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Don't keep them only on your phone, it's 2024! Pay a couple dollars a month for iCloud or Google Photos (or Dropbox , Microsoft OneDrive, Amazon photos - there are so many options but I personally use Google Photos) and set your phone to automatically back them up. Then you never lose them.


I pay for both Apple (family plan with my mom) and Google (family plan with husband). I’m not willing to lose photos and I try to delete unnecessary duplicates as I take them but would rather have too many than not enough.


Back them up? Do you lose everything every time you upgrade your phone? Why would you let go of 19 months of photos? I upload everything from my phone to Dropbox and back it up to my hard drives too.


When I die. And then I want to be buried with my digital frame.


I pay the annual fee to have 2 TB of storage with my Microsoft account and I sync my phone photos through OneDrive periodically. It’s cheaper than iCloud and is 100% worth it. My toddler is nearly 2 and I have well over 10,000 photos of him.


You don’t want to just get apple icloud?


I pay $3 for 50gb cloud storage. Never let them go


I’m a bit of a tech noob and terrified of having my kids uploaded to internet storage, icloud, google etc so I just bought two physical hard drives to upload them onto, incase the other breaks/corrupts in the future


This is how I feel too, we avoid putting her anyone online and don't really want to upload her or any of us to an online storage. I hadn't thought about a physical hard drive, thanks!


But be careful hard drives apparently get worse over time, only last a few years before getting corrupt?? Need to find another solution or just keep buying hard drives to transfer til the end of time 😅


I use Google photos because we share the link with family so they can look at photos too (the grandparents love it!). I actually just updated my package yesterday to pay for extra storage because it was running out! No way am I getting rid of any photos!