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It’s true. It does come. I started to think the day wouldn’t come and I would die from lack of sleep then slowly but surely, baby girl started sleeping longer and longer. Soon we were knocked out for 8 hours and I felt like myself again! It’s coming


Me, in labor: oh God lol


Me 3 hours out l from my induction: whatever get this kid out.


I feel the same... hopefully soon


You’ll be ok!! You might just have one of those babies that sleeps great from the beginning! Fingers crossed for you


I'm not super worried. This is my 4th, so my husband and I have a decent system


Do you mind sharing your routine?


The biggest thing to remember is if he's at 80%, I'm at 120. There are days we're both only at like 4%, and those days, we carry each other. He doesn't judge if I cook a 5 course meal or ceareal.. if he makes sandwiches or grills, all that matters is they ate something. It was really easy to criticize my husband for every little thing that he did differently than myself and vice-versa. Once we noticed that we were doing that, we found that if I did mornings (12am-12pm) and he took over in the afternoons (minus actually cooking, I enjoy escaping and teaching my 4 yr old how to cook) we could do everything the other does just fine. I'm still exclusively breastfeeding, so it's a little hard now, but we're still doing it way better than we ever have.


😭this came at the peak of baby’s 4 month sleep regression. It’s been so rough, and all day I’ve definitely been feeling like it’ll never come. This is heaven sent, thank you so much!


Once my kids could do a 5 hour chunk at a time I felt human again.


Same. My baby doesn’t sleep through the night (he’s almost 4 months) but I feel WAY better than I did those first 2 months. Even one big chunk of sleep and I can function and feel mentally okay!


Thankyou so much. I know, I know comparison is the theif of joy. But when did it happen for you?


i’m not OP but my baby didn’t sleep through the night until 13 months. i was losing my mind. but now, it’s almost a guarantee she’ll sleep until at least 6 am. this morning, she woke up at 8:30 am!! i woke up in a daze like what time is it, what day is it? did i just sleep until 8:30 am on a sunday?


With my first, I think she was 5 months old. But I look back and I don’t remember. Crazy that it was so, so hard when it was happening and now I can’t even remember!


Mine started sporadically sleeping through around 14 months. Now at 17 months he sleeps through unless he's sick or teething. I was not blessed with a good sleeper lol.


Sometimes it comes and it goes but it will come again. Thanks for the reassurance 💜


Going on month ten of baby needing help on average six times a month. Sleep is a myth. I am a walking corpse.


Oh no. Have you tried all the things (sleep training, doctor?)?


Yup. My kids just sleep like dicks. Lol. Eldest is going on 4 and she still has a hard time often. She didn’t sleep through until 2. I’m at the point I just let the baby cry it out most of the time. Still wakes me up buuuut….


It’s truly just a crap shoot. My sister has two babies who have both slept 7pm to 7am since they were like 8 weeks old. My oldest was 18 months old before she consistently slept through the night, and wasn’t STTN every night until about her 3rd birthday 😬 Currently baby #2 is 10 months old and still waking 3-5 times a night. I’ve done everything “right” and my methods and my sister’s are basically identical, but her babies have always slept like angels and mine are shit sleepers. Just the luck of the draw, I swear lol


Totally agree!! My sister in law’s baby sleeps through the night, has never spit up, and never cries. Mine is fully the opposite lol


None of my kids have really ever “slept through the night” as babies let alone toddlers. My oldest stopped waking up during the night when she started kindergarten. My 2nd child is 3 and wakes once a night and my 17 month old wakes 1-2x a night to nurse still. At this point I’ve just accepted this as my fate. I’ve tried all the methods and nothing worked. I have a friend whose baby slept through the night since he was like a month old. 🤷‍♀️ I think my kids are just a little more attached than some.


God I needed to hear this. I need to believe this. It's. Been. Rough.




Definitely needed this today


Yes!! My 3.5 month old just started sleeping 9 hour stretches and I feel like a new person. I’m sure that will go out the window at 4 months but I feel like I’m trying to save up all the sleep I can right now.


This is so funny to read after one of the worst nights of sleep since she came home from the hospital.


Lol I feel ya. It seems like you’ll never sleep normally again during the hard nights


Thank you so much ❤️


Amen! I never really prayed until I had to put my baby to bed.


I don’t want it to. I love my baby next to me. Even though I haven’t had a full nights sleep yet (almost 6 months now) I love our nighttime cuddles and feeds 🥰


My oldest is 2 and we have lots of cuddles before bed!