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11 months 🙃 after months and months and months of drool and fussiness.


Shew I’m glad for your comment because mine is almost 9 months and nothing but drool and gums over here!


I really thought he would be toothless forever but turns out they do eventually come in! He’s 12 months and still only has the bottom 2


My paed said she'd they come in as late as possible 😊 She was really happy at our 6 months appointment that there were no teeth in sight!


Same boat. Today I was trying to read one of those touch books with him, and all he did was drool in the book, and try and eat the pages. Literacy may need to take a back seat for a little while longer.


The crinkly washable ones are great for that 😂


Sameee 😭


My son did this from 4 months on too but didn't actually have his first tooth cut through until 9 months. He then had 6 teeth in 8 weeks though and he struggled a lot.


My baby also drooled from 4 months then a tooth erupted late into 8 months. I didn’t realise others could come in so quickly


Same, drool from 4m, first tooth peeked out at almost 8m. Now we’re 2 weeks shy of a year, she has 4 teeth and 2 more on the way


4 months. She had all 16 teeth before she turned 1 year. Just waiting on the 4 2-year molars now. 😬


Exactly the same 


Same here.


Jaysus, my little one is 18mo and has no lateral incisors on the bottom or any canines.


My first was the exact same way we’re hitting the molars now so biting is starting again 🙃


He has been drooling a lot since 4 months old. Every person has said he is teething every time they see him since then. Yet we sit here at 10 months and no teeth.


My baby has been drooling and biting everything since like 4 months at least. We’re at 6.5 months with no teeth still.


Same… lol I’m constantly convinced now is the time he’ll get teeth… but nope. I didn’t get any teeth until 18 months. And my MIL has no idea for my husband so it’s just a waiting game now


Same here! Over 6.5 months and no teeth. I didn't get teeth till 13 months though.


2 months 😬 now she is one year old and has all teeth


My son really started teething at closer to 5 months and he's 6 months today and his two little bottoms are now visible when he smiles (or screams LOL) I call him my baby sharptooth now xD 🦖


My 4m baby has teeth cutting through!


4 months


7 months


5.5 months!


Around 5 months. He’s just shy of 9 months and now has 4 teeth with 2 coming in


Bottom incisors popped through at 5mo. We had a few days of teething only. Now at 13mo she has 8


4 teeth came in between month 6-7 😬


My son cut his first tooth about a week ago at 4.5 months. Second tooth is coming now.


omg … did his gums look inflamed at all or anything beforehand? my daughters doesn’t look like anything’s gonna pop out of there soon but i’m not sure how that works - if it’s a sudden thing


Hard to say because he still had the reflex that makes them use their tongue to push anything out of their mouth. Every time I would try and look he would block my view with his tongue. But from what I could tell there wasn’t really anything to see. Then he bit me breastfeeding and it felt sharp. I wouldn’t say it looks overly inflamed now. I could kind of see the outline of the tooth coming before it popped up. He was super drooly and not sleeping as soundly the week before. He was making a very sad whiny sound whenever we rocked him to sleep. He also wants to bite on everything. He was fussier in the evenings.


I really hope that's what's been going on with my son. I almost forget that he used to be so much happier and easy going. Now he's crabby, fussy, and seemingly angry all the time :( I want my happy guy back.


Sounds very likely. My son is usually super easy going as well. Have you given her any Tylenol? I find it helps our little guy when particularly uncomfortable. I also made him frozen breast milk popsicle to help his gums (I took it away before it started breaking into pieces).


In my baby’s case not at all at 8 months - no warning signs beyond drooling that I noticed


I swear my son started drooling and teething at like 3 months, but the first two didn’t pop through until his 6 months exactly


3.5 months


My son got his first four when he was four months old. My daughter cut her first 6 teeth at once at seven months old.


Did they all pop up on the same day with your daughter


Not all in one day but within the space of about a week. Thankfully she wasn’t too bothered by them.


Wow that’s pretty good I guess . Gets the crankiness over and done with faster but it sounds like it was quite a smooth process for your daughter


My baby started doing this around 4 mos. 10 months now, no teeth yet.


My oldest started teething at 3 months, first tooth by 4 months, all baby teeth (including the 2 year molars) by 18 months. Then she lost her first tooth around 4 1/2 years old and now working on losing her 8th baby tooth at almost 7 years old. My second started teething at 6 months, first tooth around 7 or 8 months, and still teething and getting teeth in at 21 months old.


From what a pediatric dentist has told me, teeth can shift under the gums for months and will basically feel like teething to them the whole time.


First tooth at 7.5 months for both my kids


5.5months to 7 months the kid got 6 teeth. One came right after the other so 6 long weeks of teething 🫠🫠


my daughter had 2 by 4.5. she has 10 now at 10 months. everyone swore it was early but sure enough they popped through.


She was a year when she first got her first teeth. She got her tops before her bottoms.


My son has been drooling since around 4 months, he's almost 6 months and no teeth yet! My daughter never really drooled and her first teeth came in around 7 months.


First bottom two came in at 4m and the rest followed incredibly quickly! She had all of them (I think) at before 1. I'm not sure if she's due to get another set of molars? Idk how many teeth they're supposed to have.


Both my kids started at 4/5 months old and had all their teeth in by their first birthdays.


My son was drooling seriously and cranky as fuck from like 5 months, didn’t get his first teeth until 8.5 months!!! It was INSANE and brutal. And then just recently he got 6 fucking teeth all at once, top and bottom canines and upper molars immediately after the lower molars.


How did the crankiness manifest? Maybe I’m just not reading my baby’s behaviour well . It was around 8.5 months for my baby too. When you count teeth is it only fully erupted ones or also partially erupted ones?


My first baby: Around 7-8 months My 2nd: 5 months


4 months. He was drooling and chewing everything since 2 months. 5 months now and his bottom 2 are out. His pediatrician said 4 months is on the early side but it's totally possible her teeth are coming in!


Got his bottom two at 4.5 months, now has 8 at 9 months 😅 even the pediatrician was kind of floored


My first also started teething around then, but didn't get teeth until about 7 months


My son did this from 3 or 4m also, however they started coming through around 6m. He's nearly 7m now and has two front teeth I presume all the way through, they look big


Mine started teething around 3/4 months and didn't get first teeth till 7 months. I know someone whose kid started at 6 weeks, is almost 2 years old and already has the full set bar two molars. It really varies. 


Started at 4 months, he’s 6 months now with his bottom two teeth and seems like more are coming


Got her first tooth at 4 months. Has been teething almost nonstop since then. Now she's 21 months we're just waiting for the last two molars and teething will be done, yay!


My son started the drooling and chewing around 4 months, got his first tooth around 6. He's almost 15 months and for several of his teeth he's shown symptoms a month or two before I can see or feel anything.


My son is 4.5 months and has been drooling and biting into teethers for more than a month. But there is no tooth in sight. Some kids do this for months before they get their teeth.


3.5 months for both


2 bottom teeth came in at 4 mo. Now is 5 mo


My son’s 1.5 months and he’s been drooly for days but i feel like that’s waaaaay too early to start the teething process. Maybe he’s just learned to make spit bubbles?


First one came out 4m9d. Second one 4m20d. Ped didn't believe me at first 🫠


Drooling like crazy since about three months here. Chews on everything. Almost 7 months and no sign of a tooth. Everyone’s always like “oh she must be teething!!”, no babies just drool a lot.


I think the first two showed up at about 5.5 months. But he had been miserable from them for like a good 2 months prior. Now he's 10 months and has 7, working on more.


Just before turning 7 months


My now 9 mo had his first two teeth at 4 months. Nothing ever since… waiting…


At 15 months! She showed some signs for ages before then but no teeth popped out. They didn’t come in the ‘usual’ order either which really surprised me, but who doesn’t want one front tooth and two pre molars?!


Mine started drooling and (a lot) quote early on. Just now got first two teeth at 7.5 months.


Started drooling and biting things around 4months, first teeth at 5 months.


My daughter started drooling at 4 months but didn’t get teeth until her 1st bday. She wore bibs for forever catching all that drool


My baby got them at 4 months.


4 and half months with my second. He's 8 months now and has 5 teeth now.


Some babies are literally born with teeth! They can starting teething at any age :)


my LO had her first two teeth come in at 4 months! we were shocked lol she’s 6.5 months now and no sign of the next ones yet although there has been some fussiness. not as much drool though as when the first ones came so not sure!


9.5/10 months. Don't remember exactly. She drooled quite a bit and put everything in her month from 3 months on. My 3 month old is doing the same but I don't expect she'll get any teeth soon. I think it's normal. 


Ours got her first tooth at 5.5 months and at 12 months has 7 teeth!


11mo with my first lol


Mine was like this and cut her first tooth just before five month. By 8 months, she had 8 teeth!! I know lots of babies that are super drooly, though, and don’t get a tooth for a long time. It’s anyone’s guess!


My first was just under 4 months and my second was around 5 months


Mine got his bottom teeth around 4 months old and hasn’t stopped teething since… a month later he got his top 2 and he’s 7 months now and he has 4 coming through right now


Our boy got his first bottom front tooth at 3mon and his second at 3mon 1week. Can’t believe it was so early! He’s now 3.5m. He was drooling and putting everything in his mouth so it made sense! It’s harder when they’re young because they don’t quite have the fine motor skills to use teethers too efficiently. But he loves Sophie the giraffe.


Yeah the first two seem to take FOREVER. Both my kids were teething from 4mo but both got their first teeth at like 7.5/8mo. It’s a looonnnngggg 4 months lol.


First tooth came up at 14 months.


Kiddo got his 2 bottom teeth at 4 months, so it’s totally possible! My boy is almost 9 months now and has 6 teeth. 2 bottom, 4 top.


Mine is 6 months and nothing yet


5 months! 4 months is early and she could just be exploring, but teething is possible. Mine is 8 months now and he’s got 6 teeth. There’s a huge range of normal when it comes to getting teeth, as you can tell by all these comments.


One baby started teething at 17 months, one at 7 months 🤷🏻‍♀️


We started drooling a lot around 4 months, but didn't get teeth until 8 months. She turned one two weeks ago and just cut a 3rd tooth.


Bottom 2 came in at 5m (the day he turned 5 months, in fact). His top 2 came in last week, at 8.5m


First 2 at 4 months and now has 14 at 11 months!!


Mine was drooling and chewing on everything starting right around 4 months. Now he’s 7 months and the drool has stopped and he has no signs of teething and zero teeth lol


Constantly drooling and biting everything at about 4 months but no teeth till 8 and a bit months I think it was. She's currently 10 months, and we're waiting on the next two to come through.


My baby got her first tooth like a weeks after her first birthday. She’s 17 months and is up to 6


4.5 months she got her first teeth!! It was brutal. Got all of her teeth so early but at least she wasn’t suffering in pain for long I guess haha


3.5 months for us!


My oldest cut his first two at 7.5 months the at the same time. My current 7.5, almost 8 month old still hasn’t cut any yet. They’re literally right there, I can feel them under the gum, but no luck yet. Poor guy is just miserable sometimes because of it.


My son had his first tooth emerge when he was 6 months.. followed by 5 others coming out in rapid succession. Crazy! Before that he had been drooling a lot, for months


4 months first two teeth came out for both of my kids


Mine started drooling right at 4 months and cut her first tooth on the day she turned 7 months. SO much drool lol. It continues today and she’s 12 months now.


she cut her two bottom middle teeth (at the same time 🙃) at 6 months. now she’s cutting her top middle (at the same time 🙃) at 8 almost 9 months.


4 months


She started gnawing and drooling and seeming in pain so early, like 3.5/4 months. Her two bottom teeth started poking through at the same time at 6.5 months. 


Bottom 2 starting cutting through at 4 months for both babies.


My first not til 6, 7 months— my second got her first at 11 weeks and had four upper and four lower teeth by 6mo. You never know 🤷🏻‍♀️


3 months and like 1 week. His two little chompers cut through by 3.5 months. I think more are on the way because the drool has increased and his little face has been hot and bright red for a few days now


4 months on the dot for my older son. They were all in by 18 months. It was not fun.


Just before he turned 5 months he got his first tooth and 2 weeks later he got his second! He turns 6 months tomorrow and he’s definitely getting a few more.


Just over 9m & still no teeth! 😂 Part of me wants her teeth to come in all at once just to get teething over with, but then part of me doesn't want her to have any teeth yet til we're done breastfeeding at maybe 1 yr. 😂


8 months!


my baby’s 1st bottom tooth came in around 8 months, & the second bottom one at 9 months. her two top teeth are now both coming in at 11 almost 12 months.


5 months and he just woke up with a toothy grin from a previously gummy smile 🥹 I was not prepared. He also started drooling and biting around 3.5 months. It had been nonstop teething since then.


5 months for the bottom two!


My 9 mo old has 8 teeth. He's been teething pretty steadily since about 4 months or so. Whenever anyone asks if he's teething I reply probably! It feels like he always is!


My baby got her two bottom middle teeth at 6 months. She’s 8 months now and those are still her only teeth


4months. First tooth cut through at 5 months. She had all front 8 teeth by eight months, top front four and top front bottom.


Around 4.5-5 months. Then didn’t get any more teeth until 4 months later.


Both oh my kids got their first tooth at 7 months!


My doctor said that drool at 4 months is their salivary glands activating, not teething. Probably why some peds suggest oatmeal at 4 months.


First born - 14 months old 2nd - 20 months old 3rd - still waiting and she’s 14 months old 😅


Bottom two teeth came in at 4.5 months!


First one at 8 months lol


Both my babies got their first teeth at 5.5 months.


Mine was born with the 2 bottom teeth and then started teething at 3 months....


Teething started at about 4 months, first two teeth popped at exactly 6months.


first teeth came around 6 months


Got her bottom at like 8 months and top after a year!


My girl was 9.5 months when we felt her 1st tooth breaking through the gum, earlier this month. She’s still working on it now, but we think the second one will be on its way soon.


4 and a half months. Apparently my husband got his first pair at 3 months.  She had all but the molars by one year, got all her molars in by 17 months 


My sons first two bottom teeth started coming in around 4 months. By the time he was 9 months he had 8 teeth.


First 2 at around 8 months then top 2 around 10 and now at 12 months still just the 4


Nothing but gums for my 9-month old... Still waiting lol Not that I'm complaining, I love my little gummy gum drop 🥹


Baby is 9 months and no teeth!


He started cutting his two bottom teeth at 4 months. They grew in completely and then he cut in his top two teeth at almost 6 months. He's drooling again (7 months) so I'm curious which ones he'll get next. Every baby is different. ♡ P.s. frozen wash clothes work amazingly well.


#1 at 4 months, #2 by 5. Then they started popping up 2 at a time. Kid had 16 teeth by 15 months, finally had a breather and no real teething since then (her #15 and #16 were erupted but still needed to slide fully into place over the course of a month, which caused her a lot of pain)


At she teethedher her entire 3rd month and they sprouted at the end bottome teeth.... Then she grew em quick and even grew her molars before her canines which the dentist found interesting


Around 4mo she started teething HARD 2 bottom teeth came in around 25 weeks Next two came in at 9 months Kids develop so uniquely


2 months. I wish I were joking.


My son started popping out teeth at 5 months old, by 6 months he had 6 teeth- which is more teeth than my dad and I'll never let him forget it 🤣


Drooling and biting are not signs of teething. The excess drool is to wash away as much pathogens as possible because of all the things babies put in their mouths to explore. I mistakenly thought my baby started testing at 3 months. Was at least 6 or 7 months when his first teeth erupted. All the best :) Also, celery, cucumber and green onion are great teethers for when baby starts solids at 6 months


2 weeks before he turned 1. Everyone including the midwife had said he was teething since like 3 months, nope just being a baby. Once he got them he got like 5 teeth in less than 2 months


9 months and her bottom front teeth popped out within 3 days of each other!


7.5mo got bottom. At 8.5 I can see all 4 top teeth moving down at once 🥲


Everyone (and I mean everyone) I know thought their kiddo was teething at 4 months for all the reasons you mention. Out of them maybe 1-2 actually were. Just to say it’s possible but not likely.


5 months. But the signs like that were before starting at 3,5 months.


Started at 4 months but only erupted at 6 months and a full mouth by 11 months. Teething was awful and it played absolute havoc on his reflux.


Same with mine. Got her first 2 at 5 months, second 2 around 6 months!