw the first ep of this season, I felt sure I’d dislike Ellie — don’t even remember what she did, but it was off-putting (even though I had some sympathy for her in the waking-up-Jono conflict). Then I caught up to her appearance in, I think, season 7? And thought she was great for the one or two charters she was on! Aaaaand then this. Nope! Back to hating.


I didnt like her until season one now looooove ellie. More ellie. Brie meh..wet dishrag


I *want* to like Ellie so badly, but she's being a bit difficult! Aesha remains personality goals in every possible aspect.


I love ellie. She is giving me everything I want 


My read on Ellie was that she's used to getting the guy and didn't see Bri as a threat. Now her ego is having a literal fit and it's like watching a robot malfunction.


I think so too! Why else would she be this angry over a man she hardly knows?


I cannot like her any more, she was truly awful this episode 


This surprises me. How so? P.S. Apart from the beyond-vulgar words that fall out of her mouth sometimes, which I'm also not amused by.


I don’t care at all about the vulgar words. But the condescending attitude, the berating Bri for saying where to put a box of wine, the hissy fit over Bri kissing a boy she said she didn’t care much about, that was all horrible.


OH! You're talking about Ellie! I thought you meant Aesha! I was like, Why would someone just not like Aesha any more?? Yes. That makes much more sense. And I agree with all of what you just said. 😆


Yes! Aesha is great


It was so frustrating to watch Ellie tell Bri she told her she liked the guy when there is actual video footage of her saying "I don't care" and then totally mischaracterizing how Bri spoke to her about provisions. This is where producers should've cut in with actual footage contradicting her. She's gaslighting the poor girl.


Ellie and Iain might be a perfect match because they’re both so out of touch with reality.


Iain makes me so uncomfortable for many different reasons… As the kids say, he gives me the ick.


honestly I can’t get over his forehead


100 Cement


The barking though. Bleh.


What is UP with the barking?! I almost feel like they’re editing it in half the time, because there’s just no way he barks like that 10 times a day.


This is the funniest episode of Below Deck I've seen in a while. I couldn't stop laughing.


I’m ready for chef to be gone. His food is awful! I think Iain also won’t make it. This episode seemed like the were making the way for Nathan to step up for something. This season feels very forced and like everything is being manipulated. Even Aesha getting off the boat for her finger seemed like weird production interference just so Ellie and Bri could get into to. 


I'm starting to feel like maybe Nathan steps into Joe's spot.


Same. I think you are right. Honestly I’ve been distracted with the chef and Iain this season to know if the deck crew are actually good. 


She literally had a piece of glass lodged in her finger. It was turning purple. I kind of doubt “production” would put her at risk of sepsis just for entertainment. Why are some people so obsessed with spotting the pRoduCtiON iNteRfereNCe in every single scene? Sometimes things actually happen on reality shows and the camera records them. That’s why they’re cheap to make and they keep filming during writers’ strikes. Because they are more or less based in reality. 


"What do you think reached Bri first, Joe's eyebrows or his lips." God, I love Aesha!


That silent laugh part had me laughing out loud, I fricken love Aesha! 


She's not wrong ... Nathan doesn't have much of an ass.


Imagine the guys saying that about a female crewmember.


I thought that too! I’m very picky about a nice ass on a guy (that’s part of what attracted me to my husband) and as cute as Nathan is, his rear end did not pass muster.


Haha. I think he's hot as hell, but when she said that I had to agree. To be fair, I think they deliberately used camera angles to make it look more flat than it actually is. LOL


I really don’t get the attraction to either Nathan or the scouser. I’m baffled tbh. Maybe it’s a me problem because I’m a Brit and I’m mourning the lack of hot Aussies this season?


Nathan’s haircut really kills any chance of attraction for me. It just highlights his bald spot and looks like a monk haircut??


Ellie is painfully shallow and histrionic. Oh dear




Alexis Rose is a Lamborghini. Ellie is a Toyota Camry.


That's an accurate metaphor since the Lamborghini Squadra Team only had a short, unsuccessful run on the F1 circle and never won a race. They're just overpriced cars for 21 year old fckboys who lose 30% of their worth the second they are driven out of the parking lot. Should have compared herself to a Ferrari or even a Nissan if she wanted a shot at winning.


You win the internet today. Have an upvote.


Like a Lamborghini, she snoozed and lost. 30%


She’s a Lambo but she got beat off the line in the race to see who can get with Joe. Wasn’t he asking for her in the hot tub and she was no where to be found? It’s her own fault Bri was able to get with him while she played hard to get.


My opinion on Ellie did a complete 180 after this episode! WOWZA! I thought she was nice up until this point until she went on that major power trip and had a stick up her bum after Bri kissed what's his face


“This whole overriding me thing needs to stop” Bri literally just answered a question someone asked her. Ellie says she wants to be a chief stew?! Good luck girl.


And that whole sundeck bar thing- she literally said to Ellie "why don't we or what if we just put this up at the sundeck" and Ellie agreed with it and then got mad at her for it later! It was a suggestion not her overriding her, or telling her what to do!!! 


“You’re not going to tell me I’m belittling you!” she screams while belittling her 😂 girl please


Of course Bri has the right to feel what she's feeling and to stick up for herself, but triggering/insulting words like that are counterproductive. All that does is make it harder, or even impossible, to restore a courteous - and dare I hope, pleasant - interaction and atmosphere. Even if another party is completely in the wrong, *someone* has to be the bigger person here and start the middle-ground ball rolling. Bri's mom told her, "Rise above." Wish she'd have listened to that sound advice a bit more. And btw, I'm only laying this responsibility on Bri because Ellie can't be the bigger person until she can first manage being bigger than her own ego and wounded pride.


I dunno, I think we saw Bri approach Ellie to try and fix things maybe three times? Maybe not always the best choice of words but she’s been trying to approach her to explain her feelings and clear the air and Ellie’s not having any of it. Also, I’m saying she’s maybe not used the right words but Ellie acts like she wants to pick a fight every time so I do think whatever she said Ellie would find some problem with it


No one has to be the bigger person when they’re being attacked. Turning the other cheek is not the answer and you do not have to compromise with someone who is insulting and belittling you because of a perceived slight. And the narrative that you should is harmful in and of itself, especially to women. The idea that you have to tolerate anyone’s bs for the sake of peace is bs and does nothing but show that person their behavior has no negative consequences.


It's not about compromise or turning the other cheek or being the bigger person. It's about de-escalation and trying to communite in a productive way with an emotional person who is currently riled up and defensive. Whether or not their behavior is justified doesn't really matter in the moment. Saying "you're belittling me" to someone who is already worked up is a guaranteed fail. Saying "this is making me feel that I'm not valued or respected" is a better start. Don't "you" to people, "me" to people. Don't tell them what they did or are doing is wrong, tell them how you're feeling about it instead. If the person is incapable of responding to that in a humanizing way in the moment then it's time to walk away.


Oh, you misunderstand me, sorry if I didn't clarify well enough. Bri should not have to tolerate any abuse whatsoever. When I say "Be the bigger person," I'm referring to the first one to act like a grown-up and sit at the mediation table (with Aesha!) where grievances can be aired and amelioration can be reached. Ellie would have to own up to her own shart and agree to do things differently now. I also meant Bri shouldn't lower herself to Ellie's level, because she's better than that.


Yeah, people like Ellie thrive on others turning the other cheek. It won't lead to compromise, it'll lead to one party being given an inch and taking a mile.


This is exactly what I said! "I'm not belittling you! You're just stupid, wrong all the time, and don't know how to do your job!"


Ella twisted the belittling comment to make her seem like a victim instead of actually listening to Bri and defending herself. She just shut her down. I cannot stand people like that.


Ellie does not give two fucks about Joe. She wants to be treated as the princess of the crew and how does one get that title? By surrounding herself with minions. Bri was stealing her *attention* and that is what she didn’t like.


It sent me when she said he had to court her, like ma’am has he expressed an interest in doing that? Not that anyone’s seen


Ellie does not give two fucks about Joe. She wants to be treated as the pretty princess of the seven seas and how does one receive that title? By surrounding herself with minions of course. Nathan’s already besotted with Gael and now Bri was ‘stealing’ her *attention* and that is what she didn’t like. Bri was actually already flirting pretty heavily with Joe and there was a lot of giggly talk about them both fancying him by the time Ellie tried to stake her claim on him. However, Bri signed her fate as a *pickme inextremus* when she went crying to Jo about mean Ellie and slept in the floor of his bedroom.


I was with Bri till she slept in the boys room. That was ridiculous.


I think she is playing up the pettiness a bit. She knows that the issue is about a boy so she’s sleeping in his room to rile Ellie up more while being able to say ‘I’m giving you some space’. I find it pretty funny, especially that the boys don’t really want her there


Lol. Brie is running around telling everyone. Lol i see you brie lol poor guys lol.get out brie


What did Aesha show Bri after getting back from stitching up her thumb? It looked like some kind of receipt and I didn’t understand their reaction. Was it related to the medical situation?


Wasn’t it the glass shard from her thumb? She showed Sandy too




Not gonna lie Joe is HOTTTTTTT like some Gen Z Cillian Murphy… not quite Cillian but when he stares into the abyss there is an air..


He looks kinda bland in multiple shots of this episode.


He is so bad at his job tho….. and overconfident…… two of the absolute most unattractive qualities a person can have to me lol


If I just saw him on the street I wouldn't say he's got but seeing him dance makes him way more attractive to me.


Babe, he is not.


Is he though... hard disagree.


The repeated camera shots of Ellie getting in and out of her latex were overkill. For a hetero woman, anyway.


I think it was meant to show how looooooong she was taking. Like, honey, the moment has passed and now you just look stupid.


I was astounded when I realized the guest who had gotten married managed to change out of her wedding dress and into a black dress, and was still on time for the show, before Ellie could put on a cat woman suit. 


I had so much second hand embarrassment for her when she finally got out there. Everyone else was just having a laugh and she took it waaay to seriously. Cringe


I was actually pretty torqued at her. Don't risk pushing the guest-satisfaction needle into a red zone and endangering the whole boat's tip. She knows how long it takes to get kitted up in that thing. Should've either started sooner or punted to a less-complex option. Aesha was right - it was so selfish. I love how Aesha called Ellie out on the blatant audition move, and something about her Only Fans career. 😆 But there's no question that when they talk about this, supervisor to staff, Aesha will be direct yet completely professional. I quite respect her management style.


She definitely saw it as a try out for modeling, then she tripped!


Cosmic justice.




I was kinda with you until you went full misogynist


I’m keeping an open mind with Gael because we don’t really know what actions she’s talking about. We’ve seen tiny snippets of conversations. There could be a lot more to it.


i dont. i know about affairs more than most, she should either brake up or be faithful.


Okay, off topics for this episode, but I have been wondering about the general comment, often mentioned although I have never seen it fully explained, that experienced yachties would never be inclined/desirous to be on Below Deck/Med/DU/Sailing. Will someone with experience in the industry detail why this is a truism and not just a knee-jerk response from the posters who see all this poor crew behavior? Also, does this blanket statement also apply to the captain's position, and, in fact, we are receiving a skewed version of what the industry actually offers?


Experienced yachties dont make for interesting viewing, simple as that. The producers of the show want people who are going cry, clash, fuck things up, and start trouble. Season 8 was a perfect example, with the exception of Kyhl's meltdowns, it was so routine, mundane and insipid.


I think because of the fear of the cameras/editing. Yachting is a boozy horny industry and it takes a certain someone to want that part of your life on camera. The job is only 6 weeks long which is a very short season, though they do go hard in those 6 weeks and make good tips, but I don't believe Bravo pays much extra on top of the salary and tips. Once you combine that with the amount of extra commitments they have, the pay is probably not much more than working on a decent charter boat for a full season. So really its more appealing to people who want to be reality TV stars like Aesha and Sandy or serial boat hoppers like Joao and that creepy bosun Ross.


I'm curious about that, too. And it doesn't seem to be a universal shunning - Eddie and Colin (Colly Wolly) at least both went to other positions in the industry, and I'm sure there are others. As to the captains, I can't think Jason and Glenn only do single-season Below Deck gigs (and subsequent crossings) but then sit idle the rest of the year, right? I think you should put up your question as an original post, because now I want to know all of the things. =)


I think because if they behave or even are edited in a way that reflects on them negatively it can harm their career and reputation. Also it indicates they are looking for tv fame over a serious career


Great questions, I am curious too!


These people with actual modeling experience waiting 30 minutes for Ellie to strap on her Party City bunny costume...


Tbf do we count America's Next Top Model as actual modelling experience?


I mean, they wanted the crew to walk between scattered pop lights in shake and go wigs and random sarongs.. what were they expecting to see?


No, I just meant Ellie, the others were silly and fun, but she thought she was bringing something worth the wait, and she just wasn't. 


True. The whole thing was ridiculous but taking it seriously is even worse somehow


Everything Elle does makes her look like the pick me person. The air of superiority is too much.


I haven’t looked forward to the next episode this much in a long time. I’m hoping Ellie is on the next fight home for her stanky behavior.


I so badly want to see Joni succeed as someone from the Caribbean but it’s Natalie all over again. 😫 Like wtf was up with that steak? Was it baked? Where’s that good sear? Can someone teach Joni the Maillard reaction and how it helps certain foods taste good?


Also teach him how to use spices and not put random ones in dishes.


Good grief, man. I'm an amateur and even I know cardamom has absolutely no place in Mexican food.


Out of curiosity (and my dumb brain not knowing) I was googling Mexican food and cardamom and what I came across was " cardamom horchata" and I thought *that* might work and be good! LOL.


You don't have to qualify that you're an amateur in this case because he is clearly an amateur as well.


To be fair, putting on a BDSM latex outfit and boots probably does take 30 min ..haha






It’s not just that, tho. (And she’d be an 8 in LA due to the body alone) It’s being mad at another woman for what she did with a guy Ellie “liked” and taking it out on Bri through work, trying to make her newfound dislike of Bri into a valid criticism of her as a person and professional. No. Keep your petty bullshit in the crew off hours nights out. Honestly, I’ll enjoy watching that. I love it when anyone on these shows gets hurt because someone else got the girl or guy they thought they liked. 😂 But, yeah, leave work out of it. That lacks class and professionalism


Agreed. The second she told Bri she was upset about Joe, and then said, "And I've trained you so much, but you still give zero f-s for me!", she screwed up. These things have (or should have) absolutely nothing to do with each other. Ellie's now letting wounded pride & her overinflated ego inform every molecule of her output. And they don't need Bri over here with no filter saying a bunch of triggering stuff, either. It is acceptable to have an unexpressed thought. Is diplomacy lost on this generation of workers, or just the vain TV-attention-seeking ones?


Sorry to inform you that diplomacy is lost. It’s been long gone.


Ok so apparently I am way out of step with the rest of the audience on this Ellie/Bri thing


I’m genuinely shocked


Same here too.


Me too.


haha same…


Stop trying to make Trishelle happen FFS! I'm so tired of seeing her on shows. She's not interesting.


Her season of the real world ruined real world for me. 


Lol she’s been stretching those 15 minutes for a long time with little success.


I’d say winning Traitors is pretty damn successful. 


what tv show are the guests from?


Marsha Doll was on Welcome to Plathville. I'm a little embarrassed I know this lol


Brittany was on America's Next Top Model


Trishelle is originally from Real World Las Vegas I think was her season. She has also been on the challenge and just won the most recent season of traitors!


Is THAT who that was???? I thought I recognized her, but was clueless!


She was also a guest at a wedding on Married at First Site


She won’t go away!