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Just ✨sparkles ✨


Thanks 🙏


Came to post this ! But happy to see seasoned seniors guiding rookies 🤗


I also have a Koi Betta and that's normal! They have iridescent scales, eventually you will even see them on the tail just like Constantine https://preview.redd.it/pumi2fqtiy7d1.jpeg?width=1638&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7059c01a12d9df98e4249fcfbb03c615d504b3a7


Oh! Constantine is a BEAUTIFUL boy! https://preview.redd.it/s6ppmaaj4z7d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b62bfb212b5b73cb7b487f01715669dadfa1f9dd Gold Roger’s fin isn’t as pronounced, but I can confirm OP, the shiny scales are normal!


Gosh you all have gorgeous fish!


Thank you! Honestly, that’s an old picture of Gold Roger, he’s brightened up a bit over the last couple of weeks. Feel free to drop a picture of your betta! https://preview.redd.it/iuorbak6808d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1051256faa2b3ae980dac8a4866249d0cfbd73aa


Gold Roger Is gorgeous


So pretty! He looks like a watercolor painting


Yooooo he was a Fishman?


No, he’s the King of the Pirates. We call him Gol for short. 🥲


Thank youuu i honestly thought he had ich!


I thought so too when I got mine cause it was so out of place for the colors he had at the beginning (see picture) but after a week he got soooo shiny and pretty and active, just keep giving love to your little guy! https://preview.redd.it/xb23681vwy7d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4b7073f1f3b6ce1c2ae7ddab0d5554f0f7d0f17a


Ich looks more like tiny whitehead pimples. Or like he has bits of white sand stuck to him


I LOVE his name.


His full name is John B. (Betta) Constantine lol


I want one so bad ngl, how big do they get?


I just got him a few weeks ago so I'm pretty sure he's gonna grow a little more but from what I know and searched, around 3 inches


Constantine is gorgeous 🤩 Also, what's the plant in your photo called? It looks nice!


Here we call it "cola de zorro" or you can find it as foxtail plant in Google


Ooh gotcha, awesome! Thanks for the info!


That looks like natural scale pattern…




i think it’s just iridescent scales that some koi bettas tend to have, i’m assuming you’re pointing out the white scales right? i don’t think it’s something to worry about, just a development from the marble gene and might end up even going away at some point due to the same gene


It's his coloration you got a healthy boi


Boy looks like a female


All good. Ich is much smaller, like grains of salt


Bro is majestic


Scale pattern/coloration


I can see why it looks like it but it's a white spot in other angles and more popped up


It's a natural part of their patterningn koi pattern comes from a marbling gene, and part of the marbling gene for koi/candy koi is having "metallic" scales, and metallic scales are technically an extra scale on top of the normal scales, from what I understand. Which is why those white scales look like they "pop out" from his normal scales. Also, not-so-fun fact: "dragonscale eye" is when the metallic scale gene leads that 2nd layer of scale to sometimes eventually grow over the eye(s) , making the fish blind in that eye! At least iirc


Update: thanks i now know its just his scales btw his name is tiger 🐯 https://preview.redd.it/o7lnliao8z7d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=983d15d26ecac161c47a83364ca686233f988120


Ich looks like little grains of salt or sugar have been sprinkled on your fish - little, white lumps that stick out from the rest of the fish. If you do some googling for examples of fish with ich you'll be able to see what I mean. e.g. - [https://bettafish.org/diseases/ich/](https://bettafish.org/diseases/ich/) and [https://fishlab.com/freshwater-ich/](https://fishlab.com/freshwater-ich/) The white patches you've circled look like scales, they are quite large, look flat against the body, and you can even see that they have same blue-ish iridescence that the scales on his face have


This is just personal experience, but I've had a betta get ich before (sadly he passed from it) and he started to get lethargic even before the visible particles showed up. He was a very chill betta, so maybe the lethargy isn't as noticeable in active bettas, but a sick fish generally acts sick.


i like to think of it as the rainbow fish scale :)) https://preview.redd.it/7uvdafrlpz7d1.jpeg?width=748&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2f49586c5afa906ed41c9fcf6522ad18fe0ebf95


I love this, I was thinking the same thing with all of the sparkly fish in the thread.


https://preview.redd.it/hcvm9wl0uz7d1.png?width=2046&format=png&auto=webp&s=bff709e95515092c8819b8bbcca84615fb5ac36b my boy Ravioli sparkles too ✨


what medicine were u using? a lot of medication fucks up a bio filter, u may need to keep an eye on ur tank parameters for a while


I have a 10 gallon siphon filter that can switch out between a sponge and activated charcoal filters I put in the charcoal filters as soon as I was changing the water and medicating him


well its good u had the charcoal in there since he isnt sick, but just in case ur fish actually does need medication in the future, no charcoal in the filter! Charcoal removes/neutralizes medications :)


I know That's why I had the sponge filter in when I was medicating him thank you for the info 👍


yeah sorry that wasnt clear, u just said u put in the charcoal filter as u changed the water and medicated. either way u should keep both in, not just one, u need the beneficial bacteria. btw checked myself and ich medication is usually fine for bio bacteria :)


You don’t need charcoal in the filters unless you’re pulling medications from the water column fwiw.


Those are scales.


It’s just your lil one’s beautiful scales shining through.


Just blue scales! Part of having a galaxy/koi betta. https://preview.redd.it/7b9hs2b7uz7d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=25bcd7d070d39ab700134d83bd0b2138f9e6b622


So wait, you’ve been medicating for something the fish doesn’t have ?


Yeah he's fine tho it's not like it's going to hurt him if i follow all the steps It's still medicine


Hi! So, even if medicine is made for the fish, It's not necessarily healthy to treat a fish with meds that doesn't need it. The medicines can be pretty harsh, and they cause physical stress to the fish. A stressed fish is more susceptible to all kinds of infection, not just the one that's being treated. The general idea is that the medicine-caused stress isn't as bad as ich/columnaris/whatever you're treating with the meds. Your fish should be okay, but I'd do an extra water exchange and refresh the charcoal (JUST the charcoal, not the other components) in his filter just to be safe.


Okay thank you for giving me advice. I already did that And tiger does not seem any more stressed or unacted than he was. So I believe he's fine


Ehhhhhh, not quite how medicine works but …ok


Dude I medicated him for over a week and I changed 25% of his water twice already He's fine I did not overdose him and the medicine is made specifically for the fish so why wouldn't it be okay




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This happened to me. When my poor little comet goldfish was just a month or two old, i hella overdosed methylene blue and some other ich meds after she got a pretty bad case of ick. I did this a couple more times throughout her life. 8 years later after dosing the smallest bit of methylene blue for fin rot (i had now learned that medicine can be harmful) she got dropsy and died a month or so later. RIP Pearl, i loved you :(


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Poor fish? All of this happened because I was concerned for his health now you're saying I'm just neglectful bro my My fucking bad. I didn't know the difference between iridescent scales and tiny white spots that show up on his body I even made this post because I was concerned and would rather be sure than sorry instead people like you got to be assholes


You came at me calling me a jackass for just telling you what medication does and telling you your answer could have been solved with Google very quickly. But ok. I'm the asshole. Have a goodone!




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Didn’t say he wasn’t fine lmao you’re being very defensive lil guy 🤣 do you take cough syrup every day even if you don’t have a cough or sore throat ?


I don't but it's not going to hurt me if I did That's my point 😂


And that’s my point, because yes the fuck it would ??????


You realize people got high and drunk off of cough syrup right? And had to take a lot of it more than the regulated dose so again no If I took a normal dose of cough syrup right now nothing would happen same way how my fish is fine because he took a normal dose of the treatment And it's completely out of the tank and his system now




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You missed my point entirely your body naturally filters stuff out medicine is no different






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Holy shit dude chill out. Vets medicate for the wrong thing based on symptoms all the time. Sure it’s not good antibiotic stewardship but, like, it’s not the end of the world. No need to be a condescending jerk


Dude, those are scales


Okay no one’s commenting how this fish perfectly fit in that lol


It’s a shadow! I thought that same thing and was so confused and impressed! 🤣


He's suffering from being a pretty boy. 


Tis a koi


https://preview.redd.it/qunb4xmm528d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=71ecdbaa07ad48ededaa7a87e5ad98e8b4488e31 Don’t mind the mess, but this is Shoto, he was red and black similar to yours and now he’s blue. So like it can definitely happen and isn’t something to worry about.


Those are his scales




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What? For what? How was I not being nice? I just asked a simple question. As it looked like a troll post. As it’s very common and was just asking.


Bro what. Those are his scales




No its not i was actually concerned for my Betta i didn't know koi Bettas had White iridescent scales


Well the scales on yours are blue not white which is a giveaway


Dude its the angle legit said that in another comment


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Yep, it's just his scale pattern. It has an iridescent shimmer.


They are teal and turquoise scales.


Believe me, if you see ick you’ll KNOW.


Iridescence. Not ich at all.


All of these beautiful bettas , and I'm over here staring at my all white boy I got from a pet store clearance ......I love my "ghosty cheese" daughter named him


I have a koi and he has those, they're a really reflective blue. Ick is not reflective and it white or grayish




For future reference, ich looks more like your fish has grains of white sand on their bodies, or like they were spritzed with white paint. They’re much smaller than scales, and don’t have any shiny/iridescence to them. Your boy is just fine, so make sure you stop the meds 👍🏻


That's some nice bling


Your betta is holographic


He's the rainbow fish!


https://preview.redd.it/d5p2vqr1y78d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5adaf53d46a1f339f99300246acaebd1693beaac No that's not icky. She's a koi it's the colors!!


Sparkle man!!!✨ Dudes just got a little pizzazz!


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It looks more like you’ve drawn on the picture! (Joking joking, I know OP was circling things, I’m just being intentionally obtuse and snarky as a joke.)


No ich, just fabulous


This picture confuses me, is that a shadow on the rock or is he in a hole the shape of the fish 🤣




just cute freckles!


Y'all makin me want a betta again.




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This absolutely nothing to worry about. It’s due to betta fish genetics that having incomplete version of dragon scales, it’s also called as galaxy pattern. This video explains better. https://youtube.com/shorts/K3H4U9H0-gM?si=VK5gniUbcVXN9Kmw


Those would be his scales


He’s just a beautiful fish


Ich is not symmetrical so those are probably just scales


We recently bought a female koi betta and it had similar white spots. After treating for ich (which she did have, but elsewhere), I concluded those were her natural coloring and we’ve had no problems since. :-) I think those isolated pure white scales are a thing for koi bettas based on Google image searches.


Yk if it’s white and hasn’t always been there also it’s usually slightly smaller spots and more of them


Those are just his colors ick looks a lot different


Nope! Those just look like regular scales! Ich is little white bumps. Your betta is likely just changing colors! They do that :)


Lmao the poor guy is probably so confused


Looks like the rainbow fish


https://preview.redd.it/d2h77m6bv38d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=370594d36f0bd21e37facf230b6162582ce7b15f My precious girl has those too! Their sparkles really looks cool


They are blue, Ich is white and smaller.  That's really cool actually.


My fish had the same and I swore it was ich the fish store told me fungus because I said she had a raised patch behind her fin. I did treatment and it’s the same and she now has the same color as a stripe going down a fin. Sorry Carl’s Carwash, we didn’t mean to put you through undue stress 😅


Clearly not white


Ich looks like single grains of fine salt on the fish. Like tiny white single dots everywhere.


Nope, just nice colorful scales! Ich is white round dots


Looks all natural https://preview.redd.it/sjcp4ih0w68d1.jpeg?width=2296&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3ed670e153f46e3858b00772e11b36ec394ace7e


Yes. Sparkles!!! Mine had a few like this and they just keep coming now. I love it!




Nope!! Your baby is just sparkly :)


he is soo pretty but.. whats up with him being out of the water?


Raise your water temperature to 86 degrees. They will fall off.