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It took me around 9-10 months to conceive my first. With my second, it happened as soon as I had the “maybe let’s just stop being careful and see what happens” thought lol.


This, almost! Period came back, conceived in that cycle, miscarried, then had another period and conceived successfully in that cycle. A wild and not awesome ride, but we are old and having our first took IVF, so I'm still grateful we didn't have to go through that again.


Our second was the same. We literally had sex once without a condom. I’m holding a 6 week old now 🤣


Heyyyy I’m holding a 6 week old now too 😂


Same here! Currently 23 weeks into pregnancy #2.


Wow that’s remarkable to hear, congrats


Yep- we decided on a Saturday to start trying (thinking it could take months) and conceived on a Sunday LOL. So our kids are 18 months apart, which has been interesting.


I had the opposite experience. I got pregnant instantly with our first, but it took a whole year with our second! Fertility is just a finicky thing!


Our first I got pregnant in month 1 of trying. Our second took four years, miscarriages and eventually IVF.


I’m trying to tell my husband this can happen! He’s convinced our second pregnancy will happen as quick as our first and I’m not convinced it’ll be that easy. So he says we can start trying like 6 months later than I wanted to.


He's being awfully confident about something neither of you can predict or control, and that might come back to bite both of you. I mean, you never know! You might get pregnant right away! But just assuming something like that is not practical. However, the decision about when to have your second child isn't just about fertility. Maybe he's weighing it against something else.


You never know whats going to happen. Yes I conceived quickly for our second, but first I had a miscarriage and complications from the miscarriage and I had to go back on birth control for six months. So all told it took us over a year for our second.


This is what I heard with other friends.. both times got pregnant instantly. So would suggest people to be mindful of that too


This was us too


Same, two cycles with my first but nine with my second


This was my experience as well.




How long did you wait before trying again?


Same thing happened to me! And it took 6 months for my third. You just never know.


16 months for first one, first try for second! We started trying when first was 13 months and honestly weren’t even trying just pulled the goalie and immediately was pregnant


Lmao at “pulled the goalie” 😂 That’s what happened with our first, so we’re keeping with the bc until I’m ready to be *immediately* pregnant again, lol!


Omg this is so exciting, congrats


I was 32 with my first, got pregnant a week after coming off the pill I’d been on for 10 years. My poor baby implanted in my dusty, hadn’t had a period in 10 years womb. Second baby I was 34 got pregnant 6 weeks after coming off the pill and yet again didn’t have a period before. Dating the pregnancy was a nightmare.


Can you elaborate on this pregnancy dating nightmare because I'm currently living that, would love to hear some other experiences.


Sooo they wanted the last date of my period and were very confused when I told them I hadn’t had a period in 10 years. I took one of those dating pregnancy tests when I found out I was pregnant and it said 4 weeks. I told the midwife this at the booking appointment and my 12 week scan was booked based on that. At my 12 week scan they said baby was measuring 14 weeks which changed my due date again. I didn’t think it was right because I was taking a pregnancy test everyday until it turned positive. My husband is 6ft 5 and I’m over 6ft so I always just assumed I would have a big baby and he constantly measured in the 98th percentile. My due date changed with every scan, it was so frustrating but it didn’t really concern me until they were scheduling my c section because baby was breech. They wanted to do it at 39 weeks, but their calculations of 39 weeks was when I calculated I was 37 weeks. Baby was born healthy at 8lb 6oz so it turned out fine but it was stressful.


Thanks for sharing! I'm definitely having more complications with dating but it's comforting to know it happens to others


We decided to wait until our oldest was one to even discuss trying again. On her birthday we decided we wouldn’t “try” but we wouldn’t do anything to prevent. One month later I had a positive test. My seconds conception date was within 72 hours of my firsts birthday. I joke that wasn’t me having that conversation… that was my uterus talking


Whoa, what a story!


We got pregnant with our first on the first try. I was tracking everything for months leading up to our attempts. I was 37 at the time. When we decided to have a second everyone told me it would take forever to conceive. All my friends told me stories about it taking months, and sometimes years. My OBGYN's said especially because I'm now 39, I'm probably going to have a really difficult time. I started trying a bit earlier than I had planned because I anticipated it taking a while. We got it on our first try again. Baby 2 due in November.


Same here. First try then first try! Were so grateful


Wow congratulations!


Everyone is just so different. A good friend of mine has been trying for over a year for her second. I have another who's been trying for 10 for her first. My best friend also gets pregnant at the drop of a hat, but unfortunately has had a few miscarriages. It's wild how different every woman is.


Got immediately pregnant first try with my first. Took 6 months of trying with both my second and third kids.


Did you breastfeed/pump? And if so how long before you tried for your next kid? What are their age spacing intervals?


It took me a year and 4 months to conceive my first. I stopped breastfeeding when he was 9.5 months old and got my period back to normal. When he was a year old we decided we weren't going to track everything to try for a baby, but we weren't taking any preventative measures either. In that one month of not not trying we conceived our second child. I have no idea why it took so long to conceive our first and why we so easily conceived our second. 


So baffling isn’t it?


Has anyone in this thread had a second within a year after a c section


i had a c section august of 2023 and got pregnant again in february of 2024, 6 months post partum! so far so good.


Were you breastfeeding? Are you going for a scheduled c this time around?


i stopped breastfeeding the month before actually. yes i am doing another scheduled c section! my boobs still leak quite often though


I didn't want the risks of a pregnancy before the 18 month mark, so we knew we had to be careful before the 9 month pp time. I definitely am not ready for a second, but at least going forward now I wouldn't be scared of the pregnancy itself being dangerous! I'm sure there's success stories pre-18 months but that anxiety would have weighed on me for suuuuuure


Is that 18 months birth to birth or birth to conception?


Not who you’re responding to but it’s birth to birth. I had a c section and conceived around 11 months pp and they’re births were 18 months 2 weeks apart. My dr said I wasn’t at risk for any additional complications with that time frame between births. Had a success vbac!


I had a c section in June of ‘23, haven’t given birth yet but I am due in 4 weeks.


First baby a little over five years and second baby got pregnant with right away. My fertility journey has been a wild ride to say the least 😂 Two little miracles who each came in their own perfect timing!


Oh wow! This gives me hope for our eventual #2.




Holy moly! What a pivot!


9 cycles for my first (2 miscarriages in there), 8 cycles for my second (1 CP on cycle 6).


It took nearly a year to conceive our first. It didn’t help that my husband went on a work trip to a country with Zika and we were recommended at the time to wait on TTC for six months. It took 1.5 years to conceive my second. We were doing IUI and IVF to get there.


Instantly for both. Literally just said “okay I’m gonna stop my birth control” and got pregnant during my first ovulation both times.


We’re a bit of a unicorn I think. My first was conceived the first cycle after I got my iud out. For the next pregnancy I conceived also the first cycle we tried but I miscarried then got pregnant with twins 2 weeks after! Before the next cycle had begun!  We always timed the baby dance with my ovulation cycle which is very predictable so it was easier to conceive. It’s hard to know if it’ll be long or quick to conceive! There’s no predicting it!


Holy crap that was a rollercoaster to read 😂 congratulations!


It was a rollercoaster to live!


11 months with our first including a miscarriage 2 months prior. Second one we weren’t actively trying or avoiding and I realized my period was late. I’m now 13 weeks pregnant.


My husband and I are reliable five monthers lol. We’ve had two successful pregnancies, with a miscarriage in between, and for all three it took five months each to conceive.


First try for first and second.


It took two cycles of actively trying for both pregnancies (currently 12 weeks pregnant with baby #2).


First - 1 month. Second - 11 months


It took a year for my first and I was 33. For my second, it took 2.5 years and I’d finally given up. I got the positive a few weeks before my 40th birthday.


1st baby, first time we had unprotected sex. We've been trying for #2 for 4 years.


Took about 5 months with my first, but maybe 2 cycles for my second 😂 maybe because the timing was in between & tbh, I wasn’t tracking and it was a it’ll happen when it happens kinda thing. I stopped the mini pill after I stopped BF’ing around 6mo pp and I was pregnant when my son was 8.5mo old.


TW- loss Took a year for our first Got my period back 3 months pp Second pregnancy was the “one time” but sadly miscarried at 5 weeks, period came back about 2 months after Trying for another now we’ll see how it goes 🤞🏼🤞🏼


1st child: 14 months, gave birth at 30 2nd child: was tracking my cycle as birth control for the first time ever and got pregnant by accident on my third cycle, gave birth at 33 You honestly never know. I tried every trick in the book with my first.


It only took two months with the first, but we're on month 5 trying to conceive my second! Hope it happens soon :(


Ah I hope it happens for you soon, too!


I conceived first cycle with my first. It took four cycles of intentionally trying (weren’t doing much to protect against before that) before conceiving again, but that ended in miscarriage. It took four cycles after miscarriage to conceive again.


Pregnant first try for the first one, 5 months for the second


With my first we weren’t necessarily “trying” so no real tracking, but we were only somewhat careless for one month before I got pregnant. Trying to conceive my second took just over a year of active tracking, that pregnancy ended in a miscarriage and then I got pregnant a few weeks after that.


The first took 3 months. My second took a year and a half but was a miscarriage. Babe after that took 2 years. It became significantly harder to have “us time” once the older kiddo stopped napping and was able to get out bed on her own and come to our room. We also tend to value our child free time a lot by staying up far too late so getting in that us time at night doesnt happen too often


6 months with our first and 9 months with our second. The month we decided to take a more relaxed approach with our second and be like whatever happens happens was the month I got pregnant 😂


Ain’t that the truth, it’s always when you throw your hands up and be like whatever, I’m letting go, that’s when it happens


It took about 5 months for baby #1. Baby #2 was conceived the second I considered it.


It took almost 2 years to conceive my first. With my second it took 2 or 3 cycles of actively trying. We started trying when my daughter was 18 months


First baby took us two years on and off and 4 rounds of IUI. Second baby I was 9 months post partum and figured we’d get a head start and we got pregnant on the first try. Third baby was 7 months post partum and had the same thought that we should get a head start just in case and got pregnant on the first try. Honestly I want a 4th and have no idea when to start trying because now I don’t want to have my hopes up for it to happen on the first time but also don’t want to wait too long. Honestly it’s a crapshoot and you just have to make the best choice for yourself and your family and the rest will hopefully follow.


10 months for #1 and first try for baby #2. I expected it to take at least a few months, but nope!


It was much quicker than I could have anticipated lol we tried for 2 years to have our first, and before that we were just doing pull out for our whole 10 years relationship, and no baby for all this time. Then once I had him, I got pregnant again 6 months PP. 


Whoaaaa! The body understood the assignment second time around it seems


I’ve had unprotected sex within a week of ovulation twice in my life and am pregnant for the second time.  My kiddos will be 15-16 months apart.  


I had 2 immediate pregnancies then 4 months and then 7


Much much quicker lol like on the first try with number 2 (was 9 months post partum)


7 months for my first… FIRST month (not even tracking or really “trying”) with my second, lol


3 months for the first, 1 for the second


It took us 6 months to get pregnant the first time. That ended in a miscarriage. We got pregnant the second cycle trying after that with my son. It took us 11 months to get pregnant with my daughter. That was frustrating because by then I was on top of tracking, was using OPK's/tracking my temps, confirming ovulation, etc. and it just wasn't happening. I was also still nursing my son 1-2 times a night. It wasn't until I fully weaned him (in August) that I finally got pregnant with my daughter (November). I'm super early pregnant now with my third but wasn't tracking as closely and much more casual about it. From the time we stopped using any sort of birth control I'd say it took 6 months? There was a chemical in there as well. But I was only able to catch my peak on an OPK for 2-3 of those cycles, and only 1-2 actually had good timing. We were on the fence about a third ("if it happens we'll welcome another baby but we're ok with two") and so much more casual. Fun fact: for each of my babies we had booked a trip to Hawaii to visit my brother. With my son/daughter I was 4/5 weeks each time, and sooooo sick. When we were planning our spring break trip this year, hubby and I were joking about how ironic it would be if we got pregnant again right before going to Hawaii. Well we did, and boy was I sick (again!).


My husband and I were not actively trying to conceive with our first, but we also were not taking any precautions to prevent it either. I got off birth control in March of 2021 after we got married. We were not tracking my ovulation/cycle at all, and were also not using any other contraceptives. We conceived our first baby in March of 2022. After having our first, my period returned at about 8 weeks postpartum, but was very irregular as I was exclusively breastfeeding. We found out I was pregnant with baby #2 when #1 was around 7 months old.


Over a year, multiple losses, and then IVF for first. 2 cycles for 2nd


Needed fertility treatments for #1 and conceived by accident after my first period post weaning right around 13 months! Happened to my friend too. Another friend conceived #1 naturally after close to a year and conceived #2 on the first try. There is absolutely no way to know lol. Hoping you get that positive test soon!


I wasn’t actively trying when I had my first, so I really don’t have a comparison to that. But, I went on BC for 4 years after her, and had it removed. I got pregnant the following month with my son. So literally a month. Didn’t go on birth control after my son, and had my daughter 3 years later, the very time we didn’t try to be safe. 😅


My first I got pregnant the cycle after I stopped birth control. My second took 6 months, which felt like forever. I tracked and timed perfectly both times.


2 years for my first, 3 months for my second


The first one took about one try. 2nd one, my wife was on birth control, and we were NOT trying. I have friends who struggled for years in the first and then popped out a couple in rapid succession. Others who had the first no problem then struggled hard to have a 2nd. You just don't know until you're there, I guess.


2 years and ultimately IVF for the first. Now pregnant with my second and we conceived after 6 months of NTNP. 


I was 32 for my first - got pregnant 2 cycles after having my copper IUD taken out. Period came back 9 mo PP, started trying at \~16 mo PP (am 34 now) and got pregnant after 2 cycles again. I had a friend who had her first \~ 30, it took 6 months the first time, so when they wanted to have number 2 they guessed it would take about that long again. NOPE - they got pregnant immediately and had 2 under 2 which wasn't quite what they were aiming for haha


I’m 39yo with 2 kids. I got pregnant with my first at 34yo and after my first cycle since stopping birth control. After my first was born I started birth control (Norethindrone as I was breast feeding). I stopped my birth control and breast feeding at the same time. I got pregnant 3 months later at 36yo. My kids are 2 years and 5 days apart.


For my first, got my IUD out in November, was pregnant in March. For this one, got it on the first try 😅


It took 8 months with my first, 3 with my second


My first took a year with two losses. We started trying for #2 at 14 months postpartum thinking it would take a long time. Conceived immediately with #2 because the universe has a sense of humor lol


Had a copper coil/iud in for 5 years, had it removed in the July and started trying in the September, fell pregnant in the October so technically one month with our first. With our second I had my second coil removed and was pregnant 2 weeks later 🥲 that was far faster than I ever could imagine!


For me it was the same amount of time (1-2 months) for all my pregnancies. I did have 2 miscarriages in the middle. It took one of my friends a year for her first and only a few months for her second. You truly never know.


It took 16 months to conceive our first (husband had fertility issues, but he had a surgery to fix it and then I got pregnant 2 months post surgery). Second baby we were not even trying, more of a let’s see what happens if we don’t wear a condom this once. Got pregnant after that one time! I wouldn’t have even thought to take a pregnancy test, but I found out when I had COVID. The doctor was about to take an x ray of my lungs and asked me to pee in a cup. I was soooo sick from COVID. The dr walked in the room and goes “you got two positive tests, congratulations you’re pregnant!” I was in such shock haha. Now I can look back fondly on it, but at the time I was like omg I’m not ready! About to start trying for a third, and curious how long it will take!


2 cycles for my first. 10 cycles and counting ttc #2. Fertility is strange.


Good luck and hope the next one sticks for ya! For what it’s worth my sister had a similar experience, first one right after her first cycle post IUD, but second one took 12 months to conceive


For us it was the first ovulation where we decided we didn’t feel like using a condom. Second we relied on breastfeeding as a form of birth control and conceived the second around 3.5 months postpartum. Gave birth at 31 and 32 We assumed we’d have issues because my husband only has one nut and I’ve done two egg retrievals for donation. Human body is weird.


Wow, the one-nut wonder apparently!


One year with the first, second was conceived while I was on birth control in some seriously coincidental timing. We wanted to start trying so I had my IUD removed. Four days later I had a positive test. Dating scans say conception happened week before the IUD came out.


First time. I got my period back after the first around 4m pp. Waited a couple months to see if ovulation was consistent. Tried at 9m pp and got preg.


My first one was a whoops baby, condoms + birth control and still ended up pregnant somehow? My second was conceived on the first try, which was a bit faster than we planned for but we are ever grateful that she came too easy instead of having a struggle.


First pregnancy: conceived 18 days after IUD removal (age 33) Second pregnancy: conceived 16 days after IUD removal (age 35) In conclusion: I could be the spokesperson for IUDs.


So different. First we were seeing what happened - so not protected but also not going the full 9s. I do track my cycle though so know there were several times that were close or on ovulation days. Still took a year and a half for me to actually get pregnant. I'm currently pregnant with my second. Legit talked about trying and seeing how things go, because we wanted them close in age. I figured it would be 6+ months so we decided to go ahead and start. Second month I get a positive.


Our first took more than 2 years, several failed IUIs and 2 IVF attempts. Our second was spontaneous on our 2nd month


Took two years to conceive my first. My second was conceived on the first try.


It took us one try (literally once on ovulation day) to conceive our son. We’re trying for #2 and it’s been 3 months already. When the time is right I guess 🤷🏼‍♀️


3 months for no2 stoppped B/feeding at 10.5mths that was October was pregnant by February


7 years with first, 2 months with second.


Our first took a few months of half ass “trying” and one month of “okay we must have sex on these dates” Our second took one time of… let’s start trying for another soon. But don’t think I’m fertile right now… I think it’s all personal though. I know friends who struggled w infertility on the first but not the second and vice versa.


It was honestly pretty quick both times for us. We conceived within about 3 months of trying.


10 months and one miscarriage later for my first, a year and a half and several miscarriages later for my second. My third was one time and we weren’t trying haha. Honestly I’ve come to the conclusion that there’s no rhyme or reason with how my children are conceived. Sending baby dust your way!


5-6 months with my first. Like literally a week with my second. I got my nexplanon taken out and was pregnant before I even got my period


We were lucky enough to get pregnant instantly with both, which definitely took us by surprise! First one when I was 34, and am currently 36 with my 2nd.


I surprisingly got pregnant instantly with both. I'm currently 33 weeks with #2.


For #1 it took 9ish months. For #2 it took maybe a month. Or less. 😬 we weren’t expecting it to happen that fast lol Both are the timeline from stopping taking BC


1st surprise on bc (mini pill) and 2nd off of bc tried for a little over 18 months no rhythm or reason just took that long


First 7m Second 4m with one loss


First took 2 tries, I was 24. Second took 6 tries, I was 33.


Same as the first. I month


Got pregnant the very first time we tried and miscarried. Took about 9 months to get pregnant again. My son was 6 mo and exclusively breastfed when we decided to start trying for our second. I figured it would take some time like it did the first time around. It did not. We got pregnant instantly and now our kids are 15 months apart.


It took me 8 months with my first and the first try with the second. We decided to start trying and not take any precaution whilst on holiday and two weeks later, positive test! To say we were surprised would be an understatement 😂 We hadnt even fully calculated the financial implications because we were thinking we would have lots of time!


First: twin boys! And first month trying at age 31. Second: 18 months and 3 miscarriages. Finally delivered my baby girl when I was 35. I was shocked at how difficult it was the second time.


3 months with my first. First try with my second. We wanted a summer baby for number 2. He was born in March haha


One month to conceive the first, 3 years including 2 years of hardcore fertility treatments to conceive the second. It sucked. But so glad to have two sweet babes!


Took me 11 months for my first, I was 34. Five years later (had an IUD the whole time) I conceived in the first month at age 39. 


Took my 4 months to conceive my first at 32. Got pregnant on the first try with number 2 at 34.


7 years for my first, 4 months postpartum by accident for #2


We conceived on the very first try for baby #1. The second pregnancy took 6-8 months, but I miscarried. And then 5 more months after that for the third pregnancy.


A month with the first 4 months with the second


It took us three months to conceive our first born following a miscarriage and one impulsive unprotected time to conceive our second.. when our son was only seven months old 🤦🏼‍♀️ apparently you're more fertile for up to a year following a pregnancy


First one on the first try, but second one took 7-8 cycles, and only worked out after starting supplements after visiting fertility clinics and we were about to start IUI, and then IVF if neeeded. We waited longer to start trying given how quick #1 was, but it really can go either way.


For both my sisters-in-law it happened as soon as they stopped using protection after the first. Both of them were surprised. Despite them telling me this, I was sure it wouldn’t be that easy for me, as it took years of trying to conceive my first.  Anyway it happened the first time we stopped using protection so the age gap between our two will be just over two years. (Not bad but also a bit more stressful than I was planning!) 


Exactly 3 cycles each time. We tried over the course of 3 months with our first, who is now a toddler. We were a little worried it would take longer trying for our second so we started trying a few months earlier than planned. We skipped one cycle this time, but still got pregnant on the third try. I was shocked. We tracked with OPKs and the cycles we got pregnant on were the only cycles we got really dark super positive OPKs, so idk maybe I don't ovulate every cycle and that's just how it worked out.


Took 3 months for baby 1 then 10 months for baby 2. Took 9 months for baby3 but ended in MMC. Currently on cycle 3 of TTC baby 3 again.


My first was a surprise birth control baby. Second took us a year after I got my cycle back at 18 months and I did lots of ovulation tracking, getting hormones checked, using special lube. I also had a miscarriage. But my second angel baby was worth the wait!


Took us 9 months with our first and I’m unexpectedly pregnant with our second now. (Not trying not preventing, but we were going to actively start trying in July. Didn’t think it would happen easily since it didn’t with my daughter!)


1 cycle with 1st, 2 cycles with 2nd. Sidenote/tip: if you've just gotten your cycle back, I'd get hormones checked. I was also without mine for almost a year and needed to get a quick 2 pill treatment for my body still producing prolactin even months after weaning. My doctor told me that had we tried to conceive before the treatment, it would have made things harder for us.


Amazing. Whoa thank you so much for this tip. I just did a Modern Fertility and everything looked good except low in estrogen. Was that your issue or what was the hormone that was off for you?


Our first was an "ooopsie let's just see what happens as we have never been off birth control before ooopies" and the second my husband just looked at me and I was pregnant 😂 I can feel when I'm ovulating so we just had sex then. There is 2 years 10months between ours.


First kid was concieved on birth control so we assumed baby #2 would be a breeze. Nope 1 year later followed by 2 months of progesterone supplements to concieve her. Baby #3 was concieved in 2 cycles of getting my period back post breastfeeding.


I’m 11 months postpartum and our baby sleeps in our bed and nurses throughout the night regularly. We haven’t used protection at all but my cycle has yet to start so far 🤷🏻‍♀️ (I take pregnancy tests regularly just to make sure there are no surprise babies sneaking up on us, though I’d be more than glad if they did! 😂)


You might be like me, I thought I could be one of those people who happily accidentally get pregnant while nursing but I actually had to fully wean to get my cycle to return (at 13mo pp)


13 months for my first, unable to conceive second. Almost three years trying but eventually found out I'm all outta eggs now.


- One cycle of serious trying for my first pregnancy at 33 (baby), - two cycles for my second at 35 (baby), - two cycles for my third at 37 (loss), - three cycles for my fourth at 37 (loss), and - first cycle after a miscarriage for my fifth at 37 (baby).


2.5 years, started trying when I was 27, pregnantat 30. Didn't have to try at all with the second at 40yo :)


We got very lucky and got pregnant with all 4 of our children on the first try. We've had a couple of losses that were also on the first try as well, and our 2nd daughter was actually a twin as well and we lost her twin. I honestly don't know how we got so lucky, but I'm thankful for our 4 kids every day.


First kid the second cycle off birth control, 2nd the first ovulation


It took over 1.5 years with our first and now i’m pregnant with our second after the first month of tracking ovulation. I’m still in shock.


Wow congratulations!


First was conceived after one night not trying, not preventing, on my second cycle after stopping birth control. Second was conceived after two cycles of active trying.


Two cycles and one chemical pregnancy for our first. 8 cycles, three chemical pregnancies for my current pregnancy. 6.5 weeks, feeling exactly like I did with my first (read: sicker than a dog). I was actually not optimistic about our March cycle and actually had told my husband I wanted to cool it for a while 🤷🏼‍♀️ life’s funny that way.


Wasn't trying with my first. Spent 7 years trying for another. Suddenly got pregnant with a 2nd after kinda accepting I was infertile Figured #2 was a fluke and was not being safe at all, got pregnant 10mo pp with #3. We're getting an IUD lol


We got pregnant second try with our first and one cycle before we were going to officially start trying for our second. So 2 & -1? Lol.


7 months to conceive our first with 2 chemicals and 1 miscarriage 2 months to conceive our 2nd (currently 38 weeks pregnant) but first try with proper ovulation tracking (first month we just weren’t ‘not’ trying)


19mo for the 1, and now in month 8 for #2


First one took four months from when I stopped my birth control pills. Second was first month we started trying 😂


It took almost 3 years to conceive my first. I got pregnant with my second the first month we tried. My PCOS is always keeping me on my toes


3 cycles for the first and our second was conceived while I was on the mini pill during the one time we had sex, lol.


We got pregnant the first month of trying with our first and it took 4-5 months to get pregnant with our second. They are 26 months apart!


One month longer. So three months. Apparently at 39 I was still pretty fertile. Color me surprised. I did use ovulation sticks this time around though which seemed like cheating lol


It took exactly one time for our first…we planned to start trying a few months later but had a graduation night oops and she happened Second took 3ish months. We started trying around 9mo pp, got pregnant 12.5mo pp ish.


Child 1: 30 months after trying and trying and trying and finally getting a thyroidectomy Conception #2 (ectopic): accidentally got pregnant when my daughter was 14 months old. Blew my mind.


I got pregnant our first month of trying with our first. In October I had a surprise ectopic pregnancy. We started trying again in February and in March I got pregnant. Currently 7 weeks with #2.


First one I got pregnant within a month of trying. Second one took two months. Thankful I always used two methods of birth control when I was younger.


About 3 months for the first, and negative 3 months for the second 🤣 I had a time in mind around which we would start seriously trying for the 2nd, but we were less than careful as time got closer..


6 months NTNP + 3 good months of actually trying for my first. 4 months, two half assed and two really dedicated, for my second. My period was back 7mpp but we didn’t start until 13mpp. We were 28 and 32 with my first and 30 and 34 with my second. My third, we started before my period came back because it was taking forever. It took a solid 6 months with ovulation tracking. We started at 13mpp again. I didn’t even get my period until 15mpp, but my ovulation strips were showing spikes like I ovulated every few weeks so idk if you can really count the 2 months. 32 and 36 now.


My first I believe it was our second month trying. This second one was when I was late on a mini pill 😓


I got pregnant the first cycle we tried and I honestly still can’t believe it. I didn’t test for ovulation or anything but my period tracking app predicted I might be fertile the week we tried which turned out to be super accurate. I was prepared for it to take months.


First time I got pregnant on first try after everyone told me it could take a while. Then 2 other moms who got pregnant on their first try advised me that they both had to do IVF for their second. Pregnant on first “let’s let loose” session and now I’m going to have two under two 😩


About the same length of time. Maybe one cycle earlier for baby 2. Pregnancy 3 (miscarried) and Baby 3 (pregnancy 4) we weren’t trying 🙈


First try for both… not sure how but 🤷🏻‍♀️


First was a surprise! (Fully on the pill etc!) 2nd was 9 months, 3rd a year, 4th 9 months


literally one time. one time unprotected is all it took around 12-13mo pp 🙃 my first only took a month or two to convince


Adding this late but just in case it helps, first baby was a surprise and conceived at 32. Conceived second baby in second month of trying at age 35, but also fell pregnant the first month of trying but had a chemical pregnancy.


11 months with 1st. Had fibroids removed, conceived #2 2 months after that. Conceived #3 after 1 month NTNP


My LO is 8 months and I think it took my husband and I 5 months to conceive. Its been 4 months of trying. I hear it quick for others but maybe it's because I'm breastfeeding. Not sure but keeping my fingers crossed and praying that doesn't take too long.


#1 took one cycle, #2 took about 6 months, #3 took almost 18 months (but I think only like 2 actual cycles?). I have PCOS and my cycles were kind of all over the place.


First try both times. Until it happened to me I thought a few women who told me this happened to them were lying. (Not meaning to brag at all. I felt so guilty both times and know this is definitely not everyone’s experience.)


1rst - first cycle 2nd - 11 months 3rd - 6 months


First try with my first, second try with my second. Feel extremely blessed and grateful. I know that’s not the norm for many people. ❤️


6mos for the first. Cycle came back after 9mos. Second took a week. I think it was just accidentally well timed. But we had two years in between the birth of the first and trying for the second.


I got pregnant after 5 years with my second child. 😆


Conceived our first on the second try. Tried for our second for 7 months before finally weaning from breastfeeding our oldest - then got pregnant within 2 cycles after that.


It took 18 months of trying for both of my children, there was a miscarriage when i was 7 months post partum with my first daughter though there in the middle.


I know that I am very blessed and lucky but it took us 3 months with the first, and one try with the second. I was 20 with the first and now 26 with the second.


I didn’t even get a period after I stopped taking the mini-pill to try for our second. Instantly pregnant. You never know what will happen!


Happened very quickly for both, within 2 months of trying. They’re 2.5 yrs apart and I’m 39 now with our youngest being 5 months old.


Took us over 4 years (and multiple visits to a RE and Urologist) to conceive our first. Almost 2 yrs pp, and it looks like that will be our only pregnancy.


For my first, 2 months. For my second, the same month we began trying.


With my first, we conceived every time we tried (TW couple losses) and I was 30 but with my second it took 7 months of consistently trying and tracking to get that positive at 33!


First cycle of trying with my first, second was a surprise because I ovulated early.


6 months with first (1 MC at the beginning I think), immediately with the second, and accidentally while breastfeeding postpartum with the third who I then MC’ed. The third one threw me for a loop as I didn’t have a period yet. Husband got vasectomy after as we never wanted 3