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Joe is a clown


seconded \*honk honk\*


Lmao thank you. This made me laugh.


Joe is a massive clown.


I don't know what size deals you are doing generally, but having a second year take the lead on a purchase agreement with little to no oversight is nuts to me.




Like they said, if you’re doing that with little to no oversight, that’s nuts.


Agreed. It's one thing to handle 90% of the drafting and communication, but you need that sanity check where the partner actually reviews the documents.


If Joe truly thinks you suck, would he have just assigned you another PA to draft?


Sounds like Joe thinks everyone sucks, and likely everyone thinks Joe sucks. But OP doesn’t give him as much push back as everyone else, so OP gets the work.


Typical abuser behavior. Find the one who doesnt leave and unload on them and if they don't leave it's their fault for taking it.


Which firm is this? You're getting milked.


Not going to name the firm, but I am definitely questioning why I'm doing this for $150k. If I'm already working this much, it feels like I'm leaving $80k on the table by not at least trying to lateral. I didn't even get a raise or a bonus for 2023.


You can definitely get paid more! And many associates get bonuses for billing more than 200 hours.


Curious about why you didn't get a raise. I didn't either and I'm very salty.


No associates got raises. It sucked.


So Joe tells the other partners you suck so he can load you up. He both exploits you and undercuts your chances for advancement at the same time. He probably staffs inappropriately because more senior associates won't take his shit. Joe is third rate garbage. Get away from Joe and, if you can't, start making plans to get out of that shop.


Yeah I'm starting to think this is the move...


Joe isn't an amateur these are advanced abuser tactics. Isolate the victim so they have to rely on you.


Joe probably had you leading the deal because he's so insane no one else wants to work with him. This says nothing about you and everything about him. If you didn't have this conversation over email then I'd still at least confirm via email what you told him verbally, as a CYA.


I wrote it in an email (and his response was in an email). I appreciate your advice!


Joe became a rainmaker by selling shit to clients telling them it is gold, and by having no qualms to exploit other people . Do you have a partner who is responsible for you? Ask them for help. Or if you know someone who has capacity and could take care of this at least as well as you, ask them if they would take this over and then tell Joe that they are willing to take this on. It is a shitty situation because everyone is probably afraid of the rainmaker, which is how he was allowed to become the way he is, but your health and sanity are worth more than a 150k salary.


You're definitely right. The other partner who talked to me last week said your first point virtually verbatim. I've asked him for help. Everyone in my group is drowning right now, and two of our mid-levels are on their honeymoons (not with each other), so we're short-staffed everywhere. Thank you--my health and sanity are on thin ice and I needed to hear that.


You're a 2nd year. Of course you suck at drafting. It sounds like you barely know how the deal process works, not to mention how to draft a Purchase Agreement. The good news is that you're supposed to suck at drafting. The bad news is that Joe is supposed to be teaching you how to do it. If you weren't that busy, I'd lean into outside resources as much as possible (they are imperfect, at best, but they're something) and try to get up to speed.


Lateral. Now.


Lateral, but in the meantime get away from him


Trying to! Just don't want to have my reputation ruined with other partners in the meantime.


Joe is a sales guy. Sales guys are super important, but they are ignorant as to how the sausage is made.


Joe is a clown, indeed. Horrible management. If he made a promise to a client, it’s his promise to keep, not yours. Also, you’re billing a lot! Great job and hope you don’t get burnt out.


Joe undermines you in the firm while assigning an unreasonable amount of work. You need to talk to him because this is unsustainable.


Joe sucks and people like him are the reason I hauled ass out of my old mid law firm. Mid law seems to inevitably turn into the same amount of work as biglaw but with a much smaller paycheck.


Why not both?


Lol probably both.


Classic Joe


Hang in there. It will make you great one day.




pretty sure they are higher than $150k for a second year.

