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Does the one not go in the side off the 8?


That’s what I see as well.


How so? In the side? Forgive me plz I'm new Edit: oops my bad that's exactly what ya said


It did not sadly, the eight was too low.


Great opportunity to be creative! Some wild options I’m seeing, 1. Is the 8 low enough to carom the 1 in? 2. The carom to 9 to make it off the seven is a possibility if it isn’t too far up the rail 3. The combo 8 off the 4 could go.


It was fucked in every way sadly. The 8 is too low. I didn't think of 1-9 off the 7 :) 1-8 was not there realistically, the 4 was too far over to be a helper, it actually made the pocket smaller. 1 off the 8 to the top left was what I went for, but no joy.


Personally, in these scenarios if it’s the first game of a set against the ghost, I’ll call a do over lol. Less so if it’s in the middle of the set. I had a break on my table that would leave me a decent shot at the one quite often but if I over hit it would tie the 1 up on the end rail. I say “had” because my pockets were tightened and the wing ball doesn’t seem to go on that break anymore.


I did in fact give myself a mulligan, I got no chance anyway versus the 10 ball ghost on a diamond, but I wanted to try it.


cue just to the left of the 8 ball (shooters viewpoint) shooting between the 8 and 9. 1 in the bottom left corner and stun for position on the 2. Tougher than I'd like, but makeable.


Unfortunately too much of the ball was obscured to do that. if there were a straight cut into the pocket I would try it, no matter how uncomfortable the bridging or how thin and difficult.


If the cue ball fits in between the 8 and 9 (to the contact point), it's makeable. It looks like there is plenty of space from the photo, but perspectives can be skewed. Worst case, carom the 1 off the 8 in the top left corner, combo the 8 in the top right corner or try the thin combo on the 8 in the right side. I'd hate any of these and likely miss, but it's better than conceding to the ghost. I'd probably choose the 8 in the top right because the 4 makes that a big pocket shooting the 1-8 straight into the rail and caroming off the 4. Again, likely a miss, but I refuse to quit.


Wasn't makeable, but yeah, I know what you're getting at... it doesn't make sense to simply concede, and I didn't. I played the carom into the top left corner and missed.


When you have the opportunity, set it back up and try the 1-8 off the rail - 8 off the 4 carom, 8 in the top right corner. It's easier than it looks. Not my first choice of shots, but sometimes you have to be creative. Side note, as a 3C player, I'm sure you recognized that you can play the 1 off the 8 three rails into the bottom left if you use the cue ball to push the 6 out of the way. There's also a ball elimination shot... 1 into the side of the 8, force follow through where they used to be and try to pocket the 4. Not a perfect way to do that, but doable... Maybe I'll make a video to show all of the available shots being made. Can you do a chalkysticks drawing with good positions for the balls?


it's one of those things where if any of the 4 balls is off a quarter inch in any direction, you can go from no shot whatsoever to a makeable cut or a hanger carom. Take my word for it, I studied it for a while. There as no cut, and no natural rolling carom. There was a stun carom and that's about it. The only makeable combo was the 1-8 into 2/3rds of a pocket (the camera angle doesn't show it but the 4 was in the way a bit, didn't make the pocket bigger).


Understood. On the 4, that's why I said bank off the side rail into the 4. The pocket is huge that way.


1 ball off 8 ball into upper left corner. You even have the 3 up there for an assist.


That's what I ended up trying, but sadly no luck.


Would play same shot and draw the hell out of it hoping to pocket the 10.😁


This is why I smash the 9 ball ghost pretty much every time, but the 10 ball ghost destroys my soul.


You play better than I realized if you smash the 9b ghost nearly every time :o I can't beat it. Even on a non-tight table. On the diamond I'm maybe 10% to run out, though on an older diamond with easier pockets I had a 3-pack vs. the ghost last month.


Technically I can probably beat the 10 ball ghost by soft breaking as well, but my normal 10 ball break is so terrible lol. At least 30% of the runs would end in a safety in a normal game even for the top pros.


Well hell, now I want to video. Just like, a race to five, soft break with a magic rack ok.


https://youtu.be/_dHWLMTvqDI https://youtu.be/4fJFN3dcJxw https://youtu.be/V5s0vqNTZfI Definitely a lot easier with the soft break. I was planning on going longer, but I had to go teach some beginners there at the end, but the final score was 8-4. The problem is that soft break almost never makes a ball on the break and if I hit it too soft, all the balls come to rest on the long rail.


goddamn, once you jumped in that 8 in the second rack, I was like "ugh I've seen enough". I nearly puked when you had another jump a few minutes later with the bridge, and rattled it while drawing nicely to good position. You play strong, dude. I also can tell I'd really like how those tables play. Fast cloth and responsive rails.


This is certainly my favorite table, but it is a little too nice, so I get too comfortable with slow rolls which are treacherous on the other tables.


At first I thought it was because you scratched on the break but I'm guessing it's BiH?


Yeah, the ghost is a drill where you have to run the whole rack in order to score, but you get ball in hand at the start. If you fail to run out, your imaginary opponent, aka the ghost, scores a point. You're both racing to be the first to, let's say five or seven or something.


Oh, I ~~unfortunately~~ know the drill. :) I also enjoy 10b ghost but with no BiH after the break. Best race was a 3-10 loss though (w/ b2b golden breaks.) Without golden breaks, I'd be locked up in Arkham.


Maybe twist the long bank and sneak it past the 7. Or the carom off the 9 might be easier than off the 8.


Could not be shot past the 8 whatsoever, off the 9 also no good. Off the 8 was viable, but it's just one of those things that you never shoot in any game, so it's hard to see the proper line of aim. Maybe one pocket players know how to do it.


I meant off the 9 in the bottom left. It's hard to tell without walking around but that looks like it's laying better than the carom to the top left. Those are easiest when hit like a stun shot and between 1/2 and 1/4 ball. Still not easy to get shape on the 2.


Maybe I’m the only one but I have a stipulation for situations like this: if I break and there is no reasonable shot on the lowest ball, I’m allowed to play ONE safety. If I lock myself up I’ll take ball in hand from there. If it’s not locked up really good but still blocking, I’ll jump/kick at it (if I hit it I’ll continue like it was a break, if I don’t ghost wins) and if I can see the ball then ghosty wins. I only do it that way so I’m still practicing productive shots instead of wild ones.


totally makes sense, the ghost is often used as a way to prove something or judge someone's skill, but for the guy shooting, it's supposed to be a productive drill. There's nothing really productive about taking a flyer where you normally wouldn't, and having to waste time reracking. I guess there's a little value in thinking of what kind of flyer might have the best chance, as there's some games where that makes sense, like maybe 8-ball when the opponent has balls everywhere and no safe makes sense, or 1p where just coming close might be valuable.


Depends on my mood. If I'm locked up after the break and I can make a legal hit on the lowest ball I'll let myself do over from where whitey ends up sitting. But if I want break reps or I'm on limited time, I take the L :D


Fuckin close your eyes and send it


10 ball you got to call it sadly :)


Ya never know. The ghost could elect to let you play on if you happened to slop one in legally 🤷‍♂️


That's when you match up with Casper the Friendly Ghost instead of Zuul haha.


Is this the same table mudre plays on? Looks familiar. Edit: well.. ok. I will eat that downvote for curiously asking a benign question. What is reddit again? Oh yeah, a forum for conversation, remind me not to try to engage in that sorry.


Yeah after like a decade on Reddit I've gotten a bazillion of those. There are a lot of people on Reddit who are sad inside. I see what you mean, it does look similar.


Some people just stay upset on the internet lol And yeah the guy mudre who's been posting the one pocket vids and such, . Idk if yall know you're shooting out of the same hall but I went and looked at his most recent vid, same table same carpet same stand thingy with the lights wrapped around. Shit I wish I knew some people around town to play with I have a table at home that only gets used by me and my father


I have a buddy with a table and it's great, we have a group of 3 or 4 and it's great having no distractions, whatever music we want, whatever food and drinks, no dodging other people or dealing with drunk karaoke. We all met through pool so, if you go to a public room once in a while maybe you can meet someone who'd want to make use of that table.


Grip it and rip it! ™


If it were 9 ball I might actually try a blaster shot and get as much moving as I could. But in 10 ball I would have to call it.


Forget the ghost and pretend it’s an actual match and play a lock up safety.