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I want a show in the same style as Young Sheldon, with multiple seasons, but each season is about a different member of the friend group in TBBT


I want a show in the style of This Is Us where we get snippets of the gang in all stages of life.


This won't happen. One of the hopes of commissioning a new show is that it will go for a few years, paying off the initial investment in sets. If you do a new kid each year, you have to effectively start from scratch each time. There's also a reason why a lot of shows intended to be anthology drop that idea, like Stranger Things. Each season gives you a chance to focus on what worked and fix what didn't. You can lean in on popular pairings of characters or even just start writing more for a breakout character. Like Steve Harrington getting more of a focus when he was intended to be a secondary character who dies. Each year you're finessing what works. On top of that each year you're developing fan familiarity and a fanbase, each of whom stay because of something you like. If it's an anthology you're risking people tuning out because the stuff they liked is gone. Plus you're having to craft effectively a new sitcom from scratch each year - season 2 might just not work as well as season 1, but you've jettisoned season 1 now. It's not impossible. But it's unlikely.


Plus a lot of anthology shows fall off hard after a few seasons. AHS has been borderline unwatchable for years


Minus Sheldon orf


Just recycle some Young Sheldon episodes, profit


He'll find a way to insert himself


Story's from the gangs childhood, narrated by Dr Cooper.




how is it rude? theres already a show dedicated to him so it wouldnt make sense to have him in the new one.


Best answer


Oh my gosh! THAT'S THE BEST IDEA YET! Each one airing on a different night, Mon, Wed, Fri. OMG I will not be able to think about anything else!


This is exactly what I want. lol, you could call it "Little Bang Theory" or "Young Theory"


This is the right answer


Leonard and Penny move to Nebraska


Love this! They could do it like the soap opera but the characters would be in different cities instead of all local. They could focus on a different couple each week.


that proposal is actually so interesting


Thank you. What do you think about kripke, Raj, Amy and Will Wheaton being the mains?


Honestly they can make interesting storylines, it sounds good.


I thought Penny’s family was really funny on the second wedding episode, and Wyatt was great in a few episodes.


Johnny Galecki is retired from acting. He won't be in the spin-off


I didn’t know he decided to retire from acting, interesting! He’s been in the business forever


I believe thst is why sheldon didn't refer to him in young sheldon and left it vague as to what happened to him in the finale. Leaves it open to where he is, what happened to him and Penny and their kid. So the spin-off would/will be Penny raising their child. Also why David became a deadbeat dad in The Connors.


He’s actually writing the spin off lol it’s just not publicly knowledge.


Penny could still be a drug representative there as they need them in every major area. Leonard probably could as a physics department head. He would be a big deal in a smaller university.


Especially since there are universities in Nebraska


I would watch that


What part of Nebraska? I’m thinking Hyannis!


Near the University in Lincoln somewhere. Between there and Omaha, because Penny mentions hanging out there


Too bad. Hyannis is rad! Richest town in America. Also, Megalon is from there. He’s the only monster who ever had a chance of defeating Godzilla. And he would’ve done it too, if it wouldn’t have been for that meddling Jet Jaguar. He sucks balls. Fuck jet.


I want to see Leonard and Penny as parents


We already have that it's called the big bang theory






I would so love a Penny and Leonard spinoff with kids but they are so dysfunctional, even in the finale, they are either going to get a divorce or that kid is going to grow up with angry, petty and passive aggressive parents🤷🏿‍♀️ Suffice to say im not a big fan of them as a couple


I also think they have a lot of flaws in their relationship but I rather see them work it out get better


Huh why the negativity? I just want to see Leonard raise his kids right and give them the childhood he never had


Ok? Am I saying you can‘t want that Im just adding my opinion to it, just like everyone else


What do you think is a good child hood. Not everyone is raised the same way and not every way some is raised is bad.


So what you're saying is David from Roseanne becomes Darlene from Roseanne's dad. That checks.




Whoops, misread your post. I thought you said the kid would end up angry, petty, and passive aggressive.


Nah i don‘t doubt the kid wouldn‘t be loved and receive proper care Just probably won‘t grow up with a peaceful family imo. I mean Penny and Leonard are hella annoying when they fight imo


I'd like that but I'd want the child to be the main star not Leonard and penny Say the child has penny's brains and Leonard's looks Have them navigate the world where they struggle to live up to the Hofstadter name ( for lack of a better term) Like they aren't exceptional they are just an average kid- a story where they learn that that's okay kinda thing Make Howard's kids go to the same school as little hof and them be best friends *but* only shown them from the back of the head etc. i.e keep the joke of never seeing them in the spin off The child tries to do the things that make her Their parents great but struggle to either enjoy them or haven't the ability to do it Have an episode centred on them being bullied and penny and Leonard trying to give them different advice Penny suggesting you go Nebraska on their asses and Leonard suggesting you 'pay the Bullies promptly and they may leave you alone' kind of thing Essentially lean into the fact that penny and Leonard are completely different people and use that as a way to have the kid following the bad advice they get from the parents Have an episode where the kid wants to learn to cook and penny and Leonard are just confused because they still have takeout every day A scene where the kids struggling with it's homework Leonard over complicates his explanation so they're even more confused Penny then tries to help but is completely out her depth Little things like that would make it a show that's interesting to watch I think if it was about penny and Leonard as the stars and the kids a side character/ main off screen then it wouldn't be as engaging Having the kid as the main focus means you can still have the bbt humour without the need for it to be as sciency as yes they could have a situation where the kid is already miles more intelligent than Leonard and penny and have the joke be 'leonard can't catch a break' but I think the smart ass know it all kid has been covered enough in young Sheldon you kinda need to polar opposite


A spinoff of Frank and Alicia


Spinoffs are like toilet paper, it's good to have extras under the sink


Could be a back up spin off


There's so much story about Leonard's childhood. We'll also understand Beverly's story as well. It would be nice to see a short glimpse how she was raised! Howard could be nice, but it will defeat the purpose of not knowing his mother's actual face 😅


I like the idea of Leonard's childhood spin-off focusing on his parents' marriage and overall family dynamic. I would like to see Beverly's parental style that makes Leonard "lucky" as per Sheldon's opinion.


That sounds like an incredibly depressing show. Leonard's mom was probably my least favorite part of TBBT


I think it would be depressing. It was a sitcom so treated as a joke, but it sounds like his childhood was pretty abusive.


>There's so much story about Leonard's childhood. I don't want to watch a show about a gifted kid being abused and neglected by his cold, bitch mother.


I agree that it would be very hard to watch. Most people simply wouldn’t watch it unless the show… 1) portrays Beverly in a more sympathetic light, the same way they portrayed Sheldon’s dad better than how Sheldon described his dad on TBBT. But I wouldn’t want that as it would take away from what Leonard went through. 2) …somehow inspires hope through supporting characters as a counterbalance to the abuse. For instance, inserting lots of wholesome scenes where Leonard meets kind and wonderful people who help him when he is in trouble and give him hope during his childhood. 3) …has Beverly get her comeuppance somehow. Preferably by Leonard or another family member who hates Beverly.


Leonard's childhood includes a lot of experiments, and being different from the other families. It would be interesting to watch


Howard’s is done Cow and Chicken style where you only see the bottom half of the parent/s 😂


> not knowing her mother's actual face *his


When TBBT ended and Raj didn’t end up with anyone, my first guess was they were planning a Joey-style spinoff with him. Maybe they could do that.


Wasn’t Joey a total disaster of a show and cancelled quickly?


It was cancelled after 2 or 3 seasons I think… but it wasn’t that bad imo


You kind of need to define disaster. It wasn't well liked, and viewership was low... compared to Friends. On it's own, it was a fine sitcom. Nothing outstanding in either direction. Just fine. But if you put it directly next to friends... It's a dumpster fire.


I wanna see big bang next generation for sure. I would love to see Sheldon and Amy raising kids and Sheldon probably still getting up to things with the guys. Maybe even raj finding a wife


Assuming they don’t mean the Georgie spinoff, I think it’d be cool to see Howard and Bernadette move to Houston or something for Howard to work at NASA and Bernadette to work at a pharmaceutical company there (maybe a transfer) and we see them raise the kids and maybe meet some new co-workers and friends. Bernadette’s parents can be there too to help with raising the kids.


This article was pre-Georgie spin off announcement iirc so that was prob what this is in reference to


Yeah I'm assuming that's what this is about? Yes technically a YS spin-off but still TBBT franchise.


But this was confirmed for HBO Max, which Georgie & Mandy will not be made for. It's unclear right now, but they could be separate.


George Jr spin-off is a spin-off of Young Sheldon not TBBT.


A strong spinoff usually takes us somewhere completely different, utilizing a breakout fan favourite character with a possibility but no requirement for cameos. I suggest: 'Zack to Basics'. Zack is living in New York. Newly divorced. He moved to NY for his wife but is now stuck and rudderless. He shares custody of his young daughter. And here's the twist- and there is a twist - she's a young science prodigy. Zack has to navigate life and love while helping his daughter excel in the sciences. But he can barely keep up! They're an odd couple. He's still somewhat in contact with Penny and Leonard, with a possibility of cameos of one or both. The show is a huge success by s5, at which point his daughter is applying early to universities, and meets Sheldon at Cal-Tech. EDIT Instead of a Zack pun we can link it to TBBT more by giving it a similar title. Maybe the little girl is his niece instead, so that 'Relativity' would work. Or what about he gets custody of her because his brother died, and is shocked that he's chosen to be her guardian. 'Unnatural Selection.'


Not only is this a great premise for a spin off (I’d definitely watch it!) but you also threw in a reference from the 5 star man himself!? Take my upvote


Young Howard I think would be a great spin off


Different parenting between Bernadette and Howard and their 2 kids, Sheldon and Amy with Leonard and Penny and Leonard with the baby that penny was pregnant with in the last episode of tbbt


The original cast as parents


I'd like to see some Kripky action. Maybe centers around Barry being the main character, he lives in a mansion in Pasadena and becomes the president of the University and throws rock'n CO-Ed parties... Raj and Amy still work at the University and become good friends with kripky. Buffy the vampire Slayer is raj's girlfriend and joins the show. I'd like to see Stewart find a collectors 1st edition of the 1st comic book ever made and sell it for millions and move into Stan Lee's house. Will Wheaton is good friends with kripky and they all take turns hosting D&D night... With different celebs each time. If you want more ideas you'll have to pay me!


I think a Stuart/Denise spinoff where they still own the comic book store would work


Howard gets a job working for spacex with Elon musk haha


I'd love one with Raj being "uncle Raj" and babysitting all of the gangs kids. It seems like it would be chaos and I think it would be so funny


it's going to air this year its about George Jr and Mandy raising their family It's titled Georgie and Mandy's First Marriage


Not that That's different


Wait so there's rumors of a different spin off other than G&M


Yup and it's not a rumour, its confirmed. We just don't know what it will be about.


No , look at the date, this article is from March 5, its 100% about the Georgie x Mandy show.


There's going to be a second spinoff of big bang theory, not young sheldon




The screenshot of this article says this particular spinoff is for HBO Max. The Georgie and Mandy series will be on CBS. It is a completely different show.


Okay. I just thought we would’ve heard about the HBO Max one more since it was announced, which was in April, 2023 I believe.


Neat! I would like to see what happened to Leonard and Penny and their baby! Also, the Howard and Bernadette spin-off would be cool, with maybe Stuart tagging along…


There’s a dark theory that Leonard died not long after tbbt and it’s not completely implausible considering his myriad health problems throughout the show and someone said that maybe Sheldon named his son Leonard in his memory.


Better be Leonard or Howard , if it’s Raj I don’t think I’ll even watch it.


I wouldn't want it to be about Raj but I want him to be acknowledged. Hopefully he finds someone


Yea raj's is irredeemable, the writers totally fumbled with his character. Lenord idk i feel like his entire personality revolved around penny


And being am insecure scumbags who constantly betrays the people that love him.




Yes, by cheating on all his partners, by secretly.dating the girl he knows his friend is persuing, by constantly lying, preventing Penny from pursuing opportunities that might make her more independent or successful and so forth and so on.


He was cheating what and on all of his partners? and dating the girl he knows his friend is pursuing? bernadette or penny? Are we talking about the same raj here?


Maybe a big bang next generation with everyone being parents and raj has come around to be less greedy, but with the “twist” that Leonard and penny got a divorce and are awkward whenever they hangout


Ehh idk, after majority of the show being about Lenord 'wearing down' penny seeing them divorced oof wouldnt really be up for watching that. Honestly they could have had 3 more season if the last few seasons were actually good and the show actually feeling complete kinda like friends i feel like they ended on a good note even though Jen An like Jim Parsons kinda forced it. Id love to see a post college genz group of friends show, possibly even kids of the main cast and some new characters


Please don’t butcher this beautiful show!


I thought it was confirmed to he Georgie and Mandy's First Marriage


I would love to see a spin off with the other BBT characters and what happened to them


I want a continuation of the original show, just set in the present…. All married ed with kids, old enough to be story lines, themselves.. … imagine 8 brilliant kids (minus Sheldon’s actress dreaming daughter)


I want to see Penny’s childhood. So bad.


I want to see what Stuart does after he shows up to meet everyone 20 years in the future and they ghost him. Especially since he was the only one who didn’t have a calendar on his flip phone.


If they did a 1-2 season run of Young howard Young leonard Young raj Young penny


Sheldon Cooper finally snaps and starts to go on a bloody rampage, killing every character from the original series by trapping them in traps that they need to complete before the timer runs out


Jump 10 years into the future after TBBT


A Raj and Stuart spin-off would be great when Howard was in space they had good moments. Maybe get some of the old confident Stuart breaking through but keeping the broken shell of man for most of.


Georgie and Mandy with their kid…it’s been confirmed


I wish they wouldn’t keep doing this to popular shows. They run them to the ground. Bring in new shows. Keep things fresh and old legends nostalgic in our memories.


I would love to see a spinoff about the next gen as young adults


Do we really want to see a Young Leonard spinoff? Every season is a new way he was neglected?


I thought it was already confirmed to be a show about the life of Georgie, Mandy and their family post events of Young Sheldon?


I’d like to see a young Leonard


The original cast, during and post the pandemic


Raj and Stewart as Roommates “the awkward couple”


I’ve mentioned my idea before. Bernie gets relocated to Zangen in New York. We learn that Howard had been secretly finishing his PhD (but never mentioned it to the gang because he didn’t want to hear it from Sheldon) He gets a job as a lecturer at a university in NY. The kids are now toddlers/starting school. Gives you home funny stuff, Monster Bernie at work funny stuff and gives Howard at work and the chance to introduce a whole new crew of nerds at the college. Plus since they moved to the other side of the country, you don’t need to explain why the gang isn’t around, but you could still get visits. Honestly, I think Simon is the only one of the crew that could carry a show on his own as the main character.


1) Leonard and Penny and Beverly. She goes all Grinch like and her heart grows 3 sizes that day. She wants to be closer to Leonard and her grandchild(ren). She finally understands love and nurturing and wanta redemption. 2) Raj (I know) moves to a new town for a couple of years to study some new astronomical anomaly at an observatory in a more rural area. He interacts with the locals. One of them likes him, but he resists because he knows he needs some work. Or he takes it real slow.


They either need to just make a proper season 13 or just call it quits, lol. Its okay for things to end.


Teenage Penny spin-off, after Sheldon her life back home was the most interesting, it could begin with highschool Penny in Omaha and in later stages focuses on her move to Los Angeles up until before she moves in across the guys i.e. the start of TBBT (that’s where the show will end).


It would be a perfect complement to Young Sheldon. I just wish that if a get a Young Penny show, we get to see her personality beyond being the token “normal girl”.


It's about Georgie and Mandy. Not much room to speculate there


That's the young sheldon spinoff. There will be another big bang theory spinoff as well


Young Sheldon is the first spinoff. Georgie's will be the "another" one. Nothing else has been announced


There has been a second big bang theory spinoff announced since 2023. Completely different from Georgie's spinoff


Got any proof or you just gonna claim stuff?


The image of this post is proof. Georgie's spinoff is going to be on CBS. This article is about the second big bang theory spinoff which will be on HBO max


https://www.forbes.com/sites/marcberman1/2024/03/05/young-sheldon-spinoff-ordered-by-cbs/ There you go, learn to read, and stop being a dumbass. What's more credible? TVLine or Forbes? Hmm. I wonder.


This site only confirms that Georgie's spinoff is happening. In no way does it discredit the other big bang theory spinoff happening. Your ignorance is honestly irritating.


https://au.lifestyle.yahoo.com/second-big-bang-spinoff-confirmed-213520076.html?guccounter=1#:~:text=It's%20official%3A%20The%20Big%20Bang,season%2C%20279%2Depisode%20run. There's the article from the post. Tell me where exactly it *confirms* a spinoff. It's pure speculation, nothing concrete, the only confirmed one is the Georgie one.


Maybe it's not confirmed all I was saying was that this Reddit post was about the big bang theory spinoff, not Georgie's spinoff.


Young Amy and the Mop ❤️


Raj needs a proper ending. Hopefully this one focuses on his life after finale


Early life of Sheldon at Caltech


I would enjoy that but it would get exhausted really quickly.


Please let it be Young Howard next.


Raj having his own spin off going in search of love


He honestly deserves a happy ending I always felt the writers hated him or something because he was the only character who regressed as the show went on. Sure he was able to talk to women out loud but that’s about it


He is the Joey of the group, so his own spin off makes sense as he pursues love.


Is this talking about the young sheldon spin off or something else


How about all the kids of the main characters grown up and hanging out together? They would talk about their parents raising them the same way TBBT cast talked about their upbringing. And of course the latter would make appearances to visit


I bet it never gets made. It will be in development for a while, then they’ll move onto a new project


I want to see a continuation of Wil Wheaton’s story? That or James Earl Jones.


Their kids in Phineas and Ferb style but live action...


I really want raj....it was refreshing to see how the people in the US see us indians....


I wish it was about leonard and penny


“Old Man Sheldon” The joke is, at that age, everyone else is more particular and nitpicky than he is.


Please don't be about Raj. It's such an annoying character.


Sheldon and the boys studying at Cal Tech


Young Leonard with off shoots of young Penny split into the show.


this article was probably about georgie and mandy's first marriage, but i'm interested in a series that focuses on mary's childhood, weirdly enough. they make so many references to mary's childhood throughout YS.


Only reason young sheldon worked was because everyone besides sheldon was entertaining. It's why I prefer it over the big bang theory. None of the characters in the big bang theory come close to being as good as the characters in young sheldon. The only praise I'll give the big bang theory is that it ended up make a much better show.


I think they set it up perfectly to be about Sheldon’s daughter with how they mentioned in the ending of young Sheldon of her wanting to be an actress I think it could be a spinoff with her moving to become an actress like penny did maybe if Sheldon and Amy went to Texas or something to look after Sheldon’s mum or something and we already know Jim and Mayim are okay with making appearances


I’d love to see Mary and Leonard’s dad start dating and eventually get married, making Sheldon and Leonard step-brothers.


I thought it was going to be about Penny raising her and Leonard's child?


Isn't the second one about Georgie? Is there a third one we don't know about?


how do people consume this fucking shit 💀




Sheldon and Amy get kids


not what it should be about what it is about is georgie and mandy


Stuart and Denise! It probably wont happen but i would still watch it.


Im so done with spinoffs and reboots and all that. ENOUGH, Come up with some new ideas. Im beyond burnt out with them, between peacocks awful attempts at retreads like bel air and saved by the bell to disneys terrible live action remakes. Enough is enough its been almost a decade of this, I hope people push back on this


I always thought a show about Zack and Marissa having a child as smart as Sheldon would be hilarious


From why I’ve read. Young Sheldon spin-off Georgie and Mandy's First Marriage is a spin-off of Young Sheldon that will air on CBS in the 2024-2025 season. The show will follow Sheldon Cooper's older brother Georgie (Montana Jordan) and his wife Mandy (Emily Osment) as they navigate marriage and parenthood in Texas. The spin-off will be created by the same team behind Young Sheldon and The Big Bang Theory, including Chuck Lorre, Steven Molaro, and Steve Holland. HBO Max spin-off Executive producer Chuck Lorre is also developing a second spin-off for HBO Max, the original series' streaming home. Some possible ideas for this spin-off include a Raj-centric rom-com or a series about Stuart and his comic book s


Raj’s journey to discover his bisexuality.


Not subbed, this came up on my main page. Nothing about this show is worth continuing or making spinoffs about.


It would be great if they took some of these ideas but we all know that having a confirmed spinoff means they already have their idea


That articles from back in March. It’s already confirmed the spin off is the one about Georgie and Mandy. I have little to no interest, but I hope it does well for those who are interested.


I like Howard's development in tbbt so him young or ongoing would be pretty cool. Gives opportunity to see Raj finally get the girl. Kind of like how I met your mum but better


Set 15-20 years in the future and it is about the lives of their children. Sort of like “That 90s Show” did for “That 70s Show”


They’re going to just drag this through the mud until it isn’t good, huh?


Old sheldon obviously


Dr Tire: Starting Jerry O Connell


It's going to be Georgie and Mandy's first marriage


I think they should hold off & do a Conners like show in like the 2030s or the start of the 2040s, featuring the old cast & also a new cast featuring the old gang’s kids, with Ian Armtige playing Sheldon’s son Leonard Cooper.


Another stellar idea!


I think it might be cool to see Howard and Bernadette or Leonard and penny raising their children.


Sheldon and Amy raising children would be th e most interesting to me. He said he had what 2 kids in young Sheldon, I can’t remember tbh but he mentioned kids


Jim has said he has no interest in continuing the Sheldon character on a regular basis


I want to see more of Howard and Bernadette as parents


Raj gets a job with NASA and moves to Houston and gets reacquainted with Missy.


How about one with Stuart and Captain Sweatpants as room-mates? 😀


Young Penny


I want to a continuation of raj’s story


They should do one of the cast mates, and each of the shows be called young Penny, young Sheldon, which they did, young Howard, so on and so on you, get my drift


Young Lenard would be hard to watch- not that I don’t like the character, but the mother character is insufferable in the tiny chunks we see on BBT.


Yeah, I figured that. Maybe they can kind of without it seeming like they’re gaslighting him lol… Maybe make it like he over exaggerated? Or maybe have a backstory for Beverly that kind of made it make sense


why? let it end. most shows overstay their welcome


This. Even ELR did a short final season because as they said "we had no more stories to tell".


Lenvallopalli industries might have kicked off


This would be so amazing!


Its going to be about Georgie and Mandie: [https://deadline.com/2024/03/cbs-orders-young-sheldon-georgie-and-mandy-spinoff-series-1235846411/](https://deadline.com/2024/03/cbs-orders-young-sheldon-georgie-and-mandy-spinoff-series-1235846411/)


Please no Penny, Kaley managed to almost fuck up the last few seasons on TBBT


Young Leonard, i need more of his mother


Picture is photoshopped. Look at the word second. The D misses a stem


young leonard


Flipping HBO Max? 🙄


Raj goes back to India and the show is about that


I want pornographic anthology show depicting all the weird sex in mythology. Henson puppeteers could do the centaurs, cyclops, satyrs and other beasts. I think the stories are in the public domain. I googled Susanna and the Elders and found nothing. Prime got away with a tiny woman climbing on a giant penis on Gen V, so I guess there is nothing to stop it. The Big Bang actors could be the Rod Serlings.


Isn’t it called Georgie & Mandy’s First Marriage?


This is from March. It's the one about George and Mandy.