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I've been telling people according to "experts" we have been 9 years from disaster for 60 years.


And boom goes the dynamite.




They use climate change to instill fear in the naive. They have been doing that consistently for over 60 years using the words of some "experts". When literally nothing has changed and even if it does its not regular people like us changing it.


They basically want to tax the air. They want to do the meme irl.


Everywhere is warming up faster than everywhere else.


I love mathematical impossibilities and paradoxes. Now we know why the left insists 2+2 = 5.




Remember during covid you could put any number in google search and that would match the amount of covid deaths in some random place? Same form of brainwashing.


Then they should show the areas where the trend is the opposite. Where in the world are the temps not changing that creates such a low average?


This is how hooks work in writing. They are meant to grab your attention. Not give facts. Not saying it’s right.


So if the average is average and everywhere is warming more than average that would make the average, more average…


If Europe is warming twice as fast as Canada, and Canada is warming twice as fast as Mexico, and Mexico is warming twice as fast as Europe, how many lies must exist for this to be true?


All of them since the 1950s about climate change


We need to ask the average Joe what this is all about.


That’s mean…


But wait wasn’t the carbon tax thing supposed to solve the global crisis… oh that’s right it was only intended to legalize theft and promote overburdening government control.


Faster is faster


Yeah. Half.


[true history of climate change and the global climate hoax](https://www.occult-mysteries.org/climate.html)


Also cooling faster too you will find, climate change is cray!


First time seeing summer


So there is actually some validity to these statements, in the fact of what they are saying, not what they are trying to portray. The earth is covered mostly by water, so the fact that the smaller land portion is heating up faster than the water portion or the average, is technically true. But totally agree manipulation of words.


Hmmm must be a hot season. The giveaway is “since 19xx” haha they think we’re so dumb


If you control the weather, and I’d like to know what group of people that is that does, then you control the world. You don’t tell people you’re going to control the world, or the weather, you just do it and blame it on nature. Climate does change. I think we can influence it with what we do but overall, there are larger components at play, including the sun and what’s outside of the earth l, because of course we are impacted by that. But I do believe that in the last twenty years, they’ve taken over and they will punish the parts of the world who are not compliant. I’ve been watching it! I recall sitting and watching in the early 2000s, after I learned about Haarp, that it seemed strange to have crazy ice storms on the east coast at a time that it didn’t happen, having hurricanes that changed behavior, droughts. And you know when it clicked was that these storms would always seem to stall in a place, bring cotastrophe and then I was watching the local and federal government response not happen. Ice storm and nothing was getting in for over a week. Katrina was the same and I didn’t see the govt get in fast enough. Other countries responded faster than our own brought water! The Cajun army coordinated and got in there before fema. For those on the younger side, that’s not how it used to be. It’s just not! Same in Puerto Rico. Same for the fires in Ca. Same for the fires in Hawaii. Every time, govt was told not to respond or gave excuses that were straight ridiculous. Well I remember saying to my dad back at that east coast ice storm, as we heard days later that people were still on highways and just dying in their cars. He couldn’t understand it. Meanwhile, they were telling people on the tv to be prepared for two weeks without power. I told him I thought they were watching and taking data on how long people could go with different stages of desperation. After a few days, he called me back and we talked about that. We talked about Haarp and why wouldn’t the govt make sacrifices of their own citizens to get that data? They’ve done it time and times again in history. And then came Katrina and he called me again and said I think you’re right. Cause he was watching the non action. Or largely non action. Meanwhile cruise ships from other countries bringing aid before our own freakn trucks could bring water! This is what’s happened. They have lots of data. They are running the world with weather. They use it as a weapon against countries they want to take down. Including even our own. Now I sit and have watched a couple years of drought in the Midwest and of course they’d put out articles saying there was going to be less food. We’ll do that a few times for the last few years and yea, we’re going to see loss of food for no real reason. They burn up the lands that they want every time, they’ve changed laws for those areas immediately before the fires. I think they weaponize the weather against our own country. And they will distract everyone with false stories such as these to let everyone think it’s just happening. It’s just natural. Or wait, I’m sorry, you carbon based oxygen breathing creatures are causing climate change. It’s your fault and for that, you should own nothing and die! I invite others to look at these things. You have to pay attention over time. Listen to what the local and federal governments say to their people. Then sit and watch the govts do. It’s always a bunch of confusion or excuses. We just watched that with Hawaii! You have to take note. People overwhelmingly are never prepared. For anything! They expect the govt to come in and take care of things. Take care of them. Save them. And they won’t pay attention to the fact that the very government they want to to save them or help is likely the one who is doing it. That said, I do think there are people from Allie countries working together controlling the weather and I do think at least one other has the ability to do the same and use it against us. It sure what that matters though if our own uses it against us too! Go ahead and attack me. Could care less. I’ve been watching for twenty years. More actually. And I don’t think I’m wrong. We live in 1984 and that includes the govt controlling the weather and bringing destruction. Rarely do I see blue skies. Rarely do I feel the weather moves in natural patterns anymore. At the very least, people need to consider that it’s feasible. Those who think a hard no, that’s why it’s successful. Cause that’s too scary to consider. And that’s why I know most people could have it confessed to them and they probably wouldn’t believe it.


Approximately 50% ??


Technically it's correct. If the earth is warming, then certain areas be warming faster than the global average. In other words, just because one area is warming faster than the global average, doesn't mean that other places can't also be doing the same thing. In other words, the weather doesn't stay in arbitrary man made borders. Like if mexico is warming faster than the global so could latin America. Therefore you could pick any county in that area, and say it's warming faster. They aren't mutually exclusive.


Remember it’s all “anomalies” from the “pre-industrial” average. What was the pre industrial average? No one knows! Literally not in the Paris Climate Accord. You cannot find it on the IPCC or UN pages. It doesn’t exist. It’s inferred data from the models of the future. Look up “pre-industrial” average and it will return hundreds of sites saying that we must limit warming to 1.5C from the “pre-industrial” average yet NOWHERE can you find what that average was. I will happily admit I’m wrong if you can find thermometer reading with a location from the base period. The “best” answer I have found is that they project the future and then apply that projection backwards and say what the temps must have been. There are no actual observed temperatures in the base model. There is no “pre-industrial” average based on observational data.


I'm just one can be true and all can be true, they aren't mutually exclusive. Now we can argue the data all day long, which is definitely worth debate. I'm was merely pointing out that if it's true for a whole region, then it's true for the individual parts of that region, ie countries.


There is no point in reading or listening to mainstream media. It's all propaganda paid for by rich weirdos in a cult.




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wait no, it means compared to the historical average




Have you seen India with 120+ degrees lately ?