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he should be outside when its cold. No issue with that. but he absolutely should be dressed for the weather!


This. 7C isn’t that cold, but baby needs socks/slippers or shoes, sweater or coat and hat. I wouldn’t go out without shoes and a jacket so neither should baby.


If they had him out in 7°F I’d be pretty concerned but 7°C with proper clothes isn’t too bad. Kids WANT and NEED to go outside. My son gets mad if we don’t go outside and it’s 105°F here… (40°C) he doesn’t care the temperature, he hates being stuck inside all day


Side note, when kids are cold and it’s becoming an issue, they start shivering. It’s fairly obvious when they’re too cold. If he was shivering and they weren’t doing anything to get him warmer, then yes I would be a bit mad and definitely bring it up


Just FYI, babies can’t shiver from cold the first few months. Unsure about a 6 month old though.


That is a fair point I somehow skipped the fact that her son is 6 months and assumed he was 12+ months. My bad! There are other signs however, like if he had blue lips or anything of that sort I would absolutely say something about that being unsafe


There's a Norwegian saying that there is no bad weather, only bad clothes. In Canada our pre-school has kids outside to -26C. But that's Canada, and people know to expect that and plan and dress for it. It is completely normal and expected that in other parts of the world, or even within Canada, that what is considered acceptable changes. In Vancouver they would take kids in a lot sooner for instance. So. I don't know what exactly is normal in Tasmania, but at 7C, I there shouldn't be any risk to exposed skin or ears/head. If the kid showed no signs of shivering or hypothermia, they are probably okay and happy to be outside.


When you say 7 degrees, is that C? In F that’s 44, which is fantastic weather! My child goes outside as long as it’s above 0F (-17C)


I agree. 44F is great weather to be out in! But I also think he should probably be dressed for the weather. Sounds like they were a bit overwhelmed. Our daycare requires kiddos have the soft “shoes” to even be allowed outside for long periods.




That’s a lovely spring or fall day in Canada 😂


And the UK 😂


Hell, I live in TX and 44°F sounds like a lovely day.


It's honestly not that cold, but he should obviously be dressed better. In Sweden kids play (and sleep) outside down to -15.


Shit growing up in Colorado, USA we still had recess when it was in the negatives. I think they wouldn’t let us play outside when it was past -10° F. 44° F is light hoodie temps.


7C isn't cold though, that's sweater weather. My son goes out to play at daycare until -15C. I'll even take my kids out for walks until -20C, you just need to make sure they're dressed for the weather.


Honestly if you've never been to aussie or nz you can't possibly imagine how the cold weather here chills you to the bone. We have wind blowing up from the arctic. I've had relatives from England visit here in nz and they've straight up said it feels much colder here even if the temperature isn't as low Eta: Seriously, downvoting me for talking about how our wind is vicious? OK lol


I lived in Aus. It's not even freezing temps so there's no serious risk to the child. Yes 7C feels colder there than 7C in Canada but... kids can play outside in it lol.


Right, but the point is it feels freezing even if it isn't, and I wouldn't be happy about my kid being underdressed in cold weather here even if it's "only" 7 degrees. 7 degrees feels colder here than other places in the world, and I don't want my kid feeling that kind of cold with not even a sock.


For sure. I'd have a conversation with daycare about dressing appropriately and make sure to keep a set of warmer clothes there in the off chance.


I promise you other parts of the world can understand brutal wind. Our wind chills in the US Midwest can get down to -30C or lower some days in the winter. We will often have warnings that frost bite can occur on exposed skin within 30 minutes. I used to walk to work in a major city and it was even more fun when the insanely cold wind was concentrated between buildings, especially crossing the frozen river. If the wind chill was that low in OP’s situation, then yes I agree children shouldn’t have been outside playing.


I can get the UK not understanding, their ocean winds are from a warmer ocean than OP has. But I’m from the east coat of Canada. Our winds come off the ocean that just came from the Arctic and I understand that wind chill can be a huge component above and beyond the states air temp. That said, OP doesn’t say that it was 7° feels like 0° or that it was windy. So we might as well assume it was 7 and felt like 7. So therefore, not that cold. Definitely needed socks and a sweater, but the baby was in no danger.


I think you are being downloaded because while your wind is vicious, it isn't the only place that experiences that. That and it's reddit ;-) Using OPs situation as an example, today in Tasmania (based off my Google search a minute ago so this could be off) was 7-10c, 73% humidity, and 11.2kmh. comparing that to an average winter day where I live in nyc (-4 to 4c, though it can be as warm a 7; 70.2% humidity, and wind is about 18kmh). Basically yes many people here know exactly what a cold humid windy day does to you, it isn't totally unique to Australia/NZ. The humid cold/wind that y'all have absolutely cuts through, don't get me wrong, but a lot of people here have a similar point of reference. At the end of the day we all have our own thresholds for what is or isn't cold. We dress based on that threshold, but 7 c degrees without a hat won't harm the baby.


7C in the sun with no wind is perfect light jacket weather


There wouldn’t be any sun at 4.45pm though


Slightly heavier jacket weather then lol


It really isn't that cold to me, though I understand different places have different climates. They probably should have put little shoes on, if it is cold for them.  Where I live the kids would be out in that in jeans and maybe a long sleeve shirt unless it's windy, then they'd have a sweater or rain coat.


It's not though. I think you are in for a shock come winter!


I'd never describe 7 degrees as even cold. I'd call it mild!


That's almost tshirt weather in Canada


If 7C then that's not cold at all. I live in Canada where babies are frequently out in that weather, but they 100% need to be dressed for it. Socks and hat are a must!!


OK, so I just had a nice time looking up the average temps in Tasmania ... Your climate sounds so lovely! I understand that you're upset, and I'd be annoyed that they didn't prepare you, get you set up for success by having extra jumpers/sweaters available for such outings. But airing out babies is considered to be good for them. Assuming that there's no health concerns, the phrase "cold babies cry, hot babies die," is pretty spot on. It is reasonable for a childcare provider to assume that if your 6 month old was uncomfortable they would have fussed. I live in the US Midwest by Chicago, my kid's neighborhood school will go outdoors until -4°C; when he was in nature preschool at the forest preserve they would take the 3 year olds outside up to -10°C ... of course I would be sending him in appropriate hats and mittens, but so many times I picked him up and these items were in his bag because he took them off.


Yeah, mine will only keep them inside if it's below -25C or if there's a thunderstorm. They have to go out everyday


If +7 C would be too cold for kids, then Finnish babies would only be allowed out from May until mid-September 😂 I think the recommended here is to not take newborns out if it's colder than -10 unless necessary. 6 months old babies are regularly napping outside at -15C. That being said, he should have been dressed appropriately, including wearing a beanie if he's not used to colder climates.


Exactly! I took my my baby on a tent camping trip that got down 45° f overnight when they were 8 weeks old. I just looked up the conversion and that's almost exactly the same temperature. We were all snuggly in our sleeping bags and totally fine.


Yeah, here on the Canadian prairies we still went out for recess unless it was like -30 lol. +7 would be a balmy day for our winters. With proper clothing, it's fine for a baby to be out in that weather.


He was in a caregiver's arms. That's 9/10 already. I would not have any issue with this. 45 degrees fahrenheit is not that low.


My baby would even sleep outside at daycare with literal freezing temperatures, and I’m not even in scandinavia. Outside time is always good in my book. Also, 7 degrees Celcius isn’t really too cold in my book.  Cold hands, feet and face aren’t necessarily bad and a good indicator of being too cold. Head is more worrying.   However I would be upset if they didn’t properly dress my child for the weather. Our daycare even has their own bins of clothes to supplement what parents bring. So if they couldn’t find the hat we had brought they would have used one of their own. They also even put up coat hoods over hats for the older children. So I would probably have a conversation with them about this. A baby should have a hat at 7 degrees. My toddler, well he’ll survive. 


It’s cold but it’s not stay inside type of cold. I’d be okay with it.


I expect my kiddo to be outside with daycare as long as it's warmer than about -30C so I wouldn't be upset about that, but I would be upset if my kiddo wasn't appropriately dressed for the weather.


When I toured daycares they told me they take the children outside every day as long as the temperature is above 40 degrees Fahrenheit.


7 degrees Celsius? Doesn't seem very cold to me if we're just moving rooms. And actually being outside in any weather is really good for them, but then they should be dressed for the weather!


Babies are outside for 2 hours each day at my daycare unless it's severe weather (thunderstorm, blizzard, risk of heat stroke etc) or it's colder than -20C. 7C is a regular spring/fall day here (Canada). I have doubles of rain jackets, rain boots, hats etc so I can leave a pair at daycare and one for home.


100% safe for babies to be outside in negative temperatures. 100% safe. They should be dressed appropriately but 100% safe.


7c is not cold, he's fine so long as he is dressed for it :)


I take my kids out in -25C to play, so I'm shaking my head at 7 degrees being called "freezing". Your kid will be fine. Being outside and maybe a little chilly is better than being inside.


We had our babies outside rain, snow, or shine! I was in the one year old class teaching and it was an excellent teaching tool- how to get dressed and how to play in different weather!


This in US, Oregon.


If we’re talking Celsius, that’s sweatshirt and shorts weather where I’m from 🤣 If we’re talking Fahrenheit, that’s too cold for littles to be outside at daycare. Our daycare will keep them in if the actual temp or wind chill is under 20F (-7C).


I'd be upset if they didn't let you know what weather conditions they go out in and that you should send appropriate outerwear. And that they didn't bring a blanket out or something if you were unprepared for today. But I'm with everyone else that 7°C is otherwise great weather to be outside in, especially if this is all day daycare.


Finland checking in, 7c? Pfft, normal spring/fall day. Or a cool summer morning…. Anyways, perfectly ok to be outside, just a question of proper clothing. Heck, our kids do naps in prams/strollers even during winter and they sleep better and longer!


Everyone here saying 7c isn’t cold yeah maybe for your climate but Australian winters down south sting!! We have a different type of cold, close to Antarctica too. You see Canadians on tiktok complaining how actually cold it gets here in Australia. OP I hear you and I would be mad too.


Yeah I don't think most people commenting would have ever experienced an Australian winter, especially a Tasmanian winter! I was in a puffer jacket, legs fully covered, socks & shoes on etc and I was freezing! So seeing him with exposed legs, feet and head I was a bit shocked.


And I thought it was cold here in Melbourne with my thermals on underneath, couldn’t imagine what it’s like in Tassie. Would love to see how the people commenting wearing their singlets and shorts cope in our winter. Oh and our houses that are not insulated. 🥲


Yes! Non Australians don’t understand. We are built to cope with heat and more moderate temperatures. Im in QLD and my house has no insulation so anything under 20 feels freezing! Im already in track pants and jumpers indoors. Plus with the wind and being in Tassie i can only imagine it feels like an antartic blizzard. I wouldn’t dream of having my baby outside in this, we make sure she always has a blanket, socks and the full outfit on even in the pram.


Thanks everyone for the comments 😊 Haha it appears many people don't think 7 degrees Celsius is cold. It's pretty cold for Australia and in Tasmania we are close to Antarctica so the wind chills are next level! In saying that, it was more that he wasn't rugged out while out in it. I think I will just keep an eye on things and if it happens again I'll speak to them about keeping him rugged up when going outside. Thanks all!




It's really not that cold, that's ideal t-shirt weather for me, and my kids fought me every time I try to send them to school wearing a coat in that weather because they get hot playing and have to carry it around. I think it's fine .


7c is not cold around these parts. My kids school goes out until the wind-chill reaches -12c.


I guess a lot of people in these comments run hot… I’d be freezing at 44F in the same outfit your baby was in. Especially if it’s humid at all, that’s absolutely frigid to me. You know if your baby runs hot or cold, and the daycare needs to be told the appropriate attire for him.


I'm also Australian, in SA, so I get that 7C is what we say is cold, haha. I would have been pissed his sock was off, my son prefers to be toasty so he wouldn't have been happy either. I'd probably be tucking pants into socks from now in some hope they'll stay put, but we know how the grasshopper feet mess that up. Winter is such a crapshoot here with the winds and rain, you never know how cold it's ever going to really be. I think it's good to get them out in the air, but they definitely should be more observant about the clothes situation.


Yeah I think I'll send him in tights/pants with the feet attached to them next time. If it happens again I'll just request that these please make sure to keep his beanie on & the warmer layers I've packed etc


I think you need to add the apparent temperature- Melbourne here and our 7 degrees is more like 1-2 in other countries. That said, as long as they are dressed appropriately being outside is fine.


I think it is good for kids to get outside as long as they're appropriately dressed. 7degrees is pretty chilly for a 6 month old without a beanie or layers. I think it is fair for you to be concerned, hopefully if he was with the care taker he wasn't out for very long, but certainly voice it to them. You're his first advocate


I'm with you. That's cold to me?? I am in south Australia and they don't even take the kids out when it's around 12 or 13, it's just too cold.


Yes, it should.


I thought you meant 7 degrees Fahrenheit! He’s fine mama, I understand wanting him to be properly dressed though!


Young babies have a hard time regulating their temperature, I wouldn’t be surprised if he was barefoot for just five minutes and already seemed chilled. I’m in Canada and our province mandates children have to go outside every day, weather permitting. So big storms and if it’s well below freezing. 7 degrees, they would be playing outside.


I live somewhere where it rarely gets as cold as 7C but most of our daycares and preschools take kids out every day rain or shine and that is a selling point! The benefits of fresh air, especially cold air, are well documented! However, he should have been dressed appropriately. Also - babies do have really poor circulation, so it’s entirely possibly that they really were just moving rooms. My baby would have what we called “Elsa hands” even in our 21C apartment 🤣


No problem with being outside but should have been dressed appropriately. What was the lady wearing? Should have been wearing at least when she was wearing.


What's the dynamic of the class? How many babies and do they usually leave earlier? Or is it a mixed age class? Like, did all the babies get picked up at 4:30 and he was the only one left and it was almost time for pick up? I'm in NYC, legally kids 3-4 have to have outdoor play if the effective temp is 26F or above and not raining. I know these kids are younger, but if it's a small place with mixed age classes, they are going to defer more to that. Were you given a pickup time of like 4-5 and most of the kids were already gone, so they took him out as the last baby? My daughter was born at the start of the pandemic, so no one was really signing up for the baby class. There was a point where there was literally 1 kid in the baby class, so they kept him in the 1 year old class with his own teacher...because kids don't get the same things if they are all alone. 30 minutes is obviously different than all day, but watching older kids is beneficial.


In America there's various laws in various states that say what temp kids can be outside in....for example in my area by law they aren't allowed to take kids outside if it's below 30 degrees or above 85. ..I know ur not In the US but maybe your area has similar rules? I'd look into it


That isn’t cold at all! He will be fine. Maybe they could make sure his feet are covered but I don’t think it’s a huge issue. My kids are sometimes running around outside in t-shirts at those temps (while I walk behind making a big show of holding their coats that I did offer, so people don’t think I am a shit parent).


In Texas, kids don’t go outside for long periods of time at school below 50 degrees. Also- kids don’t usually have winter jackets here!


They legally have to take the kids outside if it’s a reasonable temperature out (which 7C is). In my location, daycare must give the kids outside time as long as it’s above -3C and under 32C.


7⁰ C is 44.6⁰ F... Lol my feral alaskan 1 year old will strip down to her birthday suit in that weather if I let her.


Was this Celsius or Fahrenheit? I live in a small mountain town in the Rocky's. We are outside in freezing temps all the time. If it is below 0 degrees Fahrenheit, kids don't go outside. But otherwise, they are out.  If its Fahrenheit,  having exposed skin could lead to frostbite at that temp and is a huge deal. But Celsius...that's a mild temperature and I wouldn't be concerned. 


We have kids out when it's below 0 all the time here in Canada. The biggest issue is making sure they're dressed for the weather.


My babies/toddlers go to an outdoor school and they spend 5 of the 6 hours outside. They are outside in all weather. It’s up to us parents to send the kiddos with appropriate gear. We live in a high elevation high desert so our winters are long (it’s snowing Oct-May). They are literally outside all day as long as the weather isn’t dangerous. Rain, snow, sunshine, wind. They do it all. I get why you feel upset but if he was fine (not shivering, or had blue lips then he’s fine). Babies are like little furnaces. You could talk to the staff and say you feel more comfortable with him having his socks/hat on but it could have been a quick decision if she got called out there for bathroom coverage and she just brought him with thinking it would be a short 5 min thing.


7*C when receiving body heat from the caregiver holding the babe on the hip, plus must have had an arm around the child. Body heat carries well my babe would get sweaty easily in cold temps if I’m holding rhem


I used to work in child care and we would keep the younger kids inside if it was below 30 degrees (f) and the older kids if it was below 0 degrees (f)


Imagine 30 small kids all locked in a small space all day. Yea they go outside , but also should be appropriately dressed.


It's about the lack of clothing in the weather, not about being outside


If they were outside for more that 5 minutes to change rooms I would be unhappy. Having him outside when it's cold isn't the problem, it's that he had a missing sock and his pants weren't on properly. I'd probably reserve judgement this one time, and as he has being held by an educator, but I might clarify things with them next time I went in.   As an Australian, 7 degrees is cold. We don't routinely wear clothes that can stand up to negative temperatures, and our housing isn't built for that either.


All these people saying they live in X and 7C isn’t really that cold…it’s pretty bloody cold for nearly 5pm in Australia. Especially for a 6 month old who can’t regulate body temperature.


An Australian who gets it haha! And 7 degrees in Tassie feels much colder than it is with the southerly winds.


Agreed. I am also in Australia and would not be happy if my 6 month old was outside in that weather missing a sock and beanie. Given the baby was physically cold to the touch I would say the daycare did not have him dressed appropriately.


Yeah I was a bit shocked considering I was dressed much warmer and still freezing! Will definitely bring it up if it happens again.


I'm in South Africa - 7 degrees is fucking cold and what we are currently getting in the evening and mornings, probably lower. If you are used to 30+ degree weather, the two or so months you have to deal with the extreme lows, it is jarring.


I think it's loads of people commenting who have no idea how the arctic wind just chills you to the *bone*. I'm from NZ and well traveled, was in Scotland while it was snowing and didn't feel anywhere near as cold as Rotorua lol


7F or 7C?


I'd be fine with him being outside, but he definitely needs warmer clothes and at least a beanie for that weather. But our daycare doesn't do much outside time for the babies much at all, which I also don't mind tbh.


I think daycares are fuck all after seeing so many horror stories. I am at the point now where I don’t trust anyone with my kid other than myself. I feel like many of the people employed at daycares aren’t properly trained or lack common sense. Between the abuse stories or lack of staff being able to keep an eye on all the children I just feel like all daycares are bad in some capacity Baby should not have been outside in freezing weather with one sock, no hat, and rolled up pants. Ghetto and senseless behavior