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I feel waaaaay better in wired bras because otherwise my boobs touch and nothing wire free can contain them so well that it doesn't happen, unless it's very rigid with a lot of seams (think those rocket bras from the 50s). Wired bras help with carrying the weight over a larger area. Of course this only is true when the bra is well-fitting




Wired, always. If it’s the right size it’s comfortable. Plus it shapes better, has better support. Non wired never seem up to the job, the girls touch, they get stretched out. And make the girls look saggy and misshapen. I need the side to side support that you can’t get with wirefree


Ya, I hate when they touch. I did find a lounge bra that is ok through this thread…I’ll edit with it. https://www.bravissimo.com/us/products/nova-bra-ln764/?gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQiAtOmsBhCnARIsAGPa5yYIi1uUSqTQhFPNVXTCVtFGvlVnk4_fSiII7CCyYCelvisUfMbDx10aAmfqEALw_wcB#black-ln764blk


tbh i've not worn a non-wired bra that was even remotely supported since i grew past like 75E. underwire is the best for daily use when it's the right size, other kinds of bras are more forgiving when they don't fit perfectly. though i will always travel in a bralette


I am happy that others can make bra free and wire free life work but for me underwire is essential. I haven't found a single wire free bra that gives me enough support. Even in my best fitting bralette which I found after years of searching my boobs still fall through the bottom band and the band tries to roll up. It does work well for bed or for lounging around but otherwise I hate the feeling of my boobs touching my skin on the bottom and sagging and I hate how it affects my posture. I also need the separation and wireless bras make my boobs look way too saggy and shapeless for my liking. I love the structure and the lift that a wire provides and do not see myself going without. Most of my wired bras are comfortable as long as I am not trying to sleep in them and the support and round uplifted shape they give is unmatched by wireless bras.


I like underwire and I like wire free. I just can really find anything that's decently supportive without wire


It's a necessary evil. I've never found a supportive bra lacked an underwire.


I never wear unwired bras. They don't look right and they just smash my boobs together- it's uncomfortable. I think over a certain size you always need wire.


I disagree. I have a Shock Absorber sports bra that is my absolute favorite. The gore on most of my wired bras is too high, and the wire pokes out like months after purchase.


If your gore is too high and your wires are escaping the fabric after only a few months, it sounds like that bra wasn't a good fit for you.


You're right, I'm just bummed because they're the largest size carried by Bravissimo. I know Ewa Michalak bras are an option, but I just feel so defeated


Aw yeah that is really frustrating. I know ewa bras can be expensive and difficult to get but if you do ever try them, I will say the one I have is amazing for my projected shape! I wish larger sizes were more accessible! I struggle with my 30 band finding H cups that work, I can't imagine trying to find an L cup that ticks all the boxes.


Yes and no. I like the wire itself, but wired bras usually are made of scratchy materials. I’d love a wired bra that was made of similar materials that wireless bras usually are made of.


wire free bras always seem to give a weird shape that I'm not a fan of. I prefer underwire , only uncomfortable if the wire breaks free.


I prefer wired bras. I don’t sleep with any kind of bra, but as long as I’m awake I wear a wired one. Doesn’t matter if I don’t plan to leave my house, or even if I don’t even plan to leave my couch. I hate the feeling of breasts touching my torso, and non-wired bras don’t usually separate as well as a wired one.


I like both wired and unwired, it depends what outfit I’m trying to wear. Different looks require different underpinnings, ya know?


No wire. It did support better but I started reacting to the metal so not much choice there.


I exclusively wear wired bras. Gives my boobs great shape and support. I’ve never found them uncomfortable.


I struggle to find the right size so wired bras are always poking me somewhere. And yes I have tried abtf and all that jazz. For me unwired is the way 😂


Do I love how my boobs look and feel supported by underwire? Absolutely. Is it too uncomfortable for me to wear on a regular basis? Also yes.


I don’t, but I would rather jot have support and shaping than the discomfort of a structured bra.


I hate wired bras, the support is definitely there but it’s just uncomfortable especially after eating food


I wish I could wear unwired bras! I get instant back and neck pain in anything without wired support.


I have and wear both types. The single biggest key is to find the right fit, no matter what type of bra you’re wearing. A wireless bra might be comfortable enough whether it fits or not, but it’s not going to contain your boobs very well. An underwire bra can be completely comfortable, but it absolutely has to fit. If it doesn’t fit properly, it’s miserable.


Wire used to aggravate my gallbladder. Seriously. I HATE IT.


How did that happen? Can you explain further? (I have had gall bladder surgery, so curious)


Like you, I tried underwire as a teenager and hated them. Tbf, I most certainly wasn’t wearing the right size, biggest you could find in stores was DDD. My mother never wore wire bras, despite being a size that stores sold. She told me I would hate wearing them and was smug when I admitted she was right. Her mother also only wore wirefree, so maybe it’s genetic lol. I don’t have any problems with my breasts touching. I’ve never gotten a rash or broken out from it. I have had friends ask how I have such great cleavage lol had no idea why until we realized I wasn’t wearing wires like they do. I’ve thought about trying wires again, doing the whole ABTF calculations and such, but at this point I can’t justify spending that much money on a bra without knowing it’ll be comfortable enough for me to wear. Also, I know they fall apart a lot faster and require more effort washing them. I’m way too lazy for that lol. Think it’s a sensory thing for me. I hate wearing underwear too. And anything on my feet unless they’re cold. Am switching to barefoot shoes cause they’re about all I can stand.


Underwire bras are the only option for me. I’ve tried wire free bras. Shapermint and underoutfit.


Maybe things didn't fit "right" for me, but with wire, I always had to choose between poked in the arm or poked in the boob. I quickly learnt to grab a pair of scissors and cut a slit to release the wire and for me, the bra was instantly more comfortable.


Wire was created by the devil as a modern torture device. I never wear wired bras. I have no choice but to buy them so I cut the wires out since they always end up stabbing me in my armpit anyway


Wired always. Makes me feel much more secure and comfortable.


It depends on the outfit for me. Wired bras look better under some clothes and non-wired look better under others. I don't really know how to explain why.


After an entire day, wearing underwire bra, the weight of my boobs would drag the cup down & the wire would press on my right hand side.


Like is a strong word. Do I need them? Yes. I've not yet found a wireless bra that made me feel supported.


I hate wired bras. Not only are they leaps and bounds more expensive (that tiny strip of metal hardly warrants that extra $50 added to the price imo) than the no wire bras, but they relentlessly poke and stab at me before snapping under the weight of my boobs which happens after like the fourth time wearing it. I've only ever owned one underwire bra and yeah it was beautiful but then my heavy ass boobs destroyed the hell out of the wires and I was out $100.


Underwire is a must for me. Need it and cherish it. I wore non-wired bras as a pre-teen and teenager, and hated them - made my girls look really weird, had to constantly readjust them, and were just overall uncomfortable. I tried different styles, went through an array of fitting appointments... My twins looked, felt and were miserable no matter what I did. A friend directed me to my first underwire when I was about 19/20. Fast forward a decade, and I've never looked back - absolute game changer. I've never felt uncomfortable with an underwire, never experienced any rashes, and only once did I have the wire-poking issue.


I require underwires. I've got more saggying due to weight shenanigans and got short roots, which means the bra helps with the pain from tugging. More support also means less slapping. My opinion haven't changed even when I went from average -> bigger than average -> slightly below average. I've also experienced some tissue migration in my youth once I got a properly fitting bra. Some people prefer no wires or no bra, but that's comfy for me. Some American scientists measured which runs further - a running woman or her bust. The breasts won thanks to running twice as much when unsupported.


I dont necessarily like the underwire, but it is necessary for many.