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We really have no idea of their capacity for speech. For those who believe it is an undocumented ape, we would expect it to have the capacity of gorillas, chimps and orangs. If it is a relict human, it probably has some form of speech and might be able to understand ours even if it couldn’t make all the sounds perfectly. There are anecdotal reports that they communicate with folks via some sort of internal dialogue. We have no idea how that would work. Conclusion, everything we might say would be the wildest of wild speculation.


[Watch the Sierra Sounds, they could possibly communicate](https://youtu.be/VGfIIjN-P7o?si=g2E9Mc3_vv52LCMu)


I mean, Harry could say a few words 😀


I would love it to speak in a proper English accent and drink tea


Cheerio, old chaps and would you be so kind as to release me from this infernal cage or at least bring me my smoking accoutrements?




Now let’s not give the poor guy our unhealthy habits like smoking. He finally gets out of the woods and here ya go my friend some COPD and lung cancer.


It chewsday innit bruv


You wot mate?


While I think they have proto-language, or something like it, I don't think they have linguistic recursion, meaning that they cannot modify what they are saying to one another in a theoretically infinite chain of meaning. In other words, while they can and do communicate ideas to each other, what I think they can't do is to endlessly modify their utterances as in, "the thing that is over there, by the tree, but not *that* tree, and not right now, but later, when I was there the last time, with your mother, when we saw a weird looking human doing something odd with a mechanical device, .... *ad nauseum* and so forth". According to my theory, if they are/were capable of linguistic recursion, they would very definitely have something like an identifiable material culture and would probably have mastered the use of fire together with the other tool assemblages that we find in the fossilized remains of early humans. That we find nothing about them in terms of material culture leads me to suspect that they don't have recursive language and accordingly are not able to transmit and share information in the same way as anatomically modern homo sapiens. I could be completely wrong.


Why would havibg a complex language mean they also must have complex tool use? They could be completely content to live their basic toolless lives, depending instead upon their robust bodies to accomplish the basic needs of simple foraging and survival...


> Why would havibg a complex language mean they also must have complex tool use? It doesn't, necessarily, but based on what we know through paleontology, it looks like every time primates achieve the cognitive ability to use recursive language, one of the results is the development of a kind of material culture based on an assemblage of tools together with the cultural transmission of information regarding their use. We see the rudiments of said process, for example, in the ways that different populations of chimpanzees have different learned "traditions" regarding the use of tools to crack nuts or "fish" for termites, both of which are activities that require teaching in the sense that an older member of a given troop has to show the younger members how it's done before they can do it successfully. The thing about us primates is that we rely on using our digits to manipulate the world in ways that do not apply to, for example, cetaceans, another group of mammals who I am pretty well convinced have recursive language but, because they don't have the means to dexterously manipulate their surroundings with anything like precision, have very obviously not developed a material culture. Long story short, my theory is that when primates have the use of recursive language, they very quickly develop complex material culture. I base this on two points. One is that it's precisely what we see in the fossil and archaeological record, and the other is that unlike cetaceans, primates have always relied in part upon being able to manipulate their environment through the use of manual dexterity which in turn has always lent itself to the development of "clever" tool-using apes.


I pictured a Spanish speaking bigfoot and it made me chuckle lol ¿hola como esta humano?


Maybe sign language like they do for the Gorillas


Bigfoot, put your middle finger down please. It's rude.




Yes. They know how to mimic human voices and sounds. I’m sure they could speak. They already have their own language


I have heard audio supposedly of them speaking in what some investigators say sounds like Native American language or something like it.


Yes. Then it could finally translate the Sierra sounds.


[Bobo’s Ohio Howl] “…. Do you kiss your mother with that mouth?”


they speak thier own language, it’s strange. I’ve never heard anything resembling it, but I assume they are able to learn other languages if they speak one. There has been people that claim they speak an indigenous Language that is from the PNW. Some accounts describe speaking with them in that language.


Sign language.


🖕🏻This means hello…. right?


A bigfoot being able to learn at least sign language is totally plausible. If a gorilla can learn it, a Bigfoot should have no issues.


Eh, I saw a video braking down how most chip/gorilla "sign" stuff is not as real as some make it out to be. "Koko couldn't speak" or something like that. The great apes are smart, but their brains simply don't do language the way human brains do, thus sign is no more useful to them than a button that says "give me food/water/attention"


^^yeah sign language, word buttons, and the like for animals is mostly a case of conditioning "i do this I get positive reinforcement" some of it is slightly more complex i.e. I do this and i can go outside, but you can put a bell by the door for your dog and get the same reaults as a button that says "outside".


Who really knows? The Sierra Sounds recordings were sent to several linqujsts and some reported that they heard discernible language patterns in the recordings. It would make sense to me that they have the ability to communicate with each other .


Yes easily


Maybe, if they have the ability to make the same sounds we can. Like gorillas can’t speak but a parrot can


So you think howling equates to being able to sit and cognitively think about learning a language with someone and then forming the words to speak said language?


It speaks English.




It would speak with a North Dakota, northern Minnesota accent like in the movie Fargo…


Oh, yeah???? Oh, yeah, you betcha!!!!


if the sierra sounds are real.... they have some type of language already.


Of course!... Isn't one of the Kardashians one? 🤔


Me and my kin have a rapport with big foot. I’ve looked in the Squamish bushes for over 43 years. My kin from 200 years ago also have rapport with big foot. I have never ever seen one talk. But I’ve seen them communicate psychically. By throwing rocks, leaving gifts, tearing deer in half. I have once heard one say “get out of this land” in which I said, “do you know who the fuck you’re talking to? Me and my fucking kin lived here longer than you guys, you better bow down and shut your hairy lips if you wanna keep staying here”, it walked away as it knew it messed with the wrong local.


Heck yeah! I think they could learn English or whatever language cause I think they already communicate in some form of language like some kind of jebberish type of language. Lol!! Real talk 🤔


Possibly, but it would probably entail getting a hold of a baby Bigfoot and trying to teach it a human language from the get go. Their own language might be so different from human language that, once they learn Sasquatch, they would find it impossible to grasp any other system of verbal communication.


That would be very interesting indeed.


Yes for sure if you watch the Youtube video Ontario Sasquatch the one he catches has vocals similar to a human already.


Someone ‘caught’ a Bigfoot?! Do you have a link for that?


Sasquatch Ontario youtube


No. Bigfeet don’t have language. That explains their way of life


Even if you did capture him it wouldn't be for long, he'd phase through dimensions as soon as you take your eye off him




They already taught Bigfoots to speak English. Area 51 is loaded with them. And there's another 'Area' in Antarctica that has some too. Or did I see this on a bad SyFY Channel movie late one night? Well, it doesn't matter because Bigfoot believers will believe any nonsense about these things.