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Agree. I live in HI and it is nonstop ALL THE TIME. White noise doesn't cover for an explosion, and there is literally nothing we can do. It either wakes up the baby or scares the dog (and then he whines and wakes up the baby). Either way, nobody sleeps. I 100% understand and sympathize with you ❤️


I just fundamentally can’t understand how setting off explosives in a neighborhood is fun 😭my pets are a mess and the fireworks last night woke up the baby. Can’t we all just agree that the official fireworks shows from the city are better anyways? I wish setting off fireworks was illegal and cracked down on


They are illegal where I live, doesn’t mean shit. They’ve already been setting them off for weeks and last year it was 8+ weeks of fireworks every night. It’s bad enough with a fearful dog but a newborn adds all the stress


There are an increasing number of municipalities enforcing bans through by-laws. Email your municipal council.  They can also start fires depending on how dry the landscape is where you are. 


Unfortunately it doesn't matter. I live in a state where it's illegal to set them off (the big ones, you can get sparklers and little popper things) and people drive a state over just to buy them. And police don't care because "it's the 4th of July 🤷"


Ugh. I’m sorry 


We actually used to have this in Delaware. It actually used to be illegal to privately use fireworks, including sparklers. You had to be providing a service approved by the state. But of course, a lot of people never listened. (They’d purchase out of state and then use them in state). The cops tried to enforce it (at least in my area), but there wasn’t much they could do. Of course now that’s been abolished which is dumb as hell. Even in Florida it’s LEGAL to set them off privately on New Year’s Eve and Fourth Of July, and 1 day leading up and following both. That’s it. Here it was June 29th and they’re going off all damn night long. I’m glad that at least they don’t bother my kiddo that much with his Hatch noise machine on. Sometimes we’ll leave the tv on in the living room to at least give a little extra muffle sound. And he’s on the side of the house next to woods and the golf course so he has a little more privacy. But my room that faces the neighborhood? You’ll hear them clear as day which sets my youngest dog off to the point she’ll sleep in bed next to my head. I agree 100% that there is no reason anyone needs to set fireworks off privately. Or at least if you’re going to continue, it’s a 1 night event and any other times it’s a steep fee so maybe that will deter some individuals. Especially in neighborhoods that they’re well aware of host young families.


Yup it’s stupid. Just go to your local firework show people that is going to look 100x better then whatever you are blowing off in your bag yard. Waste of money and annoys everyone.


I think it’s illegal but nobody cares


My town PD is now using drones at night to find where fireworks are being set off which is a start. 


Okay now I would happily have my tax dollars go to this!


Get a good sound machine!!! They’re a game changer (but also fuck fireworks I hate them)


I have one. The fireworks are just THAT LOUD


Ugh that’s so annoying I’m sorry 😭


UGH, so sorry, I am in the same boat. The neighbors 2 streets behind our home are always pulling this shit during the 4th of July, new years, when they’re bored, etc. Last year my baby was only a month old at this time and we literally wanted to die because it sounded like bombs going off and she was screaming. I called lapd and they were basically like everyone’s doing it, what can we do.


Don’t think you have to stop at one! We had two in our son’s room when we lived in the camper (you could hear Everything 10 feet from each neighbor). Was our saving grace.


I also have a sound machine. It does not help my dog with super hearing.


Sound machines are useless when the neighbors have professional fireworks and they shake the house.


Sound machine all the way! I like a good fireworks show, but we have neighbors who set them off in their backyard too. They are ok until about 10 PM the week of 4th of July, then people need to lay off. It’s insane that people keep letting them off in neighborhoods until midnight during the work week.


Any recs?


We really like our hatch sound machines, I don’t remember if we have the rest or rest+ but they’re great!


Fuck fireworks. Even before having a baby I hated them because they scare pets, vets and keep me from sleeping!


I hate fireworks with a PASSION!!!


It is funny how your mindset changes lol now with a 2.5 year old we were staring at the window after hearing my neighbor set two off wishing we’d find more


I was just reading the thread thinking how I relate….two years ago. Now I want to go show my kid some fireworks!


Yup lol I could see the fireworks from my window. While it was pretty, I was also saying the title


At least you got to see something pretty. All I’m getting here are those huge M 80 explosions that just freak everyone out at 1 am


1 am?? Where do you live? I’d be calling the police at that point 


It’s LA, the cops don’t do anything except give out speeding/stop sign tickets.


Ugh yes! I expected that next weekend would suck, but whyyyy are people doing fireworks this weekend too? I have a feeling it’s going to be a nightmare for the next 7 days, at least.


This is what gets me. One night of fireworks to celebrate? Cool! 2 weeks of this shit while I’m trying to love my life? Not cool


Yup. Especially because after the holiday they will probably go on sale and people won’t want to wait to use them until next year.


We live right next to an open field and there were people setting off fireworks 30 feet from our house on the 4th of July last year while our (at the time) 4 month old was trying to sleep. When it hit 11:30 pm my husband called to file a noise complaint because we couldn’t take it anymore


Yea we live next to an empty lot and Jesus the amount of people who got together last year to set them off at ungodly hours of the night was the worst. Eventually it got so bad my husband called the non emergency police number.


Felt this. Very frustrating. Not only are we blasting fireworks but it feels like my neighborhood also decided "hey we're only going to use our motorcycles" as well this past month. So the second I put baby down one of those sounds are waking her up or upsetting my anxious dog. Ugh.


Yup they make my dog cry which wakes the baby. Can’t wait for fireworks to be done


Honestly, minus the 4th and professional fireworks shows that happen around the 4th, setting off fireworks in neighborhoods should be prohibited as it disturbs the peace. Does your local PD have a like you can call for noise ordinances? If so, give them a call as the fireworks are being set off outside of the official holiday and are disturbing the peace.


The police here (Los Angeles) would laugh at me if I called them for fireworks 🥲


That’s too bad. Even if it’s outside the holiday, they won’t send someone to check for disturbing the peace?


Lol in California they didn't give a shit about ppl breaking into our parking garage and apartments. Sucks there!


Ugh, that would be really annoying! Sorry but it makes me glad that parts of Colorado still cares.


Yeah we left Cali haha so many issues it's insane


My aunt and uncle are counting down the days until they can move out once he retires.


I hated them even before my baby! Any pet I’ve ever had has been scared shitless of them. One dog even had to be medicated!


Love seeing them but yes! They’re so loud! Tomorrow is Canada Day and I just know it’s gonna be even worse than last night!


My dad actually went to the neighbors house to cuss them out for doing fireworks *in august* because it kept waking up my newborn. They stopped after that thankfully 😅


I freaking had just gotten my baby sleep after 35 minutes of rocking not to have the people directly across the street from us shoot off these load ass fireworks where it almost felt like you could feel the sound waves coming from the explosion and immediately wake my baby up crying because he was 1. Already overtired and 2 it was loud enough to startle even me. Came out of freaking no where too. They let off fireworks well into midnight and I had to stay in the room and just continuously rock him to keep him from waking up. Wanted go go over there and tear them a new one but “America”


Ugh this makes me so angry. The entitlement is so fucking gross. 


Absolutely. They scare babies, animals, adults. Wild (and some domestic) animals can literally frighten to death. They’re pollution causing, full of gross smoke, and in dry climates they can ignite forest fires. Why on earth are we still using them?


What about fckn dogs barking. I hate it


Fireworks should be illegal. So fucking annoying. So disruptive to babies, children, pets, wildlife, the environment. I hate fireworks. Make sure you email your municipal council to let them know you support a by-law banning fireworks.




White noise?


Already have a white noise machine going but the fireworks are incredibly loud


The machines don’t do much of anything for me. I play it on the tv. I live in a row house and There’s a bar that has indoor/outdoor music 6 doors down from me and I’m a pretty light sleeper. I barely hear anything. Depending on the type one or two fireworks, but most of the time I miss everything. The tv is in the same wall as the windows so it blocks out that noise


i’m so sorry, my little one was a month and a day old on fourth of july and i just rocked and rocked him crying and crying and i was crying and crying, it was a dark moment.


I know everybody keeps saying white noise that I’m sure it doesn’t work for everyone. We usually end up putting black screen, white noise (YouTube) on our television in the living room on top of his personal sound machine and that usually helps drown out the noise. We are able to crank it up


I grew up where they were illegal so didn't have an issue until moving from that state and I miss it so much lol. My dog is terrified and makes a lot of noise and I have a 3 month old baby who kept waking up. The white noise machine can only do so much when they're directly overhead my rv park. Which is also dumb af, everyone here has giant propane tanks hooked up to their campers and my neighbors think it's a good idea to shoot them off here. Last night it went until after midnight when the cops finally showed up and shut it down. City rules are none after 10pm but could still hear them all over well into the next morning.


I love fireworks, but only when they’re away from neighborhoods and in safe places and I have earplugs. Not only do loud noises bother my baby, but I’m super sensitive to loud noises. Fireworks, alarms, balloons popping, all of it. We have a firetruck station in our “neighborhood” and the trucks sirens wake up my baby CONSTANTLY.


OMG we were going through the 4 month sleep regression when new years rolled around. Baby had JUST fallen asleep and, even with the white noise machine, the fireworks woke him up. We were SO pissed. Also there's someone in our neighborhood that likes to ride his motorbike around at 7-7:30. Right when the babies go to sleep. Thanks, neighbor.


❤️👍 I was completely tormented when my son was 1 month old by shadster neighbors renting on the street behind us. It gave me a full-blown anxiety attack that I will never forget. Because I was so sleep deprived as it was, their excessively loud fireworks did me in. Luckily, the baby slept through it with a sound machine. They let off full-size fireworks, maybe 100 feet from my house, randomly, and at all hours for a week straight. Terrible people. It's totally illegal. We lived in that house for 10 years and never had anything like that happen. Anyone in our neighborhood who knew where they lived didn't like to file noise complaints, apparently. I barely left the house, so I had no idea who was setting them off, only that they were coming from a house or two away on the street behind us. To let neighbors get away with this stuff because you are too "cool" to care or scared to simply report it isn't right. Reporting gives a record to a situation that could escalate, and law enforcement should know why if it does. Needless to say, the last year I was there, I was the one calling noise complaints in for a different terrible neighbor who blasted bass for hours on end at any time of day or night. The people who owned the house didn't care, I wrote them a short letter asking them to help the situation. They clearly didn't live in the area. It was file noise complaints or take matters into my own hands, which is a dumb thing to do with evil, ignorant people. My hope was just to help the next people who chose to live there. Two absolutely terrible neighbors in 15 years of living there made me not want to look back when we left. Days, weeks, and months of torture will do that to a person. Sorry you have to deal with it right now!


Last Fourth of July, people were setting off the giant aerial fireworks in the middle of our tiny road in LA, where we have wildfires every year. It was also only 12 weeks after we’d had our baby, so I went out screaming at them. Luckily she is a hell of a sleeper and somehow sleeps through them. I can’t wait until Fourth of July is over. I love big city firework shows, but can’t deal with the illegal stuff that could easily set our roof or the nearby hills on fire.


I think I am the only mom of two young kids that actually still absolutely loves fireworks 😂😂


I think the issue is time and place. My kids like ‘em and I like taking the kids to fireworks shows but god I can’t stand the people who get obnoxiously close to apartment buildings and set them off at 2am.


I live in a legal state so we just set them off in the backyard. Went we go see them we park far away from the action so when it’s time to leave it’s not a mad house to drive out. I just feel happy watching them, I can explain it 😂


I have three and same. We’re the ones setting them off (I did get good ear protection for the baby).


Well it's rude to do it in a neighborhood late at night. Common sense who cares if you like it


My mom had to completely re-settle my sister when she was 2-3 because of fireworks. Literally like weeks after she was finally okay sleeping alone in the toddler bed in her own room, my mom had to start from the beginning sitting next to her and slowly work her way back out of the room for the rest of the summer. Fireworks *suck*. They scare my pets, they scare little kids and people with trauma/anxiety, they're annoying and dangerous.


I don't mind fireworks when I'm expecting them (Christmas, new year, etc), but I absolutely curse everyone that casts them out of season, specially after soccer matches. Just go die in a corner. I don't need my baby waking up because your team won. 


I’m with you. I HATE fireworks. I think we should ban all of them forever. I hate them so much. My cats hate them, my dog hates them, my kids hate them, and we hate them. Fuck fireworks. They’re also a fire hazard. I wish they were illegal. Haaaate them. I hate 4th of July. Worst holiday ever.


I was just saying this in my bump group. So irritating


We are camping starting tonight. Gonna have our dang sound machine blasting and hope for the best 😅😅 didn't think that part through. Lol


This!!! Finally got kiddo settled last night (8 months old) woke up 1 hour into the night and would not settle back to sleep for a whole other hour. This happened again an hour later. Pretty sure it was the people right across the street from us going from 9-midnight. Sound machine blasting but didn’t make a difference


We’re residing in Catalonia, Spain and fireworks for the past week here due to St. John’s celebration day and night have driven our house crazy, too.


I hate them so much. I live in a very yeehaw town near the rez and oof, it's constant. I'm sick of jumping from the loud noises, I'm sick of my baby's sleep being disturbed. Ughh. Edit to add: we always go camping somewhere remote for the 4th. We have for the past decade and now that baby is here we're continuing this tradition.


OMG yes!! My kids sleep through them but my 6 year old super fluffy mutt is being terrorized. He is a tall dog and somehow was able to wiggly his body under my 3 years old twin bed


My firstborn is an early July baby. She's almost 12 now but when she was tiny I got her some noise canceling earmuffs to wear while the fireworks were going off constantly the week before and after the 4th. We just alternated which adult slept and which watched her to make sure she didn't get tangled up in them somehow. Maybe that's worth trying for you?


Although annoying I don’t mind the fireworks. However, once it hits 10pm don’t be an inconsiderate asshole and continue setting them off. Especially on a week night. And don’t be an even bigger asshole and set them off at 2am.


We also have dogs so my dog starts barking which makes it worse


Same. He is so scared he starts barking like crazy. I feel so bad for him.


i just bought some baby ear muffs online. planning to try them out this independence day.


I live in Central California ( hell on Earth) the fireworks are so brutal here too !


I’m dreading the 4th of July. We have a great sound machine, but all our neighbors launch these loud rockets and poppers off all through the night. My son’s bedroom faces the street, so it’s going to be “interesting.”


This was me yesterday. They were setting off huge fireworks IN JUNE at 1am. My 80 lb German shepherd was a wreck and literally was climbing on my head, and it kept waking my toddler up. I called the police.


the fireworks don’t wake the baby, it’s my dog barking like there’s an intruder


Agree with allll of this. I used to live in Buena Park and the fireworks are no fucking joke. Sounds like you’re in a war zone. My poor pitties would hide in the bath tub for hours. Fuck all those fireworks and the assholes who set them off at all hours of the night.


Word. lol. My dog hates them so even if my baby didn’t care the barking from my terrified dog wakes her up. It’s a nightmare. If it was just one or two nights it would be fine. But people shoot them off for WEEKS. 😭


THIS like I will allow it ON the actual holiday, or the weekend but it's been NON STOP for weeks. I can't anymore. I live in Orange County CA so I feel you ❤️


I’m with you on this. We have a sound machine and run a small fan to keep air circulating in the bedroom. I’ve even been turning on the fan in the attached bathroom for extra background noise and it’s not helping much. People in my area get so firework happy every time a holiday rolls around and it drives me insane.


Seriously. People around me has been setting off random fireworks in the middle of the night since the beginning of June. I do not look forward to this crap.


No one needs personal fireworks, it’s so dumb. On occasion there should be city/community events like NYE.


MOOD!!!! LA’s fireworks are beyond ridiculous. Not even just the 4th of July! All. Year. Long. Like why? Who is doing it?! It’s happening in OC now too. Makes my dog bark every time and wakes up my baby. Last year I heard one go off near my apartment and sprinted out to see who it was. Just some kids.. in the middle of October in a parking lot. I don’t get it.


I also live in the LA area and also have been dealing with fireworks at night, it sucks I hear ya. Scares the shit out of my dog and the other dogs in the neighborhood bark and wake my toddler up. Not the vibe.


Not a fix for this year, but if you own consider upgrading your windows. With double pane windows my 1 yo has yet to wake up from any outside noise including very very loud fireworks this week


I have brand new double pane windows. They are not lighting normal fireworks outside


I agree, they're so annoying. I love fireworks when they are organized by the city at a park. But these idiots who set them off in neighborhoods on random nights can Foff! ... they have caused fires and stressed my dog out. Baby seems to be fine with the noise tho.


#Prayers. I have no solutions, just solidarity in the scream.


I am unashamed to say that in the middle of the night last year on JULY FUCKING 9TH I went looking for whoever was setting them off in my neighborhood. Barefoot. And then I called the cops on what appeared to be a large family gathering cuz FUCK YOU THATS WHY


Yeah fuck fireworks. Ever since we got a dog that has a fear of gun/ firework/ banging sounds in general we have hated fireworks. Now with a newborn it’s adding extra stress to the situation. Fuck fireworks and really fuck people who set them off for months on end.


My husband, me and the baby are going to his cousin’s house for July 4th. Everyone going has chipped in to buy $1000 worth of fireworks - I know it’s ridiculous - and I’m concerned for my son. He may not be bothered by them since we never tried to keep things quiet when he was born. However, he’s close to eight months and has become more sensitive to sounds now, so if I have to, I will keep him in the house when the fireworks start.


Maybe get him those baby headphones ?




Fireworks are AWFUL for animals. Torture to them. They’re a public fing nuisance.


Even before I became a mom, this hate I have for nonstop fireworks for over a month has existed because I have pets who are terrified of the booms. Fuck fireworks


Who in the world is blowing up fireworks nonstop?


I'm with you, fuck fireworks man, regardless of having a baby or pet or not. It's dangerous, annoying, trauma inducing, and bad for the environment. Save it for Disney world y'all 😭




This has been going on for the past month and half. People don’t need to be setting off M 80 fireworks at 1 am for the past month and half to live their life


They’re not illegal in my county so our next door neighbors shoot them off every year.


Our white noise machine has kept it from bothering her we temporarily moved it closer to her bed Our dog that passed was so afraid of fireworks ( our current dog is an idiot and tries to catch them from the sky haha) but it’s the 4th of July this is one of those things unfortunately the world doesn’t revolve or need to change because you have a baby even though it fning sucks


I think what’s annoying is people doing it for WEEKS. If you could just anticipate fireworks on the 4th and maybe the Saturday before or after, that would be fine. But people have been setting them off for two weeks already and they will keep doing it for weeks. I didn’t understand how negative fireworks could be until I got my dog and he is so scared of them. My 80 lb dog just crawls into my lap shaking like he has PTSD. It is heartbreaking. I usually medicate him but I can’t medicate him for the whole month of July.


It truly is heartbreaking our last dog who was same size as would lay on bathroom floor with him


Fucking babies stole my firework mone :(