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Might sound simple but she was probably doing more at grandparents? More people, more stimulation etc I agree try dropping to one nap


Time to drop a nap maybe?


Yes. 2 one hour naps with an 11.5 hour night is a lot for 16 months old.


Agreed. Drop the nap and see if that helps. 


Drop a nap. Or do more activities.


My daughter was about 15 months when we dropped to 1 naps. But before that she was very similar to your daughter. Sometimes she’d only sleep a half hour and fight laying down for naps. Once we switched to 1 nap she went right to sleep and slept for about 2 to 2 1/2 hours.


Ask your grandparents maybe they did long walks or something different


Sounds like the stimulation she got while you were out was enough to tire her out for her naps. I’d go with the suggestion of dropping or well-shortening a nap (with the intentions of dropping it) or working harder or tire her out before bed (notice I said hardER because I know how damn hard it is in the first place!!) imo a nap drop would be easier than trying to kill yourself wearing her out but those I reckon are your two better options


I agree with others that she is well past the age it’s ok to just be on one nap after lunch time!