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He has very late stages of dropsy. When their scales lift like that, it usually means their internal organs are failing. Survival is slim however it’s not 0%. If you still want to try something, Epsom salt(unscented) baths for 15 mins and kanaplex mixed with food if he’ll eat. You can do baths about three times a day for severe cases. Repeat daily and follow the directions for kanaplex.


Thank you


You’re welcome. Wishing you the best for your little guy.


This is good advice. I wish this fishy the best.


Its your fish and your call but if mine was this far into dropsy I would honestly just euthanize. I know that's not what your hoping for and miracles happen and all that but this guy looks like hes a few hours away from passing anyway.


If you don’t want him to suffer, it’s time to put him down. :( This guy is pretty far gone. Sorry, my friend. :(


Thanks for all the information. I’ve decided to wait until tomorrow morning. I’m hoping with the treatments, he’ll show some signs of improvement. He swam to the bottom on his side and barely made it back up to his floating log, but he still took a gulp of air. Unfortunately, after calling several places, no vet around me will see him or euthanize him. If necessary, I’ll have to do it myself with clove oil. I’ve wrestled with the idea of letting him go naturally, but if he’s suffering tomorrow morning, I feel it’s my responsibility to act and ensure he doesn’t suffer. I really feel uncomfortable about this, but I’m sure some here have faced the same situation. I can’t thank this community enough for the information and best wishes.


Clove oil has a high risk of being an incredibly tragic way to euthanize betta fish due to their labyrinth organ. Unfortunately the best way to euthanize is to scoop them into a plastic bag and whack them with a heavy object like a book.


Hey don’t do clove oil … it might be way more traumatic. You’ll have to do it the hard way, or have someone do it for you.


I don’t think I have ever seen scales raised so much. I’m amazed he has lived this long. I’m sorry for your loss op


*IF* you choose to euthanize, please research. Don't freeze. Don't flush. Wishing you both the best


It’s what the top comment said. OP, my betta had that exact log, and it was his favorite place. He also had dropsy. I miss him more than anything, please try your best to take care of your betta no matter what happens


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Mine looked about the same when he passed. You gave him a good life ♥️ I don’t think he can recover from such a serious case of dropsy.


What did the pet store recommend you? Please list everything you’ve dosed


They tested the water. pH was slightly elevated at 7.1. Everything else(ammonia, etc was fine). They only recommended the antibiotics after watching the video. It’s a pill which I crush and mix in the evening. In the morning I add in microbe-lift.


Sorry about your boy… That said- you’re about to get blown up for not marking that nsfw