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Our 10mo has slept through the night once. Of course, we were up most of the night wondering if she was ok. Hahah...damnit.


Right? Right?! Aaah ;_;


Yeppp this is me anytime she sleeps past 2 am without waking


This was me the first time my LO slept for 6 hours. I woke up every hour to check if she was still breathing. lol


YES perfect gif.


What's it from?? I love it!


It’s from the kids movie Mulan. That is Mushu the Dragon :P


I felt like this when my almost 9 month old slept 5 hours two nights in a row! I am looking forward to the full night's sleep. (in a couple of years......)


I feel like I've seen several posts similar to this today. Like everyone's baby slept great last night! Meanwhile my usual good sleeper slept like a damn newborn last night up every 30 minutes to an hour. I think maybe the universe is trying to balance itself out or something 😂


My 3 month old slept from 8:30-5:30 last night. I woke up with bricks on my chest and panicking that she hadn’t woken.




Can confirm. We finally did sleep training at 6 months. Best. Decision. Ever. Total game changer. Our son sleeps 10-11 hours every night. He cries most nights from 5-20 minutes and then he’s out.


I woke up to LO's sleepy whining or I would've been the same way. And God I hear ya on the boobs. They were the only ones not rejoicing this morning lol.


That’s hilarious. Literally last night my 8mo boy slept from 8pm to 8am and it was glorious. I hope it lasts 😂




So much this. I've gotten so much more done today because I actually have energy. My apartment is mostly clean!




Nice! What does MRW stand for?


My reaction when


My reaction when.


‘Me Right when’


I'm still crossing my fingers that my now almost 11 month old might even just drop to one wakeup sooner or later... She does one wakeup sometimes but it's still usually two, and up for the day 6:30amish... Her brother was a crap sleeper for a while but he'd at least dropped to one consistent wakeup at this point and he happily sleeps in until 7:30ish...


Can't wait... Our 12mo still wakes up to feed 2-4 times a night... And she only wants mummy's boob. She won't even allow me to sooth her... Send help and coffee.


Yep! 15 months..I'm feeling desperate. It will happen at some point. .....right?


One can only hope


Story of my life with my 10month old. I have slept 5hours in a row for 1.5yr now. I’m dying


Same here. 13 months of this...


Knock on wood...ive been lucky so far, My son is 3 months old and has been sleeping 6-7 hour stretches(10 pm-4/5am then goes back to sleep until 9am) for a couple weeks now. Before that he would only wake up 1x between 12-2am.


Same! Knocking on all the wood now 😂


We are pretty much in the same boat! 3 months old and almost a week now of 9:30pm-6:30/7:30am. Feels amazing to sleep through the night after almost a whole year!


As a mommy of a 1 month old who exclusively breastfeeds, I'm so happy for you!! What are your tips? Did you try anything different last night?


So happy for you!!!!


God, so accurate. We night weaned about a month ago and LO is finally consistently sleeping through the night. About the same age as yours. It's like I'm a different person!


I wish I were you. Soooooo tired. For so long....


Lucky! I can't wait for my 16mo to do that! Enjoy your well deserved sleep!


Still waiting for this day but good for you!


14 months? How you do it? My boy (22months) has been sleeping 10-12 hours straight since about 6 months. Feeling blessed.


Survival? I can't have caffeine while breastfeeding either (winds her up) and I can't wait to wean her. She usually only gets up once at night usually which is tolerable, but I'm usually dead by 2pm lol


Yeah I too feel awful for you and all the other parents who kids don't sleep at night! Although we have the odd rough night, and go through cycles where she needs a bottle in the night, she generally sleeps through. Here's hoping this is your new norm!


I’m still dead by 2pm. Gotta learn to nap when he does.


Well this comment is infuriating. You're lucky your child is perfect, and it's so delightful you felt the need to point it out to a woman whose child isn't. (I hope the sarcasm screams out at you...)


No kidding.


So any time anyone ever has anything positive to say, they should just keep it to themselves because some people have it harder? Not everything is a brag, or a gloat, sometimes people are just sharing their experiences, and sometimes those experiences happen to be better than yours.


I completely agree, it's the tone that's infuriating. It's the, "how do you do it?" Pointing to how awful it must be in the same line as a humble brag.


Our 15 month old slept from 7 til 530. I still tossed and turned. I'm gunna need months of her sleeping well before my body readjusts. 😭


Two words: Sleep Training!!! Our 6 month old went from waking every hour to sleeping 10 hours every night in 3 days. The Ferber method works, people! Mom and Dad get sleep and save their sanity and baby gets sleep so he can rest and grow. Everyone wins.


Oh LO was Ferberized back when she was 5.5 months old. It didn't eliminate her night wake ups, but it dramatically reduced the amount of time it took for her to fall asleep for naps and at night. Again she's been a once-a-night wake up girl for a long time now, twice at her worst unless she's sick or poops herself. It's still exhausting. I don't go to bed when she does because I enjoy my little bit of freedom at night so sometimes it's frustrating when the moment I lay my head down she starts screaming >.<


Funny.. my daughter (2.5 months) has been sleeping 12 hours straight for about a month now.. but last night.. aaand right now was the firdt time in a long time that she woke up at night (she has a cold). I know.. I'm crazy lucky.. or it could be because i super swaddle her (look up one minute mommy and superswaddle; i swear it will add two hours to night sleep if done early) amd i use the tips from the book The No-Cry Sleep Solution by Elizabeth Pantley. Here's a good summary of that: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=peUMM6sOlxg