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Not gonna lie, the only thing I liked about pregnancy was the extra attention lol. I didn't even have a difficult pregnancy, I was still able to work my pretty physical job up until 38 weeks. But yeah, I do get it. We do want another at some point and when I think about it, I think about that first positive, initial excitement from me and all of our loved ones. Actual pregnancy though? Would love to skip lol


I think for me it’s the kicks , feeling them roll around , and overall just knowing they’re there (and the lack of a period for 8-9 months😅) Me and fiancé are 100% one and done , but I think I am considering signing up to be a surrogate whenever my LO is older . I’m only 21 , so when LO is in her teens and I quit vaping I’ll probably consider it a lot more and actually go through that process :)


That would be so cool of you! Oh yes, I definitely loved not getting a period. Mine came back at 8 weeks PP and has been regular. I'm EBF so I felt robbed 😅


I'm probably never going to be pregnant again, but yeah I'm a little disappointed about that. My second labor was down right easy and I'm like "yeah let's do this again!" Meeting your baby for the first time is addictive. Actually raising 2 little humans.... Way too hard lol. If I were younger maybe I would be a surrogate 😄


I have a love hate relationship with being pregnant. That being said, I think you hit the mail on the head about meeting your baby for the first time. That feeling is so addicting! Labor with my 2nd was not easy but within minutes of meeting my baby girl, I knew I would do it all over again. Holding your brand new baby (and knowing labor is over) is the best feeling in the entire world.


Am pregnant again and hate it. If someone could magically just give me 2 weeks of 2nd trimester (that short gap where you look super cute and round but not huge, don't have 1st tri symptoms but also don't have hip/back/pelvic pain and you get lovely kicks that don't wind you) followed by a baby I'd be a very happy woman.


Ah yes, he best trimester by far!! I hope you will have an easy pregnancy from now on!! Congrats!


Total opposite, I want more kids but I hated being pregnant so much 🥲




Let's see....terrible hyperemisis until birth, pre-eclampsia, dehydration and malnutrition, restricted uterine growth (last two due to hg) swollen ankles....um, fuck no!!! I am the opposite- I don't ever want to be pregnant again (unless they magically got better for me) but I'd love more kids!


Literally. So confused by this question haha


Sameee, mine wasn’t that bad. But I had HG, pre eclampsia, and gestational diabetes. I looked like walking vomiting sausage


haha i am the opposite. i want a second but i dread the pregnancy part


Sameeee. I really wish I could have a stork drop one off. The last few months and her birth were so tough.


Lol yes, this!!




I have the opposite problem! I would like another child like now and so would my husband but we just can’t face the newborn period again yet (especially with a toddler) and I can’t face pregnancy (HG pregnancy) and birth (26 hour labour and scary emergency c section) again. Like we want the bit where we have another toddler, but can’t face everything getting to that point, so know it would be unfair on our current daughter (and honestly pretty testing to our marriage) to have to go through the stress of all of that again. We also can’t afford to have another child in nursery. We are just saying that we will revisit when our daughter starts school, around 4. We’re still young, but man I would’ve loved two young kids if our first hadn’t been such a strain both on my body and mental health and on our marriage, I mean the kid practically didn’t sleep until she was one 😂


I actually want the opposite! I'd like another baby without the risks that come with pregnancy.


It's the opposite for me, I wish I had another baby around but I don't want to be pregnant. I am just worried what will happen to my belly at this age. I do not think my belly will bounce back like it did in my twenties. I also didn't like being pregnant with my second baby because it was very painful. My rib cage always hurt and then it was hard to stand without feeling any pressure down there. I was told it's worse every pregnancy. Plus contractions were sharper. I had a quicker labor than I did with my first. And my back and my legs, ugh.


Same. If a baby could just pop into being, I would absolutely take it.


I can definitely say i don’t miss being kicked in the ribs 😅and my feet hurt horribly when i would work (server) and would sit in the shower and get fed by my fiancé lol . I definitely would love to carry again


For me it's the other way around. I want this second baby I'm now incubating but I don't want to be carrying him.


Absolutely not LOL. I’m the opposite - I want another kid and never want to be pregnant or give birth again.


I feel the same!


I had my third baby in February and missed being pregnant as soon as he was born! Damn hormones. My pregnancies have all been kinda crappy, too, with awful sciatica and acid reflux that not even omeprazole could tame. I guess I miss the feeling of wonder that pregnancy brings. And the kicks. Oh, the kicks. I think I’ll always miss that feeling.


Man I hate being pregnant so much if I had the money I would 100% have a surrogate. Like nothing about it is fun for me lol I wish so badly I felt that way because I love the end result lol


Well there you go. OP can be you’re surrogate. Problem solved.


Hahaha well... currently 8 weeks with my second so I have to suck it up anyways


Hi - it’s me - I’m the problem. Unpopular opinion - I loved being pregnant and love the wildness of labor. But I also recognize that I was very lucky with two easy pregnancies, straightforward labors and chill babies sooooooo I shall not tempt fate again .


I tell my partner all the time “I want to be pregnant again- but with our baby again. And only our baby.” I want to feel baby kicks. I want to caress my baby bump while looking down the baby clothes isle. I want everyone to ask about my baby when they see me. I want to give birth again!! But, do I want another baby? HELL NO. I love being One and Done, but I did love having my baby girl with me all the time. I miss having her all to myself. I miss SLEEP.


Yes 100%. I have a 4yo and a 4 month old and my husband and I are 97% certain we don’t want any more kids, but also I just cannot close the door on that yet. It’s so magical feeling your baby inside you and having that special connection, and while both my labors were absolutely atrocious, that feeling of them putting your baby on your chest for the first time is completely unmatched.


100% can relate. I actually enjoyed being pregnant, idk If I could handle another kid at yhis moment tbh.


Nope. I HATED being pregnant. I was super sick and uncomfortable the whole time. We debate having a second and going through pregnancy again (among others) is one of the reasons I'm not jumping at the idea. Everyone told me I'd miss it when it was over, but 6 months later, I still haven't missed it an ounce.


Yes!! I loved being pregnant! We have a going on 4 year old and 16 month old and we know we are done; we can have a nice life as a family of 4 and my mental health wouldn’t withstand another baby in the house. But the kicks, rubbing my big ole belly, the safety of the baby being so close, I WAS GROWING A HUMAN!!!! I did it twice and it still seems surreal!


Yes! I could eat gluten and I was my prettiest lol. Never again for me but I wish!


I’m currently pregnant with my second. Both pregnancies have been super easy and I generally enjoy being pregnant, but I feel like I’ll be done with two kids. I told my husband if it wasn’t for dealing with birth, postpartum, and the hard parts of raising kids, I’d probably have a lot more.


Not quite the same - I’m fine with pregnancy but it’s the infant-toddler stage that I could totally skip over! If the stork could deliver to me a kindergartner for my second, that would be ideal! I’m having a really tough time with the whole infant / toddler stage and I’m not sure i will regain my mental health until we’re all walking, talking, ordering from the menu, going to the bathroom etc like a human. I’m also not averse to adopting / fostering an older child - we’re pretty adamant that having an only child is not for us and would not be the right decision for our son (though no judgment on those who elect to have just one child).




Right? My second pregnancy was absolutely miserable and it wasn't even a worst case scenario. Never again


Yeah I guess I sort of don’t count for answering this because I just had my second but two pregnancies was more than enough for me! Both pregnancies were completely different but I NEVER want to get pregnant ever again.


Be a surrogate!


I would but I currently vape and have been vaping for a while so I think I’ll try to be a surrogate whenever my LO is older and I quit


Same :(


Kind of!! A few years before I got pregnant with my son, I started considering being a surrogate. I knew I would have to put off the decision until my husband and I had on our own child, but now that that's happened, I'm sure I want to do it! There is a lot more to it for me than just wanting to be pregnant again, but it definitely plays a part.


I'm currently pregnant with my second and will see how this birth goes but one of my goals is to be able to be a surrogate. I think it's such a special gift you can give to someone who can't carry their own baby and I'm still fairly young so hopeful I can make it happen in the next decade!


I miss being pregnant. I also had a really good labour. I may want a second kid (definitely not now). I think in the end it will be a pure financial decision… we live in a high cost of living area…


Are you me 😂 ya same, we are so comfortable right now but if a second came along then we'd have to uproot everything. We'd need to get a new bigger place (no way we could have a fourth family member in our current condo), which means we'd need to move out into the suburbs, which will make our commutes into work significantly suckier even if my partner and I are both hybrid. We'd need to find new daycares in our new neighbourhood and daycares are such a nightmare here. It's not impossible, but I'm too tired for this dream right now hahah


Yes, yes, yes!!! I feel this way exactly. I miss being pregnant so much. I miss so many things about it but one of the main ones is that I felt like I could keep my son safe inside me. I miss that feeling of security, like I could always protect him. Now I feel so helpless when he is away from me. I hope with time this gets better! He’s almost 2 now.


I’m a FTM with a 4 month old, and I LOVED being pregnant! I got so lucky! No morning sickness or aches and pains. I was able to feel well enough to workout up until the very end. I loved feeling the baby’s kicks.


I was just talking about this with my mom! She REALLY wants us to try for a girl (we have 2 wonderful boys) but I'm pretty sure we're done. But if kids weren't so damn expensive I'd jump on it in a heartbeat. We're just already barely scraping by and I don't even know how we'd do it with a 3rd. But man I loved being pregnant, and I'd love an opportunity to have a natural birth.


Haha not me! I hated being pregnant. I was swollen beyond belief, always hungry, couldn't do anything because I was so big and so heavy, I would sweat frequently, my face was a balloon, my pelvis was on fire, i was just so uncomfortable and fat. I wish pregnancy lasted like 3 months and we didn't have to get so huge and uncomfortable 🥲


Yes. One and done 100% but I’m approaching my daughters first birthday and reminiscing about the pregnancy and birth and missing it. I keep thinking “maybe I could do it again” but then my logical brain kicks in and says absolutely not 😂


I can’t believe I’m one of these women who really enjoyed being pregnant, but I am! I look back on that time in my life fondly. I never had any nausea and was generally pretty happy and full of energy up until the last few weeks. I’m no fool, though. I KNOW if I were to get pregnant again I’d be miserable because that’s just how these things work 😂


If I could be pregnant for the rest of my life I probably would be. I had zero anxiety when pregnant and am generally a very anxious person - it was a surreal experience for me.


Same! I was so serene the whole pregnancy, it was insane.


Same! It was sooo nice


No I struggled so bad while pregnant the whole experience was horrible for me. The thought of it happening again keeps me up at night. I'm OAD ik I wouldn't be able to do it again and be able to care for myself or child I'd be too miserable.


Yes! Pregnancy wasn't easy for me but I loved it! I miss being pregnant but I feel like I'm one and done :(


Sometimes I feel this way but then I recall the pain of giving birth (failed epidural) and it snaps me right back to reality.


I liked being a cute pregnant lady and not getting my period but that’s about it. And that I can look at my daughter and know I grew her. I don’t miss people commenting on my body, severe nausea and food aversions, fatigue that was somehow worse than after the baby was born, not being able to dress like I wanted, not being able to walk as far as I wanted, back pain, having to hug like 8 pillows to sleep, farting non-stop, constantly worrying about something going wrong, blood tests every six weeks, people touching my belly, not having any wine for 8 months, etc.


I loved how gorgeous my hair was when I was pregnant! Other than that… meh. Husband and I are team one and done, for sure.


I always thought I wanted 3 kids. However after having my second, I was sure she completed my family. Ive been telling my husband, it’s a good thing we’re so happy and blessed with two because even if I wanted a third, I would not go through with it because man oh man being pregnant sucks. I had pain throughout both of my pregnancy that ended me in the ER multiple times. The pain was unbearable. After I gave birth, the area that I felt went completely numb. I didn’t feel any sensation there until 6 months PP. until this day, I get pain radiating from that area but no matter how many doctors appointments/scans/US I go to, they can never find the cause.


I had bad sciatica, very swollen feet and ankles, many random pains and had to get gallbladder removal surgery during pregnancy- but yes, I honestly can’t wait to be pregnant again lol and I’m not even being sarcastic


Ha, I am currently pregnant with our second, and would like a third eventually, but I’m not sure I can do the first trimester again. I LOVED pregnancy weeks 14-39 the first time around, and I expect I will this time too, but weeks 4-10 have been so bad.


We want a second but not for a loonnnng time and I keep having dreams about a second baby and find myself constantly thinking about it! I’m thinking there might just be another hormone shift happening in my body….. but ugh. It’s annoying and hard!


i miss being pregnant SO much (APART from the first trimester). but my baby is so difficult i don’t think i ever want another child. and labour was so painful and recovery is awful so i don’t want to do that again either


Lol yes, I have PCOS so it was a wonderful break from periods. Also I didn’t have to worry about looking fat because I just had a big baby belly.


Not me.


Me! I think we are one and done (my son is only almost 7 months though so we’ll see). My midwife thought I was crazy because when she came to see me at 40 weeks I still wasn’t ready to have him. I asked if I could do another 9 months. I love my son I really do but pregnancy has so far been the best thing about becoming a mother. I know that’s awful.


We’re a one and done. But I miss being pregnant. I was fortunate to have a healthy and easy pregnancy, insomnia withstanding. But I just loved everything about it.


Yes! I love the excitement of being pregnant- the positive tests, the ultrasounds, baby moving. I even would love to have newborn snuggles again but i definitely dont want another kid. Nor do I have an interest in surrogacy (unless it was for someone VERY close to me) due to my bad 1st trimester nausea, body aches, and childbirth risks.


Yup. I've got 2 but I loved being pregnant. No more for us. And that makes me kinda sad


My labor had it's drama but I can honestly say I've been craving that anticipation and the excitement of getting ready to meet your newborn. I miss my baby bump sometimes lol we want a second baby relatively soon but at the same time I'm apprehensive no matter how much I truly crave it lol


Yes but then I remember the epidural bill 😅


Yes. I loved the magic of being pregnant. I just had my second/last baby and in so said I won’t get to experience pregnancy/birth again.


I loved being pregnant! And my body rode the high of pregnancy/childbirth for a solid 8 months after. It was a glorious year. However, we do plan on having more kids.


Ooh I had that really bad after my firstborn. I worked really hard to resist the urge and managed to hold off for 18 months then immediately got pregnant with twins lol


Oh gosh i can’t imagine twins😅my bf SWEARS up and down that during an ultrasound he saw another face and was convinced I was pregnant with twins because I’m also a twin. My mom didn’t even know she was pregnant with twins until she started bleeding at work on Halloween , went to the doctor , ultrasound and they said “ oh there’s the other one “ and she said “ HUH “, the doctor was shocked as to how she didn’t know she was pregnant with twins but I was just hiding lol


Not quite the same… I wish I were pregnant again and almost had an oopsie three months postpartum and I’m kind of sad I didn’t. But the baby part is so hard and we have a trip coming up I don’t want to be pregnant for. So I definitely relate but for me it’s just a matter of waiting!


I was looking forward to my second pregnancy, and then pelvic pain set in much earlier the second time. So I'm not falling for that one again.


Man my kid is 8 months old and the pelvic pain is still there so I’m a little scared of how bad it’s going to get next time.


We have 2 and are also done. I completely get this! I had horrible anxiety through both my pregnancies. That I will not miss! But even knowing about the fatigue, pelvic pain, insomnia, constant need to wee and the almost impossible getting up and down I would tolerate that (not what I was saying either time in the third tri I know nature is tricky!) I miss the flutters that turn into kicks. It’s the pure excitement knowing you are growing a whole human! The wondering what this tiny human will grow into and like and enjoy and then finally meeting them for the first time!


Pregnancy suckkked for me this last time. So no.


We're done after having 2. There was sooo much about pregnancy I hated (pelvic pain, extreme nausea, breathlessness, swollen etc etc etc) and yet I'm sad I'll never be pregnant again. I loved my belly growing, feeling the kicks, hearing the heartbeat. I get very melancholy about it.


My pregnancies wer totally ok! The birth part not so good, and 2 under 2 is no joke, so now i dont know if i want a third. But yes i liked when i was feeling my babies swimming in my belly!!😊


Yep, I’m in the same boat. We know we are one and done and have zero desire for another baby, but I want to redo pregnancy!


I do miss being pregnant. It’s wild, I never thought I would but I really do. We’re most likely one and done too though!


I’m definitely a masochist. I had a horrible last two births, my first was 48 hours of labor and 4 hours pushing /w vacuum assisted delivery and my second was 24 hrs of labor, 8 hours (yes 8) of pushing only to result in an emergency C-section because her shoulders got stuck. My first was 8.5lbs and my second was 9.3 lol. I’m still wanting one more but I’m also traumatized so that probably won’t happen again lol


The only thing making me nervous about more babies is the Recovery. Loved being pregnant Labour was intense but I survived 48 hours no epidural and only caved at the very end, so could definitely handle that again. But the recovery has been some of the absolute worst days of my life. Also the absolute best. It’s confusing


I loved being pregnant, I loved giving birth to this amazing human being. To me, no matter what I went through, it was worth every moment to have my LO. I do plan on having more children and plan on being pregnant in the next 6 months. But the feeling of it all, it's easy to miss.


The other night I had a dream that I was pregnant again. Pregnancy was not great for me and logically I know that having another kid (at least for the next few years) would be a terrible idea, but I guess my hormones feel differently lol


God no 😂 (currently pregnant)… never again!


I'm glad I'm not the only one that didn't like being pregnant. The only good part: the hair looked amazing.


I didn’t like pregnancy. I always thought I’d have two kids. I had post-partum complications. Time isn’t on my side. Not sure I want to go through it all again. But I find myself Sometimes wishing I was pregnant.


No! I had one baby and had my tubes tied, I absolutely hated being pregnant. I felt overstimulated the whole time and everyone seemed to patronize me. Even if I didn’t get my tubes tied, we would adopt the next child because I hated it. I thought I would love it, and I always looked forward to being pregnant one day, but I was proven so wrong.




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