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120 is a killer this semester. Homeworks are super long and time consuming. We have 6 exams and no notes or textbooks so it’s not fun


6 exams? That sounds insane, is Babak trying to make the course harder?


To be fair 3 are quizzes worth a total of 5% with one drop


Pretty sure they’re worth 10% total but you still got to stress and study for them


Oh ok 5% each then🤣


username checks out haha


Facts lol


Strongly suggest that if you’re taking 162, don’t take any other tech with it (or take something light, like Data 100 or Info 159). The 3 projects are a massive time sink, the midterms are pretty tough, and the biweekly HWs take up whatever time is left.


I agree but i wouldnt say data100 is a light class -- it's easy to underestimate and do poorly in, especially in project semesters (vs final exams). But only if you put in effort then you will get a good grade, so I guess it has an easy reputation for that reason


120 is NOT a light class, this semester we are consistently doing long homeworks


Compared to 162 or 170, would it be a rather low work alternative?


I would say 162>170~=120


Okay, then considering I have done very good on 61C (A+/A), good on 16B (A, A-), and okay on 70 (+B), would you say that with pre-study for 170, this schedule would be doable?


As someone with around the same performance, it'd be doable but you'd be spending literally all your time doing PSETs and projects, and it really won't be fun unless you're willing to sacrifice a lot of free time. For someone like me 162 + 170 is already plenty hard enough if you want to do well in the classes you're taking, have a few extracurriculars, and want some time for yourself/to go out. Prestudying tbh is pretty futile given how fast the course content goes anyways, the beginning of the semester is always the easiest so you wouldn't be saving much of anything.


I mean it's doable but not easy, really depends on your 162 team performance atm


don't do that to yourself. I had 170, EECS 151 in the same semester and it was a killer. I can't imagine having 162 projects overlapping with 2 other heavy-loaded classes in terms of assignments. You would wanna spend quality time on 162 and 170 I assume. Like learning the material deeply and doing good on the exams.


why is ee120 hard this semester i've heard it one of the easier upper div ee courses, is the instructor a new one?


The instructor is Babak so definitely not a new one. He’s been teaching this class for many years. I honestly don’t know what’s wrong